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Mr. Crisis,
I am fully aware you think you were being sharp. However, I think that you are so wrapped in trying to deny that there can very well be a problem that you would rather deflect than deal with an issue of major proportions.
You are so busy harping that this may be an oral report, I am telling you that an even an alleged oral report is more reliable than anything on HM’s blog, regardless of who purportedly wrote it. HM is a fabricator. Both you and Ham said it was “quoted” on HM’s blog, not that it was written by Shaviv. Make up your mind. I wouldn’t know, I don’t look at his little blog anymore. It apparently is agreed by all that R Pruzansky quoted this study. Do you think R Pruzansky is foolish? Why do you think he mentioned if not because he is concerned and it probably concurs with his observations as well.
As far as the “look how much better we are then them” it seems that almost every one of your posts tries to do just that.
Take a step back, and if you are even a tiny bit as smart as you think you might be, you would see that.
I am not happy with such a report, any such report about any group of yidden disturbs me greatly. I am bothered that there is chilul Shabbos. Talk about “overlooking their own failures” or” a preconceived notion or an existing bias”.
I wonder why you think you were being so sharp, any one of your “Uber” comments seemed to apply more appropriately to yourself.
I know where you were trying to go, I guess I was too many steps ahead of you and you mistakenly thought I have no clue. I guess you think you have money and yichus and that makes up for your simple comments.
October 25, 2012 11:13 pm at 11:13 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941514nishtdayngesheftParticipantHarry Moraless is about as real as Kosher Ham. He makes things up all the time. And when he is caught red handed it switches to “well even if not exactly true, it could have been”. That you are quoting as proof of anything speaks very little about you.
October 25, 2012 11:11 pm at 11:11 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941513nishtdayngesheftParticipantCrisis,
I would hope you would hear it in some drashos, it would mean the Rabbonim in your community feel that it is something that needs addressing. This is a major crisis.
October 25, 2012 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941512nishtdayngesheftParticipantCrisis and Kosher Ham,
Quoting HM as proof of something? What have you been smoking?
As far as you talikng about others “perconceived biases” don’t you think that might be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Would you care to look at your last five comments? Or does your “money and yichus” exempt you? Feh to you.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantLove the backpedalling here. Its funny to watch these posters keep tripping themselves up while doing so.
I guess you are referring to your self when you made the following “insightful” comment
nishtdayngesheftParticipant@ Crisis,
What does your comment have to do with the topic at hand? Was it just an opportunity to make a thinly veiled hateful remark?
Its about time Feif has made an issue about all the anti-non modern orthodox comments that have often been posted. Including comments by himself, Zdad, crisis and any number of others. Whether or not the comments were logical.
They may wish to deny it, but their rhetoric has always been much more hateful. And I do not know why.
I can’t say I am upset that Feif is going. I do think it is wrong to bash any group of Jews, after all they are family. I may strongly disagree with their positions, but I do not condone hate. I wish that were universal.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat is really scary is that I didn’t see people say “Menachem, that is terrible”. Rather a bunch if people getting all defensive and for the most part making illogical defensive comments.
How is that going to help the situation?
Your mistake is assuming that yehareg ve’al yavor is because they are subject to capital punishment. The Gemara does not cite that as a reason. These are not cases of “matzilin oso benafsho”. There are issurei arayos that you clearly include that are not chiyuvei misa but you would include( incestuous acts) Most of the issurim read on Yom Kippur are chiyuvei kares, not misa.
And there are instance where you say yehareg even by clearly minor issues. Like by shas Hashmad.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe term shomer negia is used by those who look at it as a chumrah akin to cholov Yisroel. Something that frummies are concerned with. And, as I am sure you are all aware of and have seen, there is no question that the negiah they refer to is absolutely related to chibah.
But it is not a chumrah, it is basic Halacha.
The real issue is that there are those who promote being shomer negiah as optional from a halachic standpoint. Which is a terrible misrepresentation.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt’s strictly on a need to know basis.
How is that relevant to anything? Did they mention you? No, because you are not relevant. So too they did not mention R Sherer’s brother.
The point is simple. Based on the example of rishonim and achronim they know that it is not up to them to print pointless negative items. Sure you see it in the Torah. HKB”h included it for a toeles. While you may that way, you are not HKB”H.
There is never negative items printed just for no reason. Publishers would be hard pressed to find a supportable reason to publish items that are not there to teach us or inspire us.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAha, now I understand lesschumras’ thought process. He feels that he can make the same distinctions as the medrashim while the gedolie rishonim and achronim did not do so. That is why he can make the silly simile he did and why he makes many of the comments he does.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt appears that only one attempting to force their views on anyone is you. You are the one admonishing people for learning Yiddish. Myself and others are wondering why you want to exclude people for having the opportunity from benefitting from knowing Yiddish. A language that is specific to yiddin, hence it’s name.
