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Why is this specific to Chasidim? What about other Jews who attended? Even if they can not be distinguished from the rest of the crowd?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI unsure how the women in the case of a heter meah rabbonim can be an agunah. A get is held for her to accept by Beis din. The heter is because she does not want to accept the get. Not wanting to accept an available does not make one an agunah, except perhaps by the feminists.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI suppose you skip ” vehivdilonu min hatoim”.
I guess it is as offensive to you as shelo osani isha.
Davening is much shorter because you keep omitting key parts.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere is a very slim chance that there will be a kid rush. As contestants progress they are provided with more assistance which in the case of singers would be accompaniment. Which includes non tznius women singers. If there will such accompaniment, that would be public chilul Hashem. A Kidush Hashem would be if he publicly refused to sing with or shake a women’s hand a say it’s because it’s ossur. In which case I am sure that those who think his appearance alone is a Kidush Hashem will be horrified and claim that the public refusal is chilul Hashem.
Right now this is leaning towards chilul Hashem, like the chilul Hashem of when Mendy and Heidi appearing on tv. ( the other much bigger chilul Hashem in that case was the reaction by some who call them Jewish publicly and loudly violating the Halacha of ” heve Dan Es kol bosom lkaf zechus” and being ever more insistent when it was shown that Heidi was telling the truth. That was the much, much greater chilul Hashem.) I hope nothing of the sort arises such as if he hugs a woman publicly other than his mother and you will have people saying that it’s appropriate.
One would hope there is nothing different. With the candy. But there is definitely a different run with a mashgiach. That costs. Generally there is not a mashgiach there at all times. The extra time for the mashgiach costs and there are those who are along to pay for that.
But you haven’t answered why you are so bothered. No one is making you eat any twist let alone these. Why are you such a bitter person who thinks anything not done exactly the way you like it is terrible. It is terribly haughty of you to think that you are the be all. And if I may let you in on something, you are quite obviously wrong very often.
It is clearly a different run. They are saving money by just adding a sticker instead of making a whole new package.
And no one is making you eat these twizlers. No one is making you eat any twizlers for that matter. Those who prefer the additional hashgacha are willing to pay for it. They spend money on halchichik hakpados while you spend on narishkeiten.
Vos art du? It is not your money and no one is forcing it on you.
A worthless lable maybe one tha has your name on it, because yuo do no research, thses labels are from peopl who have actually gone out and done something.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Did you know that the Satmar Rav held IVF was 100% assur, and that children that result from it might be mamzeirim?
The Satmar Rebbe’s machlokes with R Moshe was regarding artificial insemination. IVF had never been done by that time. And they are somewhat different. In addition, The Satmar Rebbe never said the children would be a mamzer. Perhaps he said a safek or koruv, but it was never a definite.
Thos who hold this a get meusah hold that she is an eishes ish and therefore it is not the same safek.
Your response is typical of your comments, illogical to the point that it proves exactly the opposite of what you were trying to say.
Looking through the entire thread, the only person who mentioned anything about R H Shechter Shlita being a kofer was you. You were the only commenter to place both R Shechter and Kofer in one comment.
(I realize that I just did, but it was to ask wher ZDAD got his silly idea from and to be Mocheh)
Why would you do that.
“Friends and family of people who commit or attempt suicide are certainly affected by the person’s actions. How you can say otherwise is quite puzzling.”
The parenthetical addition at the end of the comment was specifically to address this. It was obvious you would mention it and is clearly not a factor in the discussion. Classic disregard of the fifth chelek.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe purpose of a kesubah was to discourage divorce. The purpose of these prenups is to make it easier.
Most people can see and easily understand the difference. Those who don’t may be a shoteh, kofer does not really identify their issue.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSilly premise as it is well known that it is in very specific cases of mebaid atzmo lodaas that yo would say they have no chelek in olam habah. Most cases are when someone suffers mental illness. Perhaps you think we should ostracize the family members of someone suffering mental illness? That would be typically hypocritical of you.
Another flaw in your argument is that the reason why people distance themselves in all your examples is because of how they or their children may be affected by the actions of the “evildoer” which clearly does not apply here. (don’t throw in emotions here that is not a valid reason).
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat is clear is that you can say about these the opposite of ” eilu v’eilu …”
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe linfer this thread continues, the more my earlier point is proven.
After you finish deciding what should or should not be halacha and what is correct, perhaps you can explain who buries a person in a shul. Is that one of your new halachos?
