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  • in reply to: How does one define a rasha? #978538


    I guess you are referring to someone like Temple Grandin who recommends its use periodically on recalcitrant animals who need a good zap to get moving.

    in reply to: Interesting Quote from Satmar Rebbe, Rabeinu Yoel Zatzal #978547


    I really have not noticed any remarks against MO rabbonim here. Certainly not even remotely as many as are posted against Rabonnim who you would not consider in the MO camp.

    Perhaps you can show examples to support your accusation.

    in reply to: Tzitzis #978433


    “LAB was just making a general statement about the relationship between unnecessary gashmius and wanting to wear big strings ”

    HUH???? Gashmius? Where’d you pick that up.

    Onoas Devarim? Choshed Bechsherim? You crack me up. Your comments in the past have wiped any sembelance of kosher long ago.

    I wonder why you think it is gaaivah to use a rhetorical “we” and not gaaivah to assume that your skewed little view is enough to passul up many?


    in reply to: Tzitzis #978430


    We thank you for your kind insight.

    How about this, people who make comments and apply a generality to many people are trolls. That seems much better.

    in reply to: Jews in top law schools #977715


    I think you would want to update the affiliations of Michael Broyde. I believe he has been dismissed from BDA because of some of his actions that they felt were not appropriate. These included fabricating sources for positions of his that he purported were in accordance with Halacha.

    in reply to: Jews in top law schools #977693


    I don’t know how you left Michael Broyde off the list? If he can remember which persona he is using.

    in reply to: Jews in top law schools #977686

    I heard from a yungerman who went from BMG to Harvard Law this year that there are 11 yeshiva guys in this years class.

    This fellow already has an internship lined up at a very prestigious firm for the coming summer.

    in reply to: Do we bury suicides in regular cemeteries nowadays #976895

    People are never buried in cemetaries.

    in reply to: Are we lacking leadership? #977187


    Nothing you have written in anyway indicates that R Chaim Ozer made a mistake. The question really is why you keep prattling on when you are wrong. Considering your self infallible is not a Jewish trait, rather it is a catholic trait.

    Small facts that you are conveniently omitting;

    The people who remained in the towns the Yeshivas ran from were massacred before those in Vilna. So those who fled to Vilna lived and learned longer.

    Whole yeshivas were in fact saved from the holocaust.

    But facts were never a strong point in any of your arguments, they just tend to get in the way.

    If you like, we can post that on Wikipedia for you.

    in reply to: Gerim wearing a blackhat (bend down) #975611

    “The author of the Mishna Berurah did NOT wear a black hat.”

    Even if this is true, which I doubt, it has nothing to with the statement DaMoshe wrote.

    I, for the life of me, cannot understand why you so often post comments that are tangential and meaningless.

    in reply to: John Kerry For President #976068

    He certainly looks smoother with the Botox injections he seems to have had in his face. Not better, just smoother.

    in reply to: Burka #975435


    Fascinating observation.

    However, I have never seen people wearing “strimels” or “Beckashers”(sic)at any of the funerals that I have unfortunately attended, even among the most chassidic.

    Can you guess why? According to you that would be proof that Jews nowadays do not wear Shtreimlich or Bekeshes, yet that is clearly not the case.

    So how do you explain that?

    in reply to: Fave restaurants #975392

    Tierra Sur

    in reply to: Rabbi Lipman #974657


    R Feldman did not retract the above, he said that Lipman is perhaps not a ??? ?????, but he never retracted that Lipman’s outlook is not the outlook of the yeshiva. Rather he is misguided.

    What is “leekable”? Is that one of the ???????

    in reply to: Rabbi Lipman #974649

    I don’t recall the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel referring to him as Rabbi. That should tell you something about his standing.

    in reply to: Artscroll Controls Chareidi Hashkafa #974528

    As opposed to crisis, who apparently is afraid of any logical thought at all.

    in reply to: Selling online on Shabbos/Yom Tov #973539

    With the aveirah song?

    If he would have said that he asked a shaila or he heard a psak, it would have been left at that. But when he presents it as his own psak or thought, it was a legitimate response.

    in reply to: Selling online on Shabbos/Yom Tov #973536


    I asked a legitimate question. You have not given an answer. If you asked a shaila, why wouldn’t you tell us who made the psak. Maybe the rav was meikel for you, but is not lechatchila.

