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  • in reply to: A Thought Provoking Shvuos Shailoh #953128


    How does that help? You cannot end the first day yom tov early?

    And even if you accepted the first day of sefirah (or as you would say sefiro) early, which you can’t, it would only be ??????, it would not help for ??????.

    in reply to: Brainwashing as Part of Chinuch #1014271


    1) How can they brainwash in college if they didn’t go? Your comment is ????? ?????.

    2) For you to possibly infer that there is no brainwashing in college indicates that either you were totally brainwashed, you never went to college or you were already inclined to their kruma shitos already.

    There is one other possibility, but it is not nice, so I will not mention it.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183110

    in this coffee room, you won’t get censored for a lack of wisdom, but you will for a lack of civility. warning.

    in reply to: Questions About Gebrokts #941827


    For the record, the answer from R Meir Pam ZT”L belies your statement.

    He said that the ??? is not ???? ??? ????. However, it follows, in a greater amount, for those who are ????? on ????? there would be an issue.

    in reply to: Why Does Chacham Ovadia Wear Sunglasses? #1160614


    If I were curious I would. Without screaming YOU, though.

    The ????? say that ??? ????? is ?????. That would be the only wise thing you can do in this thread. Dig any deeper and the sides of the hole are going to completely collapse.

    in reply to: Questions About Gebrokts #941824


    Most of us learned by 5th grade that ??? ???? ???? ? ???? ??? ? ????.

    in reply to: Why Does Chacham Ovadia Wear Sunglasses? #1160605

    Do you walk around with a colostomy bag on your face?

    Or do you just talk through one?

    And you have completely changed your “reasoning” from your earlier brilliant remarks.

    How does indignation about following a godol become a sudden issue about privacy of medical issues?

    It doesn’t.

    in reply to: Why Does Chacham Ovadia Wear Sunglasses? #1160603


    Ridiculous. There are no other words for your comments.

    See Brachos ???:

    in reply to: Why Does Chacham Ovadia Wear Sunglasses? #1160594


    Since you fancy yourself knowledgeable, do you recall R Kahana’s response? And it was accepted by Rav. Thus disproving your whole rant.

    in reply to: Why Does Chacham Ovadia Wear Sunglasses? #1160593


    “I heard the story about the soup myself” what does that have to do with anything. It is no proof it is true. I would doubt the story if you said you saw it yourself.

    It is quite interesting that you took an innocent question and ran with it into an unintelligent rant about some bias that you have.

    I suspect it is because you are so gullible, certainly when it plays to your biases.

    in reply to: When Did Haman Die? #943854


    I believe the truth is that they were killed ealier and then hung. Accordingly, the appropriate term is hung, not hanged. Hanged is only appropriate if they were killed that way.

    And that’s the truth you should be sharing.


    in reply to: Drinking Wine with an Evolution Believer #942011

    R’ Shach did not say that someone who goes to college is an apikores, he said that all colleges teach apikorsus.

    If you do not accept what they say, you are not an apikores.

    Thus there would be no reason to consider their wine stam yeinam.

    On the other hand, if some one believes something that is apikorsus, even if he is sitting in a beis medrash, he would be an apikores.

    The point was not made at all.

    One who does not believe in brias haolam and believes that man comes from apes, or some similar theory, he is an apikores.

    He is an apikorus because if his belief, not because he heard it.

    in reply to: English speaking yeshiva for beginners #943653


    I believe every thinking individual understood that abra cadabra was referring to the poskimm to consult/follow.

    And as far as minhagim that follows the husband. Not sure what that has to with a posek?!!

    in reply to: Mecho'ah and Moda'ah regarding my new subtitle #941772

    I think you mean in spite of the fact that you used to wear a black hat.

    Probably not much has changed in your sincerity, you just took off your black hat and now you fancy yourself an intellectual.

    in reply to: Drinking Wine with an Evolution Believer #942003

    It is not t all clear Charlie or others are trying to say with their posts.

    I am sure we can point out thousands of apikorsim who went to college.

    in reply to: Mecho'ah and Moda'ah regarding my new subtitle #941769

    So you are maskim that there is clearly no kabbolas hamitzvos at all?

    in reply to: Coming to shachris #941054


    Rashi often says “makshin haolam”. We know what “haolam” means as it clearly does not include amei horatzim, rather it referes to the learning world.

    With that established, it is clear that yiddish is neither archaic nor outdated.

    Torah, Nach and seforim kedoshim are most certainly NOT written in ivrit. No one claims (other than you apparently) that ivrit is Loshon hakodesh. They are vastly different.

    in reply to: Having Children Without Money #940496

    Zdad & Morahrach,

    Did you have a CPA audit your financial position and you budget to determine whether you are eligible to have children? In conjunction with the psychological workup you most likely avoided that, according to your Shira you should have had.

    in reply to: R' Blumenkrantz Pesach Digest 2013 #939908


    A lovely piece of fiction. What are you trying to show?

