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  • in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954349

    I don’t understand why the OP was surprised by the hateful remarks posted on the Yahoo comment boards when you have hateful remarks right here on YWN from people who call themselves frum.

    in reply to: Pushing off Geirim #954056


    “It is certainly much harder to be a charedi convert than a modern convert. The change is more significant.”

    Are you saying that Modern Orthodox is closer to being not Jewish? And that is what a Ger Tzeddek is looking for????

    “One could certainly be a sincere convert and decide they dont want a beard , Peyos or wear a Bechasha and a streimel.”

    Chareidim make someone grow a beard ror put on a shtreimel? And can you please tell me what on earth a “Bechasha” is?

    “Also more Charedi communities might encourage the convert to cut off ties to non-jewish relatives (including parents and siblings) where the more modern might not.”

    You know what “assume” means. Leave me out of it.

    This rost of yours is worthy of an award.

    To YMIhere,

    I think your post was exceptional. Kol Hakovod.

    I embarrased of the other comments.

    in reply to: Pushing off Geirim #954037

    I seem to recall that there was a thread that insisted that posts on YWN are primarily aginst MO. Can anyone find me that thread?

    in reply to: Shailos? #953016

    The phone book.

    in reply to: ??????? ?? #957744

    My wife told me to post that this thread should be shut down.

    in reply to: Oh, they just wanna be like men #954069

    And I thought girls just want to have fun.

    in reply to: Chassidush school in Brooklyn bans thick glasses #953263

    I can’t believe you read the NY Prust.

    That is a lot more shocking.

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #953002


    The claim of the bloggers about transparency is load of hogwash.

    As far as R AL Shteinman, I guarantee that the people wilding did not come because of R AL. As far as I know, his call was to women and girls. Which probably was precisely for that reason. They were not at all involved in the fracas.

    Your moshol is really not on point. I

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #952998


    “no, your post made no sense grammatically”

    Well said.

    I am having fantasies about Weiss?

    Here is a quote;

    “Weiss stated that Ahmadinejad is not an enemy of the Jews, but is a “God-fearing man [who] respects the Jewish people and he protects them in Iran”.[14]” From a quick google search. Pictures have been posted on YWN in the past.

    Fantasizing? Me?

    “as for the other point above: if you understood the concept of constructive intent, you would know that simply saying “go and daven” always results in more than just davening. anyone who defended their behavior by invoking r’ shteinman should be considered a follower, and until it can be reasonably assured that no such behavior will result from his words, r’ shteinman should not give such directives.”

    Would you care to break this down into logical sentences? I would think you could. You consider yourself on comma splices and the like.


    No, I did not say I am embarrased of anyone not like me, or who does not think like me. I am embarrased by those whose writing or actions damage other jews.

    Either by causing actual damage, as have some of the aforementioned bloggers, or creeating a damaging perception of Jews, which includes the others I have listed.

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #952995


    I tried not to name names.

    However, there are many more individuals whom you should rightfully embarrassed of who call themselves Jews.

    I can think of some who make foolish statements and follow those comments up with a statement indicating that they know better than R A L Shteiman.

    I am embarrassed that such foolish people identify themselves as Jewish

    I am embarrassed that the WoW are identified as Jewish.

    I am embarrassed that the cynical “Jewish” bloggers are identified as Jewish and as pundits as well.

    I am embarrassed of a MK who calls himself ???? yet he joins with a party which has as its goal destruction of living ?? ????? ???????. Just like Weiss joining with Achmadinejad. It is the same type of oxymoronic behavior. And yet there a those on these board who laud such a position.

    I tried to comment in a ?????? ???? manner. Apparently you are not from the ??????. Nu. That too can be embarrassing.

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #952983

    Would one be embarrassed by association with one who calls himself a Jew and yet on top of saying all sorts of things, publicly professes to know better than R Aron Leib Shteinman?

    in reply to: Embarrassed by association #952981

    This is not going to go anywhere good.

    in reply to: Three Asifas Today #952878


    Because I listened, and understood the dangers and filter appropriately to protect from a Mis-surf.

    Just proving my point.

