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  • in reply to: Making Sunday an official day off in Israel #927077


    Which gedolim? Please name and cite references.

    Besides, your comment makes no sense, how will making Sunday a day off change what the chilonim will so on Shabbos? Going to work does not seem better than what they are doing now.

    It willhowever make working even more difficult for religious people. If the day of rest, the day off, is not Shabbos. I am sure that there will be chilonim who will use this as another reason not to hire religious Jews. And I am sure you will defend them as well.

    in reply to: I just deposited a check via my (very) smart phone!!!!! #926799

    I tried it with a rebate check. You know the ones that come as a post card. Apparently there is a limit to the size of the check you can deposit via the app. Anyhow, I snapped the picture and instead of reading the $4.50 amount, it read the serial number and said 16,436,675,223.45 is too large to deposit.

    So there went that.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926161

    Based on what I have seen? More than $5. Certainly not the average. My experience is that you are off at least 500%.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926157

    The price was, as I said, $92 per hour in NYC. Plus a tip, still not so much.

    Anyway, $5 is that what you figure? I see that your 500% error rate remain consistent.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926155


    A simple google search shows that the rate for a 8 passanger stretch limo is $92 while a 9 passenger van is $84.

    SO ZDAD was off by a factor of more than 500%. Par for the course.

    And I would think that the $8 an hour for safety (A little more if you add in the tip) is probably worth it.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049146

    My statement was based on A) Reason and B) Query, so it was not an assumption at all.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049140


    It is a pretty big assumption that you are making, that only you spoke to a knowledgeable person. While you say you spoke to a mumcha, I think it is more than just likely that Oorah spoke to a rov and a dayan, not just a squeak defined mumche.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926328


    I have been on the minyan bus and other buses as well. I think I can identify you. There are several people who have little self esteem and seem to blame their misery on others. Anyone who travels these buses regularly knows exactly which passengers I am referring to. Thank you for describing yourself.

    My experience is that at least as many women have double seats as men do.

    You don’t like the bus that stops (And there is only 1) Take another, that has been the longest running route of the company. Which is a 6:40AM bus. You can hardly call those people lazy, they are on their way way before netz a goodly portion of the year.

    I am calling you out precisely because I have been on those buses a number of time and it is clear that you are manufacturing “facts”.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926153


    Your assertion was sufficiently dealt with above and I quote;

    “These drivers have experience driving much more rowdy groups. (Think proms). It is actually responsible to use such an experienced professional driver. The slight incremental cost is worthwhile for safety.”

    According to your logice they should go to a rent a wreck and get the cheapst shmattah car available. Who cares if the tires are bald and the breaks are soft. Turn signal are an unneccesary luxury and headlights, why those just waste gas.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926148


    I did not address his comments because they were so far from anything resembling facts that there was no point. It would have meant rewriting his whole comment.

    As a matter of point, I have a lot of experience with not for profits. I am commenting from my experience with not for profits.

    As far as costs, zdog mentions 500 an hour. It’s an assumption that like so many of his, has no basis in reality and is easily ascertainable.

    You will find that it not not so much more than the cost of renting a van with a driver from a reputable service. These drivers have experience driving much more rowdy groups. (Think proms). It is actually responsible to use such an experienced professional driver. The slight incremental cost is worthwhile for safety.

    But it is irrelevant. Zdad is just looking for a reason to use when he does not give.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926326


    So, as you yourself have admitted, you are clueless about the issue being discussed here.

    The women are not relegated to the back of the bus on minyan busses.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926140


    Have you ever looked a 990? Would you even know what it says? Have you ever seen the financial statements of a not for profit entity?

    I have. And more than just a couple. It is clear that you are just spouting nonsense. I guarantee that I know more about not for profits than you do.

    You have no clue at all. That is clear from your comments.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926129


    Like I said, it makes no difference to you. You are not in charge of the moisad collecting nor will you be contributing anything.

    And I wonder where you get your 50% figure from. It’s not a number I have seen, nor is it close to any accepted standard. This statement of yours proves that you asking the question is pointless.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926126


    What is it to you? There is no logical reason why it should make a difference to you.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926324


    What are you talking about? I have had the occasion to be on a minyan bus on more than one occasion as well as when there was no davening on the same bus line. The women are not at the back of the bus at all. (Unless they walk there themselves).

