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  • in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1504667

    JEMS currently has an article on its website that is very laudatory of United Rescue in NJ. This is volunteer organization and it is based on the Hatzolah model.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1503243


    Health keeps harping that Hatzolah doesn’t have standards with who they accept. However he himself disproves that by the fact the Health was rejected.

    Oh the irony.

    No I am not on Hatzolah, however they have saved the lives of family members of mine with tremendous dedication and professionalism.

    No wonder I do not take the word of someone so obsessed that one could almost actually see him foaming at the mouth in his posts.

    in reply to: Eat4Oorah Is A Chillul Hashem #1474135

    This is going to sound somewhat in the Spirit of Vnohapoch Hu, but I agree with ZD on this.

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1469033


    Iacisrmma is correct about the lashon. “Eis” means while, as in while davening is occurring. Zman mean the calendar time, so that would mean the time of day for davening.

    The reference you provided supports Iacisrmma.



    Only you would consider the cases comparable.

    1) With the OU, it has to do with claimed membership and giving credence to. The are allowing such a synagogue membership in their organization. Chareidi gedolim do not claim affiliation with the few lunatic radicals. Huge difference, but make no difference to you.

    2) The uproar about OO membership in the OU is not just suddenly and about this one item. This is a long standing matter of contention amongst OU leadership for a long time.

    3) It is a blatant, bald face lie by you to say that commenters smeared all MO. The most vocal commenters are people who consider themselves MO.



    1. And yet there are people who purposely are mechalel Shabbos. That is why people protest. (And what you aver is not true, anyway)

    2. This is not true.

    And who is being “embarrassed”? That is completely not the issue. They are being harassed , not embarrassed. We are talking about someone wearing a uniform publicly, how is he being embarrassed?

    The issue is that these soldiers are being harassed and there is no reason for that and attacking someone is ossur, but it is not embarrassing.


    I should have stated this earlier.

    Unprovoked (yes, there are times there are provocations) , it is very wrong to throw rocks at or otherwise harass soldiers, and Jewish soldiers all the more so.

    However, I must strongly protest the title of the thread “like chillul Shabbos”. I do not think you can even remotely compare the two and the response that is required.

    The same with the protest and outcry, (as minimal as it actually was – a couple of articles published L”A) that is appropriate when there is a so called Orthodox group announcing that an aveirah chamurah, one that carries the oinesh of sekilah, is appropriate, and a life choice to be celebrated. Those who make such claims are apikorsim, and those complaining about protests of those statements clearly lack certain “sensitivity” to Torah commandments.



    1) He wasn’t saying it didn’t occur, just that it is so infrequent that he, who lives in Israel has not witnessed it.

    2) A rouge rabbi? Now I know you must be shilling for the OO. The announcementS (yes more than one, I actually saw them) were in the official news letter for the headquarters of the OO, HIR. That would be like the Vatican publishing a memo and you saying it was just the word of rogue priest. Your saying that this is a “rogue Rabbi” is proof that you are deliberately denying the actual issue. (I am not expanding further because that is not the topic here)

    3) The “chareidi people”? Do they have horns and pimply, hooked noses?
    And the chareidim are opposed to forced army service for many reasons, including that it is huge hindrance to basic shemiras hamitzvos. And in many, many instance, intentionally so. The overwhelming majority of chareidim are supportive of members of the army and explicitly so. We all know about how members of the IDF would visiti that Chareidi Gedolim for brochos, which they regularly give.

    in reply to: Tax Reform and Tsadakkah #1436644


    That assumes that the amount of income you make is such that NYC income tax plus the real estate tax is less than the real estate tax paid in suburbs.

    I would guess for many in the suburbs that may not be the case.

    in reply to: Project Makom #1422869

    I think one can refer to the essay by HoRav Aharon Lopiansky to understand why MO is not Judaism lite compared to Chareidi. Which is what it seems that many here are assuming.

    in reply to: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? #1422868


    There are numerous eruvin in Lakewood. No one is contesting that. However, there is not one eruv (or even connecting eruvin) covering the whole Lakewood. I do not believe that there is any Eruv that crosses Route 9.

    Route 9 is the same Route 9 as in Howell or Freehold. It is the same continuos thoroughfare, regardless of it is narrower or wider in different places.

    in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392577

    It is narishe to call giving candy to children who show up at your door celebrating Halloween.

    That is just a matter of spreading goodwill, or protecting yourself from being egged.

    Celebrating would be going out trick or treating, dressing up, or putting out the decorations.

    I was somewhere this year Yom Tov and saw houses that had mezuzos and pumpkins by the door. That I did not understand.


