Forum Replies Created
@jackk I’m not following all the intricacies here, however Avira made an excellent point that YU has no problem attacking a gadol, but if someone says something against R’ Shechter or R’ Soloveichik there is no room for compromise. And you haven’t responded to it.
ParticipantParticipantre R’ Aharon Kahn not resigning from YU.
I’m surprised at this because I have a friend who’s a big R’ Khan guy, davened in his shul and all, and he told me that R’ Kahn resigned when the club was formed and that night made a rekida in his shul for having been mikayeim bechol meodecha.
ParticipantParticipantcommonsaychel’s first post.
ParticipantParticipant“He has a chiddush in how to approach the yatzer hora which is not the way baalei mussar and chasidus teach. ”
Which is?
R’ Twersky finished all pri megadim before studying any psychology and once remarked that all the psychology books he wrote doesn’t give him as much nachas as one pri megadim.
August 16, 2022 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2115730ParticipantParticipantI make sure not to speak to ladies. Or maybe they don’t speak to me. Either way, I’m good.
ParticipantParticipantWell, correction: I would admit it.
ParticipantParticipantTo connect walking 7 times around the groom to Judaism, the link would have to be later than the days of Yehoshua Bin Nun entering Jericho.
Shaina would have to have evolved within the past thousand or so years; ariella within the past hundred or so years.
ParticipantParticipant“Legally a university has to make such accommodations. If an LGBT person came out with a suit against a lakewood yeshiva they would get into trouble.”
“Legally today, if someone sued a Beis Midrash program that is an AARTS program or getting government funds that they don’t grant people certain rights, they would also be sued.”Real hero mentality. Shocking that BMG and other major yeshivos aren’t scared stiff. Personally, I think it’s worth it to study law and pass the bar just in order to be able to defend such a court case against a yeshiva (if it would arise, which hopefully it wouldn’t.) But lake–whut?! and 1 (same person, BTW) fall at the feet of Neil Gorsuch and the other traitors.
ParticipantParticipantI’m really curious how u and so many others know on what grounds the search warrant was issued.
ParticipantParticipant@smerel you made quite an accusation against liz and as proof cited but one line:
“What does she have to offer anyone other than hating Trump?”oh sorry I thought you said something like “why would she be continuing with this if not for her hatred of Trump?” [answer: upholding integrity of the executive office, etc.]. good thing I reread it. So you in fact offered no proof.
ParticipantParticipant@ungermanS u bring up another point….most compliments are actually not given honestly.
ParticipantParticipant@ujm I didn’t ask, but you can volunteer the answer.
ParticipantParticipantJohn Kasich could run on the Democrat ticket.
July 19, 2022 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm in reply to: anybody heard of new heimish/chasidish community in Ramat Shlomo #2107321ParticipantParticipantWhatever answers you get here, its most helpful if you visit ramat shlomo and get a feel for the oilam yourself.
ParticipantParticipantok that makes sense
ParticipantParticipantCA, if you don’t like what moish26 wrote, start your own thread. Or site.
ParticipantParticipantDear Fed-Up
Whereas I am not Zaphod, I will take the liberty of responding to your predicament, being as how this is a public forum and Zaphod has not stepped up to the task yet.
Having certain relatives and non relatives inexplicably take up permanent residence in your living room, even temporarily, can be very infuriating and cumbersome. It’s great that you acknowledged your feelings and reached out about it.
Find yourself a different space where you can sprawl with your shoes off. Perhaps your bedroom, your car, or your sister’s neighbor’s living room will afford you with the comfort and quiet you need. Alternatively, you can try buying a good pair of earplugs and a blindfold, and using the couch as you have always, if nobody has taken up residence in the couch itself.
In general, it’s a good idea to avoid the home in general, as our Sages teach us: Whoever increases conversation with women is destined to inherit Gehenom. All sorts of creatures lurk around the home, and one can often feel like they almost want to take up permanent residence in a home furnishing store.
One last idea and resort is an amulet to keep your wife, sisters, and your sister’s female neighbors away. I can provide you with the amulet, or maybe a big tzaddik somewhere. It consists of complicated words written on a dead rat, which you are to wear around your neck.
Best of luck and stuff.
ParticipantParticipantParticipantThe SC’s decision had nothing to do with Evangelicals. It had to do with the justices’ interpretation of the Constitution.
ParticipantParticipantthere’s a constitutional right to bear arms but not to bear gun powder or bullets. Illegalize them.
ParticipantParticipantyo-yos were good and made sense
plus string candyParticipantParticipantyou mean “trump-serving worshippers”, or “trump supporters serve an idol” or “trump’s an idol” or something.
ParticipantParticipantsure, after you made a filter.
ParticipantParticipantas i mentioned, if u send a specific post, or all of a specific poster’s posts, to spam, then it counts as deletion.
