on the ball

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  • in reply to: How did the Marvelous Middos Machine know in advance #2270777
    on the ball

    Because fictional entities can do anything, anybody, anywhere and anytime can possibly imagine.

    in reply to: Learning From the Recent Drowning Tragedies #1777569
    on the ball

    I’m really in 2 minds whether to post this. On the one hand it is not for us to sit and preach, saying what should or could have been done differently to prevent these tragedies. Especially when there are grieving families with an unreparable hole in their lives.

    But on the other hand, I think it behooves us to take responsibility and not conveniently stick our heads in the sand with misplaced bitachon. Seforim that discuss bitachon and belief in Hashem’s hashgacha are clear: If you dont take care of your life, you cannot rely on Hashem to save you. You are not a Baal bitachon. You are a fool.

    You decide, mods, but I think the OP is right. Cheers, please – look after yourselves. Don’t swim anywhere with no lifeguard. Water is a monster that consumes too many victims who think they are cleverer than everyone else.

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1616494
    on the ball

    I have seen in the name of Rav Waldenberg Zt’l ad Rav Wosner Zt’l that mesira does not apply when the government acts legitimately

    in reply to: Recent chilul HaShem #1588092
    on the ball

    The lack of straight thinking in some of the comments on this terrible issue is astounding especially since they are coming from people who normally make astute and correct points (IMHO)

    : So what if ‘the everyday violence and fighting among the Zionists, daati, masorti and chiloni, is overwhelmingly more frequent (itself a debatable point)…’. Since when do we hold ourselves to their standards? On the contrary,a Chilul Hashem is defined precisely by the Rambam as incorrect behaviour by Talmidei Chachomim, ie those who should have a higher standard – and that’s for minor things like buying meat on credit rather than paying – let alone engaging in violence. And so what if violence amongst charedim is rare? This was never about judging Charedi society as a whole or comparing them to other societies. The behaviour here is a disgusting Chilul Hashem and that’s all that’s being pointed out here.

    – Seriously??? Baruch Hashem they are fighting about Torah? Firstly maybe this is news to you but they are not fighting about pshat in a Rashba. They are fighting about politics, kovod, places in the Beis Hamedrash and money (not their money but of the Roshei Hayeshiva). This makes it no better – in fact worse than Goyim fighting about football. Secondly, even if they WERE fighting about Torah, since when is their a hetter to be mevatel Torah, damage property, inflict pain and wounds on others and cause a gigantic Chilul Hashem – guaranteed to undermine kiruv efforts, guaranteed to cause people to look down on lomdei Torah. Baruch Hashem??? Please tell me you were joking.

    in reply to: Tales of the Misnagdim #1548752
    on the ball

    OP you wrote:

    “Someone should publish a volume of stories about the great Livisher gedolim called “Tales of the Misnagdim.” No flashy miracles here–just utter devotion to limud Torah and an almost pathological sense of honesty.”

    The insinuation here regardng Chasidish Gedolim, besides for being offensive, is totally untrue.

    As a aside , for me the gadlus in your story about R’ Aharon ZT’L is more the fact that he was happy to take public transport between Brooklyn and Lakewood.

    in reply to: Who Originally Sang V’Haviosim? #1517477
    on the ball

    Definitely Pirchei Toronto. I still had the record a few years back . Same record as Hoireni, Modeh Ani, Urai Vonim, Al Al tiroh…..Ah I’m getting all nostalgic

    in reply to: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men…” #1343304
    on the ball

    To Gavriel613 who quoted the Rambam in Hilchos Teshuva:

    Pakistanis are not Arabs

    in reply to: YWN UK Euro referendum poll #1156309
    on the ball

    ‘We’re moving to America, land of the free and home of the brave.’

    Also – land of those who lock people up for a quarter century for financial non-violent crimes

    and land of the most screwed up health-care system in the entire Western world

    and also land where a compulsive liar and an egoistic maniac are the front-runners in an election

    in reply to: hearing every word of Megillah #1144132
    on the ball

    ‘Hearing’ just means that your ears picked up the sounds. It does not mean kavanah. The poskim say that if your mind was wandering during megilah you are still yotzeh as long as you can be sure you heard every word

    in reply to: Chords 4 mbd song?? #1139856
    on the ball

    I dont know the words only the first part of the tune.

