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  • in reply to: Yiddish insults #2062606


    DO you have something against the many talmidei chachomim who live in West Palm Beach?

    From your posts, I would doubt you wouldn’t know the difference between an Am Haaretz and a Talmid Chochom if it bit you on the nose. FYI, googling something does not remove the Am Ha’aretz title.

    in reply to: Yiddish insults #2062451

    1) Full of bull is not describing someone as an animal
    2) Ham Actor is not referring to an animal
    3) Udder fool? really? I think this is from an utter fool.

    in reply to: Yiddish insults #2062450


    Do you know how the gemara defines and Am Haaretz?

    Have you seen the attitude of am hoaratzim? I don’t believe you could find one with emunah peshutah.

    The gemarah when describing which is better, uses mamzer and not am haaretz. That should tell you something.

    in reply to: Verifiable Hashgacha Pratis Stories #2061015

    I left my house and made the bus.

    I walked to shul and did not trip.

    I can go on and on.

    in reply to: WWYD: Irate mispallel #2058704

    Shush him loudly

    in reply to: Speed davening. #2036964


    I don’t think you know what time hanetz is now. The very fast minyan in my neighborhood davens much before hanetz, in fact there are times they wait at yishtabach for mishayakir.

    in reply to: Kyle Rittenhouse #2032274


    It is not so irrelevant. A goyish kup would say its “karma”.

    But more seriously, the fact that the three people who were shot have violent pasts presents a strong likelihood that their threats and the way those threats were presented were more likely to have seemed like real immediate threats to the life of Mr. Rittenhouse.

    There is a very big difference between someone who just yells “I am going to kill you” vs some yelling that who has actually attempted to kill people or actually caused people serious bodily harm. And that difference and the follow up actions would be perceived by the person being threatened even if they were unaware of the attacker’s violent/criminal past. We all have seen actions and said “stay away, that person is dangerous”.

    Even the prosecutor presumably would agree with this, because he averred that just playing a video game is indicative of a person who would readily cause harm. Al achas camah vcamah for someone who has actually attached real human beings. (Rosenbaum’s mental issues even exacerbated this. Mental illness “may” be an excuse regarding being found guilty, but in no way will it make his threats less threating, quite the opposite)

    in reply to: Behavior during nuchem availim #2020551

    “Read the room”?

    There is a reason why halacha is to let the availim start the conversation. You are not going on a marketing visit, that you should need to read the room.

    in reply to: Behavior during nuchem availim #2018932


    I would refer to my comment above, where I talk about being defined as Choshuv by bnei torah.

    I doubt someone who is completely clueless about how two brothers marrying two sisters applies to Maseches Yevamos could possibly be construed as a ben torah. Vda”l.

    in reply to: Behavior during nuchem availim #2018721


    Really? GH continuously makes false allegations about and denigrates bnei torah, talmidei chachomim and upright people, and calling him on his lies is the problem?

    Really, Reb Shimon, think this one through.

    in reply to: Behavior during nuchem availim #2018618


    You are an out and out liar. I do not for a moment believe you have seen any of the following occur by people bnei torah call chashuv. Perhaps people of your ilk, who you might consider choshuv (you even call yourself a Gadol! And you are clearly the furthest from that.)

    “I have been to levayahs where the hesped is more about the person giving the hesped than the niftar, shidduchin where the mesader kidushin stumbles over the brachos because he was “mesamach” choson v’kallah before the festivities officially began.”

    in reply to: Behavior during nuchem availim #2018433

    What is Nuchem Availim?

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2016485

    I would think that it is in good part because of a chashash of Chatzizah. Just as many sephardic women were makpid to shave hair as well.

    in reply to: Jewish RocketMan #2009193


    “Give the guys their due – they figured out that it is easier to travel on Yom Kippur than on Sukkos. Drilling holes was not approved. You can say that cold temperature outside is enough of an exemption.
    On the other hand, if the whole capsule lives for less than a week, can it qualify as a temporary dwelling?”

