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  • in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1952590


    “ “open orthodox travesty”

    In honor of your slander I just sent a contribution to Yeshivat Chovevei Torah.”

    It’s not slander. They are proud of their anti torah views.

    What is horrible is that you support that group that actively promotes anti Torah positions.

    I don’t think there is any sane Orthodox Jew that does not accept that the Open Orthodox leadership are the very definition of reshaim.

    Many of their followers are simple tinokos shenishbu, because of their lack of Jewish education.

    in reply to: Joe Biden orders attacks on Iranian-backed militias ON PURIM!!! #1952588

    “ I have publicly opposed President Biden on two issues within the first two weeks of him taking office”

    The prototypical example of kosher chazer feesel.

    You publicly announced that you support mesitim and medichim, Reshaim gemurim, and you proudly announce that you sent them money.

    You really need to re-examine your life’s choices.

    in reply to: Fun and joyous ideas for Purim Seudah #1951882


    Are you also going to set up harems? Those are also mentioned in the Megillah.

    In fact, Indian food would seem to be not in accordance with the Megillah. It says “ymay mishteh vesimcha”. And we know “ayn Simcha ella bebasar veyayin”. Indian food is vegetarian. So it is odd to select specifically Indian food for seudas Purim.

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1951880


    Tircha is usually noted when there will be time that nothing is occurring. Such as waiting while sifrei Torah are rolled. But can you show me somewhere where it says you can just eliminate a part of davening because of tircha?

    Further, the leaps of logic you take in your posting leaves us this thoroughly unsatisfied with your ability to be maven Dovid mtoch Dovor.

    in reply to: Thomas Webster arrested #1951877


    I note you are not quoting your idols including Cuomo, DeBlasio, Pelosi all of whom told people to go out a d party publicly at later dates than that. But we know why. And it has nothing to do with your honesty, nor the honesty of your idols.

    in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1951584


    Leaders of the open orthodox travesty.

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1947450

    @charliehall Cuomo’s aide admitted today that Cuomo and his Department of Health falsified the numbers of Nursing Home deaths by intentionally under reporting to hide information from federal prosecutors. That is your wonderful Democrat idol.

    Fantastic job. Can you tell me which page in his book about how to respond to the pandemic that is written on. Perhaps it is an entire chapter.

    in reply to: Is Sherry Cask Scotch kosher? #1947349

    Gedolah never fails to amaze on he/she or whatever pronouns preferred completely misses the boat.

    in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1947348


    It is gratuitous because is assumes the reason is because they went to a Yeshiva. There are always people who do bad things. In spite of the best Yeshiva education. Look at Nick Molester as an example. His failures and evil acts are in spite of Yeshiva not because of Yeshiva.

    The purpose of this thread is to highlight those who excelled in Torah despite getting a later start that their peers may have. And it’s recognition of their prodigious efforts.

    That is why your comment is inane and gratuitous.

    in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1947257


    Gratuitous, inane remark. Was it really necessary?

    in reply to: Judge issues Permanente Injunction against NYS to enforce on Shuls #1947256

    Makes sense who over here would be in favor of never joining a minyan.

    That’s right, it’s the same person who irrationally supports legalization of pot, while being so gung ho against other types of smoking. And against davening with a minyan, while smoking pot is “not dangerous”.

    in reply to: how the frum olam voted #1921500


    You know about Rockland politics like you know about everything apparently. You read one item, think you understand it, but wildly misinterpret and then go on to spout nonsense.

    BTW, the mishna in Parah when talking about eizov, explains that if it has a Shem Lovoi, it is not considered a kosher Eizov. That explains much of riverdale which uses a Shem lovoi regarding their orthodoxy.

    in reply to: Name a gadol that says to vote Biden #1914253


    Who made R M Lichtenstein a gadol?

    His father was and his grandfather was for the Modox crowd. But I’ve never heard him considered that way.