    To number 1, often headstones are used as part of research for families. Such as determining if someone is a Cohen or Levi.

    Accordingly, in my humble opinion, I would think the appropriate inscription should be what your late Mother-in-Law’s actual name was.

    As far as query 2, I personally do not appreciate double headstone, certainly not ones erected while one of the people were alive, so I will recuse myself from responding.

    in reply to: Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍 #1388698

    Davening is not in Hebrew, it is לשון קודש. Most people who learned a Yeshiva or Beis Yaakov know more than enough to understand the words. In addition many also teach peirush of davening. I know that mine and my children’s did.

    There are many readily available siddurim with translations in manor languages for those who do not understand לשון הקודש well enough.

    More important than just understanding the words is meaning what one davens.

    Not understanding the words is often not the real reason why those who talk by davening do so. Most often it is Attitude. The same attitude which may be the reason why they do not know what they are saying. Even when they should know what the word mean.

    in reply to: Pushing and Hoshanos #1380862

    Leave it to GH to show ignorance of the Halacha of ברוב עם הדרת מלך.

    in reply to: Driving in the left lane at the speed limit #1379833


    I believe this was already mentioned, but it bears repeating. In many states the law is you drive on the right and pass on the left. The left lane is not for straight driving.

    So driving in the left lane, at the limit or otherwise is against the law and you can rightly get a ticket.

    in reply to: The best & worst shidduch advice you’ve been told. #1351184

    Worst Advice: Post your shidduch questions on a public forum:

    in reply to: Vacationing in Alaska #1339684

    “They are Charedim.”

    I am not sure what to make of this comment. Are not all Jews commanded to keep Shabbos? It makes no difference if they are “Chareidim” Not Chareidim, Modern Orthodox, conservative, reform, totally not religious or even Open Orthodox, Shabbos applies to all.

    in reply to: Vacationing in Alaska #1339518


    There is a safek according to one shitah about Alask and that has to with whether the dateline veers around land or cuts straight through. The same is not for Hawaii because the dateline would not cut through a land mass.

    You can vacation in Alaska without being there over Shabbos (or safek, safek Shabbos), it is easy enough in these days of international travel.

    I think the real issue would be that signs are in Inuit and are understandable b those who speak Yiddish, would be difficult for those who do not line Yiddish.

    in reply to: Vacationing in Alaska #1339522

    “Alaska and Hawaii have the same issue, There is a Halachic Debate where the International Date line is. According to the secular world, the International date line is approximately 180 Degrees from London. Which is considered the start of Time, However Halacha says Jerusalem is 0 degrees not London, so that moves the International date line”

    This is a poor explanation, because it does not reflect the views of most poskim. Not even as a certainty the psak of the one shita that says the date line is 180 degrees from Yerushalyaim.

    The article and map referenced by iacisrmma is very informative.


    I’ve had jam once.

    AT a restaurant, a burger they had for Channukah. Was actually surprisingly good. It may have had an apple slice as well.



    It is not Joseph’s word against a therapist. It is word against Haimy’s a new poster to the site.

    in reply to: FDU Accounting Program #1315091

    1) It appears to be a solid program educationally based on graduates who I’ve observed

    2) There are different locations, one in Montclair and one in Lakewood. And there is a track for man and and another for women.

    The ages seem to range, most of the men seem to be from “Yeshiva” and even some chassidish backgrounds.

    3) the benefit is they have good teachers and a concentrated program. The MS is about 13 months if I recall. You do have to have son undergraduate degree, but they help you work that out.

    4) I’ve not heard that it comes out more expensive than Touro. Touro takes much longer and is not cheap by any means. You may get Scholarships at Touro.

    5) There is a very robust job placement department which has been very effective. There are graduates in many of the well known and major accounting forms including all of the Big 4 firms.

    To answer Joseph FDU is a NJ university and the accounting program referred to is a program run through the University but was arranged in conjunction with the Agudah’s PCS program.

    Until he retired, many of the classes were taught by the head of FDU’s accounting program, who is a highly regarded accounting educator who still does many CPA review courses and I believe he gives CPE as well.


    וּמִֽזַּרְעֲךָ֥ לֹא־תִתֵּ֖ן לְהַעֲבִ֣יר לַמֹּ֑לֶךְ וְלֹ֧א תְחַלֵּ֛ל אֶת־שֵׁ֥ם

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300623

    “What I havent seen mentioned here before is ER currently has one of the lowest school tax rates in the county. ”

    Huh? That is not supported by anyone’s tax bill.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300560

    “private school students are getting over 55 million in benefits. ”

    It wouldn’t be able to be overlooked if that were the case.

