Nissim Shaul

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  • in reply to: FILTER for IPHONE ,Blackberry ??? #879871
    Nissim Shaul

    i suggest use webchaver for your phone. there is a free app and you only have to play a small fee per month to use it. it’s a browser that registers every website you visit and sends it to a person of your choice (for example your rabbi) which is really good because instead of a filter, it makes you make the decision of what to look at. my suggestion is that once you download it, set up a restriction for safari (so you won’t use it in a time of desire) and restrict the app store (to not download other web browsers) and also youtube. and have someone else set your restrictions password and you’ll be good to go.

    in reply to: Sephardim and Giyur #1029586
    Nissim Shaul

    so i am a syrian and my step grandmother is a convert so this ban on conversions is a hot subject in my family. i just want to say i respect converts so much as they’re an inspiration for all. but rebdoniel, you consider yourself zionistic…one definition of zionism is “The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel” from how can you consider yourself a zionist if you don’t want to move back there? how are you supporting a return to the land?

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