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  • in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1252352


    “Nisht, if you had scrolled a bit up you would have seen my post. Rav Moshe’s opinion on peanuts is in Iggrot Moshe, OC 3:63”

    I know where the teshuva is, I have in fact read through it. But there are commenters who like to assert psakim in name of various poskim when it is clear that they have never opened the specific teshuva and only know about it from seeing comments on the internet.

    And my point was proven.

    in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1252047


    So if you were to look what Rav Moshe actually says, instead of just quoting what you read elsewhere on the internet, you would see that he says for those who have a minhag not to eat peanut because of kitniyos, for them it is ossur to eat peanuts.

    So it is clear that he held it is not a minhag shtus for those who include peanuts in their minhag of kitniyos.

    He does say that one can give a hasgocha on items containing peanuts and say on the package that it contains no items that are ossur, but it does contain peanuts.

    in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1251989

    Your recipe is a potato puff, it is not a bread.

    in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1251974

    “If you google “רב ליאור קטניות” you will see some good leniencies.”

    There is something very wrong with Googling for kulos (or chumras for that matter, but I do not believe that the occurrence of such is anywhere in the realm of Googling for kulos).

    As far as I know, Google never got semicha. Except perhaps from YCT, and that is utterly unreliable.

    in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1251976

    “Rav Moshe felt Peanuts were not Kitniyot (Movement is towards Peanuts being Kitniyot)”

    ZD, and specifically ZD, can you tell us where Rav Moshe said this?

    in reply to: War on Kitnyos #1251968

    “Potatoes can also be turned into bread”

    Every year it has been explained to you that Potato Bread is made with wheat flour. That is still regular chometz, you cannot say that it is muttar.

    “Participant Coffee and Chocolate grow in trees, they do not grow anything close to a legume”

    Your fantasy that legume is what defines something as kitniyos has been conclusively disproven more than once, why you keep harping that legume is the definition of kitniyos might be baffling to some.

    (I am NOT saying that coffee or Chocolate are kitniyos, but your reason is not the reason)

    in reply to: Kitniyos Expansion #1251805


    If you read ZDs comment, he did not say to give their opinion “prominence”.

    in reply to: Kitniyos Expansion #1251110

    “Quinoa is not Kintiyot. it is not a legume its a berry”

    I am glad that we have your psak, however there are real rabbonim who say that there may be reason to include quinoa in kitniyos. Ask your Rov.

    But the distinction that you make, that kitniyos are solely legumes, is silly. Rice is not a legume, and everyone agrees that rice is included in the minhag. You love to comment that some consider potatoes kitniyos, yet potatoes are not legumes.

    in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251098

    “The Army is about everyone being equal”

    No, that is not true, the Army is about listening to the commands of those in command.

    Command is clearly not equal, in most armies, the senior command does not get anywhere near the foxholes.

    in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251094

    “When you are in the foxhole being shot at, the bullets dont care what you eat.”

    So apparently someone does not believe In hashgocha pratis.

    in reply to: Forgetting your learning if you leave a Sefer open, unattended #1249552


    Whether you really have respect for R Shach has yet to be demonstrated. However, it seems you must have left a Sefer or two open at some point if you doesn’t know who the ש״ך is. The שפתי כהן is one of the classic נושא כלים that we pasken from.

    And no one said forget “all” ones learning, rather it causes one to forget his learning. Any amount of it. Which it is אסור to do intentionally and the psak is that you cannot do action which can cause it.

    in reply to: Forgetting your learning if you leave a Sefer open, unattended #1249487


    Thank you for defining what lesschumras calls “Bubba Maaseh”.

    in reply to: jewish communities game #1248062

    Wickliffe, Ohio.

    Kirya”T” Tosh? Really?

    The name of the town is Kiryas Tash

    in reply to: Quote from Aristotle in Tachlis Magazine #1240991

    So I guess I was right. It did not sound like the lashon of the Rambam and it wasn’t.

    I believe the Rambam says he sometimes quotes Aristotle.

    in reply to: Quote from Aristotle in Tachlis Magazine #1240960

    קבל האמת מפי אומרו – רמב”ם

    Can you tell me where the Rambam said this? It doesn’t sound like the lashon of the Rambam.

    in reply to: Breakfast Faux Pas ? #1240957

    Rav Herschel Shachter ate a toasted bagel. How can you say it’s assur D’Aroysa?

    in reply to: Food game (second letter) 🍲🕹️🅱️ #1229115


    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228403



    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225616


    According to the 990 forms filed by the anti religious group, Uri ltzedek, his name is Shan Yankelowitz.

    Unsurprisingly, the form is full of lies.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225614

    Back to the OP, about Sean’s ludicrous statements. That are not even his original idiocies. They were originally spouted by egalitarian rabbits.

