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Hi Mate!
Splendid to meet a British bloke.
In USA we speak English properly.
I’d be glad to teach you, honestly.
‘Bye, then!February 20, 2025 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2366950ParticipantParticipantTrump is a dictator but it’s only possible through the spineless Republicans. Why is there NO ONE willing to oppose him?
One ridiculous nominee after another.Let’s hope they don’t back his Ukraine coercion.
But I’m not holding my breath.January 20, 2025 4:58 pm at 4:58 pm in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2354439ParticipantParticipantAdditionally, something I haven’t yet discussed: It seems obvious to me that being as how Israel is not treating it as a מלחמת מצוה, all arguments in support of a draft by the Israeli government have to be reanalyzed, treating this war not as a מלחמת מצוה, but as a war.
January 20, 2025 4:58 pm at 4:58 pm in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2354438ParticipantParticipant@NCBLM
I don’t know if it’s a מלחמת מצוה or not. I do know that many have called this war a מלחמת מצוה. And I say that I better not hear that anymore. Because this surrender move show beyond all doubt that this war is not being treated as a מלחמת מצוה.
So next time some MK calls it a מלחמת מצוה, or any of the Zionists on this forum who have also called it a מלחמת מצוה continue to do so*, my threat remains.
*Unless they at least admit that, though it is a מלחמת מצוה, the צבא הגנה לישמעלים isn’t treating it as such. That’s acceptable, too, and hence my 2nd question to coffee addict.
ParticipantParticipantThe three goals of this war were:
“Eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza will never again go back to being a threat to the State of Israel.”
0/3.(To be completely accurate, they did return 4 of the hostages via war. So that gives them just over half a percent in their stated goals.)
I don’t doubt that fatso twisted BN’s arm til he capitulated. But it’s capitulation. No other word for it.
January 19, 2025 8:22 am at 8:22 am in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2353630ParticipantParticipant@NCBLM
I don’t know if was a מלחמת מצוה or not [due to ignorance. Although I did attempt to study the topic, and leaned toward saying that it was a מלחמת מצוה, there are too many unknowns and lack of information to get clarity. Not that my opinion changes anything, anyway, continue reading.] I also think it was [=could have been] a “justified war”.
But I’m asking לשיטתם that it’s certainly a מלחמת מצוה, it’s the “most justified war Israel has ever fought.”
Their actions speak far louder than their memes.ParticipantParticipant@AAQ, completely unreasonable, as usual.
Why is there a mandate to have a “deal”? What does “deal” mean? Surrendering the fight that hundreds of soldiers gave their lives for? Releasing murderers, rebuilding Hamas [kri Gaza ksiv], relinquishing controls of “some” of the Philadelphi corridor? Legitimizing Hamas, catering to their whims, and making some fat idiot happy?Then you have the insanity to say you “trust Bibi’s government….” Why in heaven;s name would you trust those arrogant idiots with anything?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps you can trust them to do whatever gives the most photo ops but nothing more.
“….to reach the best deal they can…..” Again with this deal. Who said there must be a deal?And your last sentence is so typical of the jerks of your ilk. Spout stupidity and spin a clever-sounding meme to sound like you’re making sense, insulting logic and all of humankind.
January 16, 2025 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2353432ParticipantParticipant@mbachur I don’t know if you’re serious or goading, so please answer these questions:
1) Why was this war a milchemes mitzvah?
2) Do you support the surrender deal?ParticipantParticipantYou got your wish.
Israel capitulated to Hezbollah, and now to Hamas as well. [The latter, a fact that the true Oheiv Yisrael God’s Chosen gift for His people and all of America, the toughest toughie who has a sky high IQ and understands foreign policy better than anyone else, is taking pride in.]
December 19, 2024 9:56 am at 9:56 am in reply to: YWN Chutzpah! Ignoring Levaya of HaRav Asher Deutch #2342867ParticipantParticipantHow does “trending” stories work? Does YWN decide what goes there, or there’s an algorithm that really calculates what’s trending?
ParticipantParticipantvery legitimate question.
ParticipantParticipantCH”Ch walking out when speaker besmirched R’ Kook doesn’t prove he held of R’ Kook. It just proves he didn’t hold of loshon hara.
How damaged is your soul that you have to contrive stupidities to protect your lies?The Tal Law exempts full-time Yeshiva students from military draft. The law does not differentiate between the various labels of Judaism, nor their shirt colors.
So there you have it. Yeshiva students do not fight in the IDF because they are full-time yeshiva students.
Why do Hesder yeshiva boys fight in the army?
