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  • in reply to: Giving a Child the Name "Yenta" #871041

    Midwesterner – i can attest to what you said, as told to me by his grandaughter. One additional point though, is that he also holds not to give yiddish names anymore and his family switches yiddish names to their hebrew counterpart.

    in reply to: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos #773270


    Please go speak to your Rav/Rebbe for clarification on the concept of Daas Torah – a crucial part of our mesorah. and no, the Torah is not simply Halacha- it is our entire way of life – that’s called being shoel eitzah, which is different then asking for a halachik psak

    in reply to: Aaargh! Antibiotic syrup is coloured!! #770719

    My pharmacist gave us white (not dyed) amoxicillin that still had the bubblegum flavor for my son’s strep. Did you ask if yours has?

    in reply to: Baking Challa #743564

    Actually, check with your LOR, mine told me that if you are not baking it all the same day, it CAN be a sheilah for the bracha!

    I bake it all, make sure it is completely cooled off then wrap it in foil and put it in a ziploc bag (try to get out as much of the air in the bag as possible) then freeze it. I also do like MDG said and warm it up. Everyone always likes it, never a complaint of lack of freshnes!

    in reply to: chosson gifts #744458

    I know someone who got all his “chosson gifts” on the last day he was able to see his kallah (1 week before the chasunah). At that point he already assumed that he was not getting anything and his parents offered to by him a talis. turned out they weren’t stingy in-laws, just major procrastinators. (Also was a bit silly to get so many gifts all at once.) But my point is, he was perfectly OK when he thought he was getting nothing from them, because he knew he was getting all he really needed/wanted -his kallah! And besides, you don’t really know why someone isn’t buying you something unless they told you outright!

    in reply to: Kastners or Publix #737842

    In my day, Kastner’s was just a bakery! Haven’t beeen back to Miami in years (unfortunately). Wish I still lived there!

    in reply to: Purim Costumes #849008

    Friend of mine once did a similar theme. For UPS, you wear all brown then get their logo from online and put it on an iron-on transfer. For the mishloach manos, get small boxes, make popcorn to use as the padding and then all you need to do is put a second min inside the popcorn. My friend made a small cake, but anything will work.

    in reply to: No Women On The Seruv List? #746858

    “The Man in question is being persectuted unfairly and going through a rough time simply because he wishes to maintain a connection with his only son.”

    Ben Levi, as you have “knowledge of the case” I assume that you should know it is a duaghter, not a son, in the center of this case.

    And why did he lose the appeal? Could it be that the courts saw through him and are losing their trust in him?

    in reply to: No Women On The Seruv List? #746856

    Actually, Popa, My friend knows this story first hand (can’t elaborate on how)from the wife’s side. She told me that HE was the one who went to the secular courts AFTER they went to Beis Din. however, he didn’t like the ruling so keeps on coming up with excuses as to why he can’t comply. The Shabbos excuse is another ploy. His “wife” already submitted in writing a willingness to resolve the Erev Shabbos problem. Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, amongst others, have signed on in support of his young wife. Please remember that each side has their version of the “truth” and we should not make blanket statements on this forum. Let’s all daven that they should reach a fair and workable solution. Neither one should have to continue to suffer.

    in reply to: Can you please recommend an immigration lawyer? #718978

    Agree with Popa. Mr. Grunblatt is an excpert in the field and a real mentch too. Agudah consults with him often for immigration issues. He is a partner at Proskauer Rose. Check their website for his contact info.

    in reply to: singer at wedding #717386

    Try Nachas! Young and talented

    in reply to: Good Quotes #925614

    “To the world, you may be just one person,

    But to one person, you may be the world!”

    “There is no material thing on this Earth more important than family.” (Advice given to a family dividing up their late parents inheritance.)

    in reply to: Law School #709519

    To A23: if you are in it for the money, then medical school is an even a worse option! The frum issue is worse and the pay is only getting worse with each mnedicare fee reduction! Speak to someone in the medical field first, before going that route!

    in reply to: How To Talk To Children About Personal Safety #705986

    My son’s kindergarten teacher last year was teaching the 4-5 year old boys about personal safety and had a good line. She said, if someone does any of the above things, even if he/she tells you not to tell your parents, you must right away tell your parents and then you don’t have to worry because you won’t have to see that person again.

    I thought that was a smart, age appropriate way of encouraging children to tell their parents and not be afraid of the repercussions. My son now knows that if he tells me, I will keep him safe.

    in reply to: Rav Moshe Feinstein: Prohibition of social dating #705654

    “Because “dating with no purpose” usually leads to purpose, at least in my experience and those of the people around me…. Obviously, our friendship was not just friendship. And we started out l’toeles – as lab partners in Computer Science.”

    I think you only strengthen R’ Moshe’s psak- You were originally only “socializing” for school purposes and look how far it led (B”H to a wedding!) Certainly boys and girsl who socialize “just for fun” can have the relationship turn to so much more (and unfortunately, it’s not always a wedding first!)

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221117

    A former classmate of mine (in junior high) many years ago wrote this, I thought it was brilliant and have remembered it ever since:

    A Boy said to the teacher one day,

    “Wright has written ‘write’ the wrong way.”

