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  • in reply to: I Worked For The State… #2159631

    Acquaintance of mine dozed the whole time lawyers were talking. Plus he did some thing else that I can’t say. He was the first juror excused.

    in reply to: Let’s not get our hopes up #2155416

    zap slipped up on this thread and wrote something serious.

    in reply to: why is everyone arrested called a suspect? #2155402


    Really? Someone shoots someone and police nab him. Headlines say “Armed man arrested for killing 12-year-old girl”. They would be in danger of libel? There’s no indication of guilt in such a statement. Maybe it’s just a flat-out practice so they don’t slip up? [for example, accidentally writing “Armed man arrested for murder of 12-year old girl”, the word ‘murder’ already determining that a crime has been committed, (albeit not directly accusing the ‘suspect’)]

    It seems such a clumsy way of phrasing it. “Suspect arrested in killing of girl”, after surveillance videos clearly show it was him [directed @ujm. The individual’s identity can be known without the court’s conviction.] and the sole question is his guilt. It would make much more sense to write “Killer arrested,” and yes, we know that he faces a jury to determine his guilt.

    in reply to: Speakerless #2154585

    And….McCarthy won.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2152410

    the biggest piece of ugh.
    had to go and contaminate the republican party. (His win is a loss for the republicans, not a win. Attn dovrosenbaum.)
    hopefully “republican” will soon also be found to be a lie.

    in reply to: Trump Chia Pet #2149960

    What is a chia pet?

    in reply to: Does Hashem Want Us to Survive? #2142996

    um toshma.
    chasm sofer predated the avnei nezer.

    in reply to: who needs elections? #2141519

    Wow akuperma I’ve never heard anyone so passionate about anything before. but read what I wrote before responding. I wasn’t god forbid blaspheming democracy, just suggesting a more economic method.

    in reply to: senate majority leader #2139597

    correct answer is that there are “2 independents who caucus with the Democrats,” whatever that means exactly.

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2139595


    Another point lost on many is that the Republican party continues to diversify in terms of candidates, …While I do no endorse toeiva, Zeldin had a lesbian running mate and George Santos won his congressional seat on Long Island. We’re living in interesting times.”

    That’s certainly nothing to celebrate. “Interesting” is hardly the word. try “horrifying”.

    in reply to: 2024 predictions #2138864

    so far pretty much on target, just switch rino to an inexperienced populist . (not that desantis is that bad, just sad that gop goes from bad to mediocre.)

    in reply to: senate majority leader #2138856

    what with recent events (regarding a minority leader, no less), i reask the question.

    side question. how can dems have already reclaimed the majority, when acc. to google they’re only at 49?

    in reply to: Predictions: Democrat Rout 2022 #2138841

    its kind of weird. already with the overthrow of roe v wade the polls plummeted so how much was actually due to DJT?

    in reply to: Trump is a Clinton plant #2135989

    Sure enough, 2 days before election day, the headline announces his recandidacy.

    in reply to: Traffic Ticket “Gotcha” #2134437

    “In some upstate counties there have been two-cop teams – one will be in the squad car down the road and the other stands by the edge of the sidewalk and takes a step the moment a car passes by. He radios ahead that the car failed to yield and the car is ticketed. You’re just a cash cow.”

    It should follow that you could deny the first cop’s accusation, and it’s your word vs. his, in which case logically you should win. When it’s your word’s against a cop’s the cop’s special status earns him credibility, but here the first cop is not testifying in an official capacity, but as a regular pedestrian.

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2134436

    @Marxist : kuvult implied that he saw the girls’ dress.

    in reply to: Game Room In Yeshiva #2134433

    exercise room is a much better idea.

    in reply to: Phone Service #2134431

    What does North American Aerospace Defense Command have to do with this?

    in reply to: Sense of Humor #2134430

    I think you’re pretty much doomed if you’re lanky. A sense of humor is definitely more dominant among the stout.

    in reply to: Free ??? ?? ???? Sign #2134429

    BTW if someone forgets ותן טל ומטר and has to say it in shema koleinu, do they just say those 3 words? Or do they continue til haadamah? Or the end of the bracha?

    in reply to: Free ??? ?? ???? Sign #2134428

    I tried accessing the Google Doc but it said I didn’t have permission.

    in reply to: world Safety #2134427

    probably Antarctica.

