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  • in reply to: Dating/marriage question, Am I realistic…? #917485


    A frum girl who is raising her family in a Torah-steeped home is ALREADY constantly learning. You guys do not have the monopoly on learning. You just learn in a different venue. If Hashem thought that women needed to be going to constant shiurim, it would have been added to their other mitzvos. Women’s mitzvos involve DOING much more than learning, but the learning comes from within the doing.

    in reply to: Naming a grandchild from a living relative #917193

    Naming is ALL minhag, there is no halacha. But the truth is when a minhag has real “legs” in a particular community, it is treated with kovod similar to that of following a real halacha. So one should be respectful of all people’s minhagim that do not conflict with halacha, and not be derisive or condemnatory of them if they differ from one’s own.

    in reply to: Dating/marriage question, Am I realistic…? #917479

    Popa – – GREAT post, really excellent!

    While it is wonderful that a woman wants to learn, whether it is a shiur, or hashkafic writings, etc. Hashem potured her from that because her job of raising the next generation of frum Yidden, far outweighs the learning she might be doing. Women have a mitzvah to TEACH their children Torah, by living it, by bringing them up to be machshiv it. Everything they do to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel, is a reflection of that which is found in those shiurim.

    Whatever you do, DON’T make your wife feel like she is being coerced. If she is doing the job that she is supposed to be doing, then she will already be fulfilling Ratzon Hashem properly. If she as an added bonus also enjoys going to shiurim, that is icing on the cake, but the cake is still pretty tasty, even without the icing.

    in reply to: first baby…advice?!! #1019241

    Pack n’ play we use the even flo brand but you can get graco also and if you will use it as a crib for a while I suggest you get the plush mattress to stick in. I didnt know abt it till after I got a crib and my poor baby slept on the hard mattress.”

    I am leery of using the plush mattress, because with mesh sides, the baby’s moving around can chalilah create a gap in which the baby’s head can get caught, causing a suffocation hazard. I would only use the mat that comes with the P and P, though it is less comfortable than a mattress.

    in reply to: Internet Bullying #917326

    It does not limit itself only to children> Adults can be bullied, too. the internet is a wonderful thing, but it is a double edged sword.

    in reply to: I have the bed bugs #916746

    EWWWWWWW! Sorry you have to go through this.

    in reply to: Recipes for the seriously poor #1030151

    Great recipes, and I love the name for such a cookbook!

    in reply to: When & why did we start giving children more than one name? #916332

    Who had a number of names, including Re’uel, Petu’el, etc? (Hint: someone from Tanach.) Maybe we should start adding multiple names later, rather than at birth, to be fair to the traditionalists. “


    HolyMoe – way to go! 🙂

    in reply to: Some notes about what it means to be truly poor… #1001066

    David Ba-Magen: Please send your full Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name through this post and I shall daven for you and Daniel Gavriel ben Sarah everyday, and at licht benching, at hafrashat challah each Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov, and at Rosh Chodesh and mid month bracha parties where each woman answers Amen loudly and with kavana for H’KBH’s rachamim for those that we daven for outloud.”

    Why am I not surprised that you have such a concrete way to be of help by doing such a chessed?

    in reply to: Be nice! #916552

    Don’t be mekabeil L”H, but DO accept mussar if it applies to your own behavior.

    in reply to: Shang Chai #916596

    Toi – gam ani.

    I liked the place very much, though I have not been there in a long time.

    in reply to: When & why did we start giving children more than one name? #916302

    It is my (granted limited) understanding that there are no real Halachos regarding names, though there are many minhagim. In that light, people can do what they wish, and should not be criticized. If you hold only one name should be give, by all means DO that. I know a young man with smicha in Monsey, who personally strongly holds by one name, but gave his recent child two. People should live and let live, where matters of Halacha l’Maiseh are not involved.

    in reply to: Some notes about what it means to be truly poor… #1001048

    I am sorry for your obvious pain, and hashem should help you b’korov, especially with another precious neshama coming into the world. I further hope you are able to get a better-paying job, though times are really tough all around right now. I really have no eitzos for you or even words of comfort for what clearly is a terrible nisayon and source of embarrassment to be in the position of publicly asking for money. I sincerely hope you are able to post b’korov that your situation has changed radically for the better.

