Forum Replies Created
There’s a copy store on 13th Avenue I think that does it.
ParticipantParticipantAnyone who promotes anti semitism, be it through swatiskas or anything like that, even if they’re not doing anything dangerous, are promoting those feelings and desensitizing everyone to it, so I pasken they have a din of a rodeif.
February 6, 2019 12:32 pm at 12:32 pm in reply to: Is it healthy for yeshiva bochurim to learn from a New Vilna Shas? #1675092ParticipantParticipanthuh? Mods, did you change my last post? Why?
February 6, 2019 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: Is it healthy for yeshiva bochurim to learn from a New Vilna Shas? #1675081ParticipantParticipant@#1674884REPLY
Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname
Is your last name goldenpickanicer?ParticipantParticipantNevillechaimberlin:
a “direct quote” without being “deceiving”:
“What made you change your mind?”
I met more people in life.Wow. and people are still responding to you.
February 6, 2019 12:16 pm at 12:16 pm in reply to: Did you ever notice that sometimes the thread has nothing to do with the title? #1675078ParticipantParticipantwhy does the prez begin w/ “Madam speaker, mr. VP…..”
The VP is closer in line than speaker.
?February 5, 2019 12:54 pm at 12:54 pm in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674487ParticipantParticipantIt does need one. No one shojuld daven here until they put up a proper mechitza.
February 5, 2019 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm in reply to: Who else is getting sick of YWN telling us what to think #1674484ParticipantParticipanti think its good they tell us what to think, because someyimes you just have no idea why they have certain articles, so if they tell you why in advance, it’s helpful.
February 5, 2019 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm in reply to: Enough of the simultaneously existing multitudes of threads on the same subject! #1674480ParticipantParticipantenough with the poetry! Why can’t we talk in sentences instead of stanzas?
February 5, 2019 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm in reply to: the demise of a normal sleeping schedule⚰️🛌🗓️ #1674479ParticipantParticipantI normally get about 6 hrs. or so, basically going to sleep and waking up at the same time, but very often I get so extremely tired like suddenly in middle of the afternoon. Did that happen in the ’80s?
“Not true. I used to be a brainwashed, pro-flat-tax good Republican boy who was never rich, but believed that more money for the rich would lead to more hiring and higher salaries for everyone underneath. So, there’s a third group you forgot to mention: anyone who believes in the myth of trickle-down economics. I’ve since hacked up the cool-aid and would be fine with taxing the daylights out of them. Naturally, I still vote Republican; I’m just a bad Republican boy now.”You became an economist? What made you change your mind?
Isn’t anyone besides AviK concerned with what’s right, instead of what they want?
ParticipantParticipant@CTlawyer (old post)
“If he doesn’t like the Dems in control in the northeast move to the flyover zone. I ‘m sure he’ll find the red necks very tolerant of his ilk.”
Seriously? Someone who doesn’t like the Dems’ control may not ask questions? Their only option is to move?December 17, 2018 12:13 pm at 12:13 pm in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1646007ParticipantParticipantakuperma and NCB, did you not see rebbe yid’s post above???
Story: Satmar Cheder once had all students sign up for PS when the gov’t refused to pay for books, AND IT WORKED. Sorry, NCB.
To be honest, civil disobedience would probably also do the trick.
@kollelman, you might be right, but there’s no reason we have to bring in the constitution for this. IT’s (1) meddling, plain and simple, (2)taking our tax dollars and not giving us what we deserve. (3)There is absolutely no grounds for the gov’t to dictate how long you spend on the subject. Should every genius who can ace a math test without learning it suddenly have to sit through the subject, same as every other student????????December 17, 2018 12:13 pm at 12:13 pm in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1646009ParticipantParticipantMoreover, it’s time to demand first the $$$$$ that hiring the extra teachers cost (their salaries being not one penny less than what a PS teacher earns) and THEN changing the curriculum. Sorry, NCB, but I guarrantee you that would work. And demand all the $$$$$ they’re owed for the past few years of STEM.
No one, not even a lib, could argue “give us what you owe us before making demands.”ParticipantParticipantsend them a fruit basket.
Please don’t. We’re starting to get fruit flies.
December 16, 2018 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1645354ParticipantParticipant“There’s one!” Biz cried excitedly, pointing to the sand dune on the side of the road. “LEt’s get it!” He ran to the rattlesnake and grabbed it from behind.
The snake hissed and quickly reared his head, giving a sure and instant bite to Biz’s hand. Biz fell on the floor.
