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To prove my previous point,
Here you have Zahavasdad quoting Haaretz.
From bad to worse.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantRule one, do NOT rely on anything you read on a blog.
There are ways to get accurate, pertinent information, a blog is not the way.
The people involved should speak to their moreh derech and the shadchan to clarify the issues.
I didn’t say you were drunk, just perpetually in a state of lo yada.
Which you just emphasized with your response.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantYou are only complaining because it is the Siyum. If it were a rock and roll concert or a sporting event, you would not have an issue.
These are the general charges by the box office.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThis is very appropriate for Purim, because the nes came after
“lech knos es KOL hayuhidim” and the point of this post is further division.
Most of the commenters hear actually sound like they are from participants of Achashveirosh’s seuda.
I do not think you have to be to worried about reaching ad d’lo yada on Purim, you seem to be in that state perpetually. You must be a big machmir.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have found that some of the much more expensive schools have a “wonderful” secular program, but the students seem to be missing many of the basic limudei kodesh knowledge. Students seem to graduate with less knowledge than third graders in a chasidish yeshiva have.
My observation is anecdotal, of course, but it would seem to me that there is a far greater difference in the level of leimudei kodesh between the two schools than there was in the secular studies. And the tuition was a six times more in the not chassidish school.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have never seen a peanut climb one step, let alone 50 flights.
Based on your fairly horrible attitude, I can hardly believe that you could do anything positive with kids at risk.
I would be more ready to believe that you might be their supplier, than beliveing you have anything positive to provide. You sound a lot like a footseps type of guy.
You are wrong. The question was about copying music, not taking the actual CD. And thus there is no “hard” item taken. What has been taken does not have intrinsic value.
A circular was used to emphasize, but copying the CD is not at all like taking a newspaper, perhaps it “may” be like reading a newspaper at a stand. But even less, because the singer is gaining name recognition which is a major part of making the CD.
It is not really comparable to newspapers. The analogy would be to an advertising circular. The CDs are what make the singer popular, thus making him valuable for gigs, chasunahs aor concerts, where the money is.
I am not saying copying is muttar, I am not a Rov. But I am saying that your analogy is poor.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAlistair Maclean is a good author.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI was reading quickly on a blackberry. Sorry, I scanned quickly and it wasn’t funny at all, so I didn’t think it was a joke.
Anyway, the lav dchasima is a standard that we learn from. So it is dealt with regularly and is not so far fetched.
You could have said that you would focus on not coveting your friends ox. Or his donkey.
Sheck out Peaceful Valley Donkey Recue if you want to keep that halacha.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSure I know what it means do not muzzle thine ox whilst he is threshing.
The ox would eat the grain while threshing and one would want to put a muzzle on so that ox would not eat into his profit. The Torah said you cannot do that.
It has nothing to do with breathing.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat are ypu talking about? Sounds like you are confused by what the lav of chasimah is or you are being mechadesh ponim batorah shelo khalacha.
February 23, 2012 1:29 am at 1:29 am in reply to: Wht it is time for Jews to get over the Holocaust #875950nishtdayngesheftParticipant“The Beacon is NOT a YU Newspaper. Its written by students who attend YU.
It used to get some student funding, but due to recent events the funding was cut off and its totally independent. “
What does this article and the “alluded to” article say about these students? Probably about as much as unorthodox has to say about its author and community.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“”Some jeans are tight fitted, with holes in the knees, is this kovod haTorah?”
No more or less kavod hatorah that a black felt hat bent out of shape, a white shirt that testifies to this mornings breakfast or a pair of black pants that would benefit from a visit to the washing machine.”
Silly straw man comment.
Let’s pose it the correct way. A white shirt and dark pants worn as intended or the torn tight jeans(sold that way) worn as intended. Yes there are people who could benefit from being a “bit” neater. But that is equally true for all groups.
The point is that the Jeans begin at a much lower point on bakovodik attire.
If you think that is not true, why don’t you look at the dress policy at any professional office. There is professional attiren !usiness casual,dress down and way at the bottom you get jeans.
February 22, 2012 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868901nishtdayngesheftParticipantFeif Un,
You can find it like anyone else did. I am not going to post links here.
If you were interested, it is easy to find. I did in about 3 minutes.
000646, Your response is childish. Understandibly.
If I were to be nasty, I would say that I know who my parents are.
February 22, 2012 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868879nishtdayngesheftParticipantsoliek,
Brilliant response.
I have actually been hit in the face and worse by someone with bipolar. In fact by more than one person with bipolar disorder. Yes diagnosed.
The descriptions are part of the general descriptions of people with bipolar disorder.
February 22, 2012 3:10 am at 3:10 am in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868855nishtdayngesheftParticipant000646,
She claimed that women do not do those things. You changed to teenage girls. You have thus proven two people are liars. Her and you.
Lists are all over the place, its not neccesary to repeat them all.