    In fact, from my experience it is clear that almost no one commenting here has been on the minyan busses. And that the poor attitude described by anon1 is his own.

    in reply to: BTs vs. OTDs #925781


    You are wrong yet once again. There was a whole magazine Klal Perspectives, recently about kiruv and the consensus was that they cannot tabulate the number of Ba’alei Teshuvah and there is no point in doing so. On the contrary, we hear all sorts of numbers of people going of the derech. Some of which I believe you yourself conjured on some of the other threads here.

    in reply to: Name of Beis Yaakov #925815

    Rashi to Shemos 19:3

    ???? ????. ??? ?????

    in reply to: Yair Lapid to Chareidim- you won #927434

    Someone here is a never ending font of incorrect and/or irrelevant information.

    in reply to: Hechsherim in Miami Beach #923211


    And you will only eat Twizzlers with that Hashgocha. After he is mashtin on them.

    in reply to: The Webberman Verdict #923071


    You say “What is the evidence that it didn’t occur?” If that is your stance, then you too are guilty. Where is the evidence that you have not molested someone.

    in reply to: what chassidic movements don't require you to grow a beard? #921405

    The real and correct answer is that no Chassidic movement requires one to grow a beard.

    You can ask another question about which allow cutting off a beard. Which is something else entirely.

    in reply to: what chassidic movements don't require you to grow a beard? #921402

    ZD make up your mind. Simchas, smichas or semichas?

    in reply to: what chassidic movements don't require you to grow a beard? #921399


    I know quite a few people form there who got married very shortly after they started going out. Why do you say it takes long to get simchas from them?

    And does the the yeshiva itself produce simchas?

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927555


    What does “It make landfall around Atlantic City.”(sic) have to do with the topic at hand?

    in reply to: what chassidic movements don't require you to grow a beard? #921396


    How did Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim get roped into a discussion about chasidim with beards?


    Yeshvas in the US are private enterprises and if they feel that they will not be able to service a certain child, should they be forced to accept them? Or what about when the parents will attempt to undo what ever the schools are trying to teach? You think the school would be wise to accept this child.

    As far as Friedman, the school has a simple eitzah, they can show that the results of academic testing show his children lag far behind and plcae them in grades 4 or 5 years younger.

    in reply to: Touro college #919583


    “I said Touro is another 4 years of High School where people insult and speak to one another in condescending tone of voice”.

    Did you go to Touro? Or is this a typical case of “oif der ganev brent di huttel”?

    Oh, and anecdotally, where I work there are Touro graduates as well as Ivy League graduates including several with PhD’s. And a number of the Touro Graduates have higher positions and make more.

    Not a heimishe place.

    in reply to: mezonos rolls #916462

    health says

    Where does this attitude from – Gaivah?

    And btw, I’ve experienced this attitude many times before.

    No one could have said it better.

    in reply to: What Yidden do on December 25th #916763


    So you say whole hallel in honor of “the day” on December 25th? Like you do ion Yom Hatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim? I can see the congruence.

    Do you trim a bush for all three as well?

    in reply to: Fruits and vegetables that SHOULDN'T be refrigerated #915591


    in reply to: Chillul Hashem on the school bus #915423


    Your latest comments makes as much sense as most of your other comments. None.

    And, there is nothing you have ever said here that would give me, or anyone else, reason to believe that you portrayed an accurate picture of events. Your many other comments show you have quite a skewed sense of reality, to put it kindly.

    You really should not howl every time you see the cheese.

    in reply to: trip to Israel through Amsterdam #915345

    From what I understand, and I may be wrong, the Jewish area is only a stop or two away from the airport.

    in reply to: Chillul Hashem on the school bus #915407

    Does anyone have a clue what this story allegedly is? Has anyone heard it anywhere else.

    I wonder if the reason you won’t find this anywhere else is because it didn’t happen.

    in reply to: Chodosh Assur Min HaTorah #931850

    So you would want to translate the Chasam Sofer’s dictum to mean that Torah is osur min haTorah. I can see that certain groups feel that way.

    in reply to: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! #913741


    So that’s your answer? I guess it was another one of your assumptions that only made it a third of the way through the assumption.

    in reply to: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! #913739


    Now you are an expert and know what caused it? Because e perta all over say tht the exposure to violence is what causes this. Sure his mother took to shooting range, but that is shooting at targets. However the movies and video games glorify mass shooting and insane violence.

    Your comment would make sense only if he never way he’d never watched violent movies or played video games. Have you verified that? And how?

    in reply to: every principal a 22 #914715

    And it would be wonderful for discipline as well. You know how the cops show their gun when dealing with someone unruly.

    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913507


    I will preface this with saying that I do not know what happened. However you say

    “there was evidence. Children who aren’t abused cannot make up stories and keep them straight under such cross examination”

    1) Kids make up stories all the time and if it is a fantasy, they can see it in front of them. Think of kids who have imaginary friends.

