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people would just be careful. @besalell no. people would just be careful
not to end up being in a position where they might not have any choice to avoid being discovered w corona. 10000’s a lot of money. if it’s not enough we can up it.ParticipantParticipantotoh: the man who saved USA from Hillary (then made us consider just how terrible she really is).
ParticipantParticipanta successful (lucky) baby who should have stayed far far away from his current job.
ParticipantParticipantParticipantParticipantthanks orechdin. how can they sue? even if he would legally be able to vote trump in, he isn’t obligated to.
ParticipantParticipantthanx mods
ubiq I was simply pointing out the absurdity of lumping all Jews in 1 category which is what op said he has experienced. I’m not talking about whether or not it’s a chillul hashem.
can someone please summarize the story6 for the sheltered?
ParticipantParticipantearly voting lasts until 5 pm?
December 28, 2020 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm in reply to: The shidduch process; chassidish & litvish , its working & yet #1932806ParticipantParticipantthanks
2 more questions
why is low self esteem so terrible?
is my sociological explanation 4 shiduchim probable?ParticipantParticipant9 posts and I still don’t know what he’s being sued for. jack can you explain?
ParticipantParticipanta few years ago all Jews were anti vaxxers and thereby spreading measles. now this same religion is stealing vaccines?
December 27, 2020 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm in reply to: The shidduch process; chassidish & litvish , its working & yet #1932394ParticipantParticipantis what I said correct?
December 23, 2020 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm in reply to: The shidduch process; chassidish & litvish , its working & yet #1931398ParticipantParticipantI heard from someone chashuv that one of the biggest problems our times have is low self esteem. when I heard it I didn’t understand it at all –I still don’t. maybe someone can explain it– but slowly its sinking into me. and I think it explains6 a trend I’ve noticed for a while now. maybe I’m imagining it or maybe I’m just clueless in psychology (I am) but this is what I’ve noticed.
growing up not so long ago (I’m almost 21) the ‘old men’ -50s 60s, higher, all had a certain feeling of accomplishment to them. it didn’t matter workers learners rabbis right wing or left. they all portrayed a sense of wholesomeness of confidence of satisfaction etc. and2 most of all people who had no doubt or qualms as to their role in life. it’s something I’m not noticing in young people.
again maybe I’m wrong. could be I’m older now, could be I’m judging people at a younger age or any other reasons , but I think I’m right anyway. and it’s at the root of all lack of middos all doing what people expect of me, etc.
addendum: I tink its also at the root of why the younger generation is less likely to have a makom kavua to Daven . I can’t explain what I think the correlation is. its just a feeling I have.
ParticipantParticipantsounds good …. only radio comedy I’ve heard is savage.
ParticipantParticipanttfs. I’m planning on crowning myself king. America will be a monarchy.
ParticipantParticipantomg u briq thanx 4 admitting you’re dumb. you even make trump look like a genius. for the last time I’ll try to explain it. hopefully I’m talented enough to dumb it down to your idiotic level.
to start, let’s make sure you have the background. trump lost the 2020 election, however he has claimed there was fraud in the election and therefore the results should be changed. that is why some consider or considered the election results unfinalized. it’s on that note that op said the fat lady has sung. in 2016, 2012, and 2008 nobody started a thread when the electoral college voted that the fat lady sung. since the electoral college is assumed to vote for whoever won, the matter is considered finalized even before the electoral college votes. the loser has always conceded before the electoral college voted.
the reason op started such a thread is because of the people who did not consider the election finalized. because they were still hoping fraud would be proven. thus after the electoral college voted op decided the matter was closed to all discussion and said she sung. because he considered all fraud hopes to be shattered finally, with the electoral colleges which I, a lone voice of sanity, pointed out was false and dumb. if trump proves fraud it still ain’t over. the only thing
that may have been finalized was electors faithfulness, which I said -unless people were pinning their hopes on the Clintons voting 4 trump. it was stating the obvious– no one was dreaming that would happen. and none of the other electors, either. since no one sane was expecting that-all the talk had been about fraud-nothing was lets respond to your latest garbage. all quotes are imprecise.
-‘there was no fraud. period. ‘ so with your knowledge (or faith) that there was no fraud, the fat lady sung I long time ago. ever since all results were in. not as of the electoral college’s voting. unless, of course you were dumb enough to wonder if there would be faithfulness.
‘trump claimed there would be fraud. there were various deadlines for him to present it…some said until the electoral college voted’.