    in reply to: Should A Pauper Be Thrown Out of Town? #916512

    When people cannot afford the tuition in a fancy upscale Yeshivah, or even for their children’s higher education, if they cannot get a scholarship, they need to look for a less pricey place to send them. I don’t think a poor person (myself included) is ENTITLED to live where he wants and expect others to financially enable him to do so. But to actually tell someone to move someplace cheaper (unless he asks for an aitzah), seems very harsh.

    in reply to: Snow Snow Snow #925847

    If we get Miami’s weather, I shudder to think what Miami is gonna have!!!!!

    in reply to: Davening from phone in shul #1195450

    D”Y, pardon my ignorance, but what is airplane mode exactly (I have an idea, but am not sure). I only have a plain cell phone (not interested in all the bells and whistles like downloading apps). SO I gather you are saying there is a mode that can temporarily disable the phone apps, so they will not be intrusive while davening.

    My only other question about this is, would using this cause OTHER people to be distracted by the mere SIGHT of a phone being used for davening? If so, then maybe it could be problematic, even if halachically technically perfectly ok.

    in reply to: Todah rabbah #915866

    Now here’s another question – is there a setting to enable me to remain logged in all the time, so that I don’t have to do that each time I turn the computer on? I thought it was working that way in the past, as I never log off from the CR, I just shut down the computer for the night.

    in reply to: Todah rabbah #915865

    Yes. I don’t know how I somehow ended up with two similar usernames, but I did. They are moi!

    in reply to: Marriage Ready #915683

    No matter how experienced with marriage and relationships others might be, ultimately you have to ask yourself: Is this the person I want to have by my side for the next 50 years or so, helping me raise our children? Can I respect and love this person, not for what I want him or her to be, but for what I see he or she is? Do I want to grow with him/her, and build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel? Or am I just into the idea of GETTING married, rather than the reality of BEING married? JMO…

    in reply to: Snow Snow Snow #925844

    No No No

    in reply to: Leftover chulent? #915915

    Leftover cholent is great for Sunday night. Just moisten it a little.

    in reply to: Adult Bullies #988674

    I am actually going through this right now, with someone to whom I have been a REALLY good and supportive friend over the years. It’s very painful, but she refuses to recognize that she committed a terrible avlah of loshon hara against someone very close to me, and has turned it around on the other person, who truly is innocent of any wrongdoing. Though there are typically “other sides to the story,” in this case there truly is only one side. This person publicly embarrassed the other person and later on maliciously lied about that person on top of the original humiliation, to people who would take the liar at her word.

    What is truly bizarre – this person cannot understand why I am so angry about her behavior, and wants to know why I don’t want to be friends with her anymore. I tried to give her an understanding of what hurt and damage she caused, but she refuses to see it and put the onus on me for being upset with her. If anyone here knows me at all by now, I HATE being in machlokess with anyone. I even told this friend that we should try to just move forward and put this chapter behind us, to which she agreed, conditional to my never mentioning the incident again, and then she went and dredged it up pubblicly AGAIN, after I already agreed and let the issue drop.

    Any eitzos, beside dropping this friendship, which already seems to be a moot point? Is there any way to repair such a machlokess? The irony is that the person whom she maligned is a rodef sholom, and an extremely gentle and kind baal chessed.

    in reply to: Going on a Birthright Tour….. #915280

    All of the above are true. If you go with your own chevra, it should be ok. Even the so-called frum tours may not have minyanim, so check out what the situation is and act accordingly.

    in reply to: Can Batsheva Name her child Elisheva? #915224


    Any other names that are shared by boys and girls? “

    I always thought Yonah was solely a boy’s name, but my cousin’s son married an Israel girl name Yonah. Apparently in E”Y there are some names that are interchangeable.

    in reply to: What 3 wishes would you wish? #921364

    1) to see EMES in the world

    2) to see everyone living their lives productively b’simcha and in good health with no yisurin

    3) for Moshiach to come in our lifetime

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel Greek Yogurt #988977

    YEP! That’s the one. I saw it advertised elsewhere.