    2) The point is moot, because the girl is now 18, hardly a child.

    3) Your point might have some basis if the story was about something the child would normally have no idea about. This girl apparently was sexually active with a boy friend of whicch there apparently was indisputable evidence. Accordingly this is not stuff that she would have difficulty transferring to someone else.

    Just because she said a story is not proof. I do not know if it is true, but proof it is not.

    And your argument about what is in the letter being proof about Weberman’s guilt is about the most convoluted attempt at reason I have seen here, and that includes quite a few lulus.

    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913500

    In which schools? The ” expensive schools”? I don’t know, but I have never met one from there, I have met am hoaratzim gemurim though.

    From the ones that went to yeshivis that you say you get what you pay for, I have met many very serious dedicated talmedei chachomim. Many. And very knowledgable. I went to a shiur from one of them who did not speak English as his first language, yet when it came to medical related issues he knew and understood all the terms and the intact cues related to them. And based on what I read here way more and better than you.

    As far as your claim about other “allegations” I have no reason to believe you or your source. I have seen a letter from the girl’s father in support of weberman.

    in reply to: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! #913729

    I notice that the same people now saying that schools must be more restrictive about who they let in are the same who complain that schools are too selective who they admit.

    All the pundits and even actors admit that the violence portrayed and glorified in movies, on tv and in video games have led to the ever increasing number of mass shootings, particularly by young people. And it is young people who seem to be involved in these terrible/ horrible school shootings. As students or past students in the school. On addition the “experts” lay additional blame on the break up of the family unit and family values.

    Do you think it is not appropriate for yeshivas to prohibit movies, tv and such violent games? How can they not? On top of everything else it is a safety measure.

    I can also understand that when there are limited resources they would prefer students from families that emphasize family values. (There is no greater measure of family values than following what is in the Torah).

    The question is why are there schools that do not insist on these rules? The extra tuition charged dies not nearly cover the costs of the experts needed to try to mitigate the negative aspects of violence, profanity and vulgarity the students are being exposed to. These schools are not in better financial position even though their tuition is 5 times higher.

    It is a wonder. These modern distractions do not seem in anyway to be an improvement.

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913546


    On the most recently available 990 Norman Lamm is defined as trustee and chancellor and his comp was about 500,000 of which he took over 200,000 tax free. This is easily available, look it up yourself. It is also about 75% more than he made 8 years earlier. Hardly what you would call just retirement pay.

    And he is listed as an officer, which means by IRS definition that he makes decisions regarding running the institution. Is that Just Honorary? Not the way the IRS looks at it.

    What you purport to be fact is entirely incorrect.

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913545

    Geshmok mon,

    Take a chill pill.

    There was a thread about a dual standard in the Coffee room. I was pointing out that there is, but not the dual standard that the OP was making. And it was well proven. And yet again by your comment.

    And perhaps you can tell us why you have such a benign reaction to the YU case. Certainly since you show that you tend to have explosive reactions.

    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913488


    So only goyishe costs?

    Their lemudei kodesh is exponentially better than in any of the expensive schools. SO somehow, the schools you champion are ripping you off. And apparently foster inappropriate relationships that are not dealt with because of financial issues. (With tuition at 25,000 a year with out dorms)

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913540

    The senseless vitriol is reserved for use on chareidim in a possibly similar case.

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913537

    The story is just like Horace Mann school. And guess what, the response was the same. The question is if Professor R Lamm should still receive hundreds of thousands each year from YU, most of which he takes tax free.

    The responses on this thread are a clear indication of the dual standard in the CR.

    in reply to: Y.U. Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up #913523

    I believe this is an example of the double standard.

    Oh, Zdad, Lamm’s response was that he was to busy with money at the time to deal with this. I am glad that you believe that is a response that you are happy with and do not have to post your many imbecilic posts. And you also feel that it’s a satisfactory answer that you do not have to identify them as ?????.

    in reply to: Double Standard in the Coffee Room #914513

    I suspect there is a double standard in the coffee room. Otherwise you should see posts by Zdad about certain recent news story which you don’t see.

    in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941630


    They have articles in a student magazine that rivals anything Feldman alleged in her fanciful work of fiction. A magazine that received funding from YU. An article that widely discussed in the secular media.

    Or have you forgotten.

    None of this is something to be proud of.

    in reply to: Good psychiatrist? #913015

    There seem to be a number of people who can tell you psychiatrists who are ineffective based on their own experiences.

    in reply to: opposite gender therapists #912352

    I find it moronic that a person who strongly defends opposite gender therapists on this thread writes eleswhere that he assumes a therapist is an abuser solely because he was with an opposite gender therapee.

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