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  • in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998561


    It is not a new psak that DNA testing is not considered evidence to determine that a child is a mamzer. R’ Elyashiv has paskened that way and so has Chacahm Ovadia. You are not saying anything new. How ever letting a woman marry with out a get is sure way to create mamzerim.

    Why are you roping R Shechter into this? He does not hold of Avi Weiss at all. I am sure he tells anyone who asks him to stay far away from Weiss.

    A person cannot become a ger on their own, so this whole load of blather;

    “I never said throw the whole thing out on conversions. If Avi Weiss’s conversions do not keep the Torah, they are not good. If they keep the torah then you have no argument. There is a big of vagueness that probably needs to be cleared up.”

    is just that.

    in reply to: Things I will never understand #997348

    Why people who say things to prove their individuality, or get tattoos or dress weird because they want to proclaim their individuality all do or say exactly the same thing

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998557


    Avi Weiss’ sham bet din is trying to set up a et din for gittin using novel ways of permitting women to marry. (Their words)The ways are not novel, they are discredited methods. Discredited by ALL major poskim as having no halachic basis. This will definitely cause mamzeirus. Just like Rackman did.

    This is the same sham Bet din that does his conversions. If we give credence to the sham BD for geirus, then there will definitely be mamzeirim following because people will believe that it is a legitimate bet din.

    ZD, it would be wise to refrain from posting since it is clear that you really have no understanding of the concepts you are talking about. Really none.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998549

    “In general when its found out that someone was not converted properly but was living a jewish life ie they converted conservative or an adoption was not proper. A symbolic conversion is done”

    That is not true. You have no idea what you as talking about.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998541

    ZD and Crisis.

    So maybe now you can appreciate how bad Weiss really is.

    He does not pass the lowest threshold.

    But for the matter Tropper is no longer involved, so your comment is really pointless.

    Unless you are saying that the Rabanut should retroactively rescind any past geirus of Weiss that had been accepted previously. Is that what you are suggesting?

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998538

    Weiss has a whole bet din just for giyur. So he must do a whole bunch of illegitimate conversions. And if the geirus is illegitimate it is irrelevant if these people live in Bnei Brak or Lakewood.

    It is because of comments like * yours* that people think Dati Leumi are less Jewish than people of Lakewood or Bnei Brak. It is attitudes like the one you expressed that leads to acceptance of illegitimate geirus by unqualified individuals and mamzerim when those same rabbis involve themselves in gittin and use fabricated heterim that have been dismissed by all leading poskim.

    I would call not accepting Weiss’ certifications , conversions or gittin as halachlicly mandated, if not just prudent. To call it a political issue is excusing the inexcusable.

    in reply to: What defines a messed up school? #998310

    I would consider a school messed up if they hired incompetent, unbalanced teachers.

    Even if the teacher thought he/she was G-d’s gift to mankind.

    in reply to: Kid Appearing Unconscious After Tonsillectomy #996713

    The OP was talking about removing the child from machines, not whether she was alive or not.

    Hence saying “It is the law of the land, if you dont like it you can work to overturn it.” refers to removing from life support.

    And PBA was discussing the case on YWN CR, hence it would be flavored by the hashkafos oof the site participants. hence, if PBA does not consider the California law as truly defining death, why should he call it so.

    And it is clear that brain dead is not the same as a coma by some of the comments here. No comments are written by someone in a coma, but a number are written by individuals who appear brain dead.

    Does being rude help make your point?

    in reply to: Kid Appearing Unconscious After Tonsillectomy #996708

    “while this site may be Jewish “

    And that is precisely where PBA is discussing the issue.

    “California H&S Code 7180-81”

    This law says that you must remove the child from life support?

    And besides, have you examined the child yourself to make the determination?

    in reply to: Extra Curricular for Mesivta Bochrim #1046672

    “Its truly a shame that nobody here mentioned normal extra curricular activities like playing a musical instrument. “

    Why not say stamp collecting.

    in reply to: Kid Appearing Unconscious After Tonsillectomy #996703


    You say “He isn’t in a coma, he is dead”. Is that your p’sak? Because this site is marginally defined as Jewish, thus for you to make such a declaration, you would have to have a legitimate basis.

    You also say, “It is the law of the land,” Specifically what law are you referring to? I have never heard or reads of a law that says a hospital must take someone off life support (at least in the US before all provisions of Obamacare are effective)

    in reply to: Making fun of people who are frummer than you #996580


    The OP was mentioning people who make fun of others who are “frummer” than them.

    You seem to condone such a ridicule. I do not see how it is more appropriate than someone putting down someone for following a more lenient view.

