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  • in reply to: Building a story one word at a time #911828

    When suddenly she heard it again. But it was LOUDER this time which wiped away any thoughts of sleep.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Help!!! #897633

    CRuzer, You are correct but the problem is that being that we live “out of town” the Rebbi is somewhat limited to knowledge of the Yeshiva he went to as well as smaller Yeshivos.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Help!!! #897630

    I heard there are a few of them in Lakewood. Anyone know of them?

    in reply to: Yeshiva Help!!! #897629

    2bshvat. B’H’he is not a troubled teen. Just looking for the right Yeshiva for him.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Help!!! #897628

    Ha Ha Gog. But of course! He looks very hadsome in his Bar Mitzvah suit and hat. A real Yeshiva Bochur. If only we can find a good one for him.

    in reply to: SHEVA BROCHOS JOKES/GOOD LINES #902545

    Another message to the chasan: Do you know the two most important words in marriage?? Yes, Dear!!!

    in reply to: SHEVA BROCHOS JOKES/GOOD LINES #902544

    A message to the chasan: Remember when you stomped on the glass under the chupah? Well that was the last time you will put your foot down in your marriage.

    in reply to: avos ubanim – Father and son learning #837504

    Anyone?? Please help. I need a schedule for the next week only.

    in reply to: You know you're not a yeshiva guy anymore when… #1197480

    When you just sit and WATCH all the yeshiva guys dance, spin, do shtick and jump upside down and you think to yourself, “I remember when I used to be able to do that.”

    Now all you do is get out of breath just WATCHING them do it!!!

    in reply to: Internet and Cell Phone Parental Control #822489

    Anyone out there to help with this question??

    in reply to: Internet and Cell Phone Parental Control #822487

    Just to clarify. I am not worried as much as to how much time they could spend on the internet or phone. That I could restrict pretty easily. I am concerned about who and what they are doing on the cell phone or internet and am looking for good software to be able to “see” what they are doing.

    in reply to: Anniversary Help!! #800148

    It has to be something “big” Think bigger please. Don’t worry about the money. My eishes chayil is worth it!!

    in reply to: Anniversary Help!! #800147

    You can steal it “always” but at least come up with better ideas.

    in reply to: Anniversary Help!! #800125

    Thank you for all the brachos. Please think of other things.

    in reply to: Places to live outside NY #1036000

    Cincinnati, Ohio.

    1) Chabad elementary school and Yeshiva.

    2) Low cost of living

    3) VERY reasonable house prices (3-4 bedrooms $120,000)

    4) EDchoice vouchers!!

    in reply to: Tuition and Report Cards #701414

    Unfortunately there are many parents that make tuition payments a low one on their priority lists. They buy nice cars, go on vacations etc. but paying tuition is way down one the list. Because of this many yeshivos and day schools have been feeling the pinch. Unfortunately, those that are unable to pay for legitimate reasons are also affected by this. Everyone is correct that the children shouldn’t suffer because of their parents misfortunes or their parents being unreasonable. There are very few other ways to “force” the parents to make their obligatory payments. It is extremely sad that our children have to suffer but what can we do otherwise?

    in reply to: Beard #1206685

    I am sure that if R’ Chaim Kanievsky was talking to a pashuta businessman he nightv’e said that for work purposes it might be mutar to shave. I once heard from R’ Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg shilta that you are allowed to shave but not press hard with ANY type of elctric shaver and you have to be especially careful with the “lift and cuts.” Those types even with little pressure might constitute an issur d’oraisa.

    in reply to: New York Cost Of Living #690053

    BP Totty. These friends of mine have family in New York but don’t want to live “in town” (No offense to anyone there). But wants to be able to drive in on a Sunday or for shabbosim occasionally.

    in reply to: New York Cost Of Living #690049

    So. Lakewood is out of the question I guess.

    in reply to: New York Cost Of Living #690047

    Philosopher – I own a house currently and have moved b4. Thanks for the lesson but I realized that.

    in reply to: New York Cost Of Living #690046

    1) How many bedrooms? 2) Is there any day school/yeshiva that has relatively good secular education in Lakewood?

    in reply to: New York Cost Of Living #690042

    I meant 2-3 hours radius

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684469


    Please get real. How many of us really do kibud av vaem daily? Celebrating a day for our mother’s and father’s is not diregarding the other daily mitzva we have but it let’s us realize the honor that we owe our parents.

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1173040

    a rabbi, priest and mullah are arguing over who has the best methods to convert someone. they all go into the forest and agree to meet in 3 days and whoever could convert a bear the best will win. 3 days later the priest comes and says, “I sprinkled some water on the bear and he’s going to “seminary” in a week”. the mullah says, “I put a turban on him and he’s going to mecca on the next flight”. they turn to the Rabbi who is in a body cast with scratches all over his body and he says “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the bris.”

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