Forum Replies Created
More important than precisely what is ON the head, is what is inside of it. Jewish men are supposed to cover their heads. The Yarmulke (Yirah Malka), signifies that they are aware at all times of Who is Above them. Does it REALLY, REALLY matter if the kippah is made of velvet, suede, or yarn, as long as it is being worn consistently and with the right kavanah? I think too many people are hung up on what type of kippah is being worn, versus what type of mensch is wearing it.
oomisParticipantoomis & Bubby: He should have a speedy refuah shleimah!! “
Amein, v’amein. He is a close relative of mine, but Best Bubby in her usual thoughtful self, made the request also, on our behalf. Thank you again for being so thoughtful.
oomisParticipantDavid Bar-M, I inquired nothing about your personal information, and know nothing. I hope that you were helped by whatever small help we were able to give.
As to knowing friends figuring out, well, by now most of you know that I became reunited with a long ago friend when I figured out who she was. Love this site!
oomisParticipantNearly 36 years and counting, B”H.
oomisParticipantHealth: My Israeli relatives are all frum, AND they served in the army, as well as learned. It can be done. I hear your point, however.
oomisParticipantDaMoshe, a very happy and healthy birthday to you ad meah v’esrim shana in good health and with much simcha. It was thoughtful of you to mention this, and it comes at the perfect time.
I ask for a bracha (from Hashem through you) not for myself, though
indirectly I suppose it is, but for a close relative of mine, an aidel and wonderful young man of 22, who needs a refuah shelaima:
Dov Nechemiah(haKohein)ben Rochel Chaya Sora. He could use all our tefilos now. Thank you for asking us.
oomisParticipantoomis: Also, you missed the punchline of the joke. It goes, “my father was a Kohen, my grandfather was a kohen, I want to be one too!” Then the Rabbi says, “well, in that case, maybe for $100,000 we could make it happen.”
Thank you, I HAD forgotten to add that, and it IS a great line!
oomisParticipantI do wonder why oomis, being the daughter of a Jew who claims to be a Kohen, would have a “vested interest in this”. Being that she has no marriage restrictions as a bas kohen, why would she look at it any less objectively than any other Jew”
Thegra, that is such an abrasive and confrontational first sentence. Did you really mean to sound that way?
I am talking strictly from the point of view that as a bas Kohein, I am nogaya b’inyan regarding halachos pertaining to my (dead) father and my brothers and their male children. BTW b’nos kohanim DO have certain halachos amd chiyuvim pertaining to themselves, especially as relate to tzniusdig behavior, and as I pointed out previously a B”K who has been married cannot have her brothers present at her levaya, though a Kohein may go to his parents’ and brothers'(who are kohanim)levayos, if they predecease him.
“But for someone to claim that they are inherently superior to their neighbors and more close to G-d when it is not true is perfectly fine?”
Excuse me – but did I do that at ANY time????????
oomisParticipantI haven’t really followed the thread much (probably should have, as I may be repeating something someone else already mentioned), but I did read Popa’s question. The word “snuah” is not translated in this possuk as “hated,” but as “the lesser loved.” Yaakov didn’t hate Leah, he loved Rochel more. The idea that the Torah is teaching is that one wife should not be treated better than another, and if the less-loved one has the first male child, HER child is the bechor.
If she were truly “snuah” to him, i.e., he actually hated her, is he required to divorce her?
oomisParticipantHow can we say Kohanim today are not “real” kohanim? If that were really so, why would they still be unable to marry a gerusha? Even if the (alleged) kohein were the last man on the planet, it would still be assur for him to marry a divorcee, and any children would be challalim. Or am I wrong in my assumption of facts not in evidence? We cannot have it both ways. Either they are or they are not. (I’m a bas Kohein, so I have a vested interest in this…)
oomisParticipantBaalH, what a clever little boy to think of that! Kinehora!!!
oomisParticipantThe closest I can come to with a translation in Hebrew for “fahrgin” is “marsheh” (to “allow” to oneself or to another).
