Forum Replies Created
Before the “Rav Kav” became the only way to pay to ride a bus in Israel, you got a receipt that said clearly you need to hold onto it for inspection. Inspectors still have a right to check your Rav Kav to see if you paid.
I’ve never used SBS, but I would imagine it says on the ticket that you need to hold onto it for inspection.
Grow up.
January 11, 2022 6:28 am at 6:28 am in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2050130pekakParticipantWe need to stop using untrained people as therapists. Either use the licensed therapists that are available or send your own to be properly trained (chas m’lehazkir).
pekakParticipantThe Capitol is not more “holy” than any other government buildings such as the courthouses and police stations that were attacked by left wing mobs in their own “mostly peaceful” protests.
pekakParticipantThat helps for after the mabul.
@coffee addictThe neshama gives the ability to speak, not necessarily a guarantee.
pekakParticipantApparently, this person doesn’t want to be with you for all of eternity. You should thank Hashem that it ended sooner rather than later.
pekakParticipantApparently, this person doesn’t want to be with you for all of eternity.You should thank Hashem that it ended sooner rather than later.
pekakParticipantChanukah never falls out on Monday night going into Tuesday. It’s the only time it can never fall out.
pekakParticipantThe natural world is ever changing. Before the mabul there were no seasons as we know them today. See the Seforno in Parshas Noach.
Other cultures and their history mean absolutely nothing.
pekakParticipant@Reb Eliezer
Nowhere in the article does it say that he was raised Yeshivish. His parents only recently made aliyah from the Ukraine. They may have sent him to a kiruv school as a child in the Ukraine but that doesn’t constitute a Yeshivish upbringing. The kiruv apparatus in the FSU should be doing a much better job researching the backgrounds of the children they take into their mosdos.
pekakParticipantWhat gave you the impression that he was raised yeshivish?
pekakParticipantThe purpose of any vaccine is to prevent infection, not minimize symptoms or make it “less likely” to kill those who get vaccinated.
November 21, 2021 5:00 am at 5:00 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2031161November 19, 2021 2:25 am at 2:25 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2030675pekakParticipantTrue achdus and shalom/peace doesn’t have to mean that we’re dancing together and hugging each other all day everyday. When ehrliche yidden accept other ehrliche yidden’s right to daven their nusach and go to their respective manhigim for guidance and/or blessings, that is the best achdus.
Rav Zalman Brizel ZT”L of Yerushalayim once said (I’m paraphrasing, not necessarily quoting) “My Rebbe doesn’t have to be the biggest Rebbe. He’s MY Rebbe”.
November 12, 2021 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2027620pekakParticipantTo the OP
Lubavitch is bo less guilty than anybody else. For them the only true achdus is all of Klal Yisroel being Lubavitchers. Leave is alone and maybe we’ll leave you alone.
pekakParticipant@Reb Eliezer
It’s not the same thing. It’s based on it, some parts more some parts less.
pekakParticipantWhilst you are correct in the pronunciation of the actual “shem”, when you have to avoid saying the shem “Elokah” is correct. Saying “ak” is akin akin to enunciating any “shem” and adding “chhhh” (or anything else) to the end, because you have effectively said the shem already.
pekakParticipantDon’t confuse birchos krias shema with piyutim. Nishmas and the extended first of the birchos krias shema are most likely piyutim.
pekakParticipantIMHO: The problem is that the younger generation is learning in litvishe yeshivos and they assume that if they daven nusach ashkenaz it means that they’re litvaks, the oiberlender shifted to chassidish.
pekakParticipantApril 14, 2021 4:46 pm at 4:46 pm in reply to: An Observation on the Way Some Jews Pronounce Words #1964903pekakParticipantYou misunderstood him. He wasn’t belittling anybody. What he meant was that it has nothing to do with chassidish vs. non chassidish. It’s all about location, location, location.
Regarding the other names you mentioned, there is actually no way of knowing how the tzaddikim from 200+ years ago pronounced anything.
pekakParticipantCrickets from the left wing of the CR.
pekakParticipant“like he doesn’t let knapsacks”
This is a hardcore “Brisk” style yeshiva. What do you expect?
February 3, 2021 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1944963pekakParticipant“Boys and girls should have to go on 5 first dates with different people before they go on a second date”???
