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  • in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361757

    Dr. Pepper, thank you for being respectful as well despite our differences in opinions regarding this topic.

    We do indeed both agree regarding government waste. Where we disagree is whether individuals must pay taxes that cause them financial hardship and whether the government has a right to levy any tax amount on its citizens. Or if you agree with me on these two things, perhaps we differ only whether we believe citizens are “cheating” if they don’t pay heavy taxes that will cause them financial hardship. As we already discussed, I don’t agree not paying these taxes is cheating as I believe no government has a right to levy taxes on individuals to the point that it causes them harm, the governmenthas no right to that money.

    I totally agree with you on Social Security. As almost all other programs, it is not run well. Because the government is too big and because there’s the printing money without gold backing and raising taxes with no restraint, money is not being spent responsibly and trillions is being wasted. The individuals running the US government don’t care much if the SS program crashes- the majority of elected officials are rich to begin with and most often get even richer in office so it doesn’t concern them personally. I am super-impressed with Trump and Elon Musk trying to make some order and i hope they will get to do that with Social Security program as well. I am wary though how it will all pan out long-term and what will be with future administrations.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361375

    Always ask,
    I said that:
    1. The government has no right to tax people simply any amount they decide to. Taxes have to be fair, they should not have a devastating financial effect on people and their families. A government demanding heavy taxes is stealing from its citizens.
    2. I said that for those whom taxes affect to such an extent as to cause financial harm to themselves and their families, I can understand why they wouldn’t pay all the tax the government claims they need to pay.

    Your response to what i said is interesting and revealing because you are going sideways and claiming i said things i never said. You write, “Phil, I think that your attitude that you don’t need to follow the laws that you don’t find convenient…”Er, I find many laws inconvenient, I never advocated not to follow those “laws” i find inconvenient….You don’t even know anything about my tax situation, you ASSUME that because I believe that people should have sufficient income and the government has no right to take it away from them, that I don’t pay my taxes. I never said that I don’t pay my taxes nor did I insinuate that. And I absolutely never spoke about not following laws in general that I find inconvenient.

    You write:” In a democracy, voters will come to some consensus how to spend money and how to support old people”. It is irrelevent how voters will decide. Numbers need to add up regardless of votes. At some point , if facts and numbers don’t add up, governments collapse, certainly government programs do. Not that i believe Americans would in any case have a vote on “how to support old people”, but even if we had any say, it’s irrelevent if it’s not a sustainable program.

    You write “And please consider any offense you perceive society perpetrated against you in the context of all the good that you enjoy daily”??? Where have I said anything about society perpetuating offenses against me?

    You write”Sorry for sounding like Obama “you didnt build that”, but this goes back to, I think, Ben Azzai who wondered in morning brochos how many people had to work that day to make all the things he will be using.” Huh? Whats the shaychus? I never said I don’t appreciate what others contribute/d to our society, that’s irrelevent to this conversation.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361330

    Dr. Pepper, you wrote “At this point I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.” I agree on that.

    in reply to: Unanswered question #2361329

    @fakenews, i totally agree with your assessment

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361259

    Talking about social security, I’m really wondering if the Trump administration can save it. I am skeptical that future presidents/administrations will try to continue fixing the mess the us gov is in. The way social security was run till now places it on the brink, the program will almost certainly crash in the near future, imo. The system is unsustainable.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361258

    Dr. Pepper, I never heard of the term “legally lie”…. in any case, im not promoting not paying taxes, I am defending those who cannot pay the ridiculously high percentage of taxes that are imposed on them which would cause severe financial hardship for them and their families.

    You wrote “I’m definitely not happy with the tax rate and where lots of the tax money is going but why are you saying that the government has no right to do that?” Your comment prior to this comment was “They can tax any amount that they want” and to THAT i replied “absolutely not”. No government has the right to “tax” its citizens any amount they want. That is preposterous.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361254

    anonymous Jew, you write “It seems like, using your logic, I can refuse to pay shul dues because they are excessive, unfair and are robbing me of hard earned income. ”

    If your shul dues are causing you such extreme financial hardship that effects you and your family severely, then i urge you to contact the many frum charity organizations who will help you out in your dire situation.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361001

    Dr. Pepper, the colonists were also “free to leave”. Not being able to leave is not what living under tyranny is about. The Founding Fathers established the US to be a free and fair state for all citizens. Politicians have no right to ROB hard earned money from US citizens just as they have no right to rob land from them.