I always thought “l’sacheik” meant to “play” e.g. and i.e., to have fun
oomisParticipantI recently heard of a J&J new product that is like Ensure, unless I am hallucinating again…
oomisParticipantHealth, we are not at all in disagreement about the importance of learning Torah in E”Y or anywhere else. But when E”Y is under fire the entire country needs to be prepared to defend itself. Somr feel the best way is by learning, but in practical terms, if that were the sole way, Hashem would not have sent Am Yisrael into battle at ANY time. He would have instructed them to sit down with Moshe Rabbeinu and learn. But that is not what He did, because we always have to put our own hishtadlus into the things we want to hold onto in order to merit having those things. Those who are old, weak, very young, ill, or who should do nothing else but sit and learn to actually fight in a war, can still man the offices, etc., of those who are fighting for their safety or help in other non-combative ways. Their participation can free up others to actually do the combat aspect of the milchemes mitzvah.
oomisParticipantICOT – You get it. Thank you. I would never advocate for violence (except in immediate necessary defense), but the THREAT alone of this type of action could prove to be a deterrent to jihadist fanatics, ACCORDING TO ISRAELIS WITH WHOM I HAVE SPOKEN, INCLUDING MY RELATIVE, to those who believe their violence will send them right to Paradise. If they believed they might never get to paradise, they might think twice before blowing themselves up in order to get there.
And that is ALL I was saying, they are not my own original thoughts, neither do I have any reason to apologize for or challenge my cousin for expressing his opinion. I do not live in E”Y, and I don’t know, Daniella, if you do either, but I have long ago learned never to judge the opinions held by people who live with this threat on a daily basis. It is easy for any of us to be arm-chair philosophers, but Israel does not need either my opinions or directions on how best to conduct its own safety protocols.
oomisParticipant“A cousin of mine in E”Y once said that every Muslim terrorist who is caught should be executed and wrapped in pigskin or fed to pigs. Perhaps THAT would be a deterrent to that particular group. (They can’t get to Paradise and their 72 ladies in that case).”
For Daniela and NFGo, please re-read the first few words of that sentence I wrote. MY ISRAELI COUSIN (not I), told over that proposal to me, it MOST CERTAINLY is not my own thought or idea. It is not even HIS original idea, either, having been discussed in E”Y by many frum and not frum people. I have heard of this idea here in the USA from many other sources, including rabbonim. I do NOT propose it be carried out. But I do believe that if the Arab cowards THOUGHT it would be, perhaps that would be a deterrent, because they believe they cannot go to their gan eden with pig on them. So maybe they would think twice about terrorist activities that could get them caught. (Wouldn’t help with homicide bombers, though).
Daniela, the rest of your post, while I believe well-intentioned, just made no sense to me, in respect to my own post. I get the sense that you must be very young, with the youthful exuberance often shown by those who have not lived long enough years to refrain from reactive and combative dialogue while trying to make your case. What you expressed so articulately but also in my humble opinion a little misguidedly, had nothing to do with my post whatsoever. Honestly.
Perhaps if you re-read what I wrote, rather than mistakenly infer what you think I was saying, you will realize I was not proposing anything. I am just not a naive little girl anymore, as I once was in the liberal days of my own youthful exuberance. I am very sorry that you got the wrong idea from my words. I should have chosen them more carefully, apparently.
oomisParticipantI trust in Hashem, who is in the CR and everywhere else.
oomisParticipantThanks ICOT – just saw your post now. Good Shabbos to everyone!
oomisParticipantAnd a Ba’al Mum can’t Duchen? “
So perhaps I misspoke and it ONLY refers to the Avodah. Same principle, however, even if it turns out I am mistaken about the one specific Avodah (isn’t duchenen part of the general Avodas Kohanim, though?).
We will always find some segment of the population that is precluded from some mitzvah or chiyuv that is incumbernt on others. So are they to be thought somehow discriminated against?
(This whole topic reminds me of the joke of a man who came to a Shul rabbi and told him he would donate $100,000.00 to the shul if the rabbi would make him a Kohein. Naturally the rabbi told him he couldn’t do that. They argued back and forth, with the man upping the ante each time, until the rabbi exasperatedly asked, “But WHY do you want so badly to be a Kohein?” To which the man replied, “Well, my grandfather was a Kohein, my father was a Kohein, so I want to be one, too!”)
oomisParticipanti STILL think driving through the car wash is cool.
April 26, 2013 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950766oomisParticipant“Sorry to disappoint you , there are thousands of girls and boys that don’t socialize with each other until they are on shidduchim/ dating and then they get married and live happily ever after….. Sorry to burst your bubble….”
And so many of them do NOT, as we are seeing more and more, sad to say. I find myself in agreement with rationalfrummie.