And don’t start preaching about Sephardim and Spain, the overwhelming majority do not speak Spanish because Spain is Sefared. That is a inane comment. And if that were the case, the benefit of learning should have nothing to do with bring able to tell the goy that you need a bolsa. Which is what you started with.
1) typical of you to complain that others are “forcing” views on others when you are the one telling people not to learn Yiddish.
2) preferance for Yiddish over Spanish has nothing to do with anti sefardic tendancies. Preferance for Spanish over Yiddish would very likely be related to anti chassidic or yeshiva tendencies.
If you learned in Yiddish you might actually learn how to respond to a comment instead of just post something that has nothing to do with anything.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantVeltz Meshugener,
What an appropriate name. There are some many gross misstatements in your comment as to be considered libelous.
Just a small sample, the Mesorah Foundation has nothing to do with the biographies.
Where do you come up with the nonsense if not by fabricating it out of thin air.
Thanks for clarifying. You believe it is pointless to learn a language in which there are many shiurim. And which learning is done universally.
You try to prove some point, not sure what it is, by telling me about some story in Paris. You weren’t talking in learning. That’s for sure.
How’s your Spanish? The rest,basura.
And as far as what is proper Yiddish, Yiddish has always been an amalgam that included the local language. Ivrit is no more a real language with bits and pieces coming from other languages as well.
Perhaps you should analyze the real reason you have such hate for people who speak Yiddish.
Right. Thanks for the clarification.
If your goal in life is to speak to the grocery bagger, then Spanish is more important. If your goal in life is to talk to others in Torah learning throughout the world and to listen to shiurim, then Yiddish is more important.
There are way more shiurim and people talking Yiddish while learning than there are doing so whilst speaking Spanish.
But make sure that when you are picked up para trabajo, you don’t mix up the ropa and basura and take the wrong bolsa.
Basically you did not respond.
I am curious as to who your “Rav” is that you keep quoting. I wonder if he is a bar samcha. I am really not convinced that he is based on how you quote him. Nor am I convinced that your quotes are accurate.
Blaming your failings on others is not a sign of maturity.
Posting lies makes you a liar.
Perhaps you can quote for us the salacious details in the book about R JB Soloveitchik. I am sure that YU included all of them when they published the books about him.
No one makes you read Artscroll. You don’t enjoy, don’t read. It’s that simple.
It is quite likely that it has to do with a fundemantal difference. People who look at limudai kodesh as no different that secular studies believe the purpose is just to tell over history. Those who understand that there is a difference understand that the purpose of the stories are to learn from these tzadik in and to try to emulate them. If the purpose is to learn kiddos and lessons, what is the point of publishing details that are not germane.
The stories published in these books are not false, which cannot be said for the “history” books. You want to satisfy your cravings for lecherous details, go elsewhere.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is an old shaila that was talked about in the sefer “Dira Days’. The question us if you entirely different pairs of glasses when you stir the coffee and instant chicken soup, or are the different temples enough.
Two points. A) the second part of your fantasy does not prove what you averted in the first part.
B) there is nothing about your story that seems truthful and I have no reason to believe. Not whether people would be using birth control, but that they would be going to abortion clinics to obtain it. Chasidim anyway.
Does your friend think you are a hasid?
Bunks is making a very valid which you are loathe to concede for some reason. There is a huge difference between appearing unkempt and being a slob. Were you chas vshalom to be an avel, you would understand if someone said you looked unkempt, you, and I think we can be specific here, would be highly offended if someone called you a slob.
While you may to be to busy to argue what the meaning of the word “slob” is, you should find time to consider why calling someone slob because he is following Halacha would be offensive to those follow Halacha.
By extrapolation you are calling many of our Gedolim and Rabonim slobs and I am sure Bubka is offended by that, rightly so, I might add.
September 28, 2012 8:08 pm at 8:08 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096384nishtdayngesheftParticipantHealth,
I did not say I am the expert, you however say you are an expert. Yet even me, a non expert sees many fallacies in the study. Certainly when the result was the first part of the study written. A study that only reports the cases that supports is allegations is no study at all. There were no cases of MbP that did not result in HSV? That is what the study would like to allege. They only looked at cases were there was a concurrence of MbP and HSV. Hardly an objective study at all.
And, non expert that I am easily located the study on the NIH about nursing. My quote was directly from the NIH.
The studies seems to say that the occurence would be more likely by nursing than by MbP. Yet it is clear that that is not considered a danger, ergo the alleged sakonah associated with MpB is not considered a sakonah.
There has been no study that supported allegations that a person with non active HSV can infect a child. Mohelim that have active HSV do not do MbP.