    His brother, who is a Rosh Yeshiva in America does not concur with his sentiments at all.

    in reply to: What if the Witnesses Don’t Want to Kill Him? #1890616

    “ That assumes that the witnesses were told beforehand that they would have to carry out the execution. But let’s say that:”

    But let’s say?

    You can’t hoist ask veiberishe questions.

    in reply to: What if the Witnesses Don’t Want to Kill Him? #1890615

    “ Of course, if they were *all* Heilige Yirei Shomayim,” there would be no need for a Beis Din of 23 to exist in the first place.”

    Chazal tell us that Tzlafchad was a Tzadik and Yorei Shomayim.

    So, apparently, your assumption is not correct.


    Less than common saychel.

    It seems that you are presumptuous and arrogant in you assessment. And factually incorrect as well.

    You know nothing about the Yeshiva. Those who do will tell you that they are extremely fine boys who are very serious about learning and יר״ש. And the Rosh Hayeshiva is a Tzadik in addition to being a tremendous lamdan and melamed.

    in reply to: Refund For Seminaries Due To COVID-19 #1856230


    Deductions to charities in certain foreign nations are deductible up to a certain percentage of income. It’s based on various agreements between the companies.

    “ American Friends of “ charities are not foreign charities. They are US charities. That is the whole purpose of setting them up.

    The question may be if the seminary is considered a charity. That it is in Israel is not really the issue.

    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853385


    Did you read what Someone in Monsey wrote?

    I am not saying this is the reason, but your question is literally not a question.

    The question is why You limited you question to just those people.

    in reply to: New Wedding hall in Lakewood #1833332

    There is now a second hall at the Cheder besides the Fountain Ballroom.

    in reply to: The Importance of Having Short Hair #1755966


    Showing again your incredible, blatant am hoaratzus. Most other people here know the gemara that said that a Jewish King would get a hair cut everyday. But you know so little you had to bring up Trump. Ha, it seems that Trump knows more about Yiddishkeit than you do. His Kopf is greater than yours.

    in reply to: Why is Kiruv Rechokim becoming much more challenging? #1725775

    There is such an anti religion bent to so much and so many in the media these days that it is harder to interest people in religion. In addition due to the terrible intermarriage rate, promoted in large part by the reform, conservative and OO, there are fewer actual Jews. A spiritual holocaust.

    There is no truth to the reason that ZD is falsely presenting.

    in reply to: How Much for Mechiras Chametz #1718253


    Lawyers charge in 6 minute increments. I believe that lawyers cannot charge at hour minimums. Certainly not when each individual is really a part of a larger transaction.

    in reply to: How Close Are You To Your Cousins? #1662101

    Interesting question that is difficult to answer.

    Would you ask the same about siblings, or parents? Is the closeness in relation to who?

    How would you even measure degrees of closeness?

    in reply to: Alternative Communities in New Jersey? #1658204

    Am I the only one who was struck by the term “Alternative Communities” ? Clearly not looking for a Yeshivish place. Sounds like this was posted by Mike Moskowitz.

    in reply to: Is It Assur To Go On A Cruise? #1658088

    Is it assur to go to Walmart?
    On shabbos.
    Is it assur to wish someone good luck?
    Good luck with getting an answer to this.
    Is it assur to carry in the botopark eruv
    If you mean a pro Park, according to Arab Moshe, absolutely.
    Is it assur to sneeze during shmone esrey
    I have to hold myself in
    Is it assur to comment on yeshiva world
    No comment
    Is it assur to drive a car in the rain
    You are supposed to drive in the road
    Is it assur to pump gas
    If you are in NJ.
    Is it assur to eat pickles after a fast
    Depends on the shiur
    Is it assur for a tzedakka org to call after 9 pm
    To someone who is a kamtzan like you
    Is it assur to partake in a rebbe’s apple throwing ceremony.
    No. But you have to partake.

    in reply to: HELP – How Do I Stop Getting The Piece Of Trash Lehovin Newspaper? #1653127

    “What is Lehovin?”

    You wouldn’t comprehend.

    in reply to: Why do people get nervous when they fly? #1653118

    But your friends know you in ways that the examiner doesn’t and therefore they may have reasons they do not want to fly with you, even if you did pass the exam.