    Besides, generic brands, including heimish brands, of paper towel are significantly cheaper than Bounty.

    And there are many other flaws in your read of the story. Too many to even waste time trying to explain in terms you might understand.

    in reply to: Chareidi Draft #939232


    Unless of course they were studying basket weaving or racial studies in a university, then you would of course call it a fellowship and marvel how educated and laudatory these people are.

    in reply to: R' Blumenkrantz Pesach Digest 2013 #939894

    “He hold not to buy the Bounty , Brawn or other regular brands and buy the Hemish brand instead”

    With writing like this you are not going to do a very good job convincing anyone that you are capable of even guessing what is a chumra or not.

    R’ Blumenkrantz ZT”L did the research and learned halacha, he reeived semicha from R’ Moshe Feinstein. You have not done any of these.


    in reply to: K'zayis #1146847

    “every kid brings home these cardboard measuring things,”

    My Children have never brought home any such cardboard measuring thingy in the over 45 cumulative years of yeshiva and beis yaakov attendance.

    I have no idea what you are referring to.

    AndI doubt anyone realistically uses a three year olds arts and craft project to make sure they are keeping a mitzva properyrly

    in reply to: Rabbi Chaim Druckman #938510


    The difference is that everyone agrees that that person did the wrong thing. He was removed from his position. On the other hand Avi Weiss is lauded and he is mevazeh the Torah much more openly

    And brazenly and he is proud of his actions. And you think he is a better person, a better Jew?

    in reply to: Jews Celebrating St. Patrick's Day (Parading)? #937648


    What part of halacha is it to be don a mechalel shabbos befarhasia lcaf zchus?

    That is besides the many other pulic proclamations and actions which define him as a rasha.

    Is it just because he does not sing hatikvah? That one appropriate action alone does not make him a tzadik.

    in reply to: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine #937692


    Where do you get your manufactured factoid that our fathers did not filter their water. I would guess that untuill there was filtered municipal water, water that was not boiled (And probably even water that was boiled) was always filtered in some manner before drinking.

    The problem with copepods is specidfic to certain areas, apparently and may not have been something you have heard about ealier. Your premise is highly flawed.

    in reply to: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine #937691


    Other than R’ Abadi, I don’t know of anyone who holds that a printed sefer torah is permissible for krias hatorah.

    Apparently it is correct that hand printed seforim are superior. The kedushah is also greater.

    in reply to: Shmura Matzah: Hand or Machine #937690


    I find this a bit hard to believe. My son went with my nephew to watch R Elyashiv,ZT”L bake erev pesach matzos. Hand Matzos.

    I hardly think he went to bake matzos on erev pesach after chatzos for someone else’s use.

    No it was not machine matzo.

    in reply to: Rabonim Crusade Against Sushi #938588


    I didn’t say you said it should be banned. Read what I wrote. You were horrified that people were enjoying it.

    Finally you changed your tune.

    Probably what you meant, is that you do not like it. That’s all you had to say, if you felt that it is important that everyone knows that you do not like herring.

    in reply to: Rabonim Crusade Against Sushi #938586


    What type is “Gezundeheh”? Is it very fatty? Is it perhaps a cross between pickled and matjes in cream sauce? I have never heard of it, but I am by no means a boki in herring.


    I wasn’t defending herring, I personally do not eat herring. I was defending someone’s right to eat and enjoy herring. Which ZD feels is inappropriate.

    in reply to: Rabonim Crusade Against Sushi #938581


    So now we know that you don’t like herring. Great. There are apparently many who savor the taste.

    Why do you try to force your tastes on others? There is no evidence that you are possesing of good taste.

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985693


    The poster said “in a presidential setting”. The cases you are trying to bring as proof were not presidential settings.

    in reply to: Matza Bakery Shailah #937761

    Old man,

    The ???? ???? is by adding the water to the flour. If the person specifically said/ or has in mind at that point that these should not be ??? ???? ????, the fact that you have a bakery for ????, would not cancel the negative intention.

    As far as collecting damages, this would clearly be a case ???? ????? ????.

    in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932268

    I looked at the ????? today and it is clear that he does not call it ??? ?????. In the same ?????(???? ???? ??? he says that ??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????. So it is clear it is not just a “label? but a legitimate ?????.

    in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932261

    I don’t recall reading in the I”M that it is cholov Yisroel. Rather that it is mutar.

    However, your referring to a cholov Yisroel “label” certainly defines your biases. And there are poskim who did not agree with the heter of R’ Moshe zt”l. So for a number of people the hakpadah is ????? ????.

    in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932257


    I don’t see were you mention shellfish above. You go out of your way to say that swwordfish and sturgeon are not a problem and therefore one would have few issues eating from such a kitchen. Which you reiterate again below with out substantiation. There are numerous issues that ylu have not deallt with. And a number of you assumptions are no more than just that, assumptions about what may be in that kitchen.

