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  • in reply to: Bike Riding #969055


    Your examples actually proves the fallacy of that supposition.

    If you would look at the comments about Cholov Yisroel, you would see that the overwhelming majority of comments were saying that there is no reason to be makpid, and there were responses explaining why it is a good reason to be makpid, however, I do not recall seeing anyone who is makpid putting down those who aren’t makpid, as were a goodly number of the comments by those who think you SHOULD NOT be makpid.

    Huge difference.

    Another similar case is if someone choses to use a specific hasgacha, there were some here who went off the deep end, to the extent that they would BAN an item, such as Twizzlers, if it had an additional level of hashgacha.

    And most of those taking on additional chumras are not “veering” from the Torah, they base their chumrah on general halacha, they may be carrying it a bit further than you would. (Do not bring in Burka Women to try to prop your argument, the problem with some of their adopted extremism specifically contradicts other halacha) On the other hand, SOME of the meikilim cast aside normative halacha and search for any available possible kula even when adopting such a kula is in contradiction to other kulas.

    In addition, schools of thought that specifically teach hereticsm (think Farber) are open to criticism lest there are those that would fall into their trap.

    And, to specifically address bike riding, I do not understand how schools not letting children bike to school can create damage to the community, or any community at that.

    in reply to: Cruise for $600? #969088


    This is just a Gilligan Tour. You know, three or four hours. With meals and entertainment. It is a fundraiser. Nothing wrong. I hope they will be successful and that everyone will have good time while helping a worthwhile cause.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969053


    Unless you see a different article, (and I shamefully admit that I looked it up, and of course the web site is sickening) because there is no information there at all.

    It talks about biking to school, not a general ban.

    There is some misinformation somewhere.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969052


    I said that as far as he is concerned there is no ban. And if his story is from the NY Prust, that says much worse things about him than any ban may say about any community.

    The important point is that meaningless conjecture solely for the purpose of putting people down, for something that clearly has no impact on you is gross chilul hashem.

    feh on you

    in reply to: Precious Eggs #969109

    There is no evidence that children from smaller families suffer less tragedies.

    The comment, to me , sounds like sour grapes.

    in reply to: iPhone Psaks #968373

    Let’s not start a whole thread that will result in bizayon hatorah, as has occurred in other places where a bunch of geniuses felt the need to comment on items they know not of.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969041

    What takana,

    I have not seen nor heard of it. My Rav never mentioned anything of the sort.

    It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, it is a non issue for me.

    in reply to: iPhone Psaks #968749

    “but it was posted on another frum blog”

    Not sure about “frum”, I know which site you are referring to.

    “It was truly disheartening some of the comments posted.

    Some people did not know who Rav Nissim Karelitz is and there was a tremendous lack of kavod “

    Yes, although, disheartening is probably too mild. I get irritated by the same sort of shenanigans in the CR as well.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969039


    It is very simple to ascertain how something is being, and going to be discussed.

    To whom and how a question is posed and directed is a extremely clear indicator of the intent. As well as past history.

    I need not say anything further.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969037

    I still think that the LOGICAL place to get information is from the source. And it would only make sense to question it, if you were impacted.

    However if people just want to conjecture in hateful manner, far be it from me to be surprised.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969021


    You have not responded to the crux of the comment, that it frankly is not your concern. nor have you explained why hearing it from someone else is not hearsay. You did not see the Ban. You did not hear it from the person who IT IS BANNED.

    And if they told you directly about some alleged ban, would it not make sense to ask THEM about it?

    if you do not learn to keep a civil tongue you will be banned

    in reply to: Why are there religious Jews who are pro-gay marriage? #968487


    I fail to understand why you are so concerned about Bloomberg’s religiosity when you defend the apikorsus of the coordinator of the IRF vaad hagiyur. The michsholim from that are much more dangerous.

    in reply to: Why are there religious Jews who are pro-gay marriage? #968483

    The most basic problem with gay marriage, for all the non Torah observant here such as crisis and Charlie who seem to think that the Torah view is not important, is the redefinition of marriage.