Here’s a good one though. She claimed that she knew nothing of marital relations until right before her marriage. Her teachers have said that she used to loudly talk explicitly about “relations” and specific acts in detail when she was just a young teenager. That is a blatant lie. (And a pretty common sign of bi-polar disorder, which fits with the lies and all else).
February 21, 2012 10:18 pm at 10:18 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868848nishtdayngesheftParticipantZahavasdad,
You are just plain asinine, your comment are sillier and sillier.
On many forums they have been laid out just like that. Your chosing to ignore them is your failing, no one else’s.
February 21, 2012 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868847nishtdayngesheftParticipant000646,
“You say I am just asking you to prove it isn’t!”
A) I would think that someone who is making vile aspersions about an entire community would be the one required to provide the proof. Perhaps not in your backwards mind.
B) There have been numerous blatant lies and inconsistencies pointed out here and in other forums, therefore I am satisfied with the proof that she is a liar. (She has no chezkas kashrus at all, certainly not when she is saying LH at the least and actuall rechilus and motzei shem ra. I am sure she has a din of Rasha about whom it is permitted to say loshon hora) If you chose to ignore all the proofs, that is only because of your own inherent bias. It is definitely not sechel.
February 21, 2012 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857169nishtdayngesheftParticipant000646,
Or much more likely, we will read a memoir from a child whose custody was granted to a mother who became irreligious and became part of the modeling culture which disrepects women to utmost degree, only looking at them as sex objects. The child grows up with such a woebegotten image of self worth and falls to using drugs and abusing their body in the most unnatural ways (loshon nekiyah).
Lot more likely scenario than yours. Because you think nothing should be done about it.
February 21, 2012 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868823nishtdayngesheftParticipantTo Feif, soliek, 000646 and zahavasdad,
Why are you so desparate to prove the book is true?
Can you explain this to us? (Well soliek said that it was the best book he ever read, so I understand his reason. Thoough he has a very low threshold for the best book, unless it is because it has lots of paragraphs)
As far as lies in the book, there are websites that list out hundreds of lies, including the reviews on Amazon. Why do you not go there are start dealing with the lies in the book line by line.
February 21, 2012 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857168nishtdayngesheftParticipantApushatayid,
If it being disected on a blog concerned her, she would not have run to the New York Prust. Comments on a blog are mild compared to being headlined in the New York Prust.
February 21, 2012 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857161nishtdayngesheftParticipantzahavasdad
“A man who refuses to give his wife a Get or uses it as a weapon definatly doesnt practice my religion”
You have not defined what your religion is, and many of your posts leave that fact unanswerable.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere was an article about this on Yahho once and they said that the Hotel expects you to take the small shampoos and the liek. They actually like that you do, since it has the name of teh hotel. It is cheap advertising for them.
February 20, 2012 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868760nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad.
You said “It really is dishonest to comment on a book that you have not read.” yet you comment all the time about things that yuo clearly have no inkling about.
So by your own definition you are dishonest.
Surprise? I think not.
Yes he said those on te way to Eretz Yisroel. So? What is your point, it says that in the story.
February 14, 2012 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851436nishtdayngesheftParticipant“It has one important redeeming feature. It’s the truth. Kabel es haEmes miMi sheAmro.
The Wolf”
See your buddy Cantoresq’s comment regarding your comment being the truth.
More to the point, your comment is keneged halacha, see hilchos lashon hora where it talks about accepting the truth from someone who says it.
I believe my point remains.
February 13, 2012 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851429nishtdayngesheftParticipantWolf,
You specifically stated that you were called a koifer, yet now you are equivocating.
On another note you say that “Just another sign that I am the worst person on the face of the planet.”
I don’t know if that is the case but your shtick is definitely incredibly annoying. No redeeming features to it at all.
Since when is Chabad not a chassidus? They define themselves as a chassidus as does anyone with any understanding.
And what waas the point of your comment, anyway?
If PBA were in need of a heart transplant, by your thought process he would be entirely within the right to take insist that a doctor harvest yours. Althoigh you are alive, your brain function seems to be less than his and as such he would be able to kill you for it.
Which is clearly not the halacha. Even if he wanted to be meikil.
The classic case of Yehoreg va’al yavor is exactly in these cases. Can you kill someone to save your life. Can you kill someone by harvesting their organs (even if it is not a vital organ, it is clear that they are actually finalizing the death process by harvesting the organs) to use for yourself.
It is very clear that the amount of life a person has left is not a determinent factor in what is or is not retzicha. When they take organs from a person who is not halachically dead, they are killing him. It makes no difference is one person is a mother of eight and the other is unfortunaltely a vegetable.
Where the organ comes from makes a difference, do not try to use that argument as well as what to do once the organ has been harvested.
I have noted that your comments in this thread and on other threads show a gross misunderstanding of what is commonly referred to as the 5th cheilek of Shulchan Oruch.
1) would have expected you to say its darkei hoemori, that seems to be your standard response of late.