“You sound like s/o who feels Guilty about their religious behavior and is looking for every excuse in the book why you don’t have to keep Halacha! ” (Health)
I kind of think this remark was uncalled-for, Health. Don’t call someone’s behavior into question, when you don’t know the person, and sometimes even when you DO.
oomisParticipantI don’t typically answer “Because Hashem Says so,” to most “why”s. In this case, it is poshut in the Torah, that a baal mum cannot “duchen” before the olam. Hashem didn’t give explanations (perhaps it would be distracting to see a Kohein with a deformity, for some reason, and their kavana would be different, or even the Kohanim themselves would be distracted from the kedusha of blessing Am Yisroel). I don’t know what the reason is.
Neither do I really know the reason why as a bas kohein, when after 120 years (G-d willing), I am nifteres, my brothers cannot attend my levaya, should I predecease them, simply because I am married. But that is the Halacha. And therefore, likewise the answer is, “Because Hashem Said so.” There are many things that get an answer like that. We have to do them, whether or not we understand the reasons, whether or not we LIKE the reasons, and whether or not we think we are good Jews without doing those things. It is simply because He Said so. Clearly there is an inyan of kedusha involved.
oomisParticipantBecause Hashem said so in no uncertain terms. Period.
oomisParticipantIf they didn’t learn from several wars, 9/11, jihadist terrorist bombings throughout the world, and now this, they will NEVER learn. We cannot make peace with the Arabs. The only peace they want is a piece of us. And yes, there may even be one or two exceptions who are good and decent people and even may be makir tov to Israel. Yishmael did teshuvah at the end also. But they are few and far between.
oomisParticipantMy son’s ACER laptop was accidentally dropped by a family member and isn’t working. It DOES go on (LOGO appears, etc) but doesn’t work, and this happened once before and it was able to be re-booted. But we don’t know how to do it. Any suggestions? We can’t afford to go to a repair person for this right now.
oomisParticipantPopa has really expressed it well, IMO. The bottom line is that I have no wish to keep murderers alive. They do not deserve the gift of life, the free medical care, room, and board (even though it is is a terrible place). They deserve to be in the same type of dark, cold box in which what is left of their victims innocently and undeservedly resides. A person who would even THINK of setting off a bomb, does not even deserve that much.
A cousin of mine in E”Y once said that every Muslim terrorist who is caught should be executed and wrapped in pigskin or fed to pigs. Perhaps THAT would be a deterrent to that particular group. (They can’t get to Paradise and their 72 ladies in that case).
I apologize if I am coming off as bloodthirsty. I used to be a more politically-liberal thinker. Then I grew up.
oomisParticipantWorse yet, is a person getting a phone solicitation from a tzedaka organization from whom that person is actually getting much-needed financial aid, and being thanked for their “previous donation of $100” and will they match it this year?
oomisParticipantPlaying together (bowling, mini-golf, arcades) gives daters something fun to do, a chance to laugh at themselves (like I did whenever I got a gutter ball), and FOSTERS conversation in my personal past experience. it lightens the mood, and makes it easier because conversation is NOT required every second of the date, so the two can begin to relax a bit around each other. The deeper connection is for when the couple is comfortable together, and that sometimes takes several dates.
oomisParticipantVM, I must respectfully disagree with you. A person who is unquestionably guilty of premeditated or non-self-defensive murder, should be executed because that is justice for the person he murdered. Not revenge, but justice. A life for a life. Since another’s life clearly has no value to the killer, his life should be deemed of equal value. And that IS a deterrent, because at least THIS murderer will never be able to commit such a crime again. Small steps.
The reason it takes more money to execute than to incarcerate for life, is that the courts are so reluctant to enforce the death penalty once it is deemed appropriate, tht a prisoner is allowed numerous appeals. The prisoner lingers in jail for sometimes decades, all on our tax dime. If they would do what the Sanhedrin was supposed to do, i.e. once the Sanhedrin unanimously agreed on the death penalty after sleeping on the decision overnight, the person was immediately taken out to be executed, it would mitigate that waste of money issue.
I see no purpose to allowing ANY murderer (where there is no even one mitigating factor to consider) to live. I don’t care how young this Boston bomber is. He killed people who will never live to see their old age, and he killed a child who will never even reach HIS age. And what about the people who have been horribly and irrevocably maimed for life? We have to grow up and stop coddling people who would show such callous disregard for their own humanity. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. In my more liberal-thinking years, I might have argued your point, but I have seen too much suffering, and too many monstrous people getting out of jail instead of being put six feet under.
BTW, his age is of no consequence to me. When he packed a bomb with nails and shrapnel or whatever was in it, he knew exactly what he was doing. He learned from the best of the worst examples of human beings, how to maximize the damage. If he were an 8 year old, I might feel differently, but then again, that 8 year old would probably be blown up with everyone else. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY DO. There is no reason to allow such a person to continue to breathe the same air that we do.