    What bothers these lunatics so much about Purim is that the nes of Purim was a nes done “b’hester” and seemed to many like regular teva. That is why that cannot handle the nes of Purim. These morons deny that there is hasgocha and that even what appear to be every day occurance include ?????.

    That flies in the face of their whole system of disbelief in HKB”H. ????.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225613


    By being intentionally obtuse and ignoring facts, you show that you know that your comments are baseless.

    I will therefore not respond further to your silliness.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225609


    It was clearly not a lashon guzma, it was a clear psak that Goren’s psokim can not be relied on. Apparently even retroactively. These were not just signed by an individual, it was signed by gedolim and rabbonim across the board.

    You are right that this is consistent with retroactive invalidation that you talk about now, that when someone uses bases for a psak, or as a reason to accept a ger, that is completely out of the realm of Halacha, it has to be protested in the strongest of terms and it has to be made clear that the (in these cases) the geirus never occurred.

    A Geirus BD that never requires kabbolas mizvos, the only requirement being army service, is clearly beyond the pale and its geurus is invalid, never happened. Just like all these gedolim paskened by Goren, that his psokim were NEVER psokim.

    That a psak, or a geirus, that is made solely for political reasons and has no basis in Halacha is not a psak or geirus and those who do so have proven that even their past psokim or geirus are unreliable and null and void.

    Completely consistent.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225601


    How can you say that “many people testified that he had not left his gentile ways” when not a single reliable, or even remotely believable, witness has been identified. (An army buddy of the Langer boy who married a non Jew and was totally irreligious has no neemanus in such a case. It was not even remotely meisiach lfi tumoi). In fact that statement had been conclusively disproven. (Joseph never called Borokowski a “Tzaddik Gomur” he said a share torah. Big difference).

    And it is “your belief” that there was nothing unusual with Goren’s hetter, is soundly contradicted by every major Posek of the time.

    So much so that if this were in time of Sanhedrin, he would likely be considered a ??? ????.

    There have been disagreements over psokim in the past, but I hhave not heard the proclamations by all those same poskim say as a blanket statement that no psak of ( in this case Goren) can be relied upon. That is unusual. Go look at who made those proclamations.

    It seems you accept the word of Moshe Dayan over R Shach, R Moshe, R Elyashiv, and R Shlomo Zalman, tthe Steipler, to name just a few in regards to this serious Halachic matter.

    Ok. As long as it is clear.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225599

    You can go to the same JO issue referenced above and on pages 20 & 21 there is analysis of the bases provided by R Goren for his “hetter”.

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228394



    in reply to: Team Israel in World baseball classic #1225623

    “Team israel beat the Netherlands 4-2 with their Mascot, Mench on a Bench”

    Wow, that must have been some sight.

    I wonder if Mench on a Bench was hurt during the beating.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225570

    “1. His conversion would only be invalid if he was an apikoros at the time of his conversion.”

    Not if the alleged bet din was the IRF, which the gerut bet din was headed an acknowledged apikoros.

    Then there was no acceptable gerut, even if you were to assume that Sean has just recently changed to apikorsut. Which is what what I said earlier as well.

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225559

    If Farber was the person who did the conversion, then it’s no question that the figure was deficient. And unless he just recently when off the deep end, his statements make it clear that he was not mekabel kol hatorah kulah as emes, so that is another deficiency.

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228388



    in reply to: Bachurim/yungeleit wearing sweaters #1222193

    What an inane thread.

    Starts off with an assumption that is not based in reality. Certainly not if you are referring to chareidi yeshivas.

    Everyone knows that anyone who learnt in Brisk wears a sweater. They all do. And when I was recently visiting Eretz Yisroel, I lead in the Mir and saw many bochurim and yungeleit wearing sweaters.

    I guess it is +1 for silly people who think this really happens. (Sarcasm).

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225789

    At least Fiddler has something that relates to Judaism.

    Portnoy’s Complaint does not have that. You have not said what would make it “Jewish” literature. Sure a non Jew might call it that because it promotes a stereotype of Jews they would like portrayed, but that hardly makes it Jewish.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225779

    I fail to understand why anyone one frum would deem “Portnoy’s Complaint” to be Jewish literature.

    Perhaps the Chosen can be called such because the story has something to do with Yiddishkeit. I vaguely remember the Chosen, I read it so many years ago.

    in reply to: Non-slip Tallis #1219422

    I have heard that one of the reasons why Chasidim wear a heavy Atara on their Talis is because they wear “zeidene” (satin or silk) kapotes which were slippery. The heavy atara kept the Talis from slipping off.

    in reply to: The BEST Shabbos / Yom Tov Lipstick #1219600

    There is a concept in Halacha that “sicha” is like “achila”. That is why there are people who are makpid not to use non-kosher products to apply to their body, such as ointments, oils, perfumes or make up and the like.

    I have never heard that “levisha” being considered like “achila”. There is no reason to refrain from wearing objects from non kosher animals, while there is a reason to refrain from spreading animal products from non kosher animals on one’s body.