    Or maybe you are not providing the correct reason. Why are you so hesitant to provide meaningful information?

    in reply to: Selling online on Shabbos/Yom Tov #973533


    Would please share with us a copy of your smicha and let us know where you received shimush for psak?

    in reply to: Machnisei Rachmim #974380


    How can you say this “But it is indeed ironic that some people who will run someone out of Orthodoxy for a “possible” violation of one of Rambam”, (emphasis mine)

    When you say this:”When did I say that I supported Rabbi Dr. Farber’s remarks? I didn’t even read most of them!”

    Besides, you most certainly did try to support Farber’s remarks on Popa’s LOL thread.

    And you last comment is either foolish or completely disingenuous, quite possibly a good mixture of both. There is no one, other than you possibly, who did not agree that Farber’s comments were plain apikorsus. The minhag of saying Machnesei Rachamim has been dealt with many times over the years.

    Don’t think that you are suddenly being mechadesh something.

    in reply to: Machnisei Rachmim #974367

    Ironic comment from someone who supported Zev Farber’s remarks.

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972691


    I am awed by your thorough knowledge of hilchos shechita and sharia law regarding halal that you are able to say that the ONLY difference is who does the shechita.

    Although, halal is good if they have a tape of the imam chanting, it does not have to be an actual person.

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972690

    I find it slightly amusing that someone who has selected the screen name “lesschumras” proudly creates restrictive zoning regulations.

    Not surprising, because I’ve seen the oxymorons he has written before, but amusing

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972683


    This was done in a private backyard surrounded with hedges. A mosey nelly violated their privacy by looking into the neighboring yard. Yes, it’s called ???? ????. The person at fault is the one who invaded the privacy with their vouyeristic nature. This was not done in the street, nor was it done in the front yard. It is like reading the Megillah in your house to yourself. Or like doing a private mitzvah in your Tom and someone peeking into your window c

    I am unaware of any law that says it is illegal to slaughter a cow or butcher it, so long it is not a commercial operation. There is nothing in the Town of Ramapo ordinances that says its illegal. Yes, I looked.

    Yes, I know a fine was paid, however that proves nothing except that it was cheaper to pay a made up fine than pay the lawyer to contest it. Which is how many fines are settled.

    Which is all beside what my point was, which apparently was too subtle.

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972681


    However shechita is not one of THOSE mitzvos. Siman 240 in Orach Chaim deals with what is private and it does not mention anything about shechita, while it does refer to the “SEVERAL” you apparently are referring to.

    in reply to: Backyard Shechita #972680


    Probably because it was a direct quote from the source of “all the news that’s fit to print”.

    I did not write those descriptions.

    I do note that no one responded to point of the original post, which was to point out the hypocrisy.

    in reply to: Seminary Rejection #987320

    Edit to above:

    but it is not my business, so I will NOT pursue this further

    in reply to: Seminary Rejection #987319

    I think you must have misunderstood the contract.

    In my experience, limited as it maybe, the contracts talk about deposits not being refunded if you pull out. In addition, payments are not completed ahead of time, so I am sure the full amount has not been paid.

    There are a number of other items that seem off about this story, but it is not my business, so I will pursue this further, nor will I state as fact any assumptions as others do.

    in reply to: Seminary Rejection #987301


    Yet you have no clue at all what happened, and you are ready to pass judgment.

    It is great to be able to make such determinations without a clue.


    in reply to: Seminary Rejection #987294

    I feel bad for you, it is terribly disappointing.


    Interesting comment. Are you not doing exactly that yourself? Granted, no individual has been named, but you are passing judgement when hearing only one side of a story.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176760

    I continue to wonder why they are so cavalier about what ROB wrote while being in such a huff about writing hash-m with a dash.

    in reply to: Is it better to…? #971935

    I don’t understand why this is being dredged up again. There was a thread about this in the past.

    I will note that threads that start with “I heard” are usually half quotes and has no bearing on the person posing the supposition.