But I never called my self Health and said that I am an expert in the Health field. You on the other hand do so and yet you post comments that directly disprove that assertion of yours.
With your attitude I can understand why an issue of nursing would never be nogeiah you.
It was not necessary for you to interrupt your Yom Tov preparations to post what you did. Have a good Yom Tov.
September 25, 2012 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096354nishtdayngesheftParticipantHealth,
I can hardly believe you would try to pass yourself of as a health professional without noting the numerous glaring holes in the alleged study. Which as everyone knows had the conclusion written before the study began.
I wonder if that is is how some justify the colossal chillul Hashem perpetrated by this individual? Because he has a half baked study?
Please, even his original target has performed Grissom many thousands of times and he can only find two cases to pin on him? That alone flies in the face of his own study.
Besides I wonder if you any clue what sakonas necashos means.
As I stated numerous times above, we are not talking about when there is an active case. Mohel in do not so MbP then anyway. What is manufactured is that there is any real risk of shedding from non active cases.
If there were, then it would be ossur to nurse because the sakonah is at least as great then. Are you suggesting that it should be ossur to nurse as well? You should if your consistent.
September 24, 2012 11:05 pm at 11:05 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096347nishtdayngesheftParticipantFU,
1) Metzizah is for medical benefit, therefore no one holds that If metzizah is done in another fashion you do not have to redo the bris.
2) That does not mean that it is not a chelek of the mitzvah.
3) that does not mean that there is not a preferential way to do that part of the mitzvah.
4) Tendler’s stance is irrational and not supportable by anyone, not even the study he co(made up)authored. What he has done is a true chilul hasahem, in any meaning of the word. The biggest proof is the way he has gone about it, including running to the urinal news for his story. Which is akin to publishing something against the yidden in Goebbels ym’s newspaper. I am not sure how he can look himself in the mirror without feeling sick.
September 24, 2012 1:56 am at 1:56 am in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096339nishtdayngesheftParticipantAnd to clarify, you are quoting from R Romi Cohen who happens to be at the forefront of the battle against the DOH. Perhaps that should tell you something.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThis probably belongs in the frum vegetarians/vegans thread.
September 21, 2012 8:06 pm at 8:06 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096319nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad,
Before you said ” FYI Rav Tendler is not the only one who is against MBP, However it seems that in the more Charedi communities they are all for it and in the more modern communities they are against it.”
Clearly you meant that those were the overwhelming majority views of the respective communities.
Now you say that RCA does not represent all MO. But a significant portion they certainly do. They are clearly the leading and overwhelmingly largest Modern Orthodox rabbinic assembly in the US. Maybe they do not represent the Avi Weiss group. And not Tendler. But you are at a minimum being inconsistent. And more likely just farblundget.
September 21, 2012 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096317nishtdayngesheftParticipantSam2,
If? We see that it doesn’t. There are so few instances of HSV. If there were serious risks there would have to be more cases.
Remember, we are not talking about when the mohel has an active case. They already abstain then. As they do when they have sniffles or any active health concerns. You are talking if it might be transmitted when the mohel is solely a carrier. 80% + are carriers and there have been no correlation at all to any incidence that can match that.
You may as well ask if there would be the same reaction to R Tendler if he were chasidish. From either group. It’s an inane question.
September 21, 2012 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096309nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad,
You present the following as a signe of your ignorance “However it seems that in the more Charedi communities they are all for it and in the more modern communities they are against it.
A) The RCA also came out against the DOH sanctions.
B) Not everyone who is Chored al dvar hashem feels that MbP is a must. However the yrecognize that is an accepted hakpodah by others. And they feel that they are entitled to follow their mesorah.
However you seem to be a part of the group that feels only your way of doing things is correct and you will do all you can to dirupt what these G-d fearing Jews have been risking their lives to do for centuries.
No one is forcing you to do MbP and for that matter, I doubt if a mohel would do MpB for you were you to engage a mohel because of health risks.
But why do you feel that you have right to dtermine what other should do? It is certainly not from your superior halachic knowledge nor scientfic knowledge.
September 21, 2012 6:04 pm at 6:04 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096308nishtdayngesheftParticipantzdad,
You inanely say “The charedi Rabbis should be looking to remove the Mohels who caused this in the first place and REQUIRE testing for Herpes of Mohels. If you test positive for herpes you cannot be a Mohel.”
What you really mean is that someone should remove the *person* who spread false rumors about a mohel and got the DOH to pass the first government imposed restrictions to milah. (Notice I did not say circumcision)
September 21, 2012 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096307nishtdayngesheftParticipantmdd (or should that be mdt),
It would seem that people who are blase about keeping up the mesorah and grab onto to any narishe thing that it allegedly more modern have caused significantly more neshomos to be lost to klal yisroel than any that may have left because of fanatics. And this is not new.
