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  • in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2275646


    When did an IPO retain its initial value?

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2275578


    You’re wasting your time. He doesn’t hold of the Jewish calendar as is evident from numerous similar posts over the years.

    in reply to: Kol Crown Heights #2274287

    You’re asking in the wrong forum. They come here when the Moshiach threads are active, then they leave.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2274275


    Are you anti R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273908


    When have you ever distinguished between Satmar and the modern day NK? When have you ever distinguished between ameratzim and the Satmar Rov, with your constant assumption that you can refute his entire sefer without having absorbed it from cover to cover?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2271669

    Satmar doesn’t “preach” the dismantlement of the state of israel. They pray that it should come to an end without any blood being shed as it’s believed to be the major impediment to the final redemption.

    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2266126
    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2266103


    That may be true, but it can lead to real life problems. When I need to know actual Halacha I ask an actual Rav. They usually have a more nuanced take. That’s why they are the Rabbanim and not YWN leydigeyers.

    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2265998

    The OP is correct. Parents should encourage their children to serve HaShem. How they choose to do so when they grow up is between the child and HaShem. I truly hope that ujm is just trolling as usual because that’s a recipe for disaster. Avira has it backwards. Some people need to find another way. Is Rav Mosheh Twersky Hy”d suffering in the olam haelyon because he abandoned YU and went to Brisk? Of course you believe that YU is problematic but his parents didn’t. Did he have a right to turn his back on his parents?

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2261457


    He went to give chizuk? What has he done since then?

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2260593

    I finally see some people answering the original question. Kashrus organizations are for the purpose of determining that the ingredients don’t contain foods and/or byproducts of the foods (fish/meats etc) enumerated in Torah shebeK’sav and Baal Peh to be impure/unfit (in the common vernacular “treif”) as well as basar b’cholov.

    If you want to know what’s healthy see a doctor.

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2255208


    He also talks about the lofty neshamos of those who unfortunately go OTD but won’t condemn Footsteps.

    in reply to: Why is ywm called yeshiva world #2252810

    This addictive train wreck was started as a blog reporting on what was going on in what’s colloquially known as the Yeshiva World.

    in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250544

    It’s very much of religious significance to the goyim. The current “secular” calendar was actually set up by the Catholic church. The different versions are named for popes.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim says bless those you don’t love, pray they see moshioch #2248301


    שערי דמעות לא ננעלו

    in reply to: Neturei Karta: Do they have a Point? #2236251


    The original Neturei Karta had their own shita before Vayoel Moshe was written. They may overlap sometimes but neither one is dependant on the other.

    in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235304

    We earn credits for all mitzvos. We don’t get to tell HKBH how to apply the credit.

    in reply to: Pompadour hairstyle: why do our young men have this? #2233145

    They see theowback pictures of some of the biggest gedolim of the last 50 years and they figure that this specific hairstyle helped the gedolim become gedolim.

    in reply to: A simpler time #2231949


    That’s not what they told us in NY at the time. We were doing Yom Kippur Kattan, fasting, saying tehillim every day (5 extra minutes from children’s “free time” lost forever) listening to mussar shmuessen, etc. The majority of Israelis were living it up.

    Didn’t materialize? Do you know how big a SCUD missile is? The size of an 18 – wheeler! When they hit the ground they shattered every window and shutter 4 square blocks from impact. The SCUDs that actually got through completely demolished entire buildings. No zeicher. Just because they didn’t hit chareidi areas doesn’t mean the theeat didn’t materialize.

    Here’s an excercise for people who don’t understand Israeli mentality. On the wall outside Beis Yisroel shtieblach there is a plaque memorializing people who got killed in the courtyard of the shul by shelling from the Arabs during the war in 1948. There are several names from the same family killed on different days. People went out the next day after their own brothers were just killed. They don’t think like you. Silly Americans freak out more than the Israelis.

    in reply to: A simpler time #2231762


    You don’t know Israeli mentality..They don’t think like you. They don’t act like you.

    in reply to: A simpler time #2231643


    When I lived in the States I used to frantically call a cousin in EY every time I heard that there was an air raid siren (I even had an app to notify me of them). He didn’t know about most of them. That’s life here. Take it or leave it. During the Gulf War most of my friends got on with life.

    in reply to: Dear Future Mothers In Law #2227894

    I guess the illustrious mods are neither divorced nor children of divorce. If the mods were they might read the thread differently.

    I have witnessed enough to traumatize me. I ask again for what I’m missing. It can be a private post.

    in reply to: Dear Future Mothers In Law #2227837

    The nastiness shown here to the OP is beyond comprehension. A human being expressed true pain and the majority of the responders here chose to pour salt on her wounds. I recommend that the theead be deleted. Att: Mods Deleted, not closed.