    But it isn’t true. Where do you see that anywhere?

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300490

    “The laws of New York State apply the same in Monsey or Borough Park”

    Wrong, again. The law specifically states that there are different rules for districts over a certain size. Which, applies to NYC and possibly Buffalo.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300327

    I don’t think Einstein is part of YU anymore.

    I also believe that Joseph was referring to the assembly by R Blau which roundly denounced by the Roshei Yeshiva of REITS including R Twerski who minced no words.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300236

    I wonder how many of the so called experts here, such as LC, ZD or anyone else has even bothered to look at the budget.

    ZD was insistent that special education costs are much higher in ERCSD than anywhere else in the state.
    WRONG. Attached to the budget is a copy of the statistics comparing the district to the state (this is report prepared by the NYSED). The average cost is $4,000 LOWER per student in the district than in state as a whole and in comparison to similar districts (NYS’ designation, not mine.)
    The average cost per public school child is $2,000 HIGHER than the average in the state.

    Total spent on special Education to private schools and out of district schools is approximately 7.99 million out of a total of $65 million spent for Special Education. About 12%. Hmmm. (When the private school population seems to outnumber the public school population by 3.5 – 1)
    And that (7.99 M) is less than the amount spent on extracurricular non-mandated services specifically for the public schools. Such as art, music clubs and sports teams( Beyond mandated PE).

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300129


    “Joseph, a lack of additional funding only hurts the public school kids and not the private schools kids because of the corruption of the school board in East Ramapo.”

    Perhaps you should speak to R Bender before slandering the Frum Board members.

    This charge has been alleged, investigated, litigated and monitored. Guess, what there were no findings of corruption by the school board. On the other hand, there has been considerable corruption by the so called activists which was described earlier.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300128

    “If you live in Williamsburg and you kids go to school in Borough Park, The city does not pay for school busing, It is more than 2 miles away

    How come you are not talking about the safety of those students, and other than the b110 bus its not so easy to get from Williamsburg to Borough Park via Public transport , which is what NYC students do for the most part.

    I know people who live in Far Rockaway and go to School in Brooklyn and the city does not pay busing, you are on your own.”

    So what are you trying to say?

    East Ramapo definitely pay for students who are transported out of the district.

    And you can’t compare NYC top anywhere else in the states. The laws and regulations are different.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1299672


    Where did you see anywhere that ERCSD is looking for a “bail out”. There are separate items seeking a fairness in the formula. That is not a bail out. That is getting what should be rightfully paid to the district from state education dollars.

    And following your “logic” why would the rest of state only want to pay for extra luxuries of the public school children and not for the safety of all children?

    You are so adamant

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1299521

    “The East Ramapo school district has been a huge chillul Hashem for years.”

    If you consider anti semites and YCY rabble rousers being upset, perhaps. But not if you were intellectually honest.

    There is a reason why the court threw out all the charges by the so called activists saying there was no basis at all for their complaints.

    These lawsuits were brought with the hope of personally harassing board members and attempting to cause them significant personal costs and losses.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1299524


    You are wrong. There would have to be a change to the law to take away transportation. Yet again you show that you comment about that which you know not.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1299514


    I don’t think that is true. But, your comment is misleading, because you do not say how it is calculated.

    Is it based on public school enrollment?

    Chew on that.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1298976

    “They would hire them as a need, not as a requirement. And it would be cheaper than sending them to Kiryat Joel.”

    So you are saying it would be cheaper to hire all the necessary staff to provide the services to a single child in ERCSD rather than send that child to a district where there is an infrastructure and services in place?

    The simple answer is that you are wrong. You comment is similar to the unabashed haters on LOHUD, do you winder why? DO you wonder why this has never been found to be an issue with the monitor? Because it is balderdash.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1298978

    “Nisht, it is available but not mandated unless you live more than two miles away. This primarily affects private schools as parents don’t necessarily select schools based upon proximity”.

    You are wrong. We had this discussion well over a year ago . You were wrong them and remain so now. There was a vote more than a decade ago, well before there was anything approaching a majority of Jews on the school board ,where it was decided that busing will be provided to all students regardless of how far they live from the school. That may not be the state mandate, but it is now required, by law, in the district. And as such, cannot be cut.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1298656


    Busing in ERCSD is available for all students by law, regardless of the distance. 2 miles does not apply to the district. This was discussed ad nauseum in the past.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1298657


    The waste is not in the special education. The amount going to outside districts is not so much more than what it would cost to provide in the district and many times it is less. The public schools do not have the resources for many of these unfortunate children. You need to stop accepting the comments in LOHUD as anything approaching fact.