Are you an ehrliche yid? This is a good idea? Young frum people should be going on dates that they know in advance isn’t going anywhere?
pekakParticipantI didn’t say I believe that. I’m saying that according to those who say it’s doche limud hatorah and tefilla betzibur it should be doche kol hatorah kula.
pekakParticipantI recall so many commenters saying that pikuach nefesh is doche limud hatorah and tefilla betzibur, and basically kol hatorah kula. Why don’t they find that pikuach nefesh is doche a possible chilul Hashem?
pekakParticipantWe’re not using the Goyishe calendar. In chutz la’aretz v’sein tal umatar is said beginning 60 days after Tekufas Tishrei. The Tekufos follow the solar calendar.
pekakParticipantIt’s not about the Goyishe celebration. It’s about Tekufas Teves. Once upon a time it happened to fall on December 25th which is still celebrated by most Xtians to this day even after the calendar was corrected.
pekakParticipantAny POTUS has the right to issue pardons and clemencies at will to any person he so chooses from the day he is inaugurated until the day he leaves.
pekakParticipant@BenK Might I suggest that you rent a private apartment for your son? Or homeschool him?
*Sarcasm alert*
Give us and all the yeshiva bochurim a break. It’s not the first time you’ve yelled at us about these issues. You aren’t going to change anything.
pekakParticipant3) Furthermore, do you have any idea what Amudim is about, or do you just read some headlines and spew nonsense?
pekakParticipant1) Why are you screaming at us? Take a chill pill.
2) I smoked for 21 years. I switched to vaping 6 years ago because I couldn’t breathe. Vaping saves lives. Stop believing Big Tobacco and their lawyers.
pekakParticipantYou need to start a really stupid thread like “I cut off my peyot”, then people will assume that your chassidish even though you wrote peyoT. You need it to be clickbait. Substance is meaningless!
pekakParticipantNobody is President Elect until the Electoral College votes.
pekakParticipantAccording to you (OP) only a Republican has to be gracious in transitioning. Democrats are correct, nay REQUIRED to set up nasty roadblocks for the arriving administration to have to maneuver around for the next 4 years.
pekakParticipant@Luna That’s how the system was set up. The House represents the population. The Senate represents the states.
pekakParticipantI think it’s a poel yotzei
pekakParticipant1) Why would there be lulav fragments in the siddur? The most likely would be aravos which are the most fragile.
2) Why is this topic still showing up on the home page?
pekakParticipantThe מלאך המות doesn’t read studies or check for masks. He answers to the Highest Power.
Note to moderator: I am in Israel.
October 17, 2020 9:24 pm at 9:24 pm in reply to: Studies Showing Masks Prevent Virus Transmission #1910765pekakParticipantThe מלאך המות doesn’t check for masks.
Note to moderator: I’m in Israel.
pekakParticipantReb Eliezer
Please open your own blog and stop opening new anti Trump threads. We know you don’t like him.
Thank you,
Klal Yisroel
pekakParticipantCovid will go away regardless of who is at the helm, Biden and the Dems wouldn’t be more effective in fighting it. We need to keep the current President on to rebuild the economy.
pekakParticipantAs George W. Bush said When I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid. (I left out the quotes because it might not be a perfect quote). Yeshiva boys are young and they’ll do stupid things. Nothing you say to them will change it. This topic has been discussed in Yated’s chinuch roundtable and many other places ad nauseum. It’s a pointless discussion.
September 21, 2020 7:35 pm at 7:35 pm in reply to: Literal Democrat Staffers have been Rioting in Portland #1903268pekakParticipantWhat are “Literal” democrat staffers? Are they working for the Literary department or the Literacy department? A different department that I can’t name? Please clarify.
pekakParticipantBLM started under the Obama Administration with Obama as a founding member. If he had condemned the original riots in Ferguson the US would be in a much better position today and not heading towards that very dangerous possibility.
September 1, 2020 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm in reply to: why cant ywn ever show any gaffs of trump #1897747pekakParticipantYWN started as a blog and it still is a blog.
pekakParticipantTrump was more than willing to work with the democrats when he was first elected. They chose to not work with him.
Your first argument is pointless. Biden has nothing in common with traditional Republican values.
pekakParticipant@n0m The President can’t legally do anything to stop the riots (he tried). Biden won’t even condemn the riots
@1 (Regarding the original post) If moving to EY is important to you, no election outcome in the US should be a factor in your decision to log out of the coffee room and move. You can log back in after you’re settled in.pekakParticipantDear moderator please pin post #1892468
pekakParticipantOur community doesn’t have gangs and murderers. Cops issue more parking and traffic tickets in our communities. That has to change. We shouldn’t have to suffer just because they’re bored and have illegal quotas which they deny having.