April 23, 2013 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm in reply to: Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes�A Loss to our Crohn's & Colitis Community! #947841oomisParticipantB”DhE. I do not know this person, but he sounded like a very special person.
April 23, 2013 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146978oomisParticipantOomis, why does it have nothing to do with being machmir across the board for all dairy? If there’s no safek anymore, go for it! “
Rationalfrummie, I personally drink chalav stam. But if someone already claims to be cholov Yisroel, they cannot have it both ways. Either they are or they are not. If they eat stam ice cream (fineby me), they are clearly not holding by Cholov Yisroel. I am not judging them unfavorably for not being C”Y. I am just pointing out that it is a little hypocritical to claim to be one thing while doing another that contradicts the claim. Kind of like claiming to be tzniusdig, but when you are in Florida you go in mixed swimming on the beach.
oomisParticipantSugar caramelization.
oomisParticipantIn a case where someone has committed a capital crime deliberately, cruelly, and with extreme malice aforethought, with there being no question whatsoever as to guilt, I would execute the murderer. Punishing a killer by taking his life is NOT equal to legalized murder. And frankly, IMO the murderers are getting off fairly easily these days, as they go to sleep before they are humanely executed, something their terrorized victims usually did NOT experience.
This is a mass murderer, and the only way to get rid of the vermin that commit such atrocities, is to take them out of this world. Immediately. Our enemies should see this is the result when they are caught, that they are not left alive to be bargaining chips for Americans who are captured by them.
I am actually not fond of the idea of capital punishment, but I am also not so naive as to believe people who commit such horrific deeds deserve to live. The people they murdered also had lives. These remorseless monsters cannot be rehabilitated, and justice demands that they pay with their own lives for the ones they took. Unfortunately they can only die once. I can live with that. I certainly do not want my tax dollars spent on their incarceration. I am not a violent person by any means. But I am tired of tiptoeing around terrorists, not calling a spade a spade, and allowing them to literally get away with murder. Daniel Pearl’s blood cries out for justice, and now so do all the victims in Boston, in the Twin Towers, and in E”Y.
oomisParticipantThanks for all your input!
April 22, 2013 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: How to answer questions regarding a shidduch #1042544oomisParticipantI have had worse questions asked of me. Someone called me and once asked about a wonderful young man with all mailos. Then,3 the person said, “But I hear the mother is a difficult person. Is that true?” The mother does have a very strong personality, but I didn’t want to come across speaking negatively about her, while at the same time I did want to try to answer the question. So I simply said that the mother has strong love for her children, she is the type that will always advocate for their happiness, and that the girl who is lucky enough to marry the son (who is terrific, bli ayin hara), will be very much loved by this mother, if she is a good wife to the son and good mother to the aineklach. All of that is the truth.
April 22, 2013 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146923oomisParticipantI do not agree on your remark of lashon hara / motzi shem ra — which, however, you do not qualify as slander, thus it appears you too think there is truth to it. ”
You mistake my intention. I was questioning whether or not it is L”H/M”ShR to make a statement that pig milk is mixed into chalav stamin the US. I do not believe for one second that pig milk is mixed in with cow’s milk in the USA and then sold as cow’s milk. That has nothing to do however, with my feeling that if one holds by C”Y they should do so across the board.
April 22, 2013 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146910oomisParticipantThat’s right. They put in the pig’s milk in Mexico and then export it to the US. “
Is this potentially considered loshon hara/ motzi shem ra?
100% USDA Grade A milk is not permitted to contain anything other than cow’s milk. In any case, if one is makpid to only drink cholov Yisroel, he/she should not be eating products that are milchig but come from cholov stam. If you like ben and Jerry’s (who doesn’t?) and are eating it, then you are not makpid in Cholov Yisroel Not judging you, and also I don’t believe you are getting stomach aches from cholov stam. If it happens when you drink or eat CH”S products here in the USA, maybe something the cows are eating here is a slightly different version of the grains fed where you live, and it affects the structure of the milk, resulting in the reaction you describe.
When my daughter nurses the baby, if she has first eaten broccoli or cauliflower or the like, the baby is fussier than if she ate other things that are not gassy foods. Why should it be any different with cow’s milk?
April 18, 2013 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: Amusing Questions (division of the Joke Thread) #1020303oomisParticipantwhy cant women put on mascara without opening their mouths?”