“Oh no!” cried Annie. “Oh no! Oh no!” She rushed to his side and (true to first aid procedures) slit his hand open using her nail clippers, the only sharp object she had on her.ParticipantParticipantHEllo, everyone, you’re looking at the analysis of Participant.
I’d like to divert everyone’s attention to the 2nd comment on this news article.
The reason I’m posting my comment here and not there is because I think @crazykanoiy speaks the thoughts of many, and my points are necessary to point out why he missed the boat.
1. (Side point) A judge, especially a conservative, is hopefully judging what the law is and not what’s good for the country. The end. So the whole article is a complete waste of words. Whether it harms the RINOs or not, the law is the law, and it’s his responsibility to pasken the law.
2. Crazykanoiy’s main point: Trump didn’t offer an alternate to Obamacare. HELLO??????? Obamacare is a dismal failure and repealing it is an accomplishment with or without a new plan. FTR, before Obama came around there wasn’t Obamacare.
I have spoken.ParticipantParticipant” Guys like Rubio, Graham and Christie who once were principled Republicans have sold their souls to avoid being on the wrong side of a Trump tweetstorm”
Graham is news to me.
Rubio I agree with you. The guy lost my vote and all self-respect.
Christie was always a jerk.ParticipantParticipantIf you want an example of a really bad poem
Which, in truth, doesn’t even rhyme
Look no Further than this post right here
You can tweet it to your friends.ParticipantParticipantWhat’s the best way to make coffee lemonade? With sugaR or without?
ParticipantParticipantMy shul has a talmud yerushalmi. Feel free to come learn there,
ParticipantParticipantTroll threads are supposed to be funny.
December 13, 2018 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1644282ParticipantParticipant*Don’t stop now
December 13, 2018 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1644281ParticipantParticipantYes,” said Marcus. “I started an intelligence business. People can buy intelligence for me for a modest fee. As to what was in the vat, I fear….” his voice trailed off into nothingness.
“Yes?” said Baruch. “This is just getting mysterious. Don’t start now.”
“I just hope I’m not jumping to conclusions,” Marcus murmured, pulling on his mustache. “I can’t be, can I?”December 13, 2018 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1644280ParticipantParticipantmods if I send you a fruitbasket will you change the title back to its glorious originality?
ParticipantParticipantso your question is only about unvaccinating your kids, but not yourself…that would imply you yourself are NOT VACCINATED. YET you chose to vaccinate your helpless defenseless kids . Aha! DAASYOCHID IS A MEMBER OF THE LEV TAHOR CULT !!!!!!!!
December 13, 2018 12:27 pm at 12:27 pm in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1644077ParticipantParticipantMarcus studied him thoughtfully. “Aha,” he finally said. “Aha.”
“What is it?” Baruch asked excitedly. He loved when Marcus got all quiet like that. It meant there was another genius thought in the making, and nothing excited Baruch more than plain old genius.
“Just a theory,” Marcus said. “Just a theory.”
“Well, I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I was walking past a beet plantation just last week and I saw something suspicious.”
“Dr. PAnner!” Baruch gasped.
“Don’t interrupt.” Marcus scolded him. “I was just about to say that. Dr. Panner was in between the rows of beets, holding what seemed to be a giant vat. I stood on tiptoes to try to look inside, and he saw me and started screaming at me to mind my own business. I don’t know how he knows I started a business.”
“You started a business?” Baruch said. “What do you do? And what do you think was in the vat?”
“December 13, 2018 12:27 pm at 12:27 pm in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1644070ParticipantParticipantoh m g modsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss………………………………………..that’s like someone with a white mustache. Like Trump tweeting “I have my disagreements with Rex, though I respect him verymuch.” Like a sports announcer going, “and it seems the ball went over the fence. There were 3 people on all the bases.” Like a white-mustached man saying “excuse me”
December 13, 2018 11:46 am at 11:46 am in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨🔬💉🚫 #1644081ParticipantParticipantwhy do you have to listen to CDC?
ParticipantParticipantand republicans include david duke and the pittsburgh shooter. Time to vote for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Participant 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1December 13, 2018 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: can someone explain to me the criminal justice proposal? #1644057ParticipantParticipantso tough Trump basically is going deblasio style?!?!
December 13, 2018 10:26 am at 10:26 am in reply to: I had a topic I wanted to post here but I forgot what #1643973ParticipantParticipantI STILL CAN’T REMEMBER!! 🙁
ParticipantParticipantAgreed with RebYidd23! SCHOOLS ARE DANGEROUS! THATS WHAT KIDS HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR MANY YEARS ANMD ITS FINALLY BEEN PROVEN BY REBYIDD@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantParticipantBreaking: UNRWA condemns Palestinians for the murder of a baby in the shooting attack near Yishuv Ofra.