    And saying emphasizing that the FAA is part of the government hardly bolsters its reputation.

    in reply to: HELP – How Do I Stop Getting The Piece Of Trash Lehovin Newspaper? #1653074

    Yet another instance where this forum devolves into an even lower level than VIN. Truly a goal to aspire to. And this is “moderated”. By whom? Sean Yanklowitz?

    in reply to: Why do people get nervous when they fly? #1653079

    “I have a private pilots license, and many of my friends are scared to fly with me. Does anyone have a valid reason for this ridiculous behavior?!?!”

    We have never seen you fly or drive or do anything else for that matter to know why your friends would not want to fly with you.

    Perhaps some introspection may be necessary.

    in reply to: Pointless conversations #1653080

    Thank you for an example.

    Although they are quite ubiquitous.

    in reply to: Is Joseph Unemployed Again? #1653077


    A particularly appropriate name.

    in reply to: Why do people get nervous when they fly? #1653051

    I also wonder about the statistic. I seem to recall it is based on miles travelled, as opposed to number of trips or time spent travelling.

    People will take a car for a very short trip, the shortest flights, even in a single engine plane has got to be way more than the shortest car trip. And I would imagine that you could hardly compare the average car trip to the average flight. How do the average number of fatalities per trip compare between flying and driving a car (take out motorcycles).

    Same would go for the amount of time travelling, How do the statistics compare when you use fatalities per hour travelled?

    I am just wondering.

    in reply to: Is Joseph Unemployed Again? #1653030

    There is a chance that he works for the federal government.

    in reply to: East Ramapo – where are our children supposed to go to school? #1635532

    Rasha in the past weeks parsha said Halacha he biyadua she’eisav sonei l’Yaakov.

    If someone feels that the sinah does not apply to him, there may be from his lack of adherence to Halacha.


    I personally would not choose to fly on a Thursday evening flight in the winter, however I wouldn’t be so quick to mock everyone who does. If I had my choice, I would not travel to where my office is each Friday in the winter. For many being stuck in NY would be as bad or worse than being stuck in Greece. Nor would I start to create my own gedarim. And not hugging ZD is not my own geder.

    in reply to: Is there a word in davening that you always mispronounced? #1626999

    Modim anachnu lach SHO-ATOH not SHE-ATOH

    in reply to: Why People Don’t Go Through Beis Din #1617768

    I’ve never seen an agreement that specifies a specific Beis Din, but I guess it can exist. But that doesn’t neccesarily mean there is something underhanded going on. It may just mean that they don’t want a run around to decide on a Beis din.

    I have seen a number of agreements that specify specific arbitration groups. I’ve seen these in contracts that had no Jewish parties. Do you assert the same allegations in such cases or do you limit it to botei din?

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1614294

    The whole question smells of כיצד מעשרים את מלח.

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1612451


    Why does the time have to come from your learning schedule? Why not limit your internet and commenting time to schedule your shmira training?

    Or ask a Rov? You know?

    in reply to: In Defense of Judge Freier #1608316

    I do not know the information that Judge Frier has before deciding on bail, however one can wonder if perhaps she was more lenient to try to show that her Chasisdoc background will not be factor. So she decided to give an even lower bail amount, throwing common sense to the wind

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1603794

    Couple of items I’ve noticed and seen happen.

    1) restaurants will the tip amount to the bill and base it the price including the tax. Which it shouldn’t.

    2) The tip will be added to the bill and then they will add a line asking for a tip and will end up doubling the tip.

    The 6.83 that CT talks about is a little ridiculous. A waiter in a nice restaurant serving several tables can ultimately make more than $75 an hour and quite possibly a lot more.

    I just saw a Baal Simcha give out $200 tips to each waiter. And this was at a Simcha where the waiters are paid 15-18 an hour.

    in reply to: Is Frumkeit Only for the Rich? #1601178

    I will say that in my experience and own observations. The first two complaints are categorically untrue. I’ve seen many honorees at many school dinners who were far from wealthy. And I seen many dedicated menhalim working with children who had behavioral issues and other issues who were not from wealthy families. At the expense of the school.