    Paroh in Mitzrayem Shvartze Knecht- A minor

    Next Line – F Major – G Major

    Next Line – A Minor – D Minor

    Then F Major, G Major A Minor

    This is a very classic chord sequence

    in reply to: Is ISIS the war of Gog U'Magog? #1101455
    on the ball

    Just a quick note regarding M’s comment that he had a nevuah:

    Shouldn’t you be careful not to say that even as a joke as technically you are now a novi sheker?

    in reply to: You know you're not a yeshiva guy anymore when… #1197574
    on the ball

    – when you go to the office during the day and not to yeshiva

    in reply to: An Israeli want to live in North America / UK #1031434
    on the ball

    There aren’t really any yekkish yeshivas.

    If you are in Israel I suggest you speak to an Anglo Rosh Yeshiva or Magid Shiur or maybe any American or Brit (there are hundreds in the Mir) who will be able to guide you.

    in reply to: My weird substitute for the shem hashem #1026052
    on the ball


    Anyway why is Adoshem not respectful?

    in reply to: Yedid Nefesh questions #1104800
    on the ball

    In the Pasuk in Koheles it says ‘Umibsorcha Al Tisalom’

    I think Shlomo Hamelech probably knew dikduk.

    in reply to: Democracy�good or bad? #995070
    on the ball

    “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

    Winston Churchill

    in reply to: Yaakov and Esav were really triplets! #988168
    on the ball

    To The Wolf:

    The Torah says there were ‘Teomim’ in her womb – and you are translating that as ‘twins’. However a more accurate translation/definition of the word ‘Teomim’ or ‘Teomos’ (feminine) is ‘children of a multiple pregnancy’ whether twins, triplets or more.

    The proof I think is from a Rashi in last week’s sedra talking about Binyomin’s birth where he brings a Medrash that unlike the other brothers with whom only one ‘Teoma’ was born – an extra ‘Teoma’ (i.e. a triplet) was born with Binyomin.

    in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215164
    on the ball

    Why is a shark if it spins?

    in reply to: Any Golders Greeners? #977756
    on the ball

    Golders Green is full of Antwerpians who all speak French

    in reply to: Ochel B'Shuk #974140
    on the ball

    Why is it a problem to eat by a restaurant window?

    If the publicity of a restaurant is the problem , then why only by the window?

    And if the publicity of the window is the problem then why only in a restaurant, why not in my own home too?

    in reply to: Yom Kippur and Atheists #974093
    on the ball

    Mods: I urge you to shut this thread down. The Halachah forbids the dissemination of Kefirah and Apikorsus and unfortunately a few posts contain exactly these.

    If someone has genuine concerns regarding Emunah then of course it is necessary to voice these and for a competent person to engage them in a frank discussion with the common aim of resolving the issues.

    However the forum for this should surely not be a ‘Yeshiva World’ website that religious, and possibly vulnerable people, are likely to stumble upon and thereby possibly have his or her Emunah shaken. That small shaking could develop and then eventually culminate in denial of the Torah and non-observance of Mitvos ch’v.

    I am unaware whether or not YWN operates with the guidance of Daas Torah but I have no doubt that any Orthodox Rabbi would agree with my concern.

    You could be indirectly responsible for generations of Jews that do not keep the Torah. Do you really want that on your heads?

    in reply to: Hamistakel Betzba Ktana Shel Isha #970670
    on the ball

    Benignuman –

    Firstly, how do you define Histaklus without Hirhur? More specifically – what exactly is Hirhur? If I admire a woman’s beauty but have no sexual thoughts – is that hirhur?

    Secondly, maybe the answer to the Stirah in the Rambam is the point I originally made.