I don’t know. I can.
oomisParticipantMobico 🙂
oomisParticipantIt was indeed.
oomisParticipantThe girl is committing a crime of trespass. She has to learn that she may NOT go anywhere she pleases to go.
If SHE is allowed to continue, the next thing you know (as happened to us), more than the one inconsiderate girl (or boy) will be cutting through the property, maybe they will (as happened to us) choose to SMOKE on the property, or VANDALIZE the property. OR worse case scenario, if injured while trespassing, SUE the owner for damages. A sleazy lawyer can convince a judge that the property was an “attractive nusiance,” like a trampoline that is not enclosed, but nonetheless accessible to kids. There are crazy people who will actually BUY that notion and give the homeowner grief.
You cannot set a precedent by allowing this to continue, UNLESS you want it to. Next time this happens, follow her into the school and report her directly. The police will probably not do anything for you.
If this were one of our yeshivah kids, it is still a problem, and they need to learn derech eretz. No one should cut across someone’s property without rishus (And if they needed access, I probably WOULD give rishus, but do not assume that to be the case without asking). I taught my kids that from day one.
I have to constantly tell frum little kids to get down off my retaining wall. The problem is sometimes their parents are WITH them, watching them do it. I come out (yes, I am that old lady on the block I swore I would never be) and tell the parents that NO one is allowed to climb on the retaining wall, it is not safe, and it is private property, so get your kids down. Some of them even say sorry. Most do not. And THAT is what’s wrong with this generation, in a nutshell. How can kids learn derech eretz when their parents don’t recognize what that means?
oomisParticipantWhere is Challahman?
oomisParticipantThe Goq, it was an amazing Hashgocha Protis (perhaps you were not in the CR when this happened). TheBestBubby offered to daven for people in the CR (for shidduchim, refuos, etc) at a Gadol’s Kever when she went. She said that anyone who wanted, could post the Jewish names and she listed a fax number (obviously the Mods allowed the post). There was some confusion in the receipt of the faxes, which was sorted out, but someone received an e-mail (I think) from the faxee(?) that he thought it was an error that he was sent the fax (as I said this was all immediately straightened out), and the person who received that e-mail (another CR poster)forwarded it to me, as she knew I sent a name. If you are not sufficiently muddled by now, I recognized the very unusual last name of the person who sent the e-mail to the CR poster, and I
e-mailed him back to find out if he was related to the person I once knew. Yes he was. He was my friend’s brother-in-law and she turned out to be the chessed-filled TheBestBubby! She and I were able to reconnect, and finally meet in person again after having been in touch this past year on a very regular basis. I totally credit the CR for being the catalyst for this reunion. And clearly TBB, for being such a special person.
Thank you Always Here, for your lovely comment.
oomisParticipant“Someone” is mistaken. I may sometimes be bored (though hopefully never boring), but I am well into middle-age. And loving it.
oomisParticipantHaleivi, thank you for your comment, what about the second part of my post regarding melacha? Any ideas?
oomisParticipant“Oomis, first off refuah sheleimah for your knees and your hands and anything else that is aching you.”
Thank you SO much, Nechomah.
Again, thanks to all who responded. So far Bosch is in the lead. The heaviness of the Magic Mill is a really big caveat for me, especially right now. I am taking all suggestions under advisement.
oomisParticipantThe Goq – good one.
oomisParticipantBecause this is typically not exactly said as a compliment. Unless you are telling someone, you are as beautiful and youthful as a teenager (and you are talking to a middle aged woman), it probably will not be perceived as a positive statement.
oomisParticipantWe spoke to a Rov about this, not as a shailah, but just to hear more about the inyan. I personally do not listen to music in the car during Sefirah, and am perfectly content with the news and talk show stations. The rov I spoke to said that if listening to music helps to keep a driver calm and therefore able to drive more safely than NOT listening to it, there can be a heter. I would not do it even with the heter, if I had someone else in my car and I knew they don’t listen to music (yeah, I know it’s MY car, I’m doing them a tovah to drive them around, etc. etc., but I wouldn’t want to make someone else uncomfortable).
Bottom line – always ask your own Rov for guidance.
oomisParticipantProbably, she didn’t like the Magic Mill and wants to trade up for a Bosch”‘
LOL – that’s what I was thinking, too. The Bosch you mentioned is less than what is being asked for the Magic Mill. I can’t afford either right now, but I am certainly taking ALL the comments in the CR under advisement. So far, Bosch is winning.
For those who have a Bosch, what is its best feature in your opinion?