Forum Replies Created
How much are your vehicle expenses monthly? How much do you spend on bottled water a month? How much do you spend on non essential food and beverages a month?
pekakParticipant“ Another problem with Satmar is:
They do not live in Olam HaZeh; they live in their
own little world, that excludes everyone except them.”If you indeed live in Olam HaZeh as you claim you are susceptible to Olam HaZeh problems such as illness (lo aleinu). As such you or a family member can need hospitalization. You are certainly welcome to turn down the delicious home made meals.
pekakParticipantIn a Secular Marriage aka Civil Union the “wife” is halachically a penuya which results in non mamzeirim. When they are forced into a Halachic marriage which is an institution they don’t respect it’s more likely to create mamzeirim.
pekakParticipantThe Divrei Chaim was never a Rosh Yeshiva. His father was already a Chossid before he got married. He believed that Chassidus was necessary for 100-150 years and then all should return to the basics.
pekakParticipantThe Divrei Chaim of Tzanz ZT”L who was niftar almost 149 years ago said in his time that it’s more important to learn Torah (what they call “nigleh” in lubavitch).
pekakParticipantYou don’t get to argue with the Magen Avrohom or call to abolish his words. You have every right to follow other shittos.
pekakParticipantHe was convicted for mislabeling business transactions to cover up an unnamed crime.
He wasn’t convicted for r**e. That would have been a felony with jail time.
I would recommend avoiding Legacy Media.
January 4, 2025 11:11 pm at 11:11 pm in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348829pekakParticipantWhen he was born very few people were from “Toof Kif” they said the last two numbers. I was born in the States as were my parents and 3 of my grandparents. I was raised that ‘77 is only for legal purposes. I was born in 5737.
December 8, 2024 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm in reply to: Tehilim 83: Syria (Assyria) joined anti Israel genocide #2339352pekakParticipantThe Gemara mentions both אשור and סוריה as different places. One has nothing to do with the other.
pekakParticipantI have to agree!
pekakParticipantBlack is a much newer development than “Belz” blue.
pekakParticipantIf the mods are going to so rarely approve comments to the CR maybe it’s time to do away with them. A CR by definition is a place where people throw around opinions. The way it is being run now defeats the sentiment. Maybe let people shmooze and if it gets out of hand then the mods can make some sense of order.
November 13, 2024 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332368pekakParticipantPeople donate sifrei Torah to a shul because they want their loved ones to be remembered in that specific shul. Sometimes they actually remain the property of the donor and they’re kept there for use at certain occasions and when the donor moves away they take it with them. Nobody has a right to just transfer a sefer Torah.
pekakParticipantאני מאמין באמונה שלימה שכל התורה המצויה עתה בידינו היא הנתונה למשה רבינו עליו השלום
October 7, 2024 11:35 am at 11:35 am in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2322169pekakParticipantAll of the imported stuff used to be manafactured locally and people had jobs. All the people who make their living from the imported goods industry can manufacture domestically.
October 6, 2024 2:31 pm at 2:31 pm in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2321712pekakParticipantTariffs ensure that manafacturing comes back to the States and it creates American jobs.
September 26, 2024 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318931pekakParticipantI agree. Let’s ban chemotherapy. Beat cancer with willpower.
September 25, 2024 11:29 am at 11:29 am in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318536pekakParticipant@ 1
I’m so happy for you that your life is so simple. You probably tell people that antidepressants are unnecessary and they should just “get over it”. If it’s not your struggle MYOB.
pekakParticipantThe law is that if you are in an accident you get a police report and send all the information to the insurance company. I’m not talking about kissing a bumper. When I owned a car I paid for full coverage . When I rent I pay for full coverage. Not because I lack confidence in my own driving ability, but because I don’t trust you. Seichel says to let the insurance companies work out the details. Auto body shops won’t wait for a B”D to decide things.
pekakParticipant@anonymous Jew
I agree with you 100%. We are required by law in every State to have insurance. The insurance companies (at least in my view) are our arbitrators that by purchasing insurance we accept that they will take care of things for us.
pekakParticipantEverybody chooses whom to believe. Have you parroted the debunked “fine people” hoax? The bloodbath hoax?
September 9, 2024 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm in reply to: My Letter to Sarah Schneirer about School Trauma from the Matzav Inbox: #2313235pekakParticipantDid you fall on your head? In 1883 there was no Jewish education in America. There were no religious schools for Jewish girls anywhere!
pekakParticipant@Sam Klein
L’maan haEmes. The freezer is only for the fresh batch of talmidim. All others are free to skip night seder as they please.