    If this is a situation that applies to poster, the absolute worse thing to do is get advise from a forum such as this. ????.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176756


    So it is ok for ROB to be irate about some one who wrote something that is completely ok, but he cannot be taken to task for writing something heinous, even if it was unintentional? Regardless if we could have deciphered what he meant, he clearly was not careful in what he wrote. He was irate that the person used a dash in a word the ROB felt should not have a dash.

    This gives us a clear picture of what ???? meant when they say ????? ????? ??? ????? ???. It cannot be clearer.

    And it is telling that neither he nor Gavra are horrified but what he actually wrote, regardless of his intention. He should be horrified that he published those words that are now available for eternity attributed to ROB.

    And this cannot in any way be considered an ????.

    So you all missed the REAL issue.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176750


    You wrote what you wrote, it would seem to be at a minimum to be a Freudian slip.

    You should examine what led to that Freudian slip, and what teshuva could you possibly do.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176743

    And there you have it. All the typical cynics. Finally they come out and say their real feelings. It is so horrible I will not copy, but look at ROBs last line.

    He finally spelled out in no uncertain terms what he and his ilk feel. Oy. Oy. And this gets published?

    in reply to: A kol koreh for this, but not for that? #970025


    “And yet, WIY, it seems we do… “

    I am sorry to hear that you think that a Kol Koreh has more weight than a posuk in the Torah.

    in reply to: Which middah should be worked on first? #970198

    According to the iggeres haramban, midas anavah

    in reply to: Sadly, the extremism continues… #970092


    I cannot for the life of me figure out how your comment is responsive to Toi.

    “Gedolim have sat next to women on subways in Europe and America for over a century.”

    Have you seen this (Other than Avi Weiss)?

    It is well known that R Shlomo Zalman Auerbach would stand up if a women sat next to him. (he did it in a respectful manner, none the less he would get up)

    in reply to: Precious Eggs #969127


    I happen to know a number of families blessed with many children. North of a dozen. Anecdotally, your comment about a lack of individuality is way, way off base.

    In these families that I personally know, the children all have distinct personalities and are accomplished in a number of ways. you could not in any way refer to them as group mentality, they each are so individual.

    You are making an assumption, I am reporting my observations. And based on my observations, there is no basis at all to your suggestion.

    in reply to: I can't take it anymore! #968990

    MZ and ZD,

    A) I am sure the chilonim would be horrified to hear that they are not part of a community. That is what they argue all the time when frum Jews move into their neighborhood, that they are upsetting the community.

    B)Granted we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard, however, all these media people and a goodly number of commenters feel THEY are better people because they are modern and “aware” of what is going on. If so it is the height of hypocrisy for them to use the claim that we answer to a higher authority as their basis for criticizing frum people when they do not do so when it is a non frum person, like themselves.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183295


    Sorry if I misunderstood your comment, the way it was written was unclear.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183294


    “If you have ever watched some of my posts,I have generally rallied against going too far to the right.”

    It is very unclear as what you consider to the right, so that your definition of too far to the right can be understood.

    I will note, that there are many, many more who unfortunately have strayed because they have not set up gedarim and were michshal in all sorts of aveiros to the point that they were no longer observant at all.

    They also became so entrenched that they look down on anyone who is observant, because why not do whatever you feel like at any given moment.

    Many time there are gedarim that are instituted because, for the overwhelming majority, they serve a wonderful purpose and have saved many, unfortunately there have been a few for whom the geder was not good.

    Does that mean as a policy a community should not adopt gedarim which are very beneficial to the group as whole even though there may be a few korbonos? Who hopefully can be supported with individual intervention?

    All of medicine is predicated on this, as is all government policy.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183291


    It sounds more like your friend is not a decent person, nothing to do with chumras.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969073


    “How many shmuzen do regular yeshiva guys get about how terrible zionism or lubavitch, or YCT are, despite not being shayach to those topics at all?”

    I don’t know, how many? I do not recall any from my days in Yeshiva, nor have my children reported any to me. So I am not aware.

    But either way, the difference was appropriately addressed in earlier comments.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969072

    “Where did I make up the story

    I posted where to get it. Some do not like the NY Post, but It was clearly there.”

    What was there was NOT what you said it was. As was pointed out a bunch of times already.

