Forum Replies Created
What does stay in “galut” mean? Galus and Geula are facts, irrespective of location.
March 28, 2023 12:26 pm at 12:26 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2177744pekakParticipantPost #2177396
Hopefully, the chasid has learned the very important lesson of not touching other people’s children for any reason.”
March 27, 2023 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2177554pekakParticipantWho exactly was chassidish in this very Flatbush story?
pekakParticipantThe bigger question is, how does a person who doesn’t know the halachos well enough do teshuva for deciding to be machmir on himself or somebody else with sometimes horrible consequences.
pekakParticipantWhat is a “remnant holdover”? If I eat a “remnant holdover” must i use “mayim achronim vasser” even if I didn’t have to wash netilas yadayim before eating?
February 14, 2023 11:34 am at 11:34 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2165713pekakParticipantAll bullies throughout history meant it l’shem shamayim.
גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה
“Interventions” are not a Jewish concept.
February 13, 2023 9:12 am at 9:12 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2165267pekakParticipantPenina had the same opinion as you. She did what she did l’shem shamayim. She lost everything.
February 12, 2023 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2165192pekakParticipantPenina had 7 sons, Chana had none. Finish the story…
February 8, 2023 2:25 am at 2:25 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2163647pekakParticipantSometimes when you know (and yes, you DO know) that your words will undoubtedly cause pain, and you know (again, you DO know) that your words will not help, give the person a hug.
February 7, 2023 8:12 am at 8:12 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2163276pekakParticipantContinuing from my last post
Why don’t you just punch somebody in the gut. They’ll hate you, but the pain will go away faster.
February 7, 2023 8:06 am at 8:06 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2163259pekakParticipantThose who tell people “stop being so picky” are the nastiest people around.
You don’t know what’s going on in somebody else’s life, although you may think you do. It’s NOT constructive criticism. It’s NOT caring. It’s BULLYING in it’s purest form.
It comes from the same place as the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”.
February 5, 2023 9:02 am at 9:02 am in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2162546pekakParticipantRav Savitzky wasn’t there in 5751. He was brought in after the petirah of Rav Reuven Fein ZTZVK’L who was niftar Sivan/Tamuz 5753.
February 5, 2023 9:02 am at 9:02 am in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162538pekakParticipantShe wasn’t stripped of all her committees, neither were Schiff and Swallwell. They were removed from specific committees.
February 1, 2023 5:26 pm at 5:26 pm in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2161684pekakParticipantRav Yitzchok Lichtenstein Shlita is an actual Brisker, having absorbed the Brisker Derech under the tutelage of his grandfather’s cousin Rav Meshulam Dovid.
The malochim were kicked out of Torah Vodaas for several reasons, the discussion isn’t relative to this thread. However, the main Rabbi who was matir the expulsion is infamous for having left over his grandson Dr. Norman Lamm for America to deal with.
February 1, 2023 5:25 pm at 5:25 pm in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2161683pekakParticipantWhen people refer to Brisk nowadays, they mean the branch of The Brisker Rov aka Moron HaGRI”Z Haleivi.
I don’t know who the Ashkenaz Rov of Sterling Forest is. However, if he eats Machine Shmura Matza it doesn’t matter how many yea5he learned in Brisk, he’s not a Brisker. A Brisker does things the way The Brisker Rov and his children and grandchildren did and continue to do. It’s not just a derech halimud, it’s a way of life.
January 31, 2023 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Stop the trend of post going to Brisk and its proxies #2161159pekakParticipantTo several posters
RAY regardless of his greatness has been known colloquially as AJ for as long as he’s been RY or even longer, by supporters and detractors.
No Brisker ever ate machine matzos on Pesach.
“Bikoires” is very popular among frum Jews, chassidim and litvishe equally. I’m not saying it’s a good thing but YWN CR wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t.
That’s all for now.
pekakParticipantI’ve been losing my mind nearly a week. Couldn’t figure out what it said.
pekakParticipant“The State is illegitimate, therefore it’s laws don’t obligate us”.
That’s pure unadulterated hogwash. Can I run red lights because I’m unhappy with Biden, Hochul, Adams and the other elected officials who are officially serving my district?
Government exists, Law and Order is applied (or not) as they see fit. Anarchy is never the right way to go.
pekakParticipantHow’s that?
pekakParticipantI don’t remember which Tzaddik said this, and it’s not an exact quote.