    Marriage was the beginning of a family unit, including all that is included in a family. It is not merely a financial contract, which is what I see some proposing here, including it as a reason why marriage in itself is not osur. Because of that were the case how can constructive abandonment be a reason for divorce? That has nothing do with finances and has everything to do with a marriage presupposing intimate relations.

    The deconstruction of a family unit is something that should concern any reasonable person who is concerned about society in general. If liberals feel left out from this definition, that is their own fault.

    It is pointless to expand further here, because the staunch liberals who post here seem less than intelligent and have proven concretely that they have issues with reading comprehension.

    in reply to: Why are there religious Jews who are pro-gay marriage? #968468


    You are quoting dovbear? He is a fool, besides being misguided. No wonder you suffer such crises if who you look up to is a misguided fool.

    in reply to: My understanding of Shomer Negia #968648

    I find it telling how certain people are getting so worked up over a made up story. Any questions or complaints about these boys’ reaction should be addressed to the person who made up the story.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish babysitters and nannies? #968059

    The Spanish sitters maybe from Zera Yisroel, the children of anusim.

    I don’t understand why you are so cynical.

    in reply to: My understanding of Shomer Negia #968626


    A short while ago you said

    “Honestly, though, the story doesn’t strike me as a vicious attack on Yeshivah guys. It strikes me as someone who feels offended on behalf of her friend’s daughter and is honestly complaining. Yes, some details seem exaggerated. So what? Something reminiscent of the story as told probably happened. There’s nothing wrong with a little venting. And when done in the privacy and anonymity of the CR, it’s probably the easiest way to vent without being Over on Lashon Hara.”

    Suddenly your attitude has changed when someone says the story happened quite the opposite? It’s stil anonymous.

    in reply to: My understanding of Shomer Negia #968612


    “Everyone understood what he meant. Just because he chooses to transilterate in a particular way doesn’t mean he’s speaking “mermish”.”

    To explain in legal terms, it speaks to frame of mind.

    It was difficult to unravel with the extra “geg” at the end on top of the strange transliteration.

    in reply to: My understanding of Shomer Negia #968610


    ” So too here. Whether or not this precise story actually happened is irrelevant.”.

    That may be true if the question was “should these boys have helped this girl”. However, that was not the question, or actually the statement by the OP.

    The OP started of by saying, effectively, that these were horrible bochurim, how can anyone dare argue with her take. Which can’t be answered because no one knows the circumstances, the story as written has too few details. (Nor did the OP clarify if the girl stumbled because she was ogling the Yeshiva guys)

    I will also say that there is a certain haskafah which tends to use the term “shomer negiah”, certainly when referred to as an optional practice akin to cholov yisroel. I have not heard that term used by bnei yeshiva or Beis Yaakov girls.

    in reply to: My understanding of Shomer Negia #968607


    I wonder if it possible to translate “jeihargeg ve-al jaavor” into a language commonly spoken/written by those frequenting the YWCR, like english, loshon kodesh, yiddish or ivrit. Most of us do not speak mermish.

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972675

    Which would include a closed back yard as a place that a person can consider private and not open to unsuspecting individuals. Someone snooping cannot be considered unsuspecting.

    I are you have opted to ignore the hypocrisy.

    in reply to: Aruch Hashulchan #1061547


    I am quite aware that they were Rabbonim also. However they defined themselves primarily as RY. And your comment, which I quoted earlier, effectively said the two are mutually exclusive.

    And please do not make any suppositions about me, because apparently you live in a fantasy world of your own.

    in reply to: Aruch Hashulchan #1061538


    -“Actually, Roshei yshiva are not Poskim at all. The vast majority of shaalos and treshvos are answred by rabbonim, not Roshei Yeshiva. They are too sheltered”

    Of course R M Feinstein, R Yaakov Kamenetzky, R Shloima Zalman Auerbach were all Roshei Yeshiva, I am glad you think they were not poskim.

    Perhaps you are speaking about your circles, so your point of reference would be R J B Soloveitchik or MD Tendler.

    in reply to: Mahar"at Avi Weiss #994964

    “This has got to be the most ironic defense of YCT ever.’

