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I’m assuming that your post was a [cowardly] response to me.
If so, you characteristically completely missed the boat.I’m making a completely reasonable declaration that in order to mandate a draft you have to A]risk the soldiers’ lives not one iota more than necessary. B]Be out to win the war. {I don’t remember if I actually discussed B} in my above post, but it’s still true.}
Failure to do that voids any right to make a draft.Now, the questions: SO, what’s gonna be? What should we do? Do you want to die?
Great questions. Excellent questions. Phenomenal questions. I’m not offering any answer.
But it remains true. In order to have the right to impose a draft, the government must meet the above two criteria.ParticipantParticipantLies or not, I think it’s a colossal mistake for Chareidim to object to the draft based on either shmad or bitul torah.
These reasons, at best, are not going to appeal to ochlei nleveilos utreifos.But the real reason to be anti the draft- for EVERYONE–is that the government, and the IDF, have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS ASKING–DEMANDING–PEOPLE TO RISK THEIR LIVES WHEN THEY COULDN’T GIVE A HALF A BLAST ABOUT IT.
They do their best to put the soldiers on the line to kiss up to their American enemies. To save Gazan terrorists. The people are SICK and have no business whatsoever drafting anyone.ParticipantParticipant“anti-Semitism has been preceived as un-American and always had to be done in the shadows with a non-racist cover story – if the “Progressives” win it will the first time in the almost 250 history of the republic that it is acceptable to be an open anti-Semite.”
Sorry, the wokes do have a cover story.
The dead babies in Syria. Oops, I meant Gaza.
And Israel’s illegal occupation.Last time we were promised such great news, it turned out to be a major disappointment. [the red wave].
January 2, 2024 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm in reply to: How Should Israel Thank the United States for American Military and Economic Aid #2250848ParticipantParticipantHard question to answer, except maybe what huju said. Bibi apparently thinks caving in to the pressure is the correct response. Hard to argue, if Israel is dependent on the USA.
What is clear is that Israel must become militarily dependent and work on making their own weapons. The weakness of the state is so blatant, which is what Arabs feed off.Avira, terrible idea. Currently Israel is a few years behind American depravity, why expedite it?
ParticipantParticipantChecking out now.
Check, please.ParticipantParticipantthanks. I’m checking in now…
Do I get paid weekly or monthly?ParticipantParticipantHere I am.
When do I start?October 18, 2023 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm in reply to: Israel and Palestinians trade blame for hospital explosion #2232742ParticipantParticipanthamas must be condemned, sanctioned, and punished for their heinous war crime. bombing a civilian hospital–their own civilians, at that.
— Nike and Coca Cola and Mickey Mouse
–Neptune InhabitantsOops, sorry. misquote.
ParticipantParticipantHopefully, and presumably, you meant “Dear Potential Mothers In Law.” Or “Dear Future Mother In Law”.
September 3, 2023 6:52 am at 6:52 am in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2222280ParticipantParticipant@avira where’s there 7-11 in Israel?
ParticipantParticipantwow, yeshiva guy, truly inspiring. tears in my eyes.
ParticipantParticipantDear nomesorah
“But once they were already ‘stolen’, then it no longer reflects the results of an election and it would not be a crime. But then the defense would have to prove that it was ‘stolen’ in the first place. ”
Why? Innocent until proven guilty. Onus is on prosecution.
ParticipantParticipant@sact5 what betrayal and sacrifice are you talking about?
ParticipantParticipant“Whatever you are smoking, I hope you are in a jurisdiction where it is legal.”
And why’s that? You have no problem smoking illegal substances.ParticipantParticipantGood thing you included a picture of a clock so we’ll all know what “time” means.
ParticipantParticipant“Jack and 2cents are correct.”
Hope you realize that Jack and 2scents are not saying the same thing. Jackk doesn’t give any dispensation for stealing back an election; 2scents forbids it only because the State already certified it. Which, from what I recall, is incorrect. I think Trump asked Brad to “find” the votes before it was certified. Again, I might be wrong.
Either way, if there is no way to overturn a stolen election, other than fighting it in court systems which all turn it down due to technical reasons, I got to sympathize with Trump here. Legal or not, I don’t know, but what else could rectify a wrong? I also don’t know what the big crime is in asking Brad to find votes–sounds legal. Whatever.ParticipantParticipantAs Tova pointed out, it’s terrible, as it teaches children to disobey school rules.