Because they [or their yeshivos] CHOOSE not to accept the exemption. Were they to attempt, based on the Tal law, to not fight they would [have] succeeded.ParticipantParticipant“and your neighbor (who you are protecting), doesn’t need to because of the color of his shirt and the material of his kippah.”
I just hate, fiercely and passionately, these misrepresentations of facts, i.e. lies. The color of the shirt has NOTHING, nor does charedism, for that matter. (although both parties use that term), to do with their non-conscription. Lies are worse than the ignorance spewed by 95% of the “chareidim” or “yeshiva bochurim” who churn out prepared sound-bytes explaining the situation.
ParticipantParticipant(correction to my previous post, 2332686: I, ironically, wrote pekak instead of lakewoodbt.)
November 17, 2024 10:13 am at 10:13 am in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332686ParticipantParticipantHuh squareroot? What’s pekak done to you
I thought only my comments get so nefariously construed [or completely rewritten].November 13, 2024 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332601ParticipantParticipantActually not.
Aveiros are forbidden regardless of the consequence.November 13, 2024 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332600ParticipantParticipantWhen hell freezes over i’ll have a cheeseburger.
ParticipantParticipant& comparing it to swine flu??
Please.ParticipantParticipantTruly surpised at NCB/Chaim87 exchange. I distinctly remember many people’s beef with trump was his being anti-lockdown. I could dig up some of the old coffee room conversations about it if I have to, but he was the one who insisted everything open up, earlier than anyone else wanted.
November 12, 2024 11:50 am at 11:50 am in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2331900ParticipantParticipant1) Why “the Israeli Army and the chayalim” either write “soldiers” or “Tzeva HaYisraeli”.
2) Really stupid question. I supported Ted Cruz. Was it hypocritical that I didn’t give him my living room couch?ParticipantParticipantHey, I was wrong.
I think I’m happy about that.
ParticipantParticipantI’m not following the whole thread here; just had to comment on Always Act Qrazy’s latest stupidity. This is at least the third time on this forum he shared that revolutionary anecdote that a mainstream Rav’s Rebbitzen assisted him with finding the right word. This, he totes always as some sort of overblown proof of something more ridiculous each time. This time, that this Rebbitzen “lead”.
October 7, 2024 10:47 am at 10:47 am in reply to: What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year? #2321870ParticipantParticipantHi mods
you probably didn’t read “habbaytzimhagedolim”;s username correctly. Please edit it.
Please don’t post this.
ThanksOctober 1, 2024 11:04 am at 11:04 am in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2320428ParticipantParticipant@Bitter
“Obviously every בר בי רב לחד יומא understands that there’s a חיוב גמור על פי דין for every able-bodied Jew to fight in today’s war, … But it’s funny when people like the original poster sit back in their armchair with their leg on their knee asking what the “chareidim” should be doing. You’re just as מחוייב as they are. Even if you live in America. So stop being a hypocrite and asking how other people can be more meticulous in halachah and go join the army yourself. …Are you currently enlisted in the IDF? If not, keep quiet. ”
Huh? Are you in the IDF? And if you’re excused (maybe you’re over 60) then why can’t the OP be as well?
“The “chareidim” are obviously remiss in their halachic obligation, but they are at least contributing to some extent by learning Torah and becoming תלמידי חכמים ”
Huh? I thought everyone except for you, specifically and particularly the “chareidim” in “yeshivos” are all complete ignoramuses.October 1, 2024 11:04 am at 11:04 am in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2320427ParticipantParticipantLots and lots of comments but AFAIC the OP answers the question himself.
“My daughter …called up to reserve duty when she was finished with her service, in order to guard and feed the Nakba terrorists in jail, because they have a shortage of soldiers.”Hello?
The obvious conclusion should be “SCREW YOU.” There’s any half-logical argument to drafting harmless, innocent fellows simply MTOB to feed some terrorists????????????????ParticipantParticipant@computer
“Every terrorist already knows that they could be killed by Israel. It hasn’t stopped any of them till now. and these pagers exploding won’t stopping them in the future either.”Arabs don’t fear death. They do, however, HATE the idea of compromised living. I can assure you that the Hezbollah International Co. has no support group for the handicapped, couldn’t care less if they’re neglected, and the disdain they have for the handicapped makes this forum’s disdain for the elderly pale in comparison.
ParticipantParticipantMath check.
“But in 10 or 15 years from now, no one will care about the MLB, only the NFL.
Ever since the George Floyd riots, which will happen in 12 years from now”
ParticipantParticipantHello, Rabbi Shazsheri. Did a yeshiva bochur bully you when you were a kid?