2) Its nice to say that you spoke to many poskim, you don’t say who they are. More importantly, and this is telling, you didn’t say that the agree with you. Which would be a pretty good indication, to me at least, that they did not agree with your hypothesis. Also known as a “boich sevarah”
3) You did not deal with the real issue which is why your svoroh is completely baseless. Pikuach nefesh is not docheh retzicha. Organs used for transplant are almost always harvested while the donor is still halachacially alive thereby killing the donor. That is the issue that has to be dealt with. Your ignoring the real issue makes your agenda transparent. BTW human sacrifice is also ossur mdarkei hoemori,
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThis reminds of the famous shaila about how do you take ma’aser on salt and straw.
I was not aware that wikipedia was the source for the halachic definition of lying. Perhaps you can cite the source that says it is.
December 14, 2011 12:55 am at 12:55 am in reply to: As much as I hate to admit I was wrong.. #834980nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad,
What are you talking about? Have you any clue?
Who are you looking to blame this on?
I suspect you have limited capacity for self responsibility.
It is always someone else’s fault. Specifically chareidim.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantA classic “Am Ha’aretz” is someone who belives what is written in Ha’aretz.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIf you want definitions here is a simple one:
Shvartza Wolf = Troll
What does “once the eidus of the witnesses is carried out” mean?
That the din based on the eidus was carried out, or just if eidus was said in Beis Din?
September 18, 2011 1:17 pm at 1:17 pm in reply to: REPLY TO mdd ABOUT CALLING GIRLS BY 1ST NAME #810716nishtdayngesheftParticipantOomis,
In those days you think the men called the women by their forst names?
I doubt they spoke to them at all.
“Hatzolah does have someone man the board 24/7 even on Shabbos and even if there are no calls coming in. Obviously that person could man the board even if no phone calls”
Manning the board means that they will pick up the phone IF THERE IS A CALL. When there is a call they answer because then there is a specific case of pikuach nefesh. How can you compare that to working in an electric company where you would have to be mechallel shabbos even if there was no reason to even think there is pikuach nefesh? (BTW health facilities have back up generators, they can’t rely on the lectric being immediately being restored)
You say “Then there is indirect or unintential cause of Pikuach Nefesh. Lets say there is no electricity and one day you need to call EMS and because there is no electricity you cant call EMS, BUT most times you dont need to call, but the one time you need to call, you really need to call and if you couldnt call, someone might die.”
This seems to be a totally new definition of pikuach nefashos. Where did you see pikuach nefesh defined so in halacha.
You also say “When you cant walk for a week and limped for a month in pain, it was a big deal”
How does this rise to pikuach nefesh? Once you fel and were in danger that would be pikuach nefesh. But that someone should be mechallel shabbos so that you can walk outside without slipping does not appear to be an instance of pikuach nefesh. Nobody says you have to walk out side. In fact, probably you should not walk outside because you are putting yourself into a matzav of pikuach nefashos, which would be ossur.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI don’t understand the OP question? Only “chareidim” are concerned with chilul shabbos? By the tone of your question, it appears that you do not consider yourself chareidi. So explain to us all, does that mean that the MO do not concern themselves with chilul shabbos?
Is that what you are saying?
And What about you ZD? Does that mean that you believe being MO means that you should work in the electric company on shabbos?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhy is the teacher not informed before the school year by the family that the student has certain issues. It is somewhat disingenuous to expect the teacher to assume that a student has serious issues that require intervention when the student/ student’s family does not let the teacher/ school know.
How can you expect a teacher, from day one, to be prepared with an appropriate approach for this student?
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Saudi Arabia. It is chukat hagoyim”
A particularly disgusting remark to make about gedolim who know halacha.
The YCT shiurim are affecting your common sense. Chukas hagoyim is celebrating their holidays, such as Thanksgiving, not refinements in kedusha. Chumras in tznius are reccomended by Rashi.
August 31, 2011 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm in reply to: Finally Defining Modern and Ultra Orthodoxy #804413nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I have to run to Rabbi Dov Linzer’s daf yomi
That is not Orthodox at all, it was so open that whatever remnants of orthodoxy remained fell right out.
I a surprised someone with your label would travel on a “jewish” bus. (not really sure what that is anyway, perhaps you can explain)
And what was the prupose of your comment, to insinuate that people on a Jewish bus use phones? i have seen people use phones on any bus I have been on.
August 14, 2011 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm in reply to: Where can one find out who finances a specific organization? #798079nishtdayngesheftParticipantIf it is registered as a tax exempt organization, you can get information off it’s form 990. Depending how it classified you will get varying degrees of information. Certainly the board of directors will be disclosed and if it is a PF, contributors are also public information. You can either ask them for a copy and they are legally required to let you see it and provide a copy for a reasonable fee. Otherwise you can get it from or the foundation center website which has a 990 finder.
If they are registered in NY, you can also get that information and more from the AG web site.