    You ask “Would you say it’s ok to steal from a grocery store that donates a percentage of purchases to something you abhor?”. When you buy something you need to pay for that. When you live in a country you need to pay taxes to the government and I never, ever said otherwise. I said taxes need to be fair. When leaders of a country demand an unfair percentage of the income from the citizens in their country, to the point that it causes them financial hardship, THEY ARE STEALING from the citizens.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360999

    Dr. Pepper, you write “By the way- I did respond to your question about “ illegal activities” against the British king- I told you that you can fight for your independence.” Are you suggesting i take up arms against the US gov and stop paying taxes like the colonists did against the British monarchy? Please explain your comment how i can “fight for my independence ” from the US gov.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360891

    Dr. Pepper, you make it seem as if I’m promoting not paying taxes. I am not saying that at all, nor am I saying that Americans do not need to contribute, through taxes, their fair share to the American government for the services they provide. I am saying, and the Founding Fathers and all those who fought for our freedom from tyranny would agree with me, is that it is a basic right of all Americans to pay FAIR taxes, and that politicians do NOT have the right to STEAL American’s income through so-called “taxes” that are excessive to the point of causing financial hardship to those who work hard for their money.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360886

    Always ask, I’m not talking about myself and my citizenship and my taxes. I’m talking about MILLIONS of Americans who cannot, and therefore do not, pay whatever the government deems to rob them of. You are living in a bubble if you think this issue is all about a few thousand Jews. MILLIONS of Americans whose lives are being affected by unfair taxes levied upon them have a RIGHT TO LIVE FREELY and to be taxed fairly. The US government has absolutely no right to overtax its citizens, period.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360735

    Dr. Pepper you write, “They can tax any amount that they want…”

    Well, I disagree with that. That is an abuse of power.

    Kings and queens also felt they could do what they want, but there were revolutions against those monarchies. Were the citizens who rebelled against tgem “break the laws” of their country? You havent responded to my point against the colonists engaging in “illegal activities” against the British king. Was their not paying taxes to the British monarchy “stealing”? There are many people supporting their governments committing atrocities against innocent people “because those people broke the laws” of their country. Political prisoners, political murders, etc. many governments and leaders get away with committing crimes because there are millions of citizens supporting the laws these criminal leaders in power create.

    No, our government cannot “tax any amount they want”. They do not have a right to do that.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360149

    Dr. Pepper, here’s a relevation of a tiny portion of the US government’s ridiculous spending:

    LEFT FLIPS OUT: Trump Shuts USAID Agency; The Shocking Waste Of Money Starts Being Exposed

    I’m very impressed with the Trump administration trying to clean this up, but i doubt after the Trump administration the next administration will continue down this path. The fact is that the government is corrupt, they are cleaning up now, let’s see what the future brings…But at this time talking about following every law of a corrupt government that would cause severe hardship to many individuals is like condemning the black market trade under the communist rule where people had no choice but to do certain “illegal” things to survive. To tell people to give up their rights to American citizenship is ridiculous, they dont have to give up their rights just because the government is abusing the rights of US citizens. When the government cleans up their act, stop their overspending and borrowing money they cannot ever repay and enact fair tax laws for every single class of citizens, particularly the middle class that can get crushed, then every US citizen would need to step up to the plate and follow every single tax law. Until then, these individuals, who are simply trying to survive financially, cannot be judged.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2360148

    Dr. Pepper, i guess the early Americans were criminals for protesting against British taxation… and for daring to fight for independence, they sure broke many laws at that time… I can see people like you taking the side of the British monarchy because the “law is the law”… im not saying it’s right to simply cheat and not pay taxes randomly, im saying that some taxes cripple small businesses and can financially choke middle class families and due to the US government irresponsible tax laws and irresponsible spending, they have a right to put there well-being before a corrupt government’s corrupt “laws”.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2359913

    Happy new year, I dont believe you are an IRS agent, and neither do I believe that you have a Jewish heart. Many, perhaps even most, of these people barely make ends meet and you are worried about the coffers of the criminal US government that spends billions on gender-mutilating “programs” for kids, medical help for illegals and education for their children, and on thousands of other non-sensical and non-essential programs with money the government steals from the middle class and also prints with no backing. The US government is at this point a criminal entity that is robbing hardworking Americans of their money.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2355116


    You write:
    “2. Do you pray to the rebbe? I do what all frum Jews, daven to Hashem and ask my Rebbe for assistance via brachos etc. Again PB TANYA”

    I’m honestly happy to hear that.