    While find that a yoitze laderech is patur from Succah, we find no such heter for yom kippur. , you really need to ask better questions.

    in reply to: Jewish RocketMan #2009195

    Dor Haflaga,

    “I also note that at the same time we are having this exchange, segments of the frum media are running stories with photos of a former chazar-eating, mechallel shabbos, yarmulkaless politician current being tried for felonies showing up at the kosel with a kipah for kol nidre as if this was some big kiddush hashem (since he was NOT also smoking one of the expensive cigars he was accused of having illegally accepted).”

    I am unfamiliar with the story you are referring to, I am pretty sure that a good part of it is fabricated. Even if it was reported, that does not mean it was reported as a kidduch hashem.

    However, someone going to daven us a kiddush hashem, regardless of his other shortcomings.

    Being mechallel yom kippur befarhesia is a chillul hashem, regardles if the person is a billionaire. And glorifying it as you you continue to do, is also a prime example of a chilul hashem.

    A limud zchus is that the gemara brings amoraim that said what would be considered for them a chilul hashem would be even a slight matter, because they are looked up to. I think you may gat a slight slide on your comments because the contrary is true with you.

    in reply to: Bagels in Middletown NY? #2008578

    Shouldn’t be too hard for you to google the kosher market there. There is a whole Jewish community. I’ve been to the Pizza Store.

    in reply to: Bagels in Middletown NY? #2008243

    Bloomingburg is 15 minutes from Middletown

    in reply to: Car Repair courses needed in Lakewood #2007806


    You say that if people are making less than $60 an hour, they should do their own oil changes. Especially if they are learning in kollel. Because an oil change costs $60.

    For someone who “always ask questions” you did consider some very simple ones that show the fallacy of your comment.

    1) How much does the oil cost, (Actually, about $23 for 5 quarts now)
    2) How much does the oil filter costs (Cheapest is $4.50, better are about 8.50)
    3) How much do the tools for doing an oil and filter change cost (considering that a person would typically need maybe 2-3 oil changes a year)(Wrench, funnels, oil filter wrench, oil drip pan)
    4) Where I live, the oil change places include a car wash in the price, that is worth a few dollars
    5) What about the hassle of disposing the used oil and filter
    6) There is a cost to purchasing the other fluids that get topped off at an oil change
    7)The amortized cost of clothing that you can wear when doing an oil change. You don’t expect a kollel person to do so in his white shirt and dress pants. And more casual clothing is not suited for that either. Perhaps the clothing you are used to wearing might be more suited.
    By the time you add that up, the savings for doing an oil change by one’s self really is very small if at all and likely does not exist.

    Additionally, it often takes significantly more time to do an oil change at home (including the associated clean up) that going to a quick change place. This is time that many Yungeleit do not have. They are busy shopping, or with kids during bein hasedorim and evening hours as well. Neither do they have off on Sundays. And many people do not have a place they can just do an oil change. It is not wise to do so on a public street, and not all driveways are suited for that as well. And if oil spills during the change on the drive way, its a huge hassle.

    I have a relative who is a regular yeshivish person. He did his own oil changes. But he was driving between 1,500 and 2,000 miles a week for his job. For him it was a savings. But most people, it costs more do a change your self, if you add up the actual costs. (And if you have an issue with car, you may have an issue proving oil changes done your self, but if you go to the same place you can get a history of oil changes, to protect your claims, but you go buy the extended warranties we all get calls about)

    in reply to: Whats this song called #2006235

    Joey Newcomb has a song called niggun nechoma

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003155

    Avi K.

    “As for the topic of that debate, perhaps the team should have entered and given the Torah view. As for the opposing point of view, they are going to eventually encounter it. ”

    I think your response was the most significant point in Avirah’s comment. A matter that is a clear issur d’oraisa is not something that should be considered a matter of debate in a orthodox Jewish school. A debate suggests that there are two legitimate sides to the matter. Dah mah lehashiv is not that it is a matter of debate.

    Additionally I believe Avirah’s comment about honesty was not that he felt it is not important. His point was that this was used as an excuse to not address an elephant in the room. The people there felt smug, the Rabbi can speak about honesty because we all think we are honest. But heaven forfend he should talk about same sex marriages, because his crowd would find that threatening. Or perhaps not woke.