If the wealthy man eats macaroni and cheese he’ll give the poor man enough for a few slices of bread. If the wealthy man eats a huge steak he’ll give the poor man enough for a full meal.
pekakParticipantCan somebody please translate for the illiterate amongst us?
pekakParticipantSome are family owned, some are franchised. As per a member of the family who currently operates one store in Har Nof and one in Beis Yisroel (that I know of, maybe more).
pekakParticipantTelshe Cleveland unfortunately lost its prestige some years ago. It’s happened before to other great Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel as well as in the Diaspora. It’s an unfortunate golus trend.
pekakParticipantJust what we needed. The troll is home for the first off-Shabbos of the zman.
pekakParticipantChassidishe Sh’chita has nothing to do with the shochet being chassidish. It’s about an innovation that was brought about in sh’chita knives by the chassidim and eventually became standard.
That is what I’m saying. Telling a chassan to daven elsewhere even beyechidus is against the halacha. If it means “never’ saying tachnun, so be it.
Halacha is Halacha is Halacha.
pekakParticipantWhen will the litvishe stop with the absurdity of asking chassanim to daven elsewhere?
pekakParticipantYO, you’re the biggest troll in the CR. You’re constantly opening new theeads which usually warrant strong responses.
pekakParticipant@Yabia Omer aka non sefardi troll
I’m still trying to figure out why an ashkenazi wants so badly to be a sefardi.
pekakParticipantLoshon Hakodesh was historically used exclusively for Kodesh. Mamne loshon was Aramaic.
pekakParticipantNo! The only part that’s a minhag is pouring it from the becher.
pekakParticipantPouring the water is not a minhag. Pouring from the becher probably is.
pekakParticipant@non sefardi troll
“Where is it brought down that one should pour a drop of water from a Becher into a wine bottle?”
I already answered the question earlier. You just ignore the people who don’t fargin.
“It may not say so in halacha, but it may be purely for convenience sake. We are washing out the becher before kiddush anyways, so we leave a little water behind and use that to be mozeg (dilute) the wine.”
pekakParticipantThe President Pro Tempore of the Senate isn’t a minor member of the majority party. Rather s/he is traditionally the longest serving senator in the majority part.
pekakParticipant@non sefardi troll
It may not say so in halacha, but it may be purely for convenience sake. We are washing out the becher before kiddush anyways, so we leave a little water behind and use that to be mozeg (dilute) the wine.
pekakParticipantWhat’s a Lakewood style community in Isreal??
Good question. Once upon a time there were cities that were referred to as Yerushalayim d'(fill in the blank). Those were choshuva places. I assume that a Lakewood community in EY would have all the “comforts” of Lakewood with patting themselves on the back that they “live in EY”. Not really choshuv IMHO.
pekakParticipantYabia Omer (earlier in the thread)
<It’s so obvious that we Ashkenazim are just too closed minded to appreciate the authentic Sephardic derech.>
Yabia Omer (last night)
<keep dressing yeshivish. What does that even mean?>
Probably the biggest troll in the history of CR!
October 27, 2022 8:46 am at 8:46 am in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132950pekakParticipantWould you ride on a bus with a blind driver? Would you worry about his feelings?
pekakParticipantMod 29 would never allow it. He needs to be in control.
pekakParticipantThe Tisha B’Av programs were started because people were doing other things including actual entertainment. The programs keep people focused.
pekakParticipant@Sam Klein
Anything using numbers of secular years is as meaningless as “he” who the first such year was named after.
pekakParticipantA question for our resident leftists.
Do you view Joe Manchin as a “profile in courage”?
pekakParticipantDo you have a windmill and solar power on your roof, or is your home electricity powered by fossil fuels like everybody else’s?
pekakParticipant“Maybe we think some of these go to far, but should a YWN reader be happy that his hard-working wife would make less than a man? Should it be OK to fire someone for wearing a yarmulke? This is a sampling of issues republicans try to role (sic) back.”
Libs have been throwing around these claims for decades. When I was unfortunately receiving public assistance, beginning under Clinton and through the Bush years I was always told that Republicans would cut my assistance. It kept going up until Obama. You people are slaves to the Democrats just like the People of Color are. Wake up!
What is more likely is that under Democrat rule they’ll pass a law giving employers a right to compel an employee to terminate a pregnancy. Chew on that.
pekakParticipantBring an “AR-15” to a warzone and you’re a dead man. Do you even know what “AR” means?
pekakParticipantThe book is (I assume) written in English and geared to the American market. The question should be why a book hasn’t been written about Rav Sholom Goldstein in the approximately 4 decades since his passing. Maybe a book in hebrew for the israeli market will focus more on his other brother-in-law.
February 6, 2022 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058085 -