    You write:
    “3. Do you believe the rebbe is physically alive? Yes and no. Depends what planet you live on”

    That is not an answer and you know it.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2355113


    You write:
    “1. Do you believe the rebbe runs the world? As in instead of Hashem? No cvs. Perek Beis Tanya from the Baal HaTanya can explain further”

    Why do you speaking ask ” As in instead of Hashem?”? That seems to be subterfuge to direct away from the question which should have a simple yes or no answer. Because you can believe the rebbe runs the world “with Hashem” too. I will rephrase my question. Do you believe the rebbe runs the world in any way?

    I have read chapter beis of the Tanya and I see no reference to the topic of “rebbes running the world” . The chaper speaks about the souls of Jews, how we connect to Hashem, and that “lowly Jews” can connect to Hashem through tzaddikim OF THEIR GENERATION. Which actually begs the question of how Chabad can ignore the teachings of their holy rebbe to connect to a tzaddik of THEIR GENERATION. This is one of the reasons why Chabad needs their rebbe to be physically alive in this generation which they claim he is…

    in reply to: Capitulation #2354498

    It is impossible to destroy Hamas in war unless you kill all the Fakestinians in Gaza. Hamas can only have a chance at being destroyed by taking over their media and schools and cultivating ideology of peace instead of hatred. Unfortunately, the Israelis don’t understand this. And so numerous soldiers died for nothing while Hamas regroup and celebrates their victory. Yes, the ceasefire is a victory for them because their people dying is not a loss for them, it’s all about bringing Israel to its knees and they certainly won in that regard. Thanks to Trump who has to feed his huge ego. And of course, thanks to the weak-kneed Netanyahu as well.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354341

    CS, my questions are not deep. The answers are either yes or no. But you, like the other Lubavitchers on NEVER answer my simple questions because it brings to light that you are avodah zora worshippers.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354018

    Hi. Welcome back.

    I have some questions regarding the Lubavitche beliefs

    1. Do you believe the rebbe runs the world?
    2. Do you pray to the rebbe?
    3. Do you believe the rebbe is physically alive?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340876

    Arso wrote “I think a correction is needed. I was not taught in cheder that Gemoro or that Rashi, and I doubt that Neville or Shmei were either. We were, however, taught how to approach and learn a piece of Gemoro and Rashi, and based on that we came to the conclusion that Rashi holds that Yaakov is literally alive.”

    Thank you Arso for saying the truth here. “The emes shvimt aroif” (the truth swims to the surface) as the Yiddish saying goes.

    I retract my apology now. I personally didnt insult anyone for believing Yaacov Avinu is physically alive, but made light of the idea that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive in his kever, so I didn’t need to apologize for “insulting people” in any case. It is only later after I was personally attacked that I started defending myself and it got personal. Not only was i attacked, meforshim were misinterpreted and i was led to believe that “Yaacov being alive is the classic interpretation” of klal Yisroel. So who exactly is doing these “classic interpretations”? Some individuals in the cofferoom? None of the rabbonim and talmidei chachomim ive heard talking about Yaacov lo mes said that Yaacov is physically alive.

    Anyway, as I’ve said earlier, it’s irrelevent to the discussion of Lubavitche ideology whether Yaacov Avinu is alive in his kever or not. So let’s get back to the point of this thread.

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2340866

    I’m very impressed that the girls understand the dangers of a smartphone. Obviously, if all the girls were not letting their teacher take a photo of them with a smartphone, the parent body and school are anti-smartphone and the teacher should’ve respected that. It is the teacher who did not have derech eretz in this case.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340651

    Menachem Shmei, while I’m wavering if an apology was warranted by me because I was I lied to on many fronts so I’m not sure what i should believe regarding what is taught in some chedarim about Yaacov lo mes, the truth is next time I won’t mock others’ beliefs if I dont know as a fact that they were not taught in that manner.