    Asd far as your comment about demonization, I think there is more than a little of the pot calling the kettle black.

    What is defined as anti- MO on the forums, for the most part is not directed at center or right leaning MO as much as those who are way off to the left on the way to or including those who once called themselves (or to use their language, “identified as”) “Open” orthodox. This does not need more explanation.

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1993614

    For an organization to provide a kashrus certification, there needs to be a level in trust for the kashrus organizations procedures to be effective.

    I guess, quite reasonably, that an entity that adopts anti-semitic policies likely would negate that level of trust.

    in reply to: Conservative sounds better for people with ADHD #1990060


    Motcha’s comment remains. Your comment makes no sense.

    in reply to: cost of living #1990059


    I am sure you find your comment amusing. I suspect you think that those involved in hashgocha should not be paid for their expertise. Nor should someone who tests for shatnez. Because that only a Frumie thing.

    While neither item relates to the cost of uniforms. As mentioned above by Syag, there weren’t the economies of scale to lower the prices. Which is very different from what RE said.



    Why are you more of an apologist for BidenHarris than anyone on these boards have been for Trump? BodenHarris have consistently shown themselves to be much worse for Jewish causes, Jews and Israel than the previous administration. Possibly even worse tahn teh Osama administration.

    in reply to: Pashkevil #1971209

    How can anyone call thenmselves rational when suggesting that internet postings are less likely to affect people lives when posting “stories” without having to prove anything, than pashkevilin.

    Must be a sarcastic description.

    in reply to: Ma’khia Bryant #1967745

    History Buff.

    I believe it was in 1978. The protest was that they wanted the police in their neighborhood. The BLM movement is to get police out almost entirely.

    Seems a bit different.

    in reply to: Ma’khia Bryant #1967239


    Mr. Bush was waiving a hammer, but he was not immediately next to some one. This girl was literally leaning on another girl swinging a knife at her.

    The cases are hardly the same.

    But you prefer that a Jew is killed apparently.

    in reply to: Why liberalism is against the torah #1966384

    Mr. Sheker,

    You say “Ronald Reagan was President from 1981-1989 in that time, murders in NYC went from 2,228 in 1980 to 2,246 in 1989.

    George HW Bush was president from 1989-1993 which during that time murders reached their high of 2,605 in 1990 and in 1993 was at 2,420.

    Bill Clinton was president from 1993-2001 which saw in 2001 the murders decline to 960.”

    Why dont you put in who was the mayor of NYC then? Because mayors have a lot more to do with policing indiviual cities than do the President?

    Hint, murders were at abn all time high during the Dinkins years. Hardly a conservative.
    They started a rapid decline with Gulianin, hardly a liberal.

    Bloomberg was no liberla when he started office, and his policing policies were certainly not liberal.

    Look where crimes against people have been going since DeBlasio has been mayor. The streets in NYC are scary again.

    in reply to: Why liberalism is against the torah #1966382

    Who likes irony?
    Today Chuck edited Schumer annouces that today is a holiday because the federal governmaent is going legalize marijuana. Yesterday Biden said he was going to ban methol cigarettes and limit others.

    Smoking is great when it addles the mind?

    Is it irony, or is liberalsm spelled h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y?

    in reply to: Why liberalism is against the torah #1966381

    Mr. Sheker,

    The trend to extend abortion at will up to the time of birth, and beyond (yes, those are the words of your blackface wearing, Ralph Northam) is a key platform of the Democrat party. That is out an out murder.

    In addition, the bigoted policy of equity and critical race theory are supported and promoted by the Democrat party as a whole. I frankly do not understand how those are different from the worst white supremacist except as to who the target is. And that it is supported wholeheartedly by the political party in charge.

    Further the liberals actively limit the civil rights of people, not least amongst them the right to freely practice religion.

    in reply to: Why liberalism is against the torah #1966014

    Without saying eithe side is like the Torah, i would like to make a few small observations.