    in reply to: 1 billion to tzedakah? #2134425

    how does the lottery economics work? The USA population is 331 million. So you need an average of everyone in the United States buying over one ticket in order to have reached the current jackpot. Not to mention the profit that the Powerball company (=the government, I think) has to make. And this is for one single lottery. How many jackpot winners are there over the course of a year? Many more.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2133236

    It is beyond absurd–quite very sad, actually–that yet another poster can’t comprehend what he reads.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2133148


    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2133146

    I reread my post several times and it is quite clear. Quite stunning and horrifying how utterly stupid these posters who can’t comprehend it is.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132885

    i regret wasting my time responding to you. I had assumed “commonsaychel” possessed seichel; sadly you have the common lack thereof.

    in reply to: IS THE TINTIN COMIC BOOK KOSHER? #2132796

    A major problem with Tintin is his attitude of risking his life to save the bad guys, refusing to kill a murderer even when other’s lives are in danger, etc. It’s a modern, terrible attitude which sadly has become popular among many authors, and made out to be noble.
    Harry Potter saved Pettigrew’s life because “his parents wouldn’t want [Sirius] to be a murderer.” How many innocent people–wizards and Mudbloods alike–were subsequently killed after Voldemort’s rise to power? [Arguably, Potter need not have anticipated Pettigrew’s escape, in which case sparing his life wasn’t AS terrible; however, Dumbledore’s approval at the end of the book is totally unwarranted.]
    And A Series of Unfortunate Events is so lousy–a word which here means “replete”–of this horrible mindset, a phrase which here means, “the lousy lousy messages in A Series of Unfortunate Events,” that I can’t even enumerate them, and instead must advise you to never open the book, and instead open a more cheerful book.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132785

    @commonsaychel your suggestion that since the election is not a Torah value, an attitude toward a potential candidate can’t be antithetical to Torah values is rather illogical. Would u say the same thing ifI said that whoever votes specifically for a candidate who is a murderer, as they like murderers, is antithetical to Torah values?

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132512

    “Sorry but being elected in a democracy is not a “torah value”, its a American value” What on earth are you talking about? Did i mention that getting elected is a torah value?

    “What if the candidate has a reduced mental capacity, such as Joe Biden’s senility, shouldn’t that be a legitimate issue?”
    Sure, reduced mental capacity, e.g. inability to read and/or comprehend, is certainly a legitimate issue.

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2127489

    k i understand. Would have been clearer had you said “Although bears are indeed omnivores, I find it funny….”

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126782

    @ca didn’t I write “–or emotion–“?

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126781

    I just googled “define bussing”.
    Definition 1 – “transport in a communal road vehicle.”

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126780

    @jackk I most certainly read your post. I’ll give a more detailed review, though it no doubt will land on deaf ears.

    “They tricked and lied to these people into coming to NY, Martha’s Vineyard, and Washington DC with promises of jobs, housing and food.”
    A) Does NYC, MV, and DC not have jobs, housing, and food? B)What’s the issue? That they lied or that they’re not providing them with jobs, housing, and food? If the answer is the latter, then read OP. If the answer is the former, yeah sure, lying’s bad. Shame on those sedomites.

    They sent them without proper medical care or food.
    …..Again, does NYC, MV, and DC, not have medical care and food?

    They dropped them off in the middle of nowhere without anybody knowing they were arriving.
    Oy vey. Terrible indeed. Shocking, actually. But Sedomites? Hmmmm.

    They paid at least 1/2 a millions dollars to send them by plane when they could have used the money to actually help these people instead of treating them worse then dogs.
    Finally, a valid complaint. That the Floridians should be raising, not Eric Adams. Side question: Has the airline industry really plummeted so low that only dogs are fit to ride planes now?

    The migrants are already in the immigration system and need to show up in courts in the US for their cases. They are now guaranteed to miss their court dates which is a strike against them.”
    Gee, you’re getting desperate.

    All this is of course just being totally thorough and meticulous and superfluous, because the complaints listed by the libs had nothing to do with this. Adams declared NYC at “breaking point.” Was that because the illegal immigrants were lied to? Or Because they arrived when no one anticipated it?

    Keep up the creativity.

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2126773

    so if u know what omnivore means, why did you imply an omnivore wouldn’t eat seeds?