    (mostly in random order, as I think of them) First one, Chava, Sara Emainu who Hashem told Avraham directly to listen to all that she said, the wife of On ben Peles in the Korach rebellion (she saved his life), the wife of Shimshon, Esther Hamalkah, Zeresh,Jezebel, Potiphar’s wife, Rus, Chana the mother of Shmuel Hanavi,Tzipporah (who saved Moshe R’ life by making the bris on their sons). I know there are more, but I have to stop for the moment.


    in reply to: Nasty virus going around #914299

    My infant grandson was running a fever. But he was also playful, eating, laughing, and though clearly ill, was not acting ill. I watch for the personality of the sick individual. Someone can have no or a low-grade fever and be quite ill. Fever is not an illness. It is the body’s way of fighting OFF an illness. Only when it gets so high that the person is in danger of dehydration and seizure, is it problematic. That’s why we want to bring it down.

    in reply to: Double Standard in the Coffee Room #914544

    Talmud Torah k’neged kulam does not mean if you learn Torah, you don’t have to do the other mitzvos. It means that if one learns Torah, he gets credit EVEN for mitzvos that he otherwise would be unable to fulfill because they are not incumbent specifically on him, or they must be fulfilled in E”Y and he lives in Galus, or it requires the Beis Hamikdash, or is done by a Kohein, etc. No single Jew could EVER otherwise be mekayeim Taryag mitzvos. But by learning Torah, he is mekayeim those mitzvos, too, along with the ones he actually is able to fulfill. If all he does is learn and not actually DO any mitzvos, then his learning is meaningless for him.

    in reply to: Marriage #915527

    I am assuming you are not looking for her to be attractive to other men. BUY her something you find attractive, to wear just for you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you don’t like what she is wearing, go shopping with her (yes I know how much men love to shop with their wives), and show her things that you would like for her to try on, and then be enthusiastic about the purchases.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914114

    “Mocks people for asking about tablecloths)

    (Asks about yichus)

    I ask about their tablecloth’s yichus. “

    Like where the silkworms came from?

    in reply to: Stay away from GE aplliance #914567

    Call Help Me Howard. When this type of thing hits the news, the customer service is amazingly fast to respond properly.

    in reply to: Nasty virus going around #914294

    Strep is rampant in my neighborhood now, along with stomach virus.

    in reply to: Shalom Zachor Invitation Text #914415

    I personally would call, but if you want to ALSO post a “flyer” at Shul, I did the following:

    With grateful hearts filled with much joy

    We’re blessed with a new baby boy.

    To celebrate our great delight

    Please join with us on Friday night

    As we welcome our new little bochur

    At the _____ Mishpacha’s Sholom Zochor.

    (give address and time)

    My wording was a little different, but you get the idea…

    mazel tov and much nachas as you are zocheh l’gadlo l’Torah, l’chuppah, ul’maasim tovim.

    in reply to: Limited Number of Words in Life #915334

    ” believe that the author of “Tehillah” who was an Orthodox Jew (name escapes me, as I am having a Senior moment right now – wait, was it Isaac Bashevis Singer?) “

    I remembered later this evening that the author was S.Y. Agnon.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224129

    MAzel tov to everyone who had a simcha recently, or is about to. B’shaa tova.

    in reply to: Already Missing Chanukah! ;-( #913758

    I typically feel this way after Pesach.

    in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941661

    Being (Bein?)Adam LMakom is not less severe than bein adam lchaveiro.”

    Sorry but it is. Yom Kippur is mechapeir for one who does teshuvah for aveiros between Man and Hashem, but even Y”K is not mechapeir on aveiros between adam l’chaveiro without the oveir getting mechilah from the person against whom he sinned. Btw, some people forget that mitzvos between man and man are ALSO bein adam l’Makom, because Hashem commands ALL the mitzvos, so if one commits an aveira like cheating someone in business, he has sinned both against his victim AND Hashem, and that’s what makes it worse. Just saying…

    in reply to: Where is Rabbi Levin On CT Shooting?! #914448

    Oomis: I disagree with you somewhat. I think that anything that happens is precisely what G-d wanted to happen, and that He orchestrates it happening. I think G-d made the Holocaust happen, purposefully, and willfully. I also believe it pains G-d to hurt us, but it pains you when you go to the dentist also and you still do so willfully purposely and intentionally.”