Disclaimer: The existence of the freezer is a bitul asei of the first mitzva kiyumis mentioned in the Torah.
pekakParticipant“Republicans could hand Hamas a briefcase full of nukes and most “Pro-Israel” people would support it.”
Completely hypothetical fantasy with no factual basis. Obama basically gave nukes to Iran and you’re still supporting him. You’re all crying that Trump is going to start WWIII if he wins but Biden already did.
pekakParticipantWhy would anybody “cue” anything?
pekakParticipantHe’s never had an independent thought. Anything and everything that he posts is c/p.
pekakParticipantI don’t use deceit. I also don’t know what was “wordy” about what I said. I shared my personal experience. If they told me that I can’t enter wearing shoes I’d skip it entirely. The minhag of taking off shoes at kivrei tzaddikim is a regional thing. If you would go to Anipoli Where the Mezritcher Maggid and the Rebbe Reb Zisha are buried there’s a shul there with a sefer that talks about it. At one time all of the Volhiner chassidusen had that minhag. I guess Poland, Galicia, and Hungary didn’t have that minhag.
pekakParticipantI’ve never in my life been a Lubavitcher.
pekakParticipantI’ve been to the Ohel. I never took off my shoes and I was never told to do so.
pekakParticipantYou’ve apparently never left your comfort zone or learned many chassidishe sforim.
pekakParticipantNobody is forced to take off their shoes. The minhag of taking off the shoes by kivrei tzaddikim has nothing to do with Lubavitch of today. Pick your battles.
pekakParticipant@Sam Klein
When a Goy has a mapala we are permitted to rejoice. Stop reading Opinion columns and learn Perek Alef of Megilla.
pekakParticipantThe evolution of the havarah is related somewhat to the local languages spoken in different areas. Languages spoken has different accents and inflections. It’s not a Chassidishe issue as @Reb Eliezer would probably confirm that his Rabbeim the Rabbonim of Mattersdorf who weren’t at all chassidish yet had a very distinct Hungarian havarah.
pekakParticipantGet a life. You don’t want to speak Yiddish you don’t have to. It’s a language that has been spoken for hundreds of years by great people who knew dikduk better than you.
pekakParticipantWhy would one NOT say veyatzmach purkanei in a Chabad shul?
pekakParticipantThe Dems care more about the rights of strangers to mutilate children than they do about “Acheinu kol beis Yisroel.
pekakParticipantI’ve been there. The summer Yarchei Kallah uses the BMG facilities but BMG hasn’t been involved for nearly two decades.
pekakParticipantYarchei Kallah is NOT the Lakewood oilam. BMG’S involvement is negligible.
pekakParticipantLakewood has Bein hazmanim from Tisha B’Av till Rosh Chodesh Elul. Very few “Adirei HaTorah” types are in bungalow colonies.
June 26, 2024 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm in reply to: Poor People Don’t Get to Have a Rav in the Summer #2292981pekakParticipantSo in your non chassidish shul kiddushim were out of control several years ago. Nice to know.
June 25, 2024 1:01 am at 1:01 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2292690pekakParticipantLet the wonderful wealthy people who work all day pay Kollel yungerleit and mechanchim to be their nighttime chavrusos. Zeh nehneh v’zeh nehneh.
They need to supplement their incomes somehow.
pekakParticipantYou mean the laptop that details Joe’s corruption? Not everybody is obsessed with shmutz.
June 18, 2024 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm in reply to: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel? #2291007pekakParticipantLife is going on as usual in EY as well, as it should be. Let HKBH take care of business.
June 7, 2024 10:52 am at 10:52 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2289165pekakParticipantReb Shraga Feivel was a chossid through and through. His father was also a chossid. There was no such thing as Yeshivish.
May 26, 2024 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm in reply to: Do you honestly believe that Moshiach WILL be here within 12 months #2285982pekakParticipantThe Netziv was ONE Rosh Yeshiva. Arguably the biggest of all time. It’s nice of you to choose him (albeit without bringing a source) while omitting all the other great Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim.
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but are you the same poster (aka troller) who hasn’t listened to music for over 6 months? Do you have children? Do you think that’s the best thing for them? Really???!!!!
There have been tough times for Klal Yisroel since the beginning of time. Those who weren’t in the crosshairs spent time davening, learning, raising money for Vaad Hatzalah (WWII), and LIVING THEIR LIVES!!!
April 13, 2024 10:13 pm at 10:13 pm in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2276857pekakParticipant@jackk Insurrection was never in court. Nobody was charged with it. Who didn’t transfer power? When one leaves and the other is inaugurated power is transferred. A traitor is somebody who goes against his oath to guard against foreign powers. A wide open border is traitorous.