    You may have proven that you were actually not aware. I will have to bear that in mind in future comments to you.

    in reply to: Dans deals, getting cheaper flights #988401


    I am talking about taking the same exact flight to Israel, JFK to TLV. If you fly from LGA to ATL back to JFK and then catch the same flight to Israel was hundereds of dollars cheaper than skipping the LGA_ATL_JFK legs. You boarded the same exact airplane on the JFK-TLV flight.

    Your reason does not respond because it is the same exact flight just with several extra flights added to it.

    in reply to: Three Asifas Today #952872


    Not one time. That is the difference. One “mis-surf” on the web can lead to immidiate and permanent damage.

    But I am sure you knew that.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955323


    “Lipman is arguably more inline witH NIRC than R Feldman.”

    Let me see, should I belive truthsharer who has chosen an ironic name or the RY of Ner Yisroel about what is inline with Ner Yisroel?

    Well, if I were a fool, I know what I would do, however, I don’t consider myself a fool. So I will go with the RY of Ner Yisroel. Not too difficult.

    And R Feldman did not “misqoute” Lipman. He paraphrased very accurately what lipman has said and as evidenced by whom Lipman has aligned himself with.

    Have you read Lipman’s unbelievablly silly article in the Jewish Press about what he suggest for curiculum in Yeshivos? (Ironically based on a story that happened in a non chareidi school and one that could not have happened in a chareidi Yeshiva)

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955322

    One thing is abundantly clear. Many were saying the Lipman must be a great guy, and the frum oilam should heed him because he is one of theirs. He is a musmach of Ner Yisroel. His hashkafos must be soundly based.

    The Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel has clarified that in no uncertain terms.

    The yeshiva has denounced any claim that Lipman has relating to being representative of Ner Yisroel.

    He has been defined as a Shono Uparish. His views are decidedly not those that he learned in Ner Yisroel. They are of his own invention and fantasy with no basis in fact or logical presumption.

    And just as it is now cleear that he is not from the Frum oilam, his suggestions are not for the benefit of the frum oilam.

    Its like the fox giving eitzos for the hen.


    in reply to: Dans deals, getting cheaper flights #988396

    You have a contract with airline to complete all segments? Say who?

    You purchased the right to fly. A seat on the flight. What happens if you decide you don’t want to fly at all, have you violated a contract.

    Your initial premise is flawed.

    The airline pricing system is also flawed because how can it make sense that you would pay hundreds of dollars less to fly the flight if they add on additional legs?

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952251


    “Like most (not all- some still do this) do no put ashes on their forehead at a wedding”

    Most do no (sic)? You must travel in different circles than I do.

    You are still not making a point. What are you trying to prove with pruzbal? We are not changing a halacha. There are takanos to work within halacha, not changing halacha. It is a very clear distinction, but for you it may be a little subtle.

    However the poster never said anything about mesorah changing, he was talking about calling a halacha or mesorah “bad” or “evil”.

    in reply to: Shavuos Minyan #951768

    If you do not like the “Yeshivish” approach to davening on on Shavuos, why are you looking for a “Yeshivish” minyan.

    Es felt nisht ois ander pletzer tzu davenen.

    Try a shteible or a YI or a temple.

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952242


    Is pruzbal bigoted or sexist or perhaps both? Would you like to clarify your position?

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952233

    Everyone else: Once most rebbeim at YCT renounce torah mi-sinai and tell their students they can drive on shabbos I’ll agree with you.

    And crossing out “kedoshim tihyu” does not matter?

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952232


    I said that rhetorically. I know its not a Yeshiva. How can they issue smicha, they are not a yeshiva.

    Your description of RCA was incorrect because you assumed they issue smicha. They do not.

    You also referred to Yosef DovBear. (Perhaps he was called Duber, most often though it was Yoshe Ber. DovBear is a blogger, as defined in its most derogatory manner)

    I was pointing out that inaacuracy as well.

    in reply to: Black knitted kippa? #951058


    “I personally think a major difference is that people view the “black hatters” as self proclaimed holier people so their infarctions are considered hypocrisy in addition to bad middos.”

    Hum – I thought that the “non black hatters” assert that they are no less holy. Who is being hypocritical? And who is prejudging someones intentions?