    Poppa: We actually do not disagree. When I say that I don’t think Hashem “wants” good people/innocent children to be hurt, what I mean is that although nothing happens in a vacuum, without His allowance of it, He wants rather that all people should live Torahdig, (or in the case of non-Jews honest, moral) lives. Hitler Y”Sh WANTED innocent men, women, and children to die horrifically, just because they were Jews. That is not what Hashem wants, it just may be what Hashem orchestrates to happen/does not prevent from happening. I guess this is a semantic issue, and perhaps I was not precise enough in my definition. I DO agree with you. Absolutely.

    in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913860

    I have remarked on this, too. So I try to avoid even thinking of Jewish music then.

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel Greek Yogurt #988972

    It is Greek-STYLE (much thicker than regular yoghurt). I think there IS a C”Y version out now, whether Mehadrin or such, I am not certain, but I think I saw an ad for it in one of the weekly Jewish publications.

    in reply to: Convert Becoming A Rabbi #1151544

    Rabbi Akiva was not a convert.

    in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009165

    I am not wealthy, but I feel strongly that as long as someone IS regularly giving tzedaka, it is no one’s business how they spend their money otherwise, assuming it is not contrary to Halacha.

    in reply to: mezonos rolls #916449

    If it quacks like a duck…

    in reply to: There are no coincidences so what's the connection #913689

    I didn’t think they were connected per se, just found it curious.

    in reply to: Limited Number of Words in Life #915327

    I believe that the author of “Tehillah” who was an Orthodox Jew (name escapes me, as I am having a Senior moment right now – wait, was it Isaac Bashevis Singer?) actually based the character around the idea that she believed she had a finite number of words to speak (so she spoke little), and that she would be niftar when she reached her last word. And though I read this story in the original Hebrew maybe forty years ago or so, I think that is what happened at the end of her story. Am I remembering correctly? Anyone familiar with this story?

    in reply to: Where is Rabbi Levin On CT Shooting?! #914438

    I am always leery when someone says definitively that “this or that” tragedy was because of a) toeiva b) lack of women’s tznius (my personal favorite) c) loshon hara etc. None of us is privy to Hashem’s reasons for anything that occurs in the world. While the Dor Hamabul clearly was deserving of its fate, the one family who were not reshaim WERE saved.

    Here, people, GOOD people, frum Yidden were indiscriminately horribly damaged in the superstorm along with those who possibly might have been deserving of punishment for whatever… it is not up to us to speculate. Innocent children were murdered in Connecticut, brave staff members, one who threw her body over the children trying in vain to save them, were butchered. This shooting was the act of a deranged person. And while Hashem ALLOWED it to happen, I cannot imagine that He would WANT it to happen.

    I believe that people (rabbanim and laypersons alike)have the right to express their opinion as to why a particular tragedy befalls us. But I also believe that unless they are blessed with some nevuah to which none of the rest of us has access, that they should be careful not to ascribe a certainty to that opinion. Only Hashem knows for sure.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914111

    reminded me of the story with r’ akiva and the man who tried to make him upset with many sily questions… “

    Just happened to notice this now. I believe this story was actually about Hillel, who was known for his infinite patience and never losing his temper. A man bet his friend that he could make Hillel lose his temper, and proceeded to ask Hillel a series of the most nonsensical of questions, which Hillel patiently (and capably) answered. Finally the man screamed in frustration that because of Hillel he had lost a lot of money, betting that he could make him lose his temper. To which Hillel replied, “Better you should lose money in such a bet, than I should my temper!”

    in reply to: Where is Rabbi Levin On CT Shooting?! #914431

    Both Sandy occurrences, the hurricane and Sandy Hook, resulted in terrible devastation. I find it odd that the name is repeated only a mere month after the first nisayon.

    in reply to: List of all confirmed joseph ids : -) #914213


    Major machaha how dare you call Yaakov Avinu “poppy?” Where’s your derech eretz?! A shtikle shocked that you would be so callous… “

    FTR, that phrase (Take a tip from Poppy) is a radio commercial phrase for some investment firm, I believe. I doubt anything disrespectful was meant by its usage by ZK. Certainly it does not seem, to me at least, to refer to Yaakov Avinu.

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