September 9, 2024 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm in reply to: Stupid Question, but would Appreciate any Smart Answers. #2313284ParticipantParticipanttoonaphish asks why s/he should daven for hostages not to be killed, and everyone answers “because there’s a chiyuv to save them.”
Do you mean that there’s an obligation to save them through davening for them? Otherwise, you didn’t answer the question,.
September 3, 2024 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2311333ParticipantParticipantEverything.
your historic and sociologic bio. your struggles and challenges. your worldview and if it ever changed.
Where and who you are today.September 2, 2024 7:20 pm at 7:20 pm in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2311046ParticipantParticipant@kuvult what’s your life story?
September 1, 2024 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2310703ParticipantParticipant“Was it worth for Netanyahu to have not agreed to a cease fire”
Not sure what universe you live on, but Netanyahu never “didn’t agree to a cease fire [sic]”. There never was a cease fire [sic] deal brokered.
the one(s) responsible for the most deaths, especially Jewish deaths, was neither Trump, nor Fauci, nor Biden. Hands down, it was HaRasha HaMerusha Andrew Cuomo ymshv”z. [I think De Blasio as well, but I can’t remember.]
And they were labeled “Covid deaths” for fun.ParticipantParticipantWhat is YI?
shabbos 107b directly rejects your explanation.ParticipantParticipant@Dr.
The term “normally don’t see eye to eye” is very mild, fitting when you’re talking about your colleague or neighbor, not reshaim who use every opportunity they have to vilify all things sacred. תכלית שנאה שנאתים.I am indeed unfamiliar with JP’s case, but either way it seemed you’re saying he deserved his sentence due to additional crimes, not the crime(s) that he was actually sentence for. Sorry if I misunderstood.
ParticipantParticipantAnd we all know exactly whose fault it is…..the Haredim.
ParticipantParticipant🏳️ביחד הפסדנו🏳️
you “don’t see eye to eye with sicko”? do you also not “see eye to eye” with sinwar?
I don’t know what Pollard did or didn’t do but don’t bring up possible crimes that never went to trial.ParticipantParticipantOkay time to put my wallet where my mouth is.
I’m putting down 100 figurative dollars on my prediction.
Any takers?ParticipantParticipantlol, lostspark! Agreed!
Pardon my ignorance, can someone take a minute or two and educate me in as few words as possible what Trump;s crime was?
I’m getting mixed messages from my news tabloids and Coffee room.
Thanks!May 27, 2024 10:02 am at 10:02 am in reply to: Do you honestly believe that Moshiach WILL be here within 12 months #2286014ParticipantParticipantJust clarifying, my “in all seriousness” preface wasn’t to imply that the 1st sentence wasn’t serious.
Just that I was afraid the question would sound sarcastic.May 27, 2024 10:02 am at 10:02 am in reply to: Do you honestly believe that Moshiach WILL be here within 12 months #2286011ParticipantParticipant@sact5
that is truly a sad all seriousness, can we connect you with some IRL orthodox jews?
ParticipantParticipant“The mission of the Jews is clearly spelled out in the Torah – to be a kingdom of priests and holy nation IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL.”
I love how you add your own clause in the translation, emphasized with caps.
Also begs the question why you didn’t choose a pasuk like וירשתם אוחה וישבתם בה.ParticipantParticipantif it was just the one incident, I agree Israel should not retaliate.
However, iran should have been, and probably should be, a target after Israel wipes out Hamas (HAHAHAHAHA), and Hizbollah [even funnier]. Then, to wrap things up, they should have given a few warning strikes on iran, especially their nuclear plants.
of course, israel long lost the chance to appear strong.April 15, 2024 3:22 am at 3:22 am in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2277340ParticipantParticipantthe last post here currently is from before an event that changed everything.
7 hours ago Trump supporters were chanting “genocide Joe” and he said “they’re not wrong.”
Trumpies can spin that however they want, and I look forward to all the creativity to come.But personally it convinced me beyond all doubt: Dump Trump.
April 11, 2024 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: Bidens Two Face Policy on Gaza is destroying the World #2276272ParticipantParticipantAnd Netanyahu’s two faced policy on Gaza is destroying Israel.
ParticipantParticipantyou accursed moderators who allowed sicko’s reform posts here. and still haven’t outed him.
hell is extremely hot.but hey at least he’s not tedious.
ParticipantParticipantsorry, aaq. I didn’t [and still don’t] see any other post suggesting their own protection, so I figured it was a misinterpretation of my post.