    And it was coauthored by Susan Aranoff and Rivka Haut, no less. While off the Wall at Robinson’s Arch.

    in reply to: Mahar"at Avi Weiss #994948

    “How is being proud of your bad middot consistent with Orthodox teachings?”

    Yet again your reading comprehension fails you.

    PBA confesses that he has a ??? ??? to make fun of people. Which he oppresses and uses in halachically prescribed ways. Which is making fun of ????????? and ?????????. This seems to be exactly in line with Orthodox teachings.

    On the other hand, it is difficult to reconcile actions undertaken as “social action” that are diametrically opposed to the Torah to a Torah lifestyle or Orthodox teachings.

    in reply to: Mahar"at Avi Weiss #994947


    Or if they are homosexual and would not want to have relations outside of marriage. You would need one of these to perform the ceremony. You know there are any number of YCT graduates who would perform such a ceremony.


    I have found that the Twizzlers with the sticker to be cheaper and better tasting in these stores.

    SO if you must absolutely eat Twizzlers, look for the sticker.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966604


    You have been supporting Farber. If you are going to be slyly disengenuos, you really have to try harder.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966600


    Helfgott’s appearance on RCA website is a question on the RCA not answer for apikorsus. Nor a proof of his kashrus.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966599


    You should read what I wrote. I never said the IRF is related, I said the IRF Vaad Hagiyur has so much overlap that for they would be considered related under IRS definitions.

    The point being they there is no legitimate way YCT can divorce itself from this apikorsus. Nor would they want to.

    And we are not surprised that you feel compelled to defend absolute apikorsus. Not surprised at all.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966590


    If you couldn’t find it, you did not look. It took me about 15 seconds to find. But, I am not a professional researcher. From the web site.

    International Rabbinic Fellowship

    Vaad Hagiyur Members (listed alphabetically)

    Rabbi Dov Linzer, Co-Chair

    Rabbi Joel Tessler, Co-Chair

    Rabbi Zev Farber, Coordinator and Editor Rabbi Marc Angel

    Rabbi David Bigman

    Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

    Rabbi Yehuda Gilad

    Rabbi Alfredo Goldschmidt

    Rabbi Asher Lopatin

    Rabbi Yaakov Love

    Rabbi Daniel Sperber

    Rabbi Avi Weiss

    And your comment about related parties shows that you know nothing about IRS regulations regarding related parties. Your comment is so off base.

    And regardless if they may be YU alumni, they are now affiliated with YCT. Using your thought process, neither Avi Weiss nor Dov Linzer are connected to YCT.

    in reply to: Getty on the Hill Cholent #966731

    Used motor oil.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966572


    Thank you for the clarification. I am sure you noticed Sam’s earlier comment about this and PBA’s comment earlier as well.

    But, if you are interested in being honest, it appears that the IRF Vaad Hagiyur is almost entirely affiliated with YCT and the leadership overlap is so substantial that they would be considered related to YCT for IRS purposes. So this distinction you are trying to make is moot.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966568

    I am waiting to see how long it will take for the usual cast of characters to proclaim that what Farber wrote is perfectly fine. It was really just askonim feeding false information to gedolim.

    Soon there will be a whole bunch of “????” blogs around proclaiming that we have gone too far to the right and gedolim are nothing. And Farber will be considered “The Gadol” on these “intellectual” blogs who will refer to themselves as centrists.

    They will be promoting his new book, The Morals of the Hairy Bear.


    in reply to: Tipping Vallet? #962803

    Tipping Valets is an urban pastime Because there are not too many cows around to tip.

    in reply to: Making Nazi references about the Israeli government #962843


    It’s ironic that you should lecture one about learning logic when you so often fail at even the most basic attempts thereof.

    in reply to: Askanim #961328


    You have to stop murmuring in your sleep. Or alternatively, believe those murmurings as much as we believe anything else you say.

    in reply to: Davening without Kavanah #961395

    Which you notice during your intense concentration on your tefilos

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029967


    Many of the are ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????, and the others are ?????????. But that is not what I said, I said they cause people to believe ?????????.

    I don’t care which web site they are listed on. And the very names you bring are proof to that fact. Lopatinn great chashovis is that he has a degree in Arabic studies. That is as close to yiddishkeit as he gets.