Besides that, the entire series culminates with the heroizing and whitewashing of a truly bad man, due to his incapability of getting over his ex-girlfriend. A sleaze bag and jerk, who punishes Gryffindorers but give Slytheriners a free pass, Snape was a DEATH EATER who never changed his hashkafos. Indeed, he continued calling Voldemort the Dark Lord. But he begrudgingly agreed to save Harry, and betray his beliefs, not because he caused the death of two people, but because one of those people (a married woman) was his love.
July 17, 2023 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm in reply to: YWN Coffee Room in 50 Years: A Trip up Memory Lane #2209070ParticipantParticipantDoes that title have something to do with me?
July 17, 2023 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm in reply to: YWN Coffee Room in 50 Years: A Trip up Memory Lane #2209071ParticipantParticipantThe Gigaltyic Interface of Space Aliens and UJM.
Started by: ZapJune 27, 2023 8:07 pm at 8:07 pm in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2203624ParticipantParticipantTrue, it’s much easier to vent and criticize, make demands on all the existing schools, and get Rechnitz to publicly decry the situation, but I would have thought all the girls crying themselves to sleep would motivate some hustling.
June 26, 2023 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2203295ParticipantParticipantI’m not being caustic in any way, just mere curiosity:
This topic has been discussed and rehashed for at least 10 yrs already. Why haven’t the parent body of the rejected girls form their own school/s?
Again, merely curious. I’m sure there’s a reason. I just want to know what it is.ParticipantParticipanti guess you’re referring to crowns on shaatnez getz. Why is haman’s “single” and yeraushalyim’s “solitary?”
ParticipantParticipant“Zetruth, if you’re worried about posting too much here/being kind of addicted, here’s what I did with my original account and what I’ll probably do with this one:
Type some random gibberish down and then copy it. Go to change your password, and paste that random gibberish as your new password. You will no longer know your own password and will be locked out of your account forever.”
I have an easier method: Go to change your password, and type some random gibberish as your new password. You will no longer know your own password and will be locked out of your account forever.
ParticipantParticipantBtw how does one go about perfecting their love?
ParticipantParticipantI thought you’re referring to religious right and left. But coffee addict & zetruth made this political.
ParticipantParticipantyes! You are most definitely missing something. A few things.
1. We feed akum mipnei darchei sholom,and this story is an amazing example of why this is important.
yes but this wasn’t agav aniyei yisrael.2. Pikuach nefesh?
He could have just announced that the bread was poisoned.3. Great question! No idea. Could be that this way every single jew would definitely be saved.
As would be through my suggestion.April 27, 2023 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184976ParticipantParticipantArticle II, Section I, Clause 8 of the Constitution requires the President to be sworn in. It does not say that his Presidency is contingent on the oath. Hence, Atchison became President despite not having taken the oath.
“In 1880, Atchison wrote in a letter, “I never for a moment acted as President of the U.S.””
Acting as President certainly is not required to be the President. With your argument, you can say that Biden is also not the President.ParticipantParticipantThe Longest Pesach: R’ Yechezkel Landau was walking one day, when he noticed a nochri boy sitting and crying. He inquired, and the boy replied that every day he sells a basket of his uncle, the baker, ‘s bread but today it fell and he can’t sell it and his uncle will beat him mercilessly. R’ Landau gave him the amount of money he needed.
Years later, one Pesach, the boy–now a man–knocks on his door, and informs him that his uncle is plotting to kill all the Jews in the city. After Pesach every year, they all come to buy bread from him. He would poison the bread this year. R’ Landau must foil the plot, but without the uncle discovering the nephew gave him away.
On Acharon Shel Pesach, R’ Landau made an announcement in shul that there was a mistake in the calendar and that it was really the 7th day of Pesach. That night, or next morning, when everyone was observing Acharon Shel Pesach, he contacted the chief of police, who fed the bread to a dog, and found it to be poisoned. The baker was arrested, and R’ Landau announced that the calendars were right after all.1. Why was he not oveir lo sichaneim?