    1) The hot topic now of “equity” is very, very far removed from equality. One might even say it is the complete opposite.

    2) Repulicans are not more selfish than democrats. certainly not the left leaning that fall into communism. Conservatism is not selfish, nor is liberalism being generous. And generosity withothers resources iss actually selfish.

    3) What is going on in society these days scarily veers into what Chazal describe as occuring in the dor hamabul which led to hineni mashisum. And into the actions of the Shiva Ammamim.

    4) The sheva Mitzvos include setting up courts and clearly include capital punishment, which does not seems to follow the dinim of sanhedrin. R Moshe ZT’L has a letter to Governor Coumo about Capital Punishment. Read that before making your comments here.

    in reply to: Gebrok halacha? Liquids in Pesach Dip recipes (for matza) #1961173


    The notice was posted on multiple “drum” websites. ( I agree with your hesitation to call any website frum).

    In addition I received emails about this from a number of shuls and it was announced in shul.

    This was communicated openly and widely.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1960366

    On the news this morning they mentioned the process for the impeachment, but the politicians now say it will take time. This is not something that should be rushed and Cuomo is entitled to due process.

    I whole heartedly agree with due process, but why did these same peopel rush to two impeachment hearings with Trump? Without evidence for the most part, very rushed, and clearly without any due process. Only entrenched democrats are entitled to due process? And it would seem that Andy has ben this way since his father was in office, he was the enforcer.

    How does that play to any of the mionorities that feel they are denied due process, or to any of the regular people who are not entrenched demorcrat politicians?

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1960367

    “The same goes for Cuomo, they care more his nursing home scandal and his terrible Covid policies than his personal life.”

    Abusing and harrasing the people who work for him as governor is hardly his personal life. And threatening people who disagree with him that “he will run them” is not a matter of personal life. It is abuse of power. He was elected to serve the people. Not to make peole serve him. (Though the leftist democrat party has slid headlong into communist russian tactics. and we know which posters are strongly in favor of that)

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1959983

    “I challenge you to cite a post, here or anywhere, that backs up your claim on this issue.”

    Actually, you would have to show us posts of yours ssupporting Kavanaugh in spite of teh claim against him, all of which were specious and championed by the low life leftists radicals you are so enamored of.

    No body says Trump was a tzaddik, but the claims against Cuomo are much worse. They are of him abusing his power as an elected official. They are of him sending seniors to their death by fiat and lying about it so he can satisfy his ego and make money of his book. Neither are things Trump has done while in office.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1959336

    Reb Eliezer,

    There were no claims of Trump abusing women as president. Huge difference. People get impeached for what they do while in office.

    in reply to: Gebrok halacha? Liquids in Pesach Dip recipes (for matza) #1959333

    I think the biggest problem is that someone would look on line for the answer to a halachic shaila.

    in reply to: Eggs to the seder plate #1958862

    Reb E,

    I am guessing you haven’t been learning daf yomi.

    As Beneepraom noted it’s a korbon that was brought so the pesach can been eaten “al hasova”

    There is a machlokes of all the Halachos of the korbon pesach apply to it. But it is not docha shabbos as is the pesach itself.

    Benephraim, it is a zecher. It’s not the korbon itself. Where do you find that you get rid of a zecher on shabbos.

    in reply to: The Filibuster-racist?? #1958413

    Regardless of its history. That does not make it currently racist.

    in reply to: Eggs to the seder plate #1958410

    Is it not for the Chagigas Erev Pesach? Which would not be brought on erev pesch that falls on shabbos. And tashlumim is for the regular chagiga, not chagigas erev pesach.

    in reply to: Israeli vs. American hand shmura matzo #1954420

    The people I know who buy Matzoh in EY, and they live there, do not pay less than I do in the US for local matzoh. And I do not get the Costco Matzoh.

    in reply to: Israeli vs. American hand shmura matzo #1954418


    Not sure what the purpose of your last two lines were. Even if there were no indoor ovens in Mitzrayim or the midbar, if there is a gezairah mederabana not to bake outside, it makes no difference.

    But even your contention is wrong. Who said they didn’t have a small indoor oven? All cooking was outside?