    I.e. that Vlo Sosuru applies to Arayos D’Oraysoh and the Issur Histaklus that applies to ALL women, even non-ervah, is D’Rabbanan.

    in reply to: Hamistakel Betzba Ktana Shel Isha #970665
    on the ball

    Benignuman: Have you a source for your statement that Histaklus = Hirhur? I would have thought its possible to be mistakel without hirhur and vice versa?

    An indication would be that they are learnt from 2 different pesukim.

    Histaklus is learnt from ‘Lo sosuru acharei..veacharei eyneichem’ which Chazal darshen (see Rashi) as ‘Znus’.

    Hirhur on the other hand is learnt out from ‘Vnishmartem mikol davar ra’ in this weeks parsha (Ki Seitzei.

    Hence my original question; l’chora the Issur Torah of Histaklus should only apply to women with whom there is an Issur Torah of Znus – and possibly only an Ervah. (That’s why its known as Histaklus B’Aarayos’) – so why does it apply to non-Jewish women (which according to some shittos are not even Ossur min Hatorah)?

    in reply to: Hamistakel Betzba Ktana Shel Isha #970662
    on the ball

    whats the mekor for an issur to look/gaze at a woman who is not an erva e.g. a non-jewish woman?

    Leave aside the issur of hirhur which l’chora is a different issur to that of histaklus.

    in reply to: Hamistakel Betzba Ktana Shel Isha #970661
    on the ball

    I have a question….

    in reply to: July: Month of Disasters and Accidents #969225
    on the ball

    It would seem you pulled this list off the web somewhere. Do the same list for 1 or 2 other months, then we can see if your headline is true.

    in reply to: Chasan Shas #967166
    on the ball

    “…He is sleeping now, but I will ask him later, bli shevua, what the differences are and what he recommends….”

    @jewishfeminist – impressive, it looks like you remember something most people don’t from the Gemara in Nedarim.

    in reply to: Being in an elevator alone with a woman #964752
    on the ball

    There’s an old story about the girl on the shidduch date telling the boy to let her go up alone in the elevator because of Yichud.

    He let her go alone and then went home.

    in reply to: 20 Factors For Parnassa #963252
    on the ball

    Doesn’t number 8 cover everything

    in reply to: Where is the Achdus? #961818
    on the ball

    OurTorah – hope you don’t mind that I pull you up on your mentioning the 2 and a half tribes remaining behind the Yarden as being a problem in Achdus.

    This was endorsed and approved by none other than Moshe Rabenu and then put to action by Yehoshua subject to them participating in the conquest of EY which they did.

    If you are looking for the first split in Klal Yisrael, I’d maybe go back even earlier to the Shevatim and their issue with Yosef.

    But, please remember we are talking about unfathomably great, highly spiritual men so maybe it’s best not to make comparisons.

    in reply to: Denying Chazal = Apikorus? #1033458
    on the ball

    I’m not sure if there is a source that states that he is an apikorus. However there are enough sources that state that someone who defies Chazal or their teachings are deserving of death.

    on the ball

    Jewish men used to wear jewellery as Mefurash in the Torah.

    Just thought I’d throw that out there.

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008334
    on the ball

    I cringe when people say (or write!) ‘ He redt the Shidduch.’ Firstly we have a perfectly good English word for that – ‘suggested’. Secondly why on Earth is it spelt ‘redt’?????

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008316
    on the ball

    ‘He told me, Chaim Cohen, that…..’

    in reply to: What if you weren't Jewish? #974443
    on the ball

    I’d probably be Megayer but I would have a dilemma as to which type of Jew to be.

    Sefardi? Ashkenazi? Teimani? Litvish? Yekkish? Chasidish? Hungarian?

    in reply to: Poor Baal Tzedaka vs. Rich Baal Tzedaka #951851
    on the ball

    Modex: There is heavenly reward that is effort orientated along the lines of ‘Lfum Tzarah Agra’ and ‘Echod hamarbeh v’echod hamam’it ibilvad sheyechaven es libo lashamayim’ – and the outcome is secondary.

