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  • in reply to: Bahamas Vacation advice #1162842

    The comments about the issue with going to the Bahamas were not in relation to there being a minyan there or a kosher restaurant. It was a comment about vacationing in a plan that is ??? ?????? ????.

    There being a Kollel in Las Vegas, which is nowhere near the strip, does not kasher up the strip.

    As far as the shul closer to the strip, I have heard that it really does not have regular minyanim. The Chabad, which apparently has a whole complex, does have regular minyanim, but is also quite removed from the strip.

    in reply to: Bahamas Vacation advice #1162833

    The Kollel in Las Vegas is miles away from the strip, which is the part of town that is infamous. It is probably a 15- 20 minutes drive without traffic.


    To paraphrase from the Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoelish,

    If he/she is not a frum Jew and says that he/she is “only” anti-Zionist, then you know that professor is an anti-Semite.

    in reply to: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade #1164416

    “Big Government at its worst.”

    Not even close.

    Besides, you are an avowed big government guy, of the worst sort. So one good thing bothers you?

    in reply to: What is Trump Thinking? #1164225

    “All the fact-checking sites show that she is as credible as any politician today.”

    This is about as true as any of Hillary’s comments. Which means not.

    in reply to: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade #1164414

    “I guess all the commenters here who were promoting a polytheist for President four years ago should be treated as though they themselves were polytheists.”

    Let’s see if this can be explained in a way that can be understood by any one.

    People were not supporting Romney because he was Polytheist, nor were they supporting his polytheism.

    On the other hand, a parade on behalf of “Gay Pride” is actively supporting and celebrating overei aveirah and the aveirah itself.

    When OO “rabbis” proclaim “Mazel tov” on the supreme court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, that is active support of Overie Aveirah and Aveirah.

    When one supports YCT and Yeshivas Maharat for what they do, that is supporting and celebrating Overie Aveirah and Chotei umachtim.

    Simple enough to understand for reasonable people.

    in reply to: Homeschooling #1161614

    You will note that no one else had written such a low ball figure.

    it speaks to a certain mindset.

    One has to respect Rabbeim and Teachers. That is who does professional tutoring.

    in reply to: Homeschooling #1161612

    It was clear that he was guessing and had not actually ever inquired because he “guessed” what the going rate is. Which is not supported by facts.

    in reply to: Why the ashkenazi schools don't accept sefardi children #1164106

    Sephardim have their own version of “Yiddish” Its called Ladino”

    1) But it’s not Yiddish. How does this conflict with the poster’s statement. If you just want to tell us about Ladino, the overwhelming majority of people here know that as well as you.

    2) Ladino is hardly used now as opposed to Yiddish which is thriving in many places.

    in reply to: Homeschooling #1161609

    $25 for a professional tutor?

    A) What planet are you living on?

    B) You would have a the chutzpah to offer so little to a professional?

    You know it was offered by him and not requested by the tutor?

    in reply to: Shabbos Refrigerators #1160975

    It’s not a Shabbos refrigerator, it is a switch for the fridge. It turns off some of the automatic cycles of the fridge to prevent chilul Shabbos.

    in reply to: Does a reform rabbi do anything other than attend funerals? #1161026

    Frum Jews live an many other places other than just New York. And many have Chaplaincy positions in many “Out of Town” communities.

    in reply to: Does a reform rabbi do anything other than attend funerals? #1161019


    Most of twhat they do and define as “Tikkun Olam” is very far from chesed at all, let alone true chesed.

    in reply to: Does a reform rabbi do anything other than attend funerals? #1161012

    “For instance, they do chessed extremely well. “

    I am not sure if much what they do is actually chessed.

    In addition, any Rov who I have known is constantly involved in chesed of all types.

    There is a reason why people are constantly speaking to them, it is not only matters of Halacha.

    I would say even Avi Weiss, who is a problem, still does more chessd than reform rabbis, although it is tempered by the michsholim he causes.

    (Some of his activist talmidim, on the other hand, do no chessed at all, they actively seek to harm frum yidden and communities)

    in reply to: Does a reform rabbi do anything other than attend funerals? #1161011


    “many if not most chaplains in hospitals and nursing homes are reform clergy-people “

    Where do you get your statistics from?

    Is that more than Christian chaplains?

    Are the reform also the Moslem chaplains?