    At a minimum, it is a very poor excuse, to the point that it has no legs to stand on.

    Ther are those who wear specific yarmulkas/kippot to proclaim a political affiliation or even hashkafic affiliation. Those who don the yalmulka/kippot with such intentions are fair game as far as being identified by that label that they have chosen to display.

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952224


    RCA is a Rabbinic Membership Organization. To become a member one must have an approved smicha. RCA does NOT issue smicha.

    I haave heard of RCA, apparently while you have heard of it, you do not know what they do.

    BY the way, they refer to primary leader as R Joseph B. Soloveitchik, ZT’L, not as DovBear, who is a small minded blogger.

    The Agudah is not a Rabbinic Membership Organization. It to does not issue smicha. Agudah is a services and representational organization.

    ZDs question therefore makes no sense.

    in reply to: Centrist Orthodoxy, and the English Language #952217


    “Can RCA Rabbi’s be part of the Agudah?”

    That does not even make sense. Is RCA a yeshiva?

    Does Agudah have member rabbonim?

    Your question cannot be answered because it just does not make sense.

    It’s like asking what is the difference between a peach.

    in reply to: Rav Lichtenstein's Centrist Orthodoxy, by GAW #951808


    The centrist position of the Ramabam is on a totally different highway than the path taken by YCT. Do not try to support their position by quoting the Rambam.

    in reply to: Rav Lichtenstein's Centrist Orthodoxy, by GAW #951807

    “Most modern orthodox high schools do not make such a distinction, in part because philosophically we object to compartmenting Torah”

    This would seem to be a problem, not an answer. That they do not distinguish.

    This is probably one of the biggest differences between Torah im derech eretz and Tora umadaa. Distiguishing between lemudei Kodesh and chol.

    Or the general distinction between kodesh & chol.

    in reply to: Drug addicts in yeshiva #951357


    These benefits are not from specifically smoking pot, the pill form works at least as well. And it doesn’t stink up the area either.

    The benefits are to very limited group. Perhaps for them it would be beneficial. But when there are doctors dispensing pot on the boardwalk, I highly doubt all those people have either glaucoma or are on chemo. Certainly not when they have just left the tattoo parlor and roller bladed in to the “Doctors” office.

    Nor are most of the studeents in Charlie’s schools suffering from glaucoma (Testing is first suggested after 40) or on chemo.

    in reply to: Black knitted kippa? #951030

    I applaud the intellectual bent of this topic.

    Perhaps you can start some other similarly stimulating thread. Maybe it can be woven into a colorful twisted shape that is meant to be higly politically charged.

    in reply to: Drug addicts in yeshiva #951355


    “Some RYs are actually very concerned and have sponsored drug abuse programs; others seem to live in terror “

    As I said earlier, people base their observations on the cicumstances they find themselves in. The yeshivas and R’Y i am familiar with do not have massive drug use.

    Apparently, and sadly, you seem to have found your self in different circumstances and the yeshivot you are affiliated with have such an issue.

    Perhaps they have to buckle down and be more conservative in theor approach to recreational drug use. I am not sure, but perhaps being too liberal is what leads to such problems. And it certainly is a problem.

    in reply to: Drug addicts in yeshiva #951338


    Where do “bochurs” (sic)get the money?

    As far as I know, cigarettes are significantly cheaper than pot and and recreational drugs.

    Cigarettes in the City appear to be about $12 a pack. (based on the signs by the news stands)(Which by the way is not more than a typical lunch). If I recall corrcetly from when I had the distinct displeasure of serving on a grand jury, pills and other drugs were much more than that.

    Why do you not question where the students Charlie is familiar with get their money. Annecdotaly, I had heard that some get it by dealing, but that cannot be all.

    in reply to: Describing Differences Between Jews #973553

    To describe the different sects? Male and Female.

    That would be the appropriate answer.

    in reply to: Drug addicts in yeshiva #951328


    You say “Yes, although our communal leadership is either in massive denial, or in massive cover up mode.”

    Everyone judges a situation by circumstances they are familiar with. Therefore, It seems that you are most familiar with a specific community where there is a massive issue of drug use in “Yeshiva”.