The title of the thread was about phones in shul, your own rant was about who can have a phone in shul, according to you and then you say how terrible it is to have a phone in shul because it rings when they are in the middle of burying someone. So I ask you, who buries someone in shul?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantFor the same reason that they wear a kittel, because that is their minhag.
If you have a question about your minhag, ask your father or someone who has told you what your minhagim are.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantPeople who overly focus on made up eco mitzvios for the most part have the established mitzvas in der erd.
In our communities there are many many asifas for shmeriars halshon and many classes and initiatives.
Perhaps you are referring to the same people who made leitzonus from the internet asifa are the same who make letzonus of all the established shmiras haloshon asifas and initiatives.
“I guess that means that I’m a sinner for disregarding the Arizal and davening Nusach Ashkenaz.”
Probably your biggest sin is disregarding the fifth chelek of shulchan oruch.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI would suspect that no one responded because it is a totally inane question.
Such “what if” questions are childish. And if you were using it to try to prove a point, it proves no point.
Ulefi shehotzi atzmo min haklal, kofar beikur.
And yet it is the chareidim who express concern for these mitzvos. Unlike other groups who think their outdated and not modern enough for them.
What type of Asifa do you want there to be about tuition? Do you want to tell parents they should pay, I am sure you will still gripe about paying. Do you want to talk about the high price? That depends on the community. The people who send to the highest priced schools are the ones the least likely to go to an asifa to listen to rabbonim. Vdal.
All of your issues are for the most part individual issues, not affecting everyone and as such are more appropriate for individual attention rather than a communal gathering.
You sound like the ” counter demonstrators” to the Asifa, they would not listen to anything any Rov says regardless of the message, venue or presenter. Are you of the same hypocritical mindset?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSo Zdad, based on your qualifications you will be going tomorrow. No one is forcing you to go, you will have the opportunity to hear inspiring speakers of a caliber that you have not before. And at $10, the price is exceptionally reasonable. You would pay more to watch some uncouth, arrogant people running after a little ball at the same venue.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt’s like the reform temple that decided they would be shomer Shabbos. They closed for Shabbos.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWolf no one thinks that wearing jeans makes you an apikorus.
It’s a converse relationship. Because you are an apikorus you are wearing jeans.
Simple logic.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantLike this was a HUGE surprise. I am pretty sure that if it were up to him, there would be a box on the 1040 to tick off to allow such “couples” and additional exemption even beyond regular married filing jointly.
Excellent chinuch. I am sure you follow through an berate her for not being a bas talmid chochom.
I find it ironic, at the least, that you are so insistent on what the Mesorah for “over a millenium” and you are incensed that someone would change and yet you consider Yom Haatzmauat, a holiday started by the secular government of Israel, to be a legitimate yom tov.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIf you will look at any yeshiva budget, (I am not referring to the MO Schools which charge between two and three times what yeshivos in Brooklyn or its surrounding areas charge, they have a whole different model) you will see that the tuition chrged does not cover even the average costs. A large portion has to come from elsewhere.
Bottom line is, your tuition is likely not even covering the costs to educate your own children, let alone other’s children.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMr. Wolf,
Do you think that this is really the place to post the private things you do with your spouse?
Zahavasdad has an issue with people keeping a minhag that they have from their father. Because he thinks he is smarter than those people’s fathers who accepted the minhag. So there are two issues here, people who follow the me spray have what to rely on Nd are. Or saying that they know better, they are following established
Minhag. The same is true for those who don’t have the minhag. But zdad is bothered by someone keeping their own minhag. And he has never posted anything here that indicates any level of genius at all. Look at his two earlier posts, they were beyond simple. As in the third son.
I do not believe your story. For a couple of reasons.
1) I have been to a number of bakeries in America and none of them had a goy kneading the dough. In fact where I was, there were no non-jews working at all and one of the bakeries had yeshiva bochurim or regular chasidish women rolling, depending on the shift. And that is besides the kneading. So it is clear that not most use non jews.
2) I do not believe that the owner would tell you such a thing unless he thought you were a nudnik, which very well may be the case. Why would an owner pasul his own matzos.
The only place I could even fathom this beiing the case maybe that one year they baked in Romania a couple of years ago. However the large machine bakeries are mostly staffed by non-jews. I wonder which one has the kavanah lishmah.
S, either you made up your story out of whole cloth, or you are repeating as fact what someone was kidding you about.