2. What heter was there to extend Pesach and cause all those brachos levatalos?
3.Even if there is a heter, would it have been so hard to concoct a different story, maybe that all the flour in the country was found to be owned by a Jewish heretic (and came in contact with water), and hence no one may eat it?ParticipantParticipant“Rav Ovadia permitted saying a “mi sheberach” for a ‘םומגקג Druze soldier and a hashkava for the Druze police officer killed in the Har Nof massacre”
Which “Rav Ovadia?” R’ Yosef?
Which “har nof massacre”? The one in which R’ Twersky zt”l and three others were murdered? (I don’t know of any others, sure hope there weren’t.)R” Ovadia Yosef was niftar a year before the Har Nof massacre.
April 25, 2023 2:47 pm at 2:47 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2183969ParticipantParticipantI was wrong. My new research indicates that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is indeed, unfortunately, the 46th President of the United States, following
Quincy Adams
Van Buren
TrumpParticipantParticipant“A Longest Pesach” by Shmuel Kunda. Why was the Noda Beyehudah not oiver on lo sichaneim?
April 25, 2023 1:56 pm at 1:56 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183960ParticipantParticipant@huju explain.
For self defense purposes–citizen and law enforcement alike–why is a stun gun (aka Taser) not sufficient?
April 25, 2023 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm in reply to: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!! #2183959ParticipantParticipantYou didn’t address my first question.
April 16, 2023 2:00 pm at 2:00 pm in reply to: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!! #2181326ParticipantParticipant1. Why have your comments on other threads not been posted?
2. What are the winning numbers of the current powerball?ParticipantParticipant16
March 31, 2023 9:01 am at 9:01 am in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2179007ParticipantParticipant“Why would an ehrliche person reject Chazal…”
Indeed. An ehrliche person would not.@aaq always ask questions, but properly. Recall the difference between the hacham and the rasha.
ParticipantParticipantThere was nothing silly about my post; it’s a shame you’re too stupid to understand it.
March 29, 2023 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178526ParticipantParticipantthese mods are seriously beyond screwed up. They’ll censor anyone on a whim, but no problem with Sicko’s constant, endless, chronic, disgusting bashing of all things Jewish.
March 28, 2023 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2177927ParticipantParticipant“a federal office of gun violence prevention”
Thats actually comical.
We must prevent school shootings! Yeah, we must set up yet another government office to solve the crisis!ParticipantParticipantWhat in the world does that have to do with my post?
ParticipantParticipantWhat mi sheberach? The nusach is “avinu bashamayim tzur yisrael…”
ParticipantParticipantI’m astonished how woefully illiterate all these posters are. “Et tu” was said to Brutus, who was roman. Hence it cannot possibly, under any circumstances, be said to or about anyone who isn’t Roman.
ParticipantParticipant“Everyone has heard of Rav Noach Weinberg, Aish, and presumably his wife’s parallel work with baalos teshuvos.”
Not to mention Rebitzin Weinberg’s role in making Aish itself.
R’ Noach zt”l and Rebbetzin Weinberg zt”l were of the most influential gedolim of our times, and it is shocking that there has been no article about her.ParticipantParticipantomg i’m rolling. Thanks. what does sophistry mean?
ParticipantParticipantwhy would he imply something so patently false?
ParticipantParticipantSorry doesn’t cut it.
February 19, 2023 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167266ParticipantParticipantgee is he paid per word? I’m like at least a 1/3 of the way thru and all he’s saying in many, many paragraphs, is that resumes are a new innovation. Not a word so far about why resumes are so terrible.
BTW It happens to be that I found a Shidduch resume posted online 1870 years ago, but since then they seem to have fallen out of style. [I hope the point I’m making is clear enough. If it’s not, I’ll rephrase it as a question: How old is the internet?]
ParticipantParticipantWB Good to hear from you. I may be the only one who enjoys your threads, b
How much do I get to charge for providing you with rant material and basically saving your life?ParticipantParticipantThey need to bump their speed limits up—the highest it gets, on a freeway, is 110 kmh. An average city street is 40 kmh.
Some streets should certainly have such limits–the two-lane curvy roads with space for one car and maybe a pedestrian–but many streets could be higher.
And the ridiculous speed bumps every 3 meters, which breaks the wheels unless you’re driving half the speed limit…… -