    While there is likely some drug use/abuse in almost any yeshiva, and the Roshei Yeshiva are aware of the possibility, the yeshivas I am familiar with would not condone such behavior nor would they allow to come to a situation where there is massive drug use!!!

    I am thus agog to hear you say it is a massive issue and must surmise that since you are a teacher and have a PhD, it must be true in the circumstances you find yourself, yet not so in yeshivos that I am familiar with.

    It is certainly a much more accepted practice among the leftward leaning crowd to use and abuse such substances recreationally. They somehow feel that dina dmalchusa does not apply to them.

    in reply to: Mechitzah question #950514

    Charlie the question was what to do if the mechitzah is too short. Your comment is not responsive.

    “The issue is to look”. That’s new.

    in reply to: Would you eat salmon tonight that was cooked last Thursday? #947318

    No Sam, I will not. I will not eat green eggs and ham.

    in reply to: Finding a Rabbi #946891


    I don’t know why you divorce hashkafa from Halacha, but it certainly explains quite a lot.

    in reply to: Defend Yourself! #947710


    Slifkin’s many public statements and comments since completely prove that what was said about him was accurate. The gedolim were able to pick up his true measure even before he started with his later public pronouncements.

    You have just disproved your whole flawed thesis with your own words.

    in reply to: Defend Yourself! #947705


    It is sad to see you publicly proclaim how far you are from any gadol that you can make such a statement.


    in reply to: Defend Yourself! #947702


    A direct quote from your comment. “I will also not hold my breath waiting for your apology”.

    I know what you are going to respond, but truthfully, if an apology is appropriate its not something you are party to at all for the breath holding analogy.

    Just pointing out that apparently you take this as a personal affront to you and that it was not ??? ????.

    in reply to: Defend Yourself! #947700


    I am wondering why, even if an apology would be appropriate from DY, you would think that it would somehow be directed to you, that one would think YOU should be holding your breath?

    in reply to: What Blessing to make upon Seeing President Obama #948394

    This ???? was already paskened by the Rov in Fiddler on the Roof.

    in reply to: Yom HoAtzmaut and Behab #946957


    You are old enough to vividly recall something that occured 84 years ago? Methinks you are making something up.

    Eisov sonei lyaakov is edom, not Yishmael. The hate of the Arabs today is because of the Zionist government.

    What does “Zochim” mean?

    in reply to: Girls' Names #948093


    What is Jiddish?????

    BTW, if you do want to give a name from Artscroll, because that is how you understand chumaash or whatever you are reading, you would have noted that they do not use the secular versions of the names, they transliterate the names. So it would be just a matter of writing them in an alaphabet you can read rather than in hebrew letters.

    in reply to: Girls' Names #948092


    For one, most of us notice that “yiddish” comes from the word yid. Thus, if you are intent on giving a jewish name, it makes sense to use a name that is and has been identified as yiddish.

    in reply to: When Did Haman Die? #943858


    That is not correct. Hanged in the past tense is correct if that was their execution. Not if they were killed first (in the war) then hung like a picture for the world to see.

    Truthsharer did not share the truth.

    in reply to: 4th of July vs yom haatzmaut #943960

    It is more clear than even before tha there is no reaason to celebrate “Yom Hazmaut” since the new coalition was formed.

    It just furthers the government from anything at all to do with Torah.

    For those who consider this an aschalta degeula, there was just a huge step backwards.

    in reply to: Espionage #944216

    There are lots of self manufactured kulot for national security work. But not all rabbis can even dream them up, they are so “novel”. Find a competent orthodox rabbi, and good luck! Do not assume that kulot referred to on the interenet are in anyway reliable.

    That is the way you can make a true kiddush hashem.

    in reply to: Tattoos #943423


    Do you have any source for this? You don’t want to start making up baseless halachos now.

    in reply to: Tzitzis in or Tzitzis out? #984330


    Does it say ?????? ???? by either of those ??????


    As an aside, there was a missionary who wanted to be a “truthsharer” and said I can prove Yoshke from the Torah. It says ?????? ???? in ???. It say ????, not ???? this means ???? ????. The Jew responded, now I know what ????? ??????? ???? means.

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