    And the matzah of mitzrayim was “misharousom tzruros bsimlousom”. Never was even in an oven at all.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1954029

    Cuomo gave some nonsensical excuse that “he didn’t mean to offend, he didn’t touch”.

    That’s a lie according to Ms Boykin who said he did “make contact”.

    If you look at the allegedly “anti harassment” videos that are mandatory watching in NY , you will see that they tell you even making a normal comment is considered harassment, but Cuomo didn’t realize? He is a liar and hypocrite.

    in reply to: orthodox Jewish democrat? #1954028

    CT Lawyer vchol hanilvim alov,

    Who says that republicans, and those who are against abortion do not adopt? I hardly think you would categorize Amy Comey Barret as Democrat and she and her husband adopted two children. In fact she was ridiculed about those adoptions by the Democrats. Think about that.

    The issue about abortion is not what will we do with these kids. But, that abortion is considered so sacrosanct that there is no considering of consequences. Do whatever and just get an abortion. And according to many of the Democrats, up to the moment of birth and actually after because they are against laws protecting babies born alive from a botched abortion. And Ralph Northom said even after a regular birth. The discussions regarding abortion are not when the mother( if you can even use that word these days according to the Left) is in danger or the child is not viable. It is that the baby is considered a wart or even less.

    Jan Psaki in response to a question from a Catholic group about the law requiring doctors who are religious to perform sex change operations or abortions or sterilization said that Biden wants to protect Roe V Wade. This discussion is by elective procedures, why would a doctor be required to do elective procedures?

    Can you explain the thought process of some of these radicals who March around saying proudly how many abortions they’ve had? Now I know they are radicals, but they are the same people who are being called to testify in favor and they are not being castigated by pro abortion groups leaders.

    Yes, I am sure many who have abortions do so with remorse, but most it’s the remorse they got pregnant, not for the termination.

    I wonder how many fewer unwanted babies and pregnancies there would be if abortion wasn’t so easy and automatic.

    in reply to: orthodox Jewish democrat? #1954024


    “ It is a greater mitzva to teach someone how to fish than give him a fish. ”

    Quotes with poor people and fish come from a very different religion.

    As far as your insistence that democrats provide Job Training, let me tell the facts. One of the largest job training programs in NY funded by government grants was shut down by the Democrats because they said why make people work, let’s just give them the money.

    However, the Democrats these days are not about providing support for people. They are about redistributing wealth. And controlling people. Neither of which are Torah concepts.

    in reply to: A freilachan purim!-happy anniversary #1953378

    AAQ, do not make up your own reasons.

    Any way, to learn from Moshe, who wore a mask “ki koran ohr ponov” not because of Corona V in the air.

    in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1953344


    >The consensus of YWN commenters is that such lies should go unanswered, apparently.<

    Apparently not, that is why commenters are calling Avi Weiss out on his lies. And challenging the nonsense you keep posting.

    Remember, Avi Weiss has written in the antisemitic Rag, the NY Slimes denigrating the religious nature of Israel. I am sure his articles have been used more than once by radical antisemities on the left and possibly on the extreme right as well.

    in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1953131


    “ I doubt my Rav know anything more about Open Orthodoxy then something about female rabbis. Probably why I prefer my Rav.”

    So you prefer Rabbis that do not know what they are talking about.

    And that is Emes not Sheker. Aha.

    At a minimum, you should tell your rabbi that you believe he does not know what he is talking about.

    in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1953089


    You are missing the point. Weiss may have challenged an anti semite or two. Big deal. He has made mockery of the Torah. And he causes people to go astray from the Torah.

    Is that why you support him? Please clarify once and for all for us that you are aware and yet still intentionally support and glorify a movement which intentionally drives people away from Halachic Judaism and attempts to make mockery of Torah and Halacha.

    in reply to: Yiddeshe Cancel Culture #1953060


    For one, Yoffe does not portray himself as Orthodox, meaning no one thinks he is representing a Torah position. Weiss portrays himself and his movement as Orthodox, thereby leading many astray.


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