    However, regardless of teachings and meforshim and ideas and minhugim and pshat, all these are irrelevant to the fact that one of the gravest sins is to worship idolotry. I have not changed my position on that because that is the core of Yiddishkeit. The bottom line is that one may not believe than anyone besides for Hashem runs the world, one may not pray to anyone besides for Hashem to help him and Lubavitche are doing all of that. There’s also issues with you believing the Rebbe has not died, that he never made mistakes, etc. You are turning your rebbe into a deity.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340466

    I may have apologized too quickly for “mocking people” for believing that Yaacov Avinu is alive physically in his kever. The truth is that i took at face value people who have lied to me about what I’ve said and what meforshim say. They may be lying as well about being taught that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive in his kever, I dont know. They never presented a name of a rav or talmud chuchem who says that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive in his kever while I have heard many droshos on the topic of Yaacov lo mes and never has any rov said that Yaacov is physically still alive.

    What is the point of dragging this thread back to the topic of Yaacov lo mes when it has been chewed over on two threads and on many pages and no one who has opinions on what Rashi means with Yaacov lo mes will change their beliefs in any case? Whether you believe that Yaacov is physically alive or believe that he’s alive spiritually, it doesnt matter in the end because the LR is not comparible to Yaacov Avinu and is in any case not alive physically.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340264

    Menachem Shmei, you are right and I absolutely apologize for mocking people who learnt and understood that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive. At that time I didn’t know this was taught in many chedarim and yeshivas.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340056

    Neville you wrote, “(nor does anyone have a right to argue pshat differently than what he, Neville, was taught in cheder…unbelievable.)”
    I was not, nor will you find a comment claiming I was. I’m just a guy who knows his place”.

    Are you now, after all that the attacks and arguments you made against me, actually saying that you didnt attack and argue with me the entire time that I can’t say that Rashi meant with the words “Yaacov lo mes” that he’s alive spiritually because supposedly “everyone, all of klal Yisroel” is taught pshat that he’s physically alive?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2340000

    It is a deeply disturbing fault of one’s character to attack someone continously because they dared to say pshat on a Rashi thats different than what their rebbe in cheder taught them (and they cant bring even one talmid chuchem to back up their version of the pshat) and because they posted complete meforshim in their original Loshen Hakodesh instead of not accepting misconstrued versions of random people on the internet.

    To say I can’t say a pshat on Rashi because im a woman is so stupid. Teachers do it every day, even Chassidishe teachers in Chassidishe schools ( just pointing it out because you are Chassidish). They teach straight from Chumash, they dont have the version with prewritten pshutim from the some Chassidishe Cheder. In addition, they teach meforshim also, often straight out of seforim.

    Stop having a sense of entitlement. If your arguments would make sense to me is one thing. You are simply angry that I do not accept that your arguments are valid. And THAT is what bothers you, so you hide under the cover of “women can’t learn”.

    in reply to: Origins of Muslim Anti-Semitism #2339998

    Neville, the culture in a large part of the Muslim world today is violence, violence and more violence. Perhaps, the exception is in countries like the UAE, but in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, etc. and of course, in Gaza and the West Bank, the culture is all about holy war between everyone and anyone, even between themselves.

    in reply to: Origins of Muslim Anti-Semitism #2339790

    The Muslim world, like the Christian world, has throughout the centuries risen and fallen in culture vs barbarism. In the last few decades, barbarism has taken hold (again) of the Muslim world. Jihadis have beheaded and murdered hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, and displaced millions, of their own Muslim people and other minorities in the Middle East and Africa. They have carried out terrorism globally. To think that they’d be viscous to everyone, including each other, but they’d make exceptions for Jews, if not for Zionism, is ridiculous.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2339786

    One of Arso’s arguments against me is that only those who went through the yeshiva system “know how to learn pshat” which is a faulty argument. As qwerty pointed out, many baal teshuvas and many geirim who grew into talmidei chachomim didn’t go through the yeshiva system. Onkeles didn’t go through the yeshiva system… it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that ALL those who go through the yeshiva know how to grasp pshat well and those who didn’t can never understand how to learn pshat.

    Regarding women learning pshat on their own there’s nothing wrong with that, its absolutely not against halacha, so too bad on those who get riled up about me learning pshat on my own.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2339639

    I have not argued pshat on anything besides Yaacov lo meis. Whether you like it or not, Rashi doesn’t say that Yaacov is alive physically and I don’t have to take it as that particularly when the meforshim ive gone through, and the Gemorah, all state that he is alive in a spiritual manner. Regardless of you being a man, you don’t own the Torah. And you have bought no Rav to support your position that Yaacov is alive physically.