    In new York a very large percentage of the Jewish Chaplains are in fact Orthodox. This is from my observations and a good number of institutions.

    in reply to: Frum Jewish President – Halacha #1160652

    “Many countries have had Jewish heads of government or heads of state, and in most cases there were no issues. Leon Blum may have been an exception; he was a Jewish socialist and the anti-Semites of the political Right preferred Nazi rule to the Blum’s Popular Front. But Blum was not religious. “

    While many of the aforementioned were possibly Jewish and likely aligned with the OO mentality, the OP’s question was about Halachic issues for a Frum president.

    in reply to: Frum Jewish President – Halacha #1160651

    “Leom Blum was Prime Minister of France in the 1930’s

    Benjamin Disraeli whose parents converted to christianity when he was 12, was prime minister of Great Britain in the 1870’s . Even though he lived as a christian, he would speak about his jewish roots “

    And which one was frum?

    in reply to: Frum Jewish President – Halacha #1160650

    “SHould the male president really not shake the hand of Angela Merkal (Germany) or Theresa May (UK)? “

    If he is keeping halacha.

    The question is what halachic issues would there be for a frum president.

    in reply to: Frum Jewish President – Halacha #1160649

    “however for Asians, Pork is very much a staple in their diet.”


    Do the Asians feed pork to Muslim heads of state?

    What point are you trying to make?

    in reply to: Car dealership #1160503

    Lakewood auto sales has very good reputation.

    in reply to: Perfume, deodorant, brushing teeth on a fast day #1160134

    The M”B says that although the five inuyim other than eating are not ossur on all fasts, a bal nefesh should be machmir.

    in reply to: What was Cruz thinking #1160465


    Even on a fast you chug the Kool Ade?

    in reply to: Long Speeches Are Pointless #1159562


    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159422

    “No MO school takes Non-Jews.”

    Not supported by the facts.

    “but MO Schools under Torah Umesorah” MO Schools are under Torah Umesorah?

    And even if some are, many, if not most are not. You thereby disproved your first comment.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159421

    “No MO school takes Non-Jews.”

    Not supported by the facts.

    “but MO Schools under Torah Umesorah” MO Schools are under Torah Umesorah?

    And even if some are, many, if not most are not. You thereby disproved your first comment.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159659


    MO = Modus Operandi. Typical Modus Operandi of Charlie. And Typical of the OO.

    in reply to: Pok�mon in BMG #1161180

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159655


    Now it is you who has blown it. No one would call any of the incidents you cited “Car Accidents”.

    You are misconstruing incidents where there was an “accident” and a car was somewhere in the story to be a “car accident”.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159654

    “So liberals kill more than six million people around the world every year? ‘

    Absolutely. Without question they do.

    1.2 Million alone from AIDS.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159653

    “No one, absolutely no one, is as bad as Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton. “

    Well quite probably the people who claim that OO is Orthodox and the leaders of that Farce of a movement are as dishonest.

    Both are much more evilly dishonest than even Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159649


    You, yet again, have been caught in a “liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” lie.

    All your liberal twisting and obfuscating does not hide that.

    It is your typical MO, and typical of OO.

    in reply to: Are Jews allowed to listen to Noahide music? #1215395

    You that there are certain groups who think negia is only a chumra and are not willing to accept such chumras.

    in reply to: Depression&torahs perspective&helpful ideas #1169963

    I don’t believe anyone was saying not to seek help when neccesary.

    However, feeling down at one point does not mean that professional help is neccesary and doing something cheerful can work fine. M

    It is when the depression is lingering or interferes with leading life, even if it feels that way that outside help is warranted.

    But a suggestion to do some something calming or enjoyable is not the worst advice ever.

    And it is arrogant to make such a comment.

    And I am not talking without having known people who were suffering mental illness and needed professional help.

    in reply to: Depression&torahs perspective&helpful ideas #1169959


    1) Cant you write your own posts without having a moderator write it for you?

    I try to extend the same editing courtesy to him that I do for you

    2) It is an appropriate comment when you initial screed was “this is the worst advice ever”. Which is untrue.

    in reply to: Depression&torahs perspective&helpful ideas #1169954

    ZD and Charlie,

    What is absolutely criminal is that you two clearly incompetents are diagnosing someone with clinical depression based on one sentence. One sentence, that I may add, does not have indicators of clinical depression.

    Clinical depression is an illness, feeling down at times is not.

    You don’t put someone on heavy medications just for feeling down or upset at times. That is part of normal human range of emotions.

    in reply to: May one use an escalator on shabbos? #1159161


    He was talking about frum people, or non frum who were going to come either way, so coming by public transport is better?

    Are you sure if it is so distant that there is no problem of tchum?

    in reply to: how to pronounce tzirel #1158750

    tzee – rel

    Is the closest.

    But the truth is, it shout be like the I in in “it” instead of “ee”.