    I do not follow which politicians are endorsed by whom so I will not comment on that.

    in reply to: Is Yiddish Holy? #1562352

    Your summation reflects only your biased take on the topic.

    Most people who associate some form of kedusha to Yiddish is because it was a language specific for Jews, and is used as לא שינו את לשונם. It is not לשון קודש though.

    Why people talk about “der alte heim” is not because they think life was glorious, rather because of their מסורה and minhagim that often go back centuries. Which is the prime basis of yiddishkeit, as demonstrated in the first mishna in אבות.

    Now If you think that Mesorah is defined as being stuck in the ghetto, that is your loss.

    in reply to: Bug Checking #1552945

    Which Israeli posek?

    Who is being “forced” to eat the bigs?

    in reply to: Gsp Protip #1536826


    The speed limit on most of the GSP, till Lakewood area anyway, is 65MPH. And most of the traffic is at least at 70.

    The law in NJ is that the left lane is for passing. It is not meant for staying there the whole time.

    Bulbul is correct in that traveling in the left lane at a rate that is slapped than traffic as a whole is wrong, unsafe and annoying, which creates dangerous situations.


    in reply to: Carlebach niggunim #1518033


    I never said I know what he did, only what has been alleged. And even what was alleged was nowhere near Weinstein’s actions.

    Nor did I say anywhere that his positives erase the aveiros he did.

    And you can not compare someone who became frum because of a deed by a freier person to the active Kirov that R Shloime did. And it is not like the OO, because he pushed the people he wAs mekarev to levels of Frumkeit well beyond what he practiced.

    I will say that to me it seems that R Shloime was a good person who was nichshal, even though it seems he put himself into such positions that made it easier. As opposed to Weinstein who used his position to force women to do things. I have never heard anyone say that R Shloime was not a ma’amin, which would make him and his niggunim different from those of Debbie Friedman and those of her ilk. And that would seem to be the position of R Moshe, who said that there is no issue signing Carlebach songs.

    Lma’aseh R Ahron Kotler used to sit and listen to some of his songs and weep. And he knew that R Shloime was starting at that point.

    Most places that I’ve been, song Carlebach because of the songs themselves and the words they are associated to, not because it is Carlebach. Even most so called Carlebach minyanim use his songs because of the style and not to honor R Shloime. Maybe you hang in different circles.

    in reply to: Carlebach niggunim #1517949

    There were a number of questionable things that R Shloimah did. However to compare him to Harvey Weinstein is completely ridiculous. 1st, it shows that you are too involved in the nonsense of the Forward which would like everyone to assume that frum people are vile misogynists. You are falling for the Forward’s ploy.

    Comparing him Weinstein makes very, very light of what Weinstein has done.

    On the other hand, I know of much chesed that R Shloimah did and I know people who became frum directly as a result of R Shloimah’s efforts and there are now 4 generations of shomrei Torah, sitting and learning in yeshivos and kollelim just from this one couple he made frum. And that is not the only couple.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Bachur and his sister- Maras Ayin? #1517311


    The story is not true and it is silly to even post it.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1504909


    “LOL!!! So who do you expect to give objective evaluations?”

    Literally hundreds of thousands of people before you. You keep proving again and again that you are incapable.

    But you are welcome to avoid using them. But so many of us know many, many cases where people’s lives were saved by professional, competent Hatzolah members who performed with the utmost professionalism, respect and confidentiality.

    I am sure we all hope that your blinding hate towards Hatzolah does not cause you to do, or not do something that will harm you or your loved ones.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1504801


    You made a comment about “Volly” programs. United Rescue is a volunteer organization, as is United Hatzolah.

    And the model is similar to regular Hatzolah in that there are embedded responders.

    And I still am far from convinced of your ability to conduct objective evaluations. Nothing you have written suggests that you can.

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