    And there is heavenly reward that is outcome orientated regardless of effort e.g. Chazal say that if you mistakenly drop money and a poor person picks it up – you get a reward for that and Chazal say that Haman’s grandchildren learnt Torah in Bnei Brak which some explain as his reward for the huge Kiddush Hashem that resulted from his downfall even though he had no such intention.

    in reply to: Fun in Judaism #949770
    on the ball

    Sam2: i think you quoted your rebbi the wrong way round

    in reply to: Rabbis and the draft #951127
    on the ball

    Simcha613: I think the answer to your question is that the disagreement with the Zionist rabbis is a fundamental idealogical one while the intra-Charedi argument is one of tactics.

    in reply to: Will they finally understand? #948483
    on the ball

    Nechomah: Sadly this ‘person who has some high position at the UN’ is Richard Falk, a Jew who bears the same name and is possibly descended from the Pnei Yehoshua.

    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998876
    on the ball

    Groisakishka: I know Sam2 already pulled you over for this but sorry, I need to chime in.

    What the heck do you mean you can’t just pasken from the Rema from a Haora on the Mechaber. That’s what he wrote the Haoras for! You think he wrote them for fun? He wrote them so that we know what the Halacha is according to Gedolei Askenaz and so unless many Acharonim disagree – thta’s the Halacha for Askenazim.

    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998864
    on the ball

    PBA: Is your husband OK with that?

    in reply to: Ahavas Chinam (cringe) #948118
    on the ball

    PBA: Not sure what you mean but whatever …thanks.

    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998860
    on the ball

    Its the Rema no less who says it is Muttar. And he says it’s L’Kovod Shabos – so I don’t think we need to be fishing for a Chumra not to do it – as it may be a Kula in Hilchos K’vod Shabois.

    in reply to: Ahavas Chinam (cringe) #948116
    on the ball

    No the concept is OK (except for my point about us needing to love Jews for the very good reason of Hashem’s commandment rather than in vain), it’s the name I don’t like.

    in reply to: I can relate #948538
    on the ball

    Freaking out when being asked ‘Would you like to save your changes?’ on an important Word or Excel document because you could swear you never made any.

    in reply to: Ahavas Chinam (cringe) #948113
    on the ball

    I should have explained what makes me cringe:

    1)As Torah613Torah has pointed out – it is a new-age-y term not found (to my albeit limited knowledge) anywhere in either classical or contemporary Jewish literature. This is so even though in literally countless places starting with Mishna and Gemara up until contemporary Sifrei Mussar, there is a wealth of writing dealing with the mitzva of loving a fellow Jew. I’m sure they could have all thought of that term yet they clearly felt it was inapplicable for whatever reason. Do we need to try and be smarter?

    2)If you translate it into English you come up with a term that has terrible connotations.

    3)It is borrowed from ‘Sinas Chinam’ which while making sense in that context (i.e. the idea of hating someone for no reason), makes little sense in its opposite context. You are not supposed to love people for no reason. You are supposed to love them for an excellent reason – namely that they are part of our family, the Jewish people and G-d has commanded us to love each Jew.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950656
    on the ball

    I think the answer may be that the Torah indeed was the same but (for want of a better phrase) formatted differently. This could be along the lines of the Ramban who in his introduction to Chumash states the the Torah was initially a long string of letters all consisting of Hashem’s names. Also, Chazal tell us that when Moshe went to receive the Torah the Malachim asked Hashem if they could keep it in Shomayim for themselves. Their desire/need for the Torah must have been totally different to ours – and maybe for Yaakov too.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950648
    on the ball

    dafyomi2711: Really – the same Gemara and same Chumash? Ok – so how come he didn’t know what happened to Yosef? Why didn’t he just look in the Torah to find out?

    in reply to: Kollel in Gibraltar? #947864
    on the ball

    ihear: sorry – I couldn’t resist the jab. The omission was too glaring. I hope you are matzliach whatever you do wherever it is.

    in reply to: Kollel in Gibraltar? #947856
    on the ball

    ihear: just wondering – what did you hear about the learning in the kolel itself. Because you forgot to mention anything at all about that.

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