    Based on the way I have heard several individuals with the name pronounce it.

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160376

    I’ve drunk the kook aid? I said Trump is not good. You say the person who is the most corrupt individual running for national office in recent history is good.

    She is terrible, dishonest and hugely corrupt.

    Illegally setting a personal email server to hide what she was doing?

    Deleting emails? (Why is that different from shredding and burning tapes?)

    Pay for play wth the Clinton Foundation? (Which, by its own admission filed incorrect 990s which it will not amend).

    Ex parte communication with the Attorney General supposedly looking into her illegal acts?

    You’ve gone far beyond just sipping Kool Ade.

    Frankly, I don’t think there is a word Hillary or her rabid supporters, like you, say that may contain any honesty.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1159004

    “the response is namecalling. What I said is truth and you know it.”

    Continue deluding yourself. It wasn’t worth the effort to go through to disprove your nonsense on a one by one basis.

    Bringing in Avi Weiss was just to show how deluded you are.

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160367

    Typical of Charlie Hall to support te most fraudulent person to run for President in recent history.

    Trump is not great, but he is not nearly as fraudulent as Hillary.

    Calling her honest is like Calling OO frum and Torah observant.

    Completely and obviously utter contradictions.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158991

    “There certainly IS such a question. The Modern Orthodox and Dati Leumi worlds never adopted the Kollel for Everyone system and are doing fine. They also aren’t requiring massive government subsidies for their survival.”

    Horse feathers. All of it.

    And your system is an anti halachic system hat says Mazel tov to homosexual weddings and actually does what it can to disrupt frum communities.

    No frum Rov supports any of the actions of Avi Weiss and his Sychophants.

    in reply to: Women only hours at a public municipal pool in Williamsburg #1158959


    But they’ve been sued for not accommodating frum people.

    So you you see that gender separate hours is not considered discrimination, while exclusion based on religion is.

    You’ve done a fine job of disproving yourself.

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160357

    I wonder why the people who are so gung-ho about these fellows participating in a reality show, ( and it appears that some of the judges are attired less than modestly) and were horrified when a couple from Boro park had their case heard in a reality court show as a favor for the defendant whose costs would then be covered.

    The people who feel that this participation is inappropriate also felt that being on a the court show was not a good thing.

    in reply to: Women only hours at a public municipal pool in Williamsburg #1158951

    “They are”

    Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

    Besides the “Y” gets public grants.

    in reply to: The government's role #1158547


    What Jewish libraries are there? If you would live in a Jewish area, you would know. There are many.

    Jewish welfare agencies that get government funding, provide help on a non sectarian basis. (perhaps yours don’t, but the many I’ve dealt with do. No not as a consumer for you and ZD).

    The same for your lie that it costs more to provide special education in Jeeish settings than it costs the public schools. It is a gross lie. Your claim is Horse feathers.

    in reply to: Women only hours at a public municipal pool in Williamsburg #1158938

    It’s all missing the point.

    These people are tax payers like everyone else. They also live in the area this pool services. There is nothing illegal about having seperate hours.

    There is nothing in the law that says the pool has to be available for everyone at every time.


    You get all riled up when you imagine that people might be telling you what to do.

    Well that’s all you’re doing here. Telling who to build neighborhood pools with their money. Telling peopl where they should go.

    If I weren’t nice, I would cal you a blazing hypocrite. It’s a good thing that I am nice.

    in reply to: Is It permitted to ride a bicycle on shabbos? #1158718


    You have not been so generous in your acceptance of R Pruzansky’s statements in the past.

    There is no question that Avi Weis is now a ???? ?????? and no longer deserves the title Rabbi. He himself has stepped down from the position and is no longer welcome as a member in the largest MO rabbinic assembly. The IRF is an organization that causes ??????.

    It is a mitzvah to belittle the actions of Avi Weiss which are so detrimental to yiddishkeit and Israel as well.

    in reply to: Is It permitted to ride a bicycle on shabbos? #1158715

    “How, then, does Mr. Weiss from HIR create new halachas? “

    Actually, a more apt description is that Mr. Weiss just ignores halacha, period.

    in reply to: Can a bad person create good art? #1158484

    If one would actually read the Teshuva, one would see that it is not what Avi K says it says.

    I went through the teshuva and “Machines” is only mentioned in passing along with medicine.

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207076

    Interesting what Charlie considers novelty, the fact that here is ncreasing limmud Hatorah.

    On the other hand, he apparently believes that support of Gay Marriage and promotion of lifestyles defines by the Torah as ????? is long established Mesorah.

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