    Other than huju’s comment the negative comments were toward divorce, not the OP. The comments about the suffering of the children was exactly the OP’s point, but that she overcame it. If I missed something please let me know.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn #2227181

    Suck it up. Put on Tefillin betzina. Go to Shul and celebrate when they celebrate. Lots of us have done it.

    in reply to: Dear Future Mothers In Law #2226774

    @Coffee Addict

    There are many people who should be divorced but stay miserable because of מזבח מוריד דמעות. I’m not ח”ו arguing on חז”ל, but do you think there are no דמעות when people are miserable?

    in reply to: Dear Future Mothers In Law #2226593


    Divorce is a Torah solution to an untenable situation. Divorce is something that HKBH created. Most children of divorce know that as difficult as it is to be from a broken home, they’d be exponentially worse off if they’re parents had stayed together.

    in reply to: Married Couple Who Become Baal Teshuvas #2222324


    You’re stating your personal opinion that it’s not ideal to stay married. You’re not a Rabbi. There have been Rabbonim who have advised otherwise.


    Eidim are NOT halachically allowed to accept payment.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2222297

    Seriously Mods. Please do something about the annoyances clogging up our once stimulating CR.

    I feel your pain

    in reply to: Thank you Anonymous in Lakewood #2222296

    The Alter Rebbe didn’t “succeed” the Mezritcher Maggid. He had his school of thought based on his understanding of what he was mekabel from the Maggid. There were other schools of thought.

    1) Besh”t
    2) Mezritch
    3) Lizensk
    4) Lublin
    5) Yismach Moshe (Satmar descends from there).

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2219965

    CR and Mods should be removing users and posts that are exceptionally annoying. Users should be required to prove themselves capable of normal dialogue before being allowed to open new threads. I don’t know what @Commonsaychel did to deserve being trolled by a newbie.

    in reply to: ENGLISH SHOULD BE OPTIONARY #2219633

    OP’s English needs a lot of help. I’m referring to basic spelling and using nonexistent words.

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215883


    Continuing from where you left off: They changed Lakewood. They wanted to be “close” to the Torah that they so revere, but they brought along all of their gashmius and in doing so they changed the entire Torah Shtetl. If you think differently you don’t remember Lakewood 40 years ago. I do.

    in reply to: Shidduchim Between Litvish Girls and Chasidish Boys #2215855


    “Litvish” Mesorah isn’t a thousand years old, you’re confusing it with minhag Ashkenaz that continues today almost exclusively by those whom we call with great affection “Yekkes”.

    Both Litvish and Chassidish Mesoras are actually minhag Ashkenaz heavily influenced by others.

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215648

    @Sam Klein

    I think this is the first time I agree with you. The proximity to “The City” made the problem. It’s irreversible.

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215543

    Wealthy people who eat bread and butter will give the poor people sawdust.

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215544

    Lakewood is no longer a Torah shtetl.

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2212832

    You’re providing journalistic commentary and I’m providing my real life experience. What I told you is exactly what I do. I pay for a seat that the “mammals” can’t overflow into. Even if it means an extended stopover because of the cost.

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2212790

    “But this time I got a window seat. So it is marginally less stupid.”

    So now you can be stuck between one or 2 “incredibly obese mammals” and a window and we’ll read about your childish complaining.

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2212122

    If you don’t want to be stuck between 2 incredibly obese mammals you can pay to choose your seat. If you insist on flying an airline that doesn’t allow seat selection (even for a price) it’s your own fault.

    in reply to: Posek HaDor #2202107


    Starting the thread doesn’t make you the moderator of the thread.

    in reply to: Rav Itche Meir Morganstern Yeshiva #2200384

    Toras Chochom is a shul, not a Yeshiva. Most of the people there don’t identify as Breslov. Breslover Torah is rarely mentioned regardless of Rav Morgenstern Shlita’s connection to Breslov.

    in reply to: Chrstians claiming Rabbi wrote note naming Moshiach #2200272

    “Yeshu” Hanotzri as he was referred to by Yidden is Roshei Teivos Y’emach SH’emo V’ezichro.

    When Js for X realized that they changed it to Yeshua. There is no source claiming that he was ever named Yehoshua.

    in reply to: Rav Itche Meir Morganstern Yeshiva #2199297

    What Yeshiva?

    in reply to: Angels no, electricity yes? #2190783

    @ Neville

    Your words on the issue (comment #2190287)

    “It makes no sense to say it’s a chumrah. If it’s mutar, it’s due to pikuach nefesh (the hospitals need electricity), if it’s assur then it’s chillul Shabbos.”

    in reply to: Angels no, electricity yes? #2190573


    Was the Chazon Ish the only posek in his time? I think not.

    in reply to: Is “The” Yeshiva world news” some sort of Instagram? #2189083

    Where do all the news sites get all their information? Do you really think they all have people roaming the streets with notepads?

    in reply to: Chassidishe Out of town Kollelim? #2185713

    Los Angeles has a chassidishe kollel, though I don’t know how people deal with the cost of living there.

    Veitzen – Chicago also has a chassidishe kollel.

    in reply to: Time to demolish orthopraxy #2185671


    There are certainly people like those you speak of. If you alienate them you are also alienating their children. The best you can do is ignore them. Like ChaZa”l say

    דע מה שתשיב לאפיקורס, הני מילי לאפיקורס עכו”ם

    משא”כ באפיקורס ישראל דפוקר טפי

    in reply to: Time to demolish orthopraxy #2185623

    So @AviraDeArah holds that people whose heart’s aren’t “in the mitzvos” should stop doing them entirely?

    in reply to: Why BDE #2180735


    “Unfortunately, not everyone will be zoiche to techiyas hamaisim.”

    Are you G-d? Are you privy to His decision making?

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