Hate to break it to you but the posts send themselves to spamParticipantParticipanti know. i should phrase it like this. “So going on har habayis upsets you? It makes you angry?” It should. But it’s not a kareis matter. It’s a shiluach machanos matter.
ParticipantParticipantand the previous one? also spam?
if you send it to spam after it arrives in the inbox, it counts as deletion.but hey maybe god, I meant mods, found my post tedious.
maybe too religious for such sensitive subjects like people going on har habayis who are too emotional to hear anything related to religion. (from me, of course. not anyone else.)ParticipantParticipantdid my previous two posts go to spam, or were they too tedious?
ParticipantParticipantPS said YWN article also said that going on har habayis can be an issur kareis. Again ,that is incorrect. It’s “merely” transgressing the din of shiluach machanos. Going into the azara betumah would be an issur kareis.
ParticipantParticipantgoing on har habayis is a question of a lav and asei, not kareis.
regarding the “eivah” issue, which (according to the article on YWN) the gedolim were/are concerned about: Why is it a problem? If someone says they’ll shoot the whole city if I go to my house, that makes me a rodeif if I go in my house?
ParticipantParticipanti didn’t ask anyone to prove their identity. i didn’t write anything about korbonos chas vechalila, i didn’t write anything tedious about video cameras, either. I wrote the most harmless, easiest post to read, and it doesn’t go through. go figure.
It was in spam. Next time try asking instead of accusing.
ParticipantParticipantthe only reason internet has become more prevalent is, as discussed on the R’ Aharon Kotler thread, people don’t listen to daas torah anymore.
ParticipantParticipant1. whether the population of my state has shrunk to under 5000
2. if I”m promised a Cabinet position.ParticipantParticipantthe thread is intelligent, the needle sharp.
June 12, 2022 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm in reply to: nichum aveilim when one doesn’t know the niftar/family #2095837ParticipantParticipantstory about the local tov: I don’t understand why he refused to sign.
June 11, 2022 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm in reply to: nichum aveilim when one doesn’t know the niftar/family #2095532ParticipantParticipantthat’s socially off, not awkward.
ParticipantParticipantwhat shyachus schumer’s line to trump’s lines?
Shumer, to paraphrase, said “on your own head be it.”
Trump said “fight.”June 9, 2022 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm in reply to: nichum aveilim when one doesn’t know the niftar/family #2095182ParticipantParticipantthat’s easy, as then there’s no expectation to say anything. After Davening, “hamakom yinacheim” and leave.
there is comfort by being there. The question is the awkwardness. Because in most situations people don’t just check in, say hamakom yinacheim and leave. They’re supposed to sit there and say something, unless there are enough people doing the job for him.
June 8, 2022 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm in reply to: nichum aveilim when one doesn’t know the niftar/family #2094713ParticipantParticipantto each their own, i guess. i personally hated when ppl asked me such questions when I sat shiva. Luckily for me, I wasn’t shy to just disappear into a different room and nor remain captive in others’ hands. but at the menachems’ side of things i feel awkward. I’m not going to command someone to tell me anything. i do just keep it brief but it’s awkward, as if I’m supposed to be doing/saying something more, but am not.
“I’ll go sign up for some mishnayes…” thanks, that is good advice.
@anonomous jew ur sure your rav told you after shiva and not after shloshim? the torah [navi] tells it to us on the pasig of “vaacharisam keyom mar,” I think.ParticipantParticipantidk what difference it makes. Sephardic pronunciation. or modern ivrit.
IDK They barely spoke English. Just Mexican and some Hebrew. But they were acting very in towny.ParticipantParticipanttraffic lights are to blame. I always drive as fast as I could to beat the traffic, but there are always lights in the way which just adds my vehicle to the traffic. And often there are other vehicles stuck at the light in front of me.
ParticipantParticipant@coffee addict i recently met ppl from mexico and they were also in towny.
ParticipantParticipant@ujm agreed! 100%
so i should have said OOT personality in OOTers is lost.
ParticipantParticipantCommunism would work if not for corruption.
ParticipantParticipantOmg none of the posters realized op was satirical????
ParticipantParticipant“have you ever pursed professional help”
is that the verb for putting a business card in ur pocketbook?ParticipantParticipant“At least public attention throughout the world has turned away from fighting a virus. Instead the government is focusing its problem solving skills on Ukraine.”
To quote someone on the jokes thread, Putin cured Covid in one day.
March 26, 2022 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm in reply to: No Vax needed in NYC – if you’re a pro athlete! #2072522ParticipantParticipant@forshayer I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. I sure hope you’re not.
ParticipantParticipant“Rav Moshe Wolfson says that having payos behind the ears circumvents a kabalistic problem of mixing beard hair with payos hair,”
Interesting. I know of a certain big talmid chacham (litvish) who twists his peyos into his beard. someone told me it was al pi Kabbalah.