    This was proven to you many times in the previous discussions.

    Joseph happens to be correct, under an austerity budget there will be no increase in the tax. I know this because I saw the information mailed out by the board with the details of the new budget proposal and the results if the budget is again defeated.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1294237

    “The two of you sound like some women – when you don’t like what​ you hear – you resort to personal attacks!”

    Even “the pot calling the kettle black” does not fit this situation.

    “I came to this thread, not to list all the cases​ which I know or heard about Hatzolah, but to defend EN.”

    How interesting. I don’t believe you have written one positive word anywhere in this thread. Let alone in defense of EN.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1293085

    Health – Much more than you!
    All you know is CPR!f

    So you are not saying what type of health professional you are. The only proof that you bring to the table is that you are arrogant, and that is a sign of being a health professional.

    I never suggested I am a health professional. My comment about CPR was responsive to the suggestion that if everyone knew CPR there would be no reason for an ambulance corp. This was a suggestion by someone arrogantly referring to himself as a health professional. I would guess that you may be an HHA.

    You are also self admittedly not practicing your so called profession, Hmmm…

    You also apparently have a beef because Hatzolah did not admit you. Which does not in the least seem surprising.

    You also want to run hatzolah for pay. An organization that has hundreds of people volunteering, but you are soooo good that you would demand pay.

    Thank you for clearing yup for all of us why:

    1) You are not in Hatzolah

    2) Why you will not tell us what type of health professional you are.

    3) Why you do not practice in the health field.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1293087

    “Well, did the guy/gal live afterwards?!?”

    What type of inane comment is this?

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1292813

    Even if everyone knew CPR, you will still need an ambulance Corp.

    I have tKen and fact taught CPR and the first step was always to direct someone to call 911.

    And knowing CPR is far less than an EMT, let alone a Paramedic trained in ALS.

    And actually having performed CPR is much different than just taking a course.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1292802


    Since you are asking to be challenged how about truthfully answering the following questions;

    1) Just what type of health professional are you?

    2) When have you last practiced at the health profession.

    3) Why did hatzalah deny your membership?

    I can only speak from personal experience and observation and I can say from those that Hatzolah has aced professionally, with great dedication and exceptional competence.

    Sure there may be some politics, but that is any agency and that does not detract from the fantastic job they do.

    There is a reason that when the police had an incident at the 70th precinct, the police called Hatzolah before city EMS.

    in reply to: The God Squad #1292390


    He is completely consistent in his disdain for Open Ortjodox in both instances. Who do you think was all up in arms about the Kushners, it was those self righteous phonies of the OO ilk.

    in reply to: Voting thoughts #1285697


    Insurance premiums have skyrocketed since Obamacare was firs implemented and I know that the premiums on my plan have almost doubled in the last 6 years and the gross premiums have left $40,000 behind already. And that is with a decrease in the coverage. A plan with the same coverage would command premiums close to $60,000.

    in reply to: The Meeting With the Pope That Is Now Viral #1272100

    I understand meeting the pope to discus graves in Europe and I ma sure that is what was asked of Da’as Torah. I don’t understand singing “shiros vsishbachos” for the pope, certainly not the song selected.
    I wonder if Da’as Torah was consulted about that.
    I also don’t understand asking the pope about how to deal with children as risk and other similar situations seems to be beyond what would be recommended by Da’as Torah.

    These are well meaning people, but sometimes one has to wonder when people become so wrapped up that they can not take an objective look at their own actions.

    in reply to: Demographics of Orthodox Jewry #1259043


    Your estimate cannot be correct.

    In the ERCSD there are over 20,000 children in Yeshivas. That would show that there are quite a bite more than 19,800 Orthodox Jews in Monsey. (Even if you include NS in ERCSD).

    The increase in Lakewood has got to be more than 10% over 7 years.

    Ask any school in lakewood.

    in reply to: Is Yiddish Holy? #1258629

    “At least there are tefilos in Aramaic, I.e.the kaddish. There are none in Yiddish. However, Yiddish has a lot of curse words; I don’t know of any in Aramaic”

    There are many tefillos in Yiddish.

    And that you do not know of something is far from being conclusive proof.


    in reply to: Why isn't coffee or chocolate kitniyos? #1252763

    “The Mistake was made before the Mishnah Bruah”

    And yet you know the applicability of Halacha better than the Chofetz Chaim.

    That is why there are people lined up to ask you for Brochos and eitzos as well for your psaokim.

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