    So the teacher replied,

    As the error she eyed,

    “Right. Wright, write ‘write’ right, right away!”

    in reply to: Why New York is the best! #1133316

    To helpful:

    I think you missed my point. Ofcourse their are more Gedolim living in NY, but how often do you take advantage of that zechus? When these Gedolim go to out of town communities. the yeshivos and shuls make sure to chap arein and have them speak, take questions, and in general, take advantage of the situation. when you know they live around the corner, all too often, you never even get the chance to benefit from the closeness, because you “know” the opportunity is “always” there.

    And I stand by my original assertion, that having a minyan on every corner, at every possible time, is a convenience, and thus a gashmiyus benefit of performing a mitzvah. i think it requires more thought and a bigger committment when you have to plan your schedule around the zemanei tefillah instead of simply running out to catch the next minyan out there!

    We recently hosted bachurim (21-22ish) from Brooklyn for Shabbos.When the topic came up about shidduchim, most of them were hesitant to even consider moving out of town (or dating someone who wants to live out of town). When I asked them why, The only reasons they could come up with were all the minyanim and restaurants at their fingertips. The thought of possibly having to walk 10 minutes to shul on shabbos made them shudder!

    in reply to: Why New York is the best! #1133308

    If you want gashmiyus (yes, a minyan and kosher restaurant on every conrner IS gashmiyus), then, yes, live in NY, if you want ruchniyus, move to out of town, where yiddishkeit is not taken for granted!

    (By the way, I grew up out of town but have been living in NY for the past decade, because of circumstance, not choice)

    I remember, when I was growing up, a visiting bachur commented that he sees and has access to more gedolim (visiting this out of town community) then he does in their hometown of NY!

    in reply to: Do they teach girls how to cook in Seminary? #700380

    why can’t they learn that from their mothers?

    in reply to: Making Aliyah #787879

    I think one of the main reasons that charedim

    (it may be different in mizrachi circles?) are hesitant to make Aliyah and raise a family in E”Y is due to the chinuch system in place in E”Y. It is very rigid and if you don’t fit in 100% you are doomed. It doesn’t allow for much (if any) outlets for young boys, and for many that is more than they can handle.

    I have heard many well respected mechanchim warn of the following:

    – Making Aliyah with children over the age of 9 can be very problematic.

    – Making Aliyah with teenagers is almost a sure recipe for failure.

    Again, each situation is different, and we shouldn’d be judging others for taking or not taking this tremendous step. Ofcourse anyone zoche to live in E”Y is truly lucky and commendable, but the current metziyas there is certainly not for everyone. In the meantime, those who currently live in E”Y and those who remain in Chutz Laaretz, all should continue to daven for the geulah shelaimah, because until Moshiach comes, we are ALL still in golus!

    in reply to: It's Almost September… Does every child have a school? #693782

    Schools in Lakewood only charge $4,000 for tuition??!! Wow! Here in Queens, the Yeshivas charge over $11,000! (And that doens’t include lunch, PA Dues, etc.) even scholarships don’t bring it down to anywhere close to $4,000!

    in reply to: My 4 girls don't have a school to go to… #693459

    Did you check into the schools in Queens? Many of them have buses/vans from the 5 Towns.

    in reply to: Therapy – To Tell or Not to Tell? #657414

    After being personally invovled with 2 such shidduchim (one a medical condition and one mental/therapy issue). In both situations the affected party was told by a rov (each a different one) to tell before it gets serious/emotionally involved. Obviously each situation is different and in both situations, they each remained in consultation with their respective rov throughout the dating process. And guess what, the girl who had seen a therapist for anxiety/ocd got engaged to the boy she was dating even though she “revealed” her secret. When done at a proper time, it doesn’t seem as scary or threatening, and the other party can make a levelheaded decision about the situation. Rav Dovid Cohen is known for being an expert on such shidduch related issues and you may want to consult him.

    Good Luck!

    in reply to: Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home #657053

    Well, for mothers that work during the day (for whatever there cheshbon is) these last few weeks of summer are quite difficult to arrange. I have 3 young children, one of whom is home with a babysitter that I share with a neighbor. The 2 school aged children spent there summer as follows: Their schools ended on different days of the week of June 15th, then they went to a Pre-Camp camp for 1 week. Then they each went to a backyard camp for July and a different one for August. (We had a few short vacations in the middle when I was able to take off a few days.) Those camps ended August 20th. My daughter’s elementary school starts Thursday, Sept 10th, my son has orientation for his kindergarten the following day, but doesn’t start a full day untile Monday,Sept 14th. So for me, it is nearly 3 weeks to fill up since the camps ended (no, not everyone goes to the country!). the last week of August, both of the went to Post-Cmap Camps (in different neighborhoods), my son’s camp continues through this week but my daughter’s did not. Today she is home with the babysitter, but we will take it day by day. (don’t even ask how we managed all the carpooling!)

    While I love spending time with my kids, and if I could , would quit my job on a dime and stay home to do just that, it is not an option for me at this time. So for us working moms, I would much rather have my children in a structored school setting then home with the babysitter (which is not always an option as I share the babysitter with a neighbor who also has 3 kids – we cannot both leave all our kids as that would be having onr babysitter watch 6 children! Thus the need for all these Pre and Post Camp options. I grew up out of town where schools started the last week of August – uusually the 29th or 30th and ended slightly before the NY schools, therfore spacing out the breaks more evenly between the end of June and the end of August!

    Maybe the day camps also can run a bit longer?

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