September 21, 2012 5:34 pm at 5:34 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096306nishtdayngesheftParticipantmdd (or should that be mdt),
No one, certainly not me, is calling for an end to mothers nursing. The point is that at the same time that the Mayor is hot to stop MbP becauses of an *unsupported* and apparently *unsuportable* claim that it causes HSV transmission. (Obviously we are not talking about open sores, Mohelim do not do MbP when they have the slightest indication of illness)
At the same time he is pushing a practice that according to a study reported by the National Institutes of Health (US government agency, part of the US Dept of Health and Human Services)does put a baby at risk for getting the HSV. Obviously he feels that it should not be stopped because the risk is small enoufgh, yet it is clear that the risk is many times greater than any risk associated with MbP.
Therein lies the hypocrisy, which you to seem to have been infected with as well. (And apparently not through MbP)
September 21, 2012 5:25 pm at 5:25 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096305nishtdayngesheftParticipantmdd (or should that be mdt),
Where in the DOH provision does it differntiate between someone just doing MbP for one child or someone who does it more often, as a Mohel?
In addition, a mother nurses her child *way* more often than a mohel performs MbP.
Your whole arguiment is specious and baseless.
September 21, 2012 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096304nishtdayngesheftParticipantmdd (or should that be mdt),
What propaganda about Nursing? The Mayor’s plan to try to force every women to Nurse?
I did not see any other item that possibly could be considered propoganda about nursing.
September 21, 2012 11:33 am at 11:33 am in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096273nishtdayngesheftParticipantOomis,
The following is from a paper published on the NIH site.
“In conclusion, our findings indicate that HSV-1 and HSV-2 are shed into breast milk in a significant proportion of puerperals and breast-feeding may be an important route for the transmission of these viruses to infants.”
Yet the mayor, through his aggressive “Latch on NY” program is attempting to force all women to nurse. Yet it seems that the risks of exposure to HSV are more significant via nursing than Via MbP which he is trying to outlaw.
What hypocrisy. Or is it shame of Jewish customs?
September 19, 2012 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096247nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad,
What is your point? There seems to be none.
September 12, 2012 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm in reply to: Circumstantial Evidence and Science in Jewish Law #896397nishtdayngesheftParticipantFrom one of the cases from the WTC, I know that R Elyashiv did not rely on DNA alone to be matir an agunah. And not because he was unaware what DNA is. He paskined that DNA alone is not enough. It was only in conjuction with other proofs that they were able to be matir the agunah.
I heard this directly from a rov who was actively involved in the case. (He was the one who brought the shaila to R Elyashiv on behalf of the Agunah).
1) I believe it was already mentioned ealier by in fact, that it happened in private, so there was no issue of public embrassment.
2) Stories like are really accurately reported, eyeroll. You are judging from the word passuled, which is a translation of something reported on an Israeli blog to assume what actually happened, rather than use seichel? You are better than that.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI don’t think he said he is pasul for eidus, rather as mesader kidushin, he decided that he does not want this operson as an eid. Which as mesader kedushin seems to fall within his purview.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI believe it’s “onyourway” written as one word. It has Rashi and Tosafos below the text of the gemarah. It does not have tzuras hadaf. It is a very nice app though.
You commented “Take what you will from this:
I live in Brooklyn. I sent all my kids to schools out of Brooklyn for high school.”
To knowitall’s query about about High Schools in Brooklyn. Thus leaving up to the readers to figure out what you mean. I know there a whole bunch of fantastic high schools in Brooklyn, so we wonder what else to take from it.
You will note that there was a question mark at the end. Meaning we were trying to figure out what you meant, and this was a guess.
Do not put words into my comment. It is something you seem fascinated with doing. I am not sure why.
You think someone repeating what you write is tarnishing your reputation? How can they be? If they are repeating what you say.
Must be that you find the silly talk about your rishus irritating. Well here’s a bit of news, we find it irritating when you do it as well. And it is not like you are proving anything with your spiel anyway.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantDon’t you think people should ask their LOR before assuming something is automatically muttar.
If you want to learn Yiddish, with the focus on the “Yid” in it, you would be well advised to avoid YIVO and yiddish culturalists. They have done everything they could to remove yiddishkeit from yiddish culture. And this is not new.
A school knows that it can only work together with parents. They cannot fight parents. Why would they think they can be successful or for that matter not detrimental when a parent proudly and loudly proclaims the opposite of what the school is trying to teach.
Besides, how much merit of his own can a child beginning school have yet? The school has to work with attitude. Will there be a positive attitude towards learning the lessons of the school and will lessons be reinforced in the home.
And we already see that *someone* has already determined that a parents actions should impact if they are accepted in school. See this brilliant thread.