    As an aside, whay do you only *try* to be makpid on yoshon if you feel that is a deoraisa?

    If it is because you believe that yoshon does not apply to chuts laaretz, then hakpadah on it is even less apllicable than cholov yisroel which certainly applies. R Moshe must have held that American milk is not the same as cholov yisroel because a) he was makpid on it himself and b0 he told yeshivos that they should spend the extra money it costs to provide cholov yisroel.

    in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932249


    So shrimp, crab, lobster or clams wouldn’t be a problem? How about the cheeses? Or how they grease the pans? I am sure they check for ??????. There can be many issues with anything. Perhaps tuna from a can with a ?????. Uncut fruit. Probably coffee I’m a glass or disposable cup.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935195


    “There is an old saying

    there are Lies and Statistics”

    Can you cite this? I have never heard this old saying.

    You can say about anything that it is an old saying, it does not mean that it is so.

    He self-moderated part of it. But it does exist.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935194


    What does “there is a well known bulletin board website where people sell things ” have to do with whether Facebook can cause a rift even if someone does not start out seeking something for “sale”?

    You are completely missing the point. It is not only someone who starts out seeking sometthing when he not satisfied. The site you are referring to, if I guess correctly is not a social site, it is a place for arranging hook ups. We are talking about social media, something totally different.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935190

    So you are retracting your comment of earlier

    “If someone is happy in their life and marriage, they are not looking elsewhere for satisfaction”

    Ok. Fine, that is where I was getting. That your comment is not even close to the rule.

    The fact is someone can stray even if they have a perfectly happy marriage. And the wise thing to do is to avoid things that can cause straying.

    I am not saying facebook will always cause straying or even does so a significant amount of the time, however one can never be sure (not my words, its the gemara’s words) and it is therefore samrt to be cautious.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935187

    He says that it is a sympton (sic). I do not want to be considered his sympton.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935184


    please don’t. I would not want you to involve me in any way as the cause of your problems. Nor as a sympton.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935180


    So we are safe to assume then that you are not happy in your life and marriage?

    Because you seem to frequent the coffee room for social interaction.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935176


    I am sorry to hear that you grew up in a terribly abusive environment,but you can hardly infer that your situation is the norm.

    However, you have all naysayers about the shidduch system who say that people met on their own back then and therefore they chose more suited mates. Quite the contrary to what you are avering.

    You have to make up your mind.

    As an aside, there is no question that frequenting social media can certainly affect even a healthy relationship. When one statrts sharing all sorts of personal stuff with others, it can lead to devoloping relationships that can harm an exisiting healthy relationship.

    And Facebook is all about that, sharing stuff and then interacting. Do you really think that intercating so cannot poosibly lead to relationships where there shouldn’t be?

    How else does one build a realtionship if not through sharing and social media encourages sharing well beyond what used to be typical. And may lead to having one’s guard down.

    It is not just “symptons”, it can actually be the cause.

    in reply to: Lawsuit against Williamsburg stores dress code #930808


    What is the point of your story?

    And it would seem that you do not know the story first hand, since you do not even know if the person who was publicly flaunting that they practice a perverted lifestyle was a male or a female.

    I notice that that there was no allegation that the pervert was denied service. So it does not appear that anything illegal was done.

    The pervert proudly proclaimed that he/she was disgusting and the person who noted it responded in kind that they are in fact disgusting.

    What were you trying to say?

    in reply to: Recommended apps for iPhone? #930221


    onyourway (one word)

    in reply to: No Parking Anytime Signs in Front of Shuls #930060

    Just because you say it, doesn’t mean it exists.

    Between Kings highway and the Belt is quite a stretch. You would have to be more specific than that.

    in reply to: No Parking Anytime Signs in Front of Shuls #930058


    It’s been a little while since I’ve cruised the whole Coney Island ave. however I do not recall any Jewish girls schools on CIA. Something seems fishy.

    in reply to: Outdated Industrial Knitting Machine Needles/Parts�Junk Metal? #976483

    You can try calling Kars 4 Kids.

    Even if they don’t take this, you will get to hear a great song while on hold.

    But they do accept more than just cars.

    in reply to: Shul on Shabbos During Blizzard #928522


    But Brooklyn is not Eastern Suffolk where the large accumulations were. Is is several hours drive away. But you knew that. You just were trying to infer that there was 30 inches in Brooklyn and there was nothing if the sort.

    in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216403

    Am I the only one rolling from laughter about someone asking advice anonymously on a web site about whether one should seek advice anonymously on a web site?

    Worthy of pba.

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