I missed that article. Can anyone post a link to it???????
December 13, 2018 10:25 am at 10:25 am in reply to: What’s the best way to drink the morning coffee? #1643961ParticipantParticipantEspresso.
ParticipantParticipantgreat news!!! some more points!!!!!
comments on news articles are always the same: rt/amil zola/godolhadorah/crazykanoi: Trump/Drumpf/Trumpkoff is terrible (rt: “degenerate lying adulterer”) Mayer Freund: “Trump take your pick: 1. Fake news 2. Blame Obama.”
Coffeeaddict, not getting involved, moshe in golus: Trump is great.
Akuperma: 1. Dems will lose by impeaching trump 2. Hush money isn’t an impeachable offenceCNN poll announces Trump is the most popular president in modern times. Early Purim this year!!!
Bernie Sanders/Astoria Cortezwould be an awesome ticket. Problem is they might win!
ParticipantParticipant1. Yes I can verify it’s true.
2. You’re mixing it up with a coke or pepsi ad–one of them had a short guy walk over to a machine, buy 2 cans of the opposite company, step on them and buy their company,
P.S. Did you really think your version was correct??!!December 9, 2018 8:21 am at 8:21 am in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1639690ParticipantParticipantDBT insistes on making this a fantasy….
“OH no!” Annie shouted, clutching her heart. “Oh my…Those poor Japanese!”
“Well if this is 1941 we can be prejudiced,” Biz noticed. “Who cares about the Japanese anyway?”
Thing is, Biz was actually running for mayor of his village, and it was actually all a setup. One of the incumbent’a gangsters had played with the radio and made them beieve it was 1941 when really it was still this year, and he had bugged the car well with video cameras and now had a full-fledged devastating report. Biz was officially a gullible fool AND a racist, so both Republicans AND Dems had to hate him now.December 9, 2018 8:18 am at 8:18 am in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1639693ParticipantParticipantOh what a shame…I just wrote a brilliant piece, only to see I’ve been preponed by OP.
December 9, 2018 8:11 am at 8:11 am in reply to: Chabad menorah’s vandalised, antisemitism & Golus #1639673ParticipantParticipantlike big dif between yarmulkes and monarahs in town squares….one is doing mitzvos publicly, the other is making your mitzvah public.
December 9, 2018 8:11 am at 8:11 am in reply to: How should we as Jews mourn the loss of former president George h.w. bush? #1639672ParticipantParticipantWilliam Harrison was arguably the best pres ever!!!!! Also Chester Arthur had a cool mustache.
December 6, 2018 10:00 am at 10:00 am in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1638441ParticipantParticipantoh deer. how klutzy of me. I misread @coffeeaddict’s last sentence. But my post could still work with just a minor tweak. Baruch overhears the waiter asking someone…till beets!”
December 6, 2018 7:41 am at 7:41 am in reply to: How should we as Jews mourn the loss of former president George h.w. bush? #1638401ParticipantParticipantHow did President Bush change our country?
ParticipantParticipantwould you rather sour cream or applesauce on your latkes?
December 6, 2018 7:41 am at 7:41 am in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1638399ParticipantParticipantMuch to his surprise, his waiter turns out to be none other than…his doctor!
“Hello, I will be serving you tonight,” Dr. Panner said. “May I recommend the fried beet salad and maybe a good moscato to go along with it?”
Baruch stuck his hand out. “Tell me, is my hand broken?”
Dr. Panner gasped. “I can’t believe you discovered my true identity!” he exclaimed. “You probably also realize that the beet salad isn’t really made from beets!”December 6, 2018 7:38 am at 7:38 am in reply to: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong. #1638398ParticipantParticipantIt’s very easy to prove you wrong. Put applesauce on a latke and eat just the oil that comes out of the latke and gets mixed with the applesauce, and do the same with sour cream. You’ll see trhat the sourcream latkes maintain the latke taste better than applesauce. Obviously, applesauce is more of a cover up than sour cream.
November 29, 2018 11:17 am at 11:17 am in reply to: In a general sense, rate broad categories of devices based on performance. #1633041ParticipantParticipant@ kovod habrios, how did you pick that name? Why not something like “insensitive, stupid clout” or”dumbbell” or “extremely stupid”?
ParticipantParticipantThe blue siddur with unclear words.
ParticipantParticipantI don’t remember feeling that way back in the day. Nowadays……………………………
Anyway jews never have freedom. -