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Reform is around for two centuries? Really? Where are the descendants of the original Reform Jews? Are they Jewish? Do they even know?
Everybody has a legal right to try and get a restraining order against another person or try to stop them from publishing a book inthis case. If you prove it in court gezuntrtheit.
You obviously get all your info from CNN and MSNBC. If you were to open your mind you would find that conservative and pro-Trump voices are silenced much more often than liberals. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are known for silencing Conservatives and deleting their accounts. They call it hate speech.
pekakParticipantSome people are offended by the way Frum Yidden dress. It’s called freedom of expression. Until somebody acts upon Confederate or Nazi beliefs by owning slaves or operating a death camp it’s constitutionally protected.
Be as liberal as you want. Hate my President as much as you want. Remember, they can come after your rights as well.
July 12, 2020 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm in reply to: Do our eyes tell us what happened to GEORGE FLOYD #1881632pekakParticipantThe former ME who concluded that it was murder is payed to find murder always. Epstein committed suicide. He decided it was murder.
pekakParticipantI was talking about the site fee.
pekakParticipantRegistration is free but if you want to accept a shidduch it costs money. There’s no way of knowing what’s available. You don’t get to make your own searches. Matchmakers do the searching and will try their best. I’ve never had any luck.
pekakParticipantRashi makes the Gemara available to the masses. Chumash as well. My father’s Rosh Yeshiva discouraged bochurim from learning masechta nedarim so they shouldn’t think that they could learn without Rashi. But then, your name says that Mesorah is meaningless to you.
If you learn without Rashi, you make up your own pshat.
pekakParticipantPeople should probably still be wary for the time being, but come 2022 (hopefully sooner) if you’re still crazy about it they will be opening Corona Mental Wards.
pekakParticipantHaimy thinks we’re supposed to have power and clout. We aren’t entitled to anything. We’re in Golus! We ask Hashem for things. Then we GROVEL at the feet of whichever goyim are in power. It doesn’t matter if we are doctors or lawyers or bankers. To the goy we are still dirty jews. I’m not into quoting the Lubavitcher Rebbe but sometimes it’s necessary. When asked if the Holocaust could happen again he said “overnight”. Bloc vote is meaningless. Frum (supposedly frum) elected officials are powerless. We shouldn’t be in any position of power. That’s what puts us in the crosshairs. This golus is a vicious cycle. We’ve had clout in the past but that didn’t take us out of golus. We should try improving our clout where it truly counts.
B’zman shehaKol kol Yaakov ein hayadayim yedei Eisav.
pekakParticipantRebEliezer is a liberal and he prefers to view the constitution in the same way that I view the Torah.
pekakParticipantI still remember when he was forced off the airwaves. Jay Diamond got his slot and Sean Hannity got Jay’s. Jay has since moved on and Sean is nationally syndicated so I wouldn’t exactly say that we’re “orphans” .
pekakParticipantThis curfew is possibly more about your personal safety than the Corona lockdowns. Daven at home!
pekakParticipantWas it cruel? YES!
Should it have happened? NO!
Should the involved officers be punished? YES!
Do I feel sympathy for the criminal? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
pekakParticipantAnybody who refuses a working vaccine is a rodef.
The actual father of Ashkenazi Mesorah aka The MaHaRIL was a shadchan. People with children of marriageable age would write to him and he would respond with an idea. They would then send him shadchanus gelt and we’re all still alive today. These people didn’t date. If you are of Ashkenazi descent you are more than likely a product of one of his shidduchim.
pekakParticipantHe brought it upon himself by being a social media influencer instead of a doctor. He should stick to practicing medicine and advising his own patients.