    As for the other meforshim, I didn’t argue pshat, I simply bought them down in its entirety, the words of the meforshim themselves disputed anyone who tried minisinterpret their meaning. I have not argued “with the Or Hachayim or the Rif on the Ein Yaakov” as you claim i did. As usual, you lie.

    Certainly, lying bullies like you and Neville will not tell me what the Truth of the Torah is. Neville has not bought meforshim, but you have tried to misinterpret them, I had to go to the source and find the meforshim in its entirety to learn exactly what was written and it was never what you claimed it meant.

    Don’t you have any other hobbies besides attacking people who don’t agree with you on the words “Yaacov lo mes”?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2339393

    Qwerty, a gemorah kup no one on here has. But they are awed and overwhelmed by Shmei’s bombardment of meforshim many of which I’ve come upon on their toiras lubavitch online. I posted many of these meforshim in its entirety, here and on the other thread, and they speak for themselves that they do not say what Shmei (and the Lubavitche) claim they say.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2339259

    Arso, your saying that I said that Yaacov is not alive because I said he’s not alive physically, only spiritually, is MISCONSTRUING what I’ve said.

    As for what Rashi means with “Yaacov lo mes”, I dont have to agree with you and Neville, your arguments proved nothing more to me than your ridiculous assumptions that i have to accept your arguments because you are men and I’m a woman. That is absolutely preposterous.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2339219

    Neville wrote “You claimed you only care about these things due to your holy jihad against Chabad”. Speaking against Lubavitche current apikorsishe ideology according to Neville is something to be made fun of, something that can be called a “holy jihad” in jest…so now we know what he feels about arguing against Chabad ideology… if he can’t beat Shmei and co. in argument, which he claimed he tried to do last year and ended up looking stupid, no one else has has a right do so either, nor does anyone have a right to argue pshat differently than what he, Neville, was taught in cheder…unbelievable. He’s a total bully, which as I mentioned earlier, is a result of low self esteem.

    Continuing to attack me because I don’t agree with you 1. about arguing against chabad ideology 2. About the pshat of Yaacov lo mes is absolutely incredibly stupid and immature.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2338999

    Let’s talk about “the pot calling the kettle black”.

    1. I was ATTACKED for daring to argue with apikorsim who believe that their rebbe runs the world. In fact, a special thread was opened just for that, to attack those who dare argue with “Menachem Shmei the Apikorus” which they defended as if he’s a Gaon and arguments with him “make the arguments against Chabad look stupid”.
    2. The attackers attacked my reasoning that Rashi meant with the words “Yaacov lo mes” that he is alive spiritually, not physically.
    3. I did not find their reasons behind their counterarguments to have any validity., it did not change my mind. In fact, I found the meforshim some of bought to “bolster” their argument to do just the opposite.
    4. They ended up resorting to lying about what I said and demeaning me that as a woman I dont understand how to learn pshat.
    5. Now, after yashardik said a valid point about getting sidetracked, and yes, I excused myself why I got sidetracked, BUT I agreed with Yashardik that it’s ridiculous to be busy with irrelevent topics, these two clowns, Arso and Neville decided to attack me again.
    6. Clearly, they have issues. Instead of getting back to the topic at hand, they decide to squabble with me like little children simply because I don’t agree with them. They are bullies, period. Everyone knows bullies have low self-esteem.
    7. I can only conclude that the topic of Lubavitchers believing the LR runs the world, believing that their rebbe is everywhere, that you can pray directly to him and that he will help, and all other apikorsishe ideology, is of little to no importance to them, otherwise they would stop with their stupid argument and talk about the core issues.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2338990

    Qwerty613, thank you. I’ll tell you even more how Arso lied, in the end of the other thread on this subject, Arso claimed that i never said Yaacov is alive and that i always said that Yaacov is not alive. When I protested and said that I never, ever said that Yaacov Avinu is not alive only that he not is alive physically, I never, ever simply said that Yaacov is not alive. I said that Rashi means Yaacov lo mes that he is alive spiritually, that he is alive through his children, or his nefesh is partially still attached to his guf. Throughout the entire both threads I never ever, ever said Yaacov Avinu is not alive! I constantly repeated that Yaacov Avinu is alive in a spiritual manner and that was Rashi’s meaning when he said “Yaacov lo mes” .