You said “There is no madate for me to PAY for your “Chumras”
If you insist on not eating it, the food costs more money , Why should I pay for it”
Very simple, go to a different hotel. No one is making you go to a place that is gebrochts only. And it is somewhat amusing/ ironic that someone going to a hotel is crying about the alleged price increase because of gebrochts.
Then you ask a couple of earth shateringly simple questions. Are you really that devoid of halachic knowledge?
And why does it bother you if people keep a minhag of gebrochs, no one is making you do anything.
You want to eat gebrockts, go ahead. Perhaps your issue is that you have no respect for mesorah. You are certainly not smarter than any single person who keeps the minhag of gebrokts.
What do you have to say now. R Shmuel says that the quote on the (not)Jewish Week was a fabrication. They put together disparate parts of a conversation. Effectively they lied.
Which makes sense. That they lied and that this was could not be the opinion of R Shmuel. It is inconsistent with what he has said in the past, it was inconsistent with his father’s shitah and i
What is and was done in YTV and with the hakpodos of the Alter of Slabodka.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantOnly if succesful.
Commebnted that MO are very busy with two major holidays, completely ignoring Pesach and Shavuos.
His post was the offensive one. Talk about tofel and ikur.
Haftarah on Yom Haatzmaut? Complete leitzonus.
Comparing Pesach to Yom Hatzmaut, complete apikorsus. And too phrase it the you have, that Pesach haftorah is like Yom Hatzmaut? They copied pesach from what a few misguided individuals do? Boy are you farrikt.
And the geulah of Pesach led to Mattan Torah, Yom Hatzmaaut led to kefiras hatorah, L”A.
And the rest of his comparisons are just silly drivel. We do not pasken like Beis Shamai. ANd Bais Shamai’s opinion did not make Chanukah Kneged Sukkos. Utter foolishness.
Why do you say the MO completely ignore Pesach and Shavuos? You know, when we became a Jewish nation and when we received the Torah. What are genreally considered the seminal events by Orthodox jews?
Why are you ascribing such apikorsus to those who define themselves in some way as orthodox Jews?
I have no reason to believe you and frankly, I have no problem not believing you. Saying it’s my problem is just not the case.
Both you and zdad are making the same basic mistake, which is understandable seeing what your position is.
The is a huge difference between stigma being attached to divorce (that is is a terrible thing to happen, even when necessary) and attaching stigma to someone who has gone through a divorce.
If the two of you cannot fathom that, it is your own failing, and an indicator of the different outlooks.
Your latest comment about abuse and loshon hora is beyond childish and stupid.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantA ger would not have historical minhagim, and would dependd which kehilla he joined. If he would join the Gerrer kehilla, then he would keep the minhagim of Gur.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantFeif un,
I do not think your comment answered avhaben’s questions.
Perhpas the reason why there are so many more divorces in the MO community is because there is no stigma attached. At a whim, it’s on to the next.
I hardly think that is more respectful.
Frankly I have no reason to believe hat you said. I can form my opinions from direct observation though.
March 16, 2012 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125324nishtdayngesheftParticipant14.
First you mutliply, thaen you do the addition and subtraction. (Unless the string was in parenthesis)
You are being deliberatly obtuse. Chasidim have very normal relationships with their spouses. You bigotry is showing. Perhaps one would say that MO only marry money and appearance, other neccesities they take care of elsewhere.
How would that generalization fly?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantTo Zdads analogy to buying a car,
What about if you had done all your research and spent hundreds of hours figuring out just what you want in a car and which car and what it should look like and how it should perform and what specifically you need a car for, and then you pick out a car. Then you go to the showroom to look at a car exactly like that. How much time do you then need to close the deal, perhaps a quick test drive to see if it is what you think it is based on your research. The test drive will be much more focused and to the point.
On the other hand, if you do not do the research before and just take cars for a test drive, how do you know you are going to get whats best for you? Or even what you need.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMore and Simcha 613,
Severely buthchering the posuk or the memra does not lend strength to your claim.
In addition, I do not think smoking is a sakanah. It is unhealthy, but I do not think that is the definition of sakanah.
There are big nafka minas l’halacha if something is a sakana.
For all the cranks, I am not saying muttar or ossur, but it is important to define why and not just use visceral reactions to say if and why.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantLittle knowing one,
Please provide sources for all.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantYes, as has been proven from past experience.
You say “if you asked your Rov he would not tell you”. This says more about your realtionship with a Rov than anything else.
If you even have one.
What you say is completely false for anyone who has a Rov.
This also explains your posts in general.