I’m well aware. their names are McConnell, Putin, and op. and others. and its this arbitrary deadline exactly that I said is dumb. and I still say so.‘some may never accept trump’s loss’
not sure how this comes in .‘so thank of for stating something every 7th grader knows-the electoral college votes the prez in.’ thank me for taking the time & considerable effort to dumb it down to u. then quickly run to the nearest brain surgeon and beg him for help.
ParticipantParticipant@huju ‘your history & arithmetic needs work’
why both?
December 21, 2020 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm in reply to: President Donald J. Trump: A Modern Day Alexander the Great #1930689ParticipantParticipantugh.
trolling’s great but to such an UGH
ParticipantParticipantomg ubiq are you purposely stopping midway my posts or are you really severely dumb? I mentioned faithless voters in 2 separate posts. and nixed it . 1regarding courts directing states or discounting votes that was all depending trump could prove fraud. otherwise there was never such a hope. and if he does prove fraud, it ain’t yet over. congress will discredit Biden’s win instead of the courts directions.
ParticipantParticipantomg ubiq I commented on the op’s fallacy that ‘the fat lady sung’ . I said nothing changed (unless someone was pinning their hopes on electoral college voting 4 don) . you disagreed, said something did Change (obviously with the intention of upholding op’s claim that fat lady sung). in short u are clinging to that fallacy .
if u can honestly tell me you just didn’t like that I said ‘nothing6changed’ when legally something changed6, or procession-wise something changed then get over it . I used ‘nothing changed’ to mean ‘nothing final changed’ or even got closer to the finalization. which it didn’t . so stop it.
ParticipantParticipantI have such a hard time making heads or tails 5of u, ubiq. 1
yes you mentioned, very briefly, that congress has to count it yet you cling to this fallacy that the electoral college finalized it’s . so you’re flabbergasting. I stand with my comment that nothing changed.
next do I have to8explain 2 u the dif btwn mentioning 6and asking? go read your post that’s still there. you didn’t ask anything.
oh yeah, sorry for offending Mitch.
ParticipantParticipantubiq it still has to be counted and ratified by congress. if there’s proven fraud, they won’t .
you make it sound like u asked me about Mitch before…answer: yes it was dumb of him and Putin and op and others.
ParticipantParticipantit’s not nice to use emoticons, ‘cuz op can’t.
ParticipantParticipantit’s so not nice6 for you to insinuate my thread may have been too stupid. besides, it’s dumb. I haven’t posted a single stupid thing in all my tenure here.
mods don’t decide based on intelligence or clickbait. it’s based on merit, something my thread certainly had.
ParticipantParticipantccoffeeaddict what gives? you mind if the cr is too long?
ParticipantParticipantgreat everyone’s in a better mood already.
pompeo is pompous
warren is part Indian
ParticipantParticipantubiq you’re a cool one just don’t cut my paragraph in half in order to preach to me.
ParticipantParticipanthow do you know there was fraud?
ParticipantParticipantphew. I was beginning to think I was banned from ywn.
ParticipantParticipantpretty dumb that everyone’s acting like the electoral college voting changed anything. if trump proves fraud it won’t matter what the college voted. if he doesn’t prove fraud, so then what changed? was anyone phoning their hopes on the Clintons8 to vote 4 trump and now conclude they didn’t?
@Damoshe haley’s a republican…there are lots others. more conservative actually. oh. but she’s a woman.ParticipantParticipantI’m pretty loveable in person.
ParticipantParticipantwhat an original question.
can’t be because girls want to marry talmidei chachamim, could it it? nah, it’s gotta be 2because of ‘the system’.I’m not downgrading you or anyone else5who could do both, who still love learning. but when someone who doesn’t know you, particularly girls who know about learning only from high school and don’t realize there’s a middle ground, it’s logical to assume the full time learner is the bigger talmid chacham. and on a whole, it’s probably true too. I’m not saying it has to be so, also I’m not saying parmassa isn’t acceptable/commendable . just saying where they’re coming from.
learning more because of corona? full time learners learning less? taking your word as is, maybe it’s because easier for a 30 mph car to speed up and a 60 mph to 8slow? comprehendo?
now on to bashers of the whole ‘system’: why the stigma against illness? what type? something serious? is the answer not self explanatory? and mental illness? are you crazy? fat girls? sad as it may be , this isn’t a fault of the ‘system’. hippa laws were not written by the chafetz chayim.