    You said there was a ban ion bike riding. The Prust article said they were forbidden from RIDING BIKES TO SCHOOL. A completely different situation.

    in reply to: I can't take it anymore! #968985


    Based on all sorts of stuff that is reported all over, I would think this is not limited to “chareidim”.

    However, I will say that the sensationalizing, and the inclusion by “professional” media, certainly in Israel seems to be biased against chareidim.

    Do you see chilonim labeled “chilonim” each time they are reported for their misdeeds?

    Just saying that we should be held to higher standards is not a legitimate claim. Because those media outlets certainly do consider themselves at a lower standard. Unless, truly they do, and they are just excited with the dog bites man stories.

    in reply to: Cruise for $600? #969100

    “I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I thought it was. I think our standards should be higher.”

    This presupposes that there is anything at all wrong with this. I do not think there is anything wrong with this. (Perhaps if this were the ONLY time the person contributed anything)

    “I think ideally the two should be separate. A person should decide on what he will indulge independently of his tzeddakah allocation and priority.”

    I look at it differently, that these people are supporting a worthy cause even when they are indulging. To take it beyond just hedonism. (Ask R Levi Yitzchok)

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969060

    “On a related point, where is your derech eretz?”

    Irony? Related? Related to what?

    “When some Jews make a ban that is unnecessary and harmful, that should be troubling to Jews everywhere.”

    Do you take such strident tones when some Jews start fabricating kulas, ignoring basic halacha? I haven’t noted such reaction from you here.

    “Since when has the New York Post known anything about the frum community in ny?”

    They try to paint anything religious in the worst light, it tells me something that this is what they came up with, but you are correct, I never consider the Prust as a reliable source. However, ZD mentioned it as a proof/maybe even the source of his story. It was a direct response to that.

    “I take issue with it because kol yisrael areivim zeh lazeh, and I care that Jews everywhere remain halachically committed and intelligent. When some Jews make a ban that is unnecessary and harmful, that should be troubling to Jews everywhere.”

    However, it is ridiculous to take such a stance on a supposed ban that, who says is harmful, and as far as this thread has been going on, nothing that shows it even exists.

    I know that there are commenters who take the stance that , “who cares if it is true, its enough that it might, perhaps be true”. I have seen such posts and comments and of course that is rishus. But in addition, you have a safek if there is something here that You consider bad, but you do not know it to be true (maybe in your heart of hearts you wish it to be true) yet there is a clear din of being dan lkaf zechus, a vaday, which outweighs your safek of kol yirsroel.

    “get your comments moderated so often? “

    I do? I am aware of only one instance of a comment being moderated. Perhaps you can point me to another instance.

    Relax?, I am fairly relaxed, but Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh Lozeh and I must protest when there is injustice. And this is a vaday.

    in reply to: Bike Riding #969058


    “You aggressively complain and holler that no ban exists for assuring bike riding in any frum community.”

    I do? Where? I just have not heard of one nor have I seen evidence of any such ban. The OP was based on there being such a ban, well, I am from Missouri.

    “Because chas v’shalom any community would do something that you disagree with.”

    I don’t really think it is negative to assume that communities as a whole do the right thing. (meisitim u’meidichim aside) I can eaily say you are wrong but I would not say that your behavior and outlook reflects on your whole community, certainly since I do not know what community that is.

    “If there are frum communities that assur bike riding, I (and many others) take issue with that”

    Why? It has no bearing on you.

    And even the NY Prust, which is no dan lkaf zechus could only say that is was talking about riding to school. Which someone like me, who is a parent, can understand being a concern. (V’nishmartem me’od l’nafshoseychem is also a halacha)

    “Of course you would bring Farber into this, when he and yct have absolutely nothing to do with the inyan at hand. Classic case of you ignoring the issues and beating up on a guy everyone admits is an kofer b’ikar”

    It was germane to a point I was making relevant to ZDs comment, perhaps you can’t hold cheshbon beyond a short sound bite.

    in reply to: Cruise for $600? #969093


    Such fundraising is not relegated to Jewish Fundraising.

    And this way a person who was looking to enjoy himself may spend the extra money to support a cause as well. Certainly if it is a cause to which he may have limited exposure.

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