    A yeshiva whose alumni publicly support ?????. They testify in support of homosexual marriage, which according to ???? was one of the reasons there was a ????. A reason that ????? felt that the entire world had to destroyed.

    That is what that place stands for, drawing down yiddishkeit to levels that even recently the most base individuals know was shameful.

    How far is this from ???? ?????, I can’t pasken. But it is horrible. Worse than cigarettes for sure. Those only destroy the smoker, not the whole world.

    Again, I can’t believe you proudly say that you attended that ????? ???. What happened to the Jewish trait of ?????

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029960

    “I attended the Yeshivat Maharat commencement”

    A chilul Hashem of the first order ???. How can write this? Have you no shame? This is so painful to read.

    YCT is worse than gambling or cigarettes for a number of reasons, YCT is causing spiritual death causing people to be ?????????. YCT and Maharat specifically target Jewish people to harm (although I am sure that they will ordain non Jews very shortly, but they will place these people in Jewish congregations were they will do their harm).

    On top of that, supporting YCT is worse because the support is provided directly to spiritual terrorists. And while some of Tisch and Adelson’s money may come from sources that you don’t like, the sources are legal and its doubtful whether there is any ????? involved, your made up protestations not withstanding, the support is not to organizations that actively seek to destroy yiddishkeit.

    Even the non religious birthright tours, which have gained somewhat of an unsavory reputation because of what goes on between many of the young adults, is not designed for that purpose and does in fact bring a number of participants back to yiddishkeit or at a mon prevents intermarriage.

    in reply to: Blame the shadchanim #963540


    If you would prepare a resume as you listed, most sane people I know would file it in the keep far away from, unsuitable for marriage file.

    But, that’s just my read on things and it really not my gesheft at this point.

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029952


    Did they ask you to post their names here?

    Perhaps even you can grasp the difference.

    in reply to: Blame the shadchanim #963534

    The resume is no different than most resume’s of people looking for their first job. I have seen hundreds of such resumes.

    Possibly you would to call them CVs instead, but they you just sound snobby.

    The purpose is to give you enough information for you to be able to make inquiries. And most of the shiddich “resumes” do give enough information. They are the beginning of the inquiry process, not the last step.

    On another point, RD is being his usual uninformed arrogant self. So many of these young people are quite accomplished. What they aren’t is presumptuous like you are. In addition, they do not approach marriage like a job as you would seem to.

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029945


    It’s a complete fallacy that Adelson spent more on Romney’s campaign than he does on charity. He gives and has been giving close to $50 million a year for birthright and MASA each year for years.

    Some basic arithmetic and research skills would be helpful.

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029944

    However, Howard Jonas has contributed money to the great bizayon haTorah and michshoilim, YCT and yeshivas Maharat.

    Much worse than making money gambling or selling cigarettes.

    Then you had those great donors to YU, Madoff and Merkin, who took more money in fees for investment advice from YU than they ever gave. An arrangement that somehow had not been disclosed on the 990 for years although they were interested parties. And we now know what that advice really consisted of.

    in reply to: Which Non-Jewish personality inspires you? #960732


    You have no clue what the Tur and Shulchan Oruch say, yet you are sure what they thought?

    Pretty amazing.

    in reply to: Rashi Biography and the Heart of Darkness #960285

    It’s because the fish had a better vocabulary than you with your secular college education, that you so misunderstood what he said.

    Or just because the fish is so much smarter and you could not keep up.

    Both are certainly true.

    in reply to: Jews Owning Guns #960814

    I highly doubt that there is any basis to assume that Bloomberg’s shiur is in anyway related to ushmartem es nafshosaychem. Or ??????? ??? ????????? for that matter.

    in reply to: Rashi Biography and the Heart of Darkness #960281


    Yet you and your ilk insist that Rashi’s daughters wore tefillin.

    Talk about fictional license.

    in reply to: Blame the shadchanim #963508

    Seating young men and women together at a wedding where many over imbibe and are otherwise uninhibited can very well lead to future weddings. At the end of a shotgun.

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