August 19, 2020 5:40 pm at 5:40 pm in reply to: it’s dumb to blame trump for not doing anything about covid19 #1893956ParticipantParticipantdear nomesorah
Charlie’s response was to 1’s thread “the damage of a Biden/Harris ticket”
August 17, 2020 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm in reply to: it’s dumb to blame trump for not doing anything about covid19 #1893067ParticipantParticipant“I misunderstood the op” you’re not the 1st one, online or irl, to “misunderstond” me. it’s a typical symptom of not listening, or not reading my post. I offer therapy for the condition. feel free to reach out to me.
“epidemics have started wars…if this isn’t a call for leadership, then what is?” possibly the most insane thing I’ve read in a very long time, and trust me, I’ve seen a lot. which is more likely to lead to a war? everyone trapped at home, no economy, or 160000 dead people? now read what I wrote b4 spewing how my priorities are misplaced, and lives are more important than money.
August 17, 2020 9:03 am at 9:03 am in reply to: it’s dumb to blame trump for not doing anything about covid19 #1892823ParticipantParticipantwhatever. too many posts to read. fact is, my opinion is, you discuss viruses with your Dr, not the potus . people who have to go out could have worn a mask–which would have been done if trump ordered a shutdown, anyway. or do you mean he should have given financial aid? he did. twice. and wanted to a third time.
August 16, 2020 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm in reply to: it’s dumb to blame trump for not doing anything about covid19 #1892658ParticipantParticipantwhat does trumps quotes have to do with my opinion that he didn’t have to do anything? ctlawyer where does that indicate that the prez is there to tell you to bundle up if it’s cold outside? the prez is required to make laws to protect you from other’s actions, not your own. why is no one blasting the 160000 victims for not staying home or wearing a mask? where’s their responsibility? it’s0 only trump who has to have the great brain for that?
ParticipantParticipantI don’t want dems to win either, but do your honestly think trump is good? he had 2 highlights in his presidency-moving the embassy to Jerusalem and anything rubashkins sentence. other than those he’s a colossal failure.
ParticipantParticipantto all those telling me ‘was ywn wrong…thousands of people died’ all I asked was why they changed their policy. thanks to all good answerers, though I still think there’s hypocrisy on ywn’s part.
ParticipantParticipantQuality of a Prez should be measure by their effect on the country not their personal conduct unless maybe if the personal conduct molds the country’s.
ParticipantParticipant“I attended a Dem State Central committee meeting yesterday and there is an agreement among the members to not participate in any campaigning for primary candidates based on digging up dirt from the distant past, ”
About time.ParticipantParticipant@ctlawyer “Starting with an income tax plan made to punish us. ”
That’s news to me. I thought his tax plan was just rearranging how to pay. Lower taxes, no exemptions. How does that get Dems?ParticipantParticipantyou missed out on huju, CTlawyer and yaakov doe,
milhouse on your side
ParticipantParticipant@Akuperma, So whoever achieves their agenda is a good prez?
FDR started Homeless America and didn’t allow the MS Saint Louis in.
@Yserbius2 You seem very offended. I’ll gladly add Grant to the list. Please be mochel me.May 12, 2019 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm in reply to: Why is Kiruv Rechokim becoming much more challenging? #1725745ParticipantParticipant2 reasons
-$$$$ParticipantParticipantPS Did you read Mueller’s report?
Look at
3rd comment (M)ParticipantParticipant@Joseph: Very minor redactions? You call everything minus four lines “minor”? If it’s “required by law” why doesn’t he or Trump say so instead of resorting to “Witch hunt” excuses? What reason does Trump give for opposing Mueller’s testimony?
I’m getting more and more confused. I thought they handed over an unredacted version of the Report, yet Barr is being held in contempt for not giving it over.
Secondly, what do Dems hope to gain by Mueller’s testimony, and what reason does Trump give for being opposed to it?Anyone?
I’m getting more and more confused. I thought they handed over an unredacted version of the Report, yet Barr is being held in contempt for not giving it over.
Secondly, what do Dems hope to gain by Mueller’s testimony, and what reason does Trump give for being opposed to it?Anyone?
ParticipantParticipantI’m getting more and more confused. I thought they handed over an unredacted version of the Report, yet Barr is being held in contempt for not giving it over.
Secondly, what do Dems hope to gain by Mueller’s testimony, and what reason does Trump give for being opposed to it?ParticipantParticipantIt’s just mind boggling what sore losers these guys are. For TWO YEARS they investigates Trump and couldn’t prove anything. Instead of humbling just a little bit, they’re after Barr and Trump’s IRS papers and Trump Trump Trump Trump. It looks like they’re shooting themselves in the leg without impeaching him.
April 22, 2019 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1718398ParticipantParticipantHey I was michavein to Alan Dershowitz.