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As I have noted before and what is incontrovertible, is that vitriol is spewed in a much greater measure and frequency by the MO. Certainly if the blogs and “Jewish media” is any indicator.
Even on YWN, which ostensibly is not MO, the negativity and the hideously fabricated accounts by the non chareidi far, far outweighs any negativity by the chareidim.
June 18, 2013 11:54 am at 11:54 am in reply to: How do those wearing Yerushalmi kippot put on tefillin? #959581nishtdayngesheftParticipantRd,
The yerushalmi kappelach are not at all like the NaNach headgear. Not on shape size or way they are worn. The NaNachs are more similar to the Bucharian yarmulkas in size and shape.
And it’s not a “few” chasidim. The Yerushalmim wear them. They put on tefillin just like anyone who wears a normal sized yarmulka does. A better question is how do those who wear tiny little kippot put on teffilin, they have almost no head covering at all.
To what were you responding? Your comment does not seem responsive or applicable in the least to anything I wrote.
If you have seen then you have a phone number to contact.
What’s the issue?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantHave you seem the Beis din’s proclamation?
Without it I don’t know what you are relying on. If you have, I am sure there is a phone number on the letterhead, call them up.
Why do you ask here?
Bloomberg is able to give a psak? Would he even know which way is up in a did due?
Another question, how did you even think he is appropriate to ask a Sheila to, a mechael Shabbos bfarhesya.
As long as you hold by his shitos, do you hold it’s assur to have a large sweet drink?
Notice the last reference.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIf I recall correctly, it is $20. The bus is not a coach bus, however it is bigger than a sprinter or 15 passenger van. Looks like some of the smaller commuter buses that go through the Lincoln tunnel Not a school bus.
I don’t know if the fare is cheaper for children.
I am related to someone who has been noted as an exceptional Mikva lady who helped many BTs with TH. But not everyone was like her.
There is a difference between a mastectomy scar and some if these tattoos, as I noted earlier. The raised eyes may have been in shock as opposed to being haughty or judgmental.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI don’t know why you think he raised straw man issues.
Child abuse is not just sexual abuse and the many accusations are not just sexual abuse. And he is right that in this crazy society there are those who would consider abuse in inane situations.
He also gave very specific response about sexual abuse. He said they involve capital crimes.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Yrusha means nothing “
There are whole ?????? in ???? and poskim about ?????, yet you say it’s nothing. Is that your general attitude about ?????
Besides, what do Patrow (sic) and Giffords have to do with ?????? They are probably not ??????, ?????. What was the point of mentioning them?
Also see ???? ???????, ??? ??.
So it would be intellectual ???? ????, not emotional.
Gratitude, as an emotion, or ???? ????, as conscious decision?
Such ???? ???? is much greater than just an emotional feeling.
Your fantasy actually proves my point. The Rov, who cares about me, pushed aside emotions and issued a psak.
If I decided to seek another psak because of my emotions in no way makes it suddenly halachically correct. Nor does it make it correct that I sought another psak.
I know you like to bring up your red herring, but emotions can be just as much in play over monetary issues, family issues, and ????? matters.
By your flawed thought process, one would be able be ???? many issurim because of emotions. And how far is ????? from emotions. Such thoughts are signs of instability, that one is not in control of himself. The antithesis of ????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Biber is canadain”
It is embarrassing that an American wrote this. This speaks volumes about the level of Secular College Education in the USA.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is a little unfair to expect that a mikva lady not raise their eyes, inadvertebntly, when seeing the tattoos.
The reason many people have tattoos is specifically for that reason, to cause others to raise their eyes. I am sure the BT at this point would not want it, however, the tattoo is permanent and the impact it was designed to make does not just go away.
It is likely/possible that the tattoo that raised eyebrows was not just a small little mark, It may have been one of the “elaborate” ones in areas were people do not usually expect to see such marks.
There are certainly mikva ladies who are more able to control their reactions, and those who are better at welcoming all women to partake in the mitzva. However, it is like everything in life, not everyone is at the same level.
It may be a little bit overly judgemental of you to exect that every mikva lady, even very good ones, can be so in control of their reactions.
Halacha is not driven by emotions. It is silly to think so.
Gratitude as an emotion is not hakoras hatov.