    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218795

    Rutledge Jewish Studies Series, Rabbis of Our Times.

    Pe’er Hador.


    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218794


    You are a funny asking for sources. You have never provided sources for any of the statements you have asserted are in the Gemara or in Halacha. Never.

    in reply to: NASA finds 7 new planets #1219301


    was this comment “The Earth is not the center of the Universe, its not even the center of the Solar System ”

    in response to

    “The earth is the center of the universe for us.”?

    Because you apparently completely misunderstood what that poster said. You did not read or understand that last 2 words of the sentence.

    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218792


    The story with the Chazon Ish not looking at Ben-Gurion (taking off his glasses) is printed in a number of places.

    Even your so called “printed source” which is just something on the internet by a completely unreliable source is conflicted by other reports on the internet.

    I think what you really mean to say is that you would trust a secular, even anti religious source, apparently no matter how often that source has be shown to print gross inaccuracies and blatant lies, over Orthodox sources.

    That is your prerogative. As it is our prerogative to decide how to interpret your reliance on those sources.

    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218788

    “I did a quick google about the meeting between Ben Gurion and the Chazon Ish. Only one other person was in the room with them, Yitzchak Navon.”

    That is not true, and it obvious to anyone who bothers to read the articles you reference. (Unless you are referring to a recent article in Haaretz, which any intelligent individual knows to dismiss as made up bunk)

    All the articles say that at the time these articles were written (in 2011-2012) Navon was the only attendee STILL ALIVE, it is clear that there were additional attendees. The supposition that Novon was the only other attendee makes no sense.

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228342



    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228338



    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218745


    “I wasnt the one who brought up Tinok Sheneba for 7 Mizvoth Bnei Noach, I just gave an example how its very possible someone never heard of the torah”

    Did someone else write the following in your name just before?

    “There are some indigenous peoples who never heard of the bible or if they heard of it, it came from missionaries and they might be negatively inclided towards it. Are you going to say someone who never heard of the Bible is not a Tinok Shenesba?”

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228335



    in reply to: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah #1218740


    I am not sure you know what the words ????? ????? means. And I am sure you did not understand ITFT meant.

    A person is obligated by the halachos in the Torah. Someone who does not Joseph certain halachos would be consider a Tasha and there are specific treatment for a rasha. There are time that there is a “heter” called ????? ?????.

    Normally one says that ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the law. I am pretty sure you strongly advocate that with US laws. There is no reason to say less for Halacha.

    ITFT was explaining that there is no “heter” applicable to the ??? ????? ??? ??. It makes no difference if they are aboriginals or other indigenous people. Nowhere does it say that ??? ????? do not apply to them. It is your own unsubstantiated ?????.

    in reply to: Should I tell my manager? #1217074

    Mod 29,

    I guess it is quite possible that you did

    possible but highly unlikely. I have no prejudices here, as evidenced by the variance in posts and posters allowed through.

    in reply to: Should I tell my manager? #1217072

    “She is under no obligation to follow the Psaks of Rav Shach if Chabad has a different Shitta (I have no idea what the Chabad’s psaks are in this circumstance). If the OP wishes to follow Rav Schecter or Rav Lichtenstein, she may also do so (Again I have no idea what their Psaks are in this circumstance) “

    So you do not know what a Chabad Rav would pasken, and you do not know know Rav Hershel Schechter would pasken or What Rav Aharon Lichtenstien would have paskened, but you seem to be sure that this is just a chumra?

    I wonder, who you do know, other than possibly Dov Linzer, would say it is muttar.

    in reply to: Should I tell my manager? #1217071


    I am going to make an observation about shaking hands from my experience and other’s who’ve I’ve talked to and I an limiting it to that topic. The issue about airplane seating has nothing to do with the OP’s question nor anyone else’s comments.

    I suspect that your insistence that “Big Clients” will be insulted is because your interaction is solely over the internet. You do internet sales.

    I have been working in an industry which involves significant face to face client interaction, including meeting with corporate officers and corporate boards.

    There has never, in my experience, been a negative response to someone who respectfully says that do not shake hands for religious purposes. And I have heard the same from my acquaintances who also work in large corporate environments.

    You will note that I said respectfully. And I am not paskening what someone should do. But it is clear that those who avoid shaking hands with the other gender are not just following a big chumra. There are many poskim who hold this is normative halacha and is ossur gomur and a kula is not applicable.

    This is not something,to quote your comment of above, “you need to figure this out for yourself”. Would you give that advice for medical issues, just figure it out for yourself?

    These are complex halachos of a very serious nature, that are taken seriously by frum people.

    in reply to: When did hats get so big? #1216885

    I thought any mention of a hat brought an automatic response from Charlie Hall about a fedora.

    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228296



    in reply to: 7 letter word game (3rd letter) #1228291



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