on the other side of the pond

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  • in reply to: Davening is a burden? #701010

    I once had a court case. I arrived half an hour early and just sat there in the lobby of the court house. Didn’t read, didn’t chat didn’t do anything except sit with the awareness of the severity of the upcoming event. Awareness of the judge and the procedure and what I would say and ask.

    Do the same for 5 minutes before you daven. Call it meditation call it what you will. Just take a step back and silently contemplate Who you are talking to soon.

    Think about the word ‘Atoh’ = ‘You’. You will be talking directly to the Power and Wisdom that created the entire universe with its thousands of billions of stars. To the very same Being that communicated with Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. To the Wisdom that formulated the miraculous human body among the rest of nature with its unfathomable processes.

    Treat each tefiloh – no – every phrase – like it is your last ever. In truth each tefiloh is your last ever – for that particular tefiloh – as no tefiloh affects the heavenly worlds and by extension – you and the universe – the same way.

    in reply to: Shemoneh Esrei – starting with minyan #1139898

    look in Halichos Shlomo of R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZTL who writes about these type of Questions. From memory it is still Tefillah BTzibbur (although on a slightly lower madreigah)even if you don’t start bang on time with everyone else. Same is brought in name of Chazon Ish in one of the seforim about his hanhogos (forgot the name). Re davening with the shatz – again it is a form of tefillah btzibbur but not as mehudar – that’s the commom consensus but I’ve heard bshem Chasam Sofer that he held actually it is a mehudar Tefillah. If you’re in middle of Shmoneh Esrei when kedusah starts it is forbidden to say it with the tzibbur – you need to be mechaven the words and you are yotze bedieved als Shomeia K’oneh.

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