It is possible to have hakoras hatov and still consider the ramifications and implications of the issur of “lo seichoneim”
Would you care to let us know some examples?
I think your policy of DADT is more appropriate here than where you mentioned it.
So a Minyan defining themselves as thieves or rapists is ok? The issue of such a minyan is that it is A) defined by their sexual desires, hardly what one would think is the appropriate defining purpose of what is ostensibly a ???? ????? ( more on this later). B) being defined by acts that in many instances, is subject to a ??? ????, and is the opposite of ?????. Hardly appropriate for a ???? ???.
Another issue would be the issue of ?????, (I know your going to throw a buddy fit about this, but it won’t change facts). We all know what the ??? is about a shul without a ?????. Particularly when the whole shul is established on sexual attraction, regardless of the form.
Less than truthful. I don’t buy your story, particularly the way you wrote it.
I would not be insulted being a box shleeper (sic) boss or being called a box shleeper (sic) boss, however my co-workers and employees might be insulted being called box shleepers (sic). Considering the time they have put in to getting their education and obtaining their professional certification and licensure. Certainly when they are working for an organization that is widely acknowledged as the top experts in the field.
As for what I would know about IEPs, part of the professional services we provide are consulting services, including financial and compliance consulting, to special needs providers and particulary to SED providers.
Regardless of whether I know what an IEP is, you have not done an evaluation of moishyk, nor are you qualified to do so, so how can you determine which programs are or not good for moishyk and it is haughty for you do so, certainly when you are clearly out of touch with each of these entities.
I certainly do know about the places you mention and your assumptions are completely wrong.
Just getting an IEP does not mean that his parents will be reimbursed for special education sevices in a Yeshiva setting.
Most of the services provided to children who are in school are through the SEIT program which is for 3-5 year olds. Whom I would doubt are looking for a high school.
Stop spouting off the top of your head. Your comments are totally incorrect.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have had the occasion to be at a simcha where one of the WoW founders spoke. She came accross as pompous and unlearned. She had to speak beacuse she fancied herself an important professor.
You should have asked for a sandwich before enlightening her.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantDon’t talk about his Smicha, because the Yeshiva says that he is obviously not following the Hashkafos of the Yeshiva and Lipman clearly does not act in accordance with the terms under which he recived his Smicha.
And R’ Aharon Feldman said that the Lipman thinks he is doing L’shem Shomayim, not that he is L’shem Shomayim. A Rosha he may not be, but he is certainly no tzaddik. A difference that is too subtle for a secular college education.
Regardless, that does not change the fact that he is a Fanatical Secularlist, R Ahron Feldman has not said otherwise.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantOn a private garbage hauling truck,
Your satisfaction guaranteed or double your rubbish back.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantNot just me, anyone with any sense knows they are.
They are the very definition of fanatical secularists. How can you think anything other than that. By your own definition. You can check each item off, for each of them.
I gave you very specific examples of individuals who do just those acts.
Don’t tell me I do not know what a fanatacial secularist is.
I will tell you that with your secular college (sic) education, you seem to lack basic reading comprehension.
I think the poster would be looking more for people who are experts in treating people who have suffered abuse rather than experts at abuse.
It seem to me that the most negatively toned posts and for that matter the bulk are by poster posting negative and false comments about chareidim.
Why dont you tabluate the comments and commenters side by side.
You can start with your good friend who post all the time in thnews section Gadolhadorah and move on from there.
It is no wonder, really , that there is such a preponderance of non-chareidi posters on this site. But it ridiculous for you to deny that fact.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“There are very few “Fanatical Secularists””
Is that a fact? There are at least as many as there are fanatical chareidim.
The whole yesh atid party and all their MKs are fanatical secularists, as are most of those who voted for them. Your whole WoW crowd are fanatical secularists.
Love your ironic (moronic) name.
The key reason why R Sherer did not talk about protesting gay marriage is because he unfortunately passed away before our society stooped so low as to even consider enacting it as a law.
But your whole argument about these “women” (I guess it is appropriate that you mention gay marriage in connection with this group)that they just want to “daven” and be left alone and leave others alone is a blatant lie. Their self professed mission statement belies that.