    For Arso and Neville to start this entire irrelevent argument again now after yashardik bought out a valid point about going off-track- and I agreed with yashardik about it, it’s not not like I argued with him, is totally immature of them, and even worse adjectives fit them which I will refrain from mentioning.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2338550

    Neville, I feel bad for your family members… you enjoy squabling constantly with people who don’t agree with your opinions.

    in reply to: BAN SEAFRIA. #2338218

    I dont understand the point of people attacking bigbuchor for opening a thread about a totally valid subject even if he found the subject only through a Google link. That is irrelevent. The point is that Sefaria is run by non-religious Jews with non-religious views and 1.we must be aware of that 2. There may be issues that we don’t see as of yet and it may (quietly) become problematic and many of us may not even be aware of it when it happens

    I myself use Safariah sometimes and never saw anything objectionable, although i did remember reading somewhere that they used a woke translation but i dont remember for what exactly. After reading this thread I went to the site and clicked on the community tab. I found an article by “Rabbi” Ruth Abusch-Magder, obviously a Reform “rabbi”. There’s an article by a contributor named “Sue Reinhold” of the “Pluralistic Rabbinic Seminary”… judging her personal life from her pic on Sefaria (she doesnt look like a lady nor like a man…), a quick Google search informed me that Sue Reinhold is actually “Rabbi” Sue Reinhold who is “married to” “Rabbi” Deborah Newbrun…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2338184

    Yashardik, you are so right. The reason I argued so much about “Yaacov lo meis” is because Lubavitche think their rebbe has the same status as extraordinary human beings like Yaacov Avinu and Moshe Rabbeinu and always try to draw parallels between them and their rebbe so that they can “prove” that he’s alive, that he’s moshiach, that he runs the world…

    A Lubavitche told me on another site that just like Moshe Rabbeinu ran the world, so does the LR run the world… which is of course absolutely apikorses, only Hashem runs the world from the moment He created it.

    But indeed, the Yaacov lo mes argument is besides the point. The main issue is the unrealistic image Lubavitchers have of their rebbe which is just getting more bizarre as time goes on in their attempts to deitify him.

    in reply to: Women and status #2335312

    What does “valued in productive within our communities” mean?

    Why should “most women feel less than (what?) in our communities”?

    in reply to: Not every chabadnik is meshichus and we need to see that line #2333457

    Square root, exactly that is the issue. IF there are non-messichisten in Chabad, we never here of them. Even worse, there are a lot of vocal “rabbis” in Chabad spouting kefira saying that humans don’t have to fear accounting for our sins- that there’s no gehinom, that Hashem created us to “fullfill His needs”, that the LR runs the world, that you can pray directly to the LR, etc. etc.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2331821

    It’s really unfortunate that frum people can hold the Torah in such little regard as to think our great Sages contradicted any posuk in the Torah.

    Even if one was taught that Yaacov’s guf is alive one cannot say that Rashi is contradicting a posuk in the Torah (not that im agreeing that Rashi is saying that Yaacov’s guf is physically alive).

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2331720

    Unbelievable, unbelievable. I can never understand how people can lie. Some people can lie even when the reality is black on white, the written proof is readily available. Someone who can say, at this point where I’ve reiterated my opinion NUMEROUS times, that I said that Rashi cant be saying that Yaacov Avinu is alive, is extremely dishonest.

    Arso disgustingly wrote, “You know what, philosopher, don’t respond to me anymore. I’m sick of your changing your views when you are stuck in a corner, and I reiterate, it’s not your fault that you are a woman, but you just don’t understand the derech halimud that men are taught.”

    I’m not stuck in a corner at all. Arso is stuck in the corner and projecting it on me. My numerous posts on this thread and on the other thread are PROOF that i said the ENTIRE TIME, from my first post, that Rashi saying that Yaacov is alive means in a spiritual manner, he is not saying that his guf is alive. I have also said many times as well, that perhaps Rashi means that Yaacov’s nefesh is still attached on some level to his guf, but again, that doesn’t mean that Rashi is saying that Yaacov’s guf is physically alive. But never ever, have i said that “Rashi can’t be saying that Yaacov is alive”.

    Saying that “it’s not your fault that you are a woman, but you just don’t understand the derech halimud that men are taught” does not change the fact that you are lying. And I don’t know what derech halimud he was taught but one cannot interpret a meforesh based on 2-3 words “that prove one’s point” while ignoring what the mefoiresh says in its entirety.