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126350

    I wasn’t so clear what was funny. So i’ll explain:

    In a sense, what are they fuming about…..a whole list, nothing too terrible, just the one big complaint:
    “They are fuming because the 3 Wicked, Wicked Rulers of Sedom and Amora and Adma named Abbot, DeSantis and Cruz” …are the ones doing the dumping.

    in reply to: Stem or not? #2126349

    These are very intriguing questions. Thank you for starting me on this research trail. Here are my results:

    -Kiddush cup stem or not? Yes Why? It’s easier to hold. What was the original minhag? that way.

    -Esrog pitom or not? Yes Why? Otherwise it’s possul. What was the original esrog type that was used? teimani.

    -Pesach Keaara 2 matzahs or 3? 3

    -Megillas Esther foldable or Torah style scroll? Was a scroll ever used? Do some use a scroll?
    Don’t fold it.

    -Torah Ashkenaz scroll or Sephardi scroll? Why the difference and what was used originally?
    This one’s too hard for me.

    -Tzitzis white strings or techeles? both White stripes or black? no stripes. Techeles Beged? optional.

    -Chanuka oil or wax candles? Either

    -Matza machine made or hand made? handmade What is more kosher? depends which hechsher .What are we commemorating the Yetzias Mitzrayim or Korban Pesach? When?

    -Lulav closed or open? closed Koshalach or tied together? a holder. Whats the original minhag? to use gold rings. some say they were palm bedecked in gold.

    in reply to: Why did story of teacher disappear? #2126342

    this sounds exceedingly interesting. I want to google it but don’t have enough keywords from this topic. Is it about the transgender talia who applied as a woman?

    in reply to: JOKES #2125163

    “What’s this 4-year gap on your resume?”

    “I was in Yale for that time.”

    “Oh really? K, you’re hired.”

    “Thanks. I really need this yob.”

    in reply to: Trump is a Clinton plant #2125159

    @CA the chidish here wasn’t that he was a Clinton plant [that was discussed extensively in 2016, like you cited]–just that he’s back at it. Though I apologize for starting a new thread. Had I know, I’d hav e just responded to the old one. You’ve mentioned before that you have a thing about too many threads.

    if he’s not a plant that what’s all that orange moss on top?

    in reply to: Help with my literacy please #2125157

    Literacy in 3 easy steps, from the passive subject who told you you’re illiterate:

    1) If a words doesn’t strike your fancy, just change its definition, all by yourself. You have the right to do that, and no one can ever take that right away from you.

    2) If you can read, open a dictionary, and select 10 complicated sounding words. (IF you can’t read, ask someone to do it for you.) Make a few phrases using a few of those words, and say them with confidence and an intelligent air. If writing them, make sure to preface it with a #, and don’t use spaces.

    3) when all else fails, did you know that Trump is actually also quite illiterate? He had to cheat in Yale or Harvard or wherever he was.

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2122669

    You apparently don’t know what omnivore means.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122667

    “It’s not a surprise that England is far ahead of most of the world in refinement, and proper behavior.”

    Eh, what????

    “Their culture has malchus wired into it”
    Their culture eroded any meaning of the word Malchus. In other words, Britons associate a “monarch” with “long robes and crown”

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122668

    Why is the wife of a King called Queen, but the husband of a Queen is a prince?

    in reply to: JOKES #2122252

    Cost of milk so high these days, I’m considering buying a hybrid cow.

    in reply to: JOKES #2122251

    A guy goes to the cashier to pay for his newspaper.
    “Two dollars,” says the cashier.
    “Two dollars? It says in the corner one dollar.”
    Cashier: “Seriously? It’s 2022 and you still believe everything you see in the paper?”

    in reply to: JOKES #2122250

    Husband: Tea or coffee?
    Wife: I told you coffee three times already! Why don’t you listen when I talk?
    Husband: I’m listening, I’m listening. Lipton or Earl Gray?

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2122246

    Get a rat feeder, and maybe after a couple of days your neighbor will ask if both neighbors get rid of their respective feeder.

    in reply to: what’s up with the news trolls? #2120458

    “147 is an old timer. He is real and he is serious.”
    How sad.

    Then again, that’s coming from an old timer who I wonder if he’s either real or serious.

    in reply to: what’s up with the news trolls? #2120457

    @GH “NOT…”
    Another fabricated fact from you, or does this have legitimacy?

    “They’re in the same boat as GH and CA”
    Meaning? You’re trolls or you’re not?

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