You really should do just the minutest smidgen of research before “sharing” your reinvented “truths”.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantYesterday’s chillul hashem? It was last week that Tendler publicly supported Christine Quinn’s anti Torah stance, not yesterday.
Don’t have to be an expert to take an educated guess, just educated.
A sentence such as “If you desire to be a box shlepper than college is not for you” might very well indicate a lack of a successful higher education.
In yeshivah one learns the difference between “then” and “than”. ????.
Is it true that people who have gone to college are not suited for jobs which require physical strength as well as persistence? ???? ????? I am sure that going to college makes one less suited for a job such as being a Rov or Posek, but how does it make one less suited for a job such as schlepping boxes?
I have been working several years and I have interviewed many, many individuals for positions at a professional services organization. I would not have been able to tell that you have a degree from an advanced institution.
I will tell you that I have noted marked difference between the individuals who have learned in yeshiva and kollel before pursuing their training and those who have not.
For the most part they are much quicker at picking up and applying concepts and regulations. They also understand what they are doing rather than just doing their job by rote. They also have the skills to present their positions coherently on a more consistent basis than those who have not spent time learning in depth in yeshivah.
They also have the “zitz Fleish” to work long and hard at complex tasks.
These, for a large part, are individuals who obtained their degrees after learning for a number of years.
I know this is anecdotal , however It is not based only on one or two individuals but rather a substantial number of hires over several years.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe glue used in the binding of many books is a mucalage derived from rendered horses. You can hardly call any of these books kosher.
You did not answer the question I asked.
Do you really have a College Degree?
Do you have a Job? Is it a job that requires “Higher” education or a degree?
Can you get such a job solely by dint of having a degree even if one was clearly uneducated.
Your reasoning for him posting the sign does not quite conform to the pasuk in Reah:
??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ????-????????? ??????????
Did you have a secular education?
And secular education is clearly not the halacha, if anything, it is a trade, as noted a bunch of times already.
Does your trade require the use of advanced education?
May 30, 2013 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm in reply to: Using chessed vouchers for shabbos shoes�no. 2 #956031nishtdayngesheftParticipantZdad,
So there you go making this into a thread about someone buying $180 shoes with a voucher. Which did not happen.
What the real point is why is everyone sticking their nose into someone else’s business.
The gabbai tzedakah, entrusted with the funds and likely the person whose sweat and tears went into procurring the funds for the vouchers, felt it is appropriate as did the shoe store owner, who is likeley subsidizing a part of the cost. Where do you find the gall to butt in and make judgements about things you are clearly unqualified to judge?
??? ???, ???? ???–???.
That applies not only to monetary issues.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“$180 is Fancy Shoes for me, I have never and would never spend that much on shoes.”
Although you have no issue with non-jews who spend hundreds on a pair of snealers and often.
It is only a chariedi whom you would have an issue with.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“$100 for shoes???
Ive NEVER spent that much for anyone on a pair even at a better store”
And you wonder why the soles came off after a week. You buy a poorly made pair of shoes, abuse them and go charging into the store and demand a refund.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“The president of Walmart sent a letter to the Agudah about this “
You made this up.
May 28, 2013 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm in reply to: Thoughts on Someone Selling His Olam Habah on Ebay #971213nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe seller is someone who Blogs calling himself a Koifer and seeks to turn others off from yiddishkeit.
I don’t know that his oilam habaah is worth too much.
Further proof to his sorry situation are his comments in the sQ&A section on the same page.
He probably thinks he is being cute. But it is just lame.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI would just like to understand how this comment correlates with the following comment.
Right, and that is why for anything serious, many people opt to go outside the kupat cholim and use private doctors.
Thus proving my point.
And to correct what I said before, the government will NOT fund incidentals.
But private donations can.
Right, and that is why for anything serious, many people opt to go outside the kupat cholim and use private doctors.
Thus proving my point.
And to correct what I said before, the government will NOT fund incidentals.
But private donations can.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantA more logical idea would be to raise enough money to get a better health plan for this individual. As RCCS does.
And amounts that are raised individually can definitely help with other needs that are beside for medical costs.
There is no need to go to socialized medicine which results in subpar medical care and subpar access to medical care.
The government will provide funds to this family if they need incidentals.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI am somewhat at a loss as to why my comment wasn’t posted considering the other comments that have posted.