    Arso wrote, “Btw, just for the record. I may have made mistakes – although in this case I did not as you definitely changed your view – but I haven’t lied.”
    You definitely did lie.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2330853

    Arso, i told myself that i will not respond to you anymore but i simply cannot not respond to your lies. Once again you lie. I said over and over and over again that Rashi saying Yaacov is alive does not mean that his guf is alive. I NEVER EVER said that Rashi “can’t be saying that Yaacov Avinu was alive”.

    You are a shameless liar and it’s disgusting.

    In every single post I spoke about this I said that Rashi is not saying that Yaacov’s guf is alive physically rather he is saying he is alive in a spiritual sense. I said that in EVERY SINGLE of my posts. Now you shamelessly lie and say that i said that Rashi said that Yaacov is not alive?!

    I have responded about the Rif and few posts earlier. Obviously I don’t agree with your conclusion that the Rif on EY means that Yaacov Avinu was buried alive and i wrote why.

    I have NOT changed anything I said. I repeated the same thing from the first post I posted on this topic. Then you tell me I don’t argue fairly?!

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330513

    Sorry for the trauma you will now have to live with for the next four years living under an imaginary dictator.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2330512

    Arso wrote : “NP (wrote): I think her primary issue is that one cannot use that Ramban to justify the position that Rashi holds that Yaacov is alive in the full physical sense.”

    I don’t know why you are putting words in her mouth that she clearly is NOT saying. She refuses to accept that according to the Ramban the passuk saying the Shevatim saw that Yaakov had died does not contradict Rashi’s statement that Yaakov did not die, as she keeps quoting that passuk as “proof” that Rashi CANNOT mean that Yaakov did not die.

    How can you defend her citing that passuk as proof when the Ramban says it is not a proof?”

    I am saying exactly what Non-Political wrote I am saying. In fact, that exactly sums up what I’m saying over and over again. And I’m saying again, Arso is arguing simply for the sake of arguing!

    I am indeed saying that the Ramban is NOT saying that the passuk saying the Shevatim saw that Yaakov had died contradicts Rashi’s statement that Yaackov had not died. He is not saying it contradicts the pesuk(im), Arso is saying that. Rashi inot saying that Yaacov’s guf did not die, he is only saying that Yaacov did not die. He is not explaining, like the Gemorah and other meforshim, including the Ramban ,what Yaacov lo mes means. The Gemorah and meforshim explain “Yaacov lo mes” in a spiritual sense, even the Ramban who says the brothers werent aware that hes alive explains “Yaacov lo mes” in a spiritual sense. I do NOT have to “accept” others INTERPRETATION that what Ramban says to mean that Rashi is specifically talking about his physical guf. I dont have to “accept” their INTERPRETATION that Rashi means his guf is alive because neither the Ramban is saying it on the Rashi, nor Rashi himself, is saying his guf is alive. None of the meforshim say his guf is alive. The Ramban is simply saying that the brothers didn’t realize that Yaacov’s nefesh was still attached to his guf after the guf’s physical death.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2329881

    Non Political, those pesukim are proof that Yaacov Avinu died and the the Ramban and Rashi are not disputing the pesukim.The shevatim are much greater and smarter and holier than us and knew much more than we can comprehend. Certainly they did not make a mistake when they saw that their father died. They did not bury him alive. He died a physical death.

    The Ramban’s understanding according to Rashi is that the brothers perhaps didn’t know that his nefesh was still attached on some level to his guf. The fact is that Rashi is not saying his guf itself is alive. As i said many times, alive forever can mean many things, including that Yaacov’s nefesh is still attached to his guf even if his guf is not physically alive. Many meforshim and the gemorah, say different thing on Yaacov lo mes, none, including Rashi, say that Yaacov’s guf itself is still physically alive.

    in reply to: Is The “Mysterious Benedict Society” Kosher #2329674

    yeshivaguy, no, I’m talking about real violence, not action. I enjoy reading action novels. The violence is very descriptive in these novels.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2329410

    Always ask, the moral of the story is that Yiddishkeit doesn’t change for anyone and gehenim is a fact for those who sin and don’t do teshuva, regardless if Chabad denies this basic tenet of Yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2329413

    Neville, my, my, what minefields my posts are… how terrible…

    Unfortunately not everyone sees “all the terrible things” I supposedly said.

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