    What type of tefillin, or even if I do wear tefilin is not really your business. I might even wear the 64 pair your buddy 147 recommends.

    As far as a mekor for some of the chumros? See Rashi Vayikra 19, 2.

    Oomis’ response to HaLevi is a case in point. She seems to be highly offended buy something she is reading into someone else’s practices.

    I am not bothered by those who accept more stringent measures for themselves. I have family members who are very stringent about various practices, my policy is live and let live.

    in reply to: Making fun of people who are frummer than you #996576

    I see quite a few commenters here who posit that it is appropriate to mock someone who is frummer than you. I do not see any justification. They are offended when someone looks askance on someone utilizing a questionable kula, and that is a horrible avala. But making fun of someone who decides to take a more machmir route on something is appropriate.


    Now I know Gavra is going to say that what he does is meikur hadin. Possibly. He has not convinced me of that. But the truth is, that most people who accept chumras are doing it lishma and they are genuine. Some are not, but that gives you no right to make fun of someone who is genuine.

    in reply to: Commuting/Parking: Columbia Medical Center #997514


    Which train from Monsey stops at 175th?

    That was the question, from Monsey.

    There are bikur cholim vans if your are going to visit or are have someone who is in the hospital or need to see a doctor. I do not think they are available for a regular commute.

    in reply to: Commuting/Parking: Columbia Medical Center #997511

    On a regular basis? Or occasional?

    in reply to: We Did It! #995712


    Actually, it is your comment that is indicative about your own sorry state.

    It is sad to see someone so alone. Nebach on you.

    in reply to: Speeding on Ocean Parkway #994979


    If the purpose of the light is to prevent speeding, then the OP was helping the cause. Why are you bothered?

    If that is not the purpose of the camera, they what reason is there for the city, or whoever is operating it, to put one there? Is it another tax? Then again the OP is presenting a legal way to avoid being subject to that tax.

    I fail to understand why you are bothered.

    in reply to: Thank You, Chutz La'aretz… #995042


    Really. He is a professor.

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992101


    “the charities try to do events that get a higher take. “

    So do you have an idea? Because I am sure the organizations would love to make more money as well.

    In case of the concerts though, they are really just selling something for a profit. Perhaps you should tell a store not to sell something for a profit as well.

    And as I said before, people may justify paying a higher price for a concert where the money goes for a charity, but they are paying for the concert they want to hear.

    And if Fried did a concert where he would get the gate receipts and concession sales. He would net substantially more than the 10,000

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992096

    “I rarely see jewish entertainers Like MBD or Fried do soley for-profit open venue. They almost always do Benefits and their for-profit venues are private events like weddings and Bar-Mitzvahs.

    So if you want to see MBD or Fried you have to go to the charity event. “

    I do not understand what your point is.

    Does it bother you that a charity is benefitting from something that people would pay for anyway?

    Should a person who would by a ticket to a concert not do so because a charitable institution is also benefitting?

    Your position seems to be that because a charitable organization is benefitting one should not partake, even though they would if it were solely a commercial venture.

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992092

    “If you are going to charge $20 a person for admission and lets say you get 100 people thats $2000 minus $500 for room, Minus $500 for refreshments Minus $300 for entertainment Minus $200 for room clean up. leaving you with $500. And people worked really hard to get people to go “

    There is no way to respond to such a scenario, because it is bogus.

    The “ifs” have no relation to reality. They would no exisit in one instance.

    ZD like to bring in HAC. Ok, HASC does not pay $500 for the room, but they do not get $20 either nor do they have 100 participants.

    Most parlor meetings do not pay for the room and while they get $20 from some, they also get the $500, and $180 checks as well and some get more too.

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992091


    “A few responses, as this is part of what I do for a living. DOn’t know if it is the same elsewhere, but where I live, our CRA (Like your IRS) determines an acceptable proportion of expenses to be spent on administration. It has an acceptable level, a “flagged” level, and an unacceptable level. I imagine the IRS is the same.”

    The IRS has not written what is in fact an appropriate level of Program expenses vs. administration and fundraising. And the truth is, it varies tremendously by the type of organization and legitimately so.

    Some of the rating agencies have established percentages, but that may be arbitrary anyway. They do not seem to account for the differing type of charitable organization. (According to accounting rules, the costs of leveraging volunteers and in-kind gifts is a fundraising cost.[ FASB ASC 958-720-45-9&10 and TIS Section 6140.11] Accordingly, an organization that utilizes a lot of volunteer time and uses a significant amount of their paid resources to get the volunteers involved, would have a very high fundraising percentage if they report correctly. Think a Big Brother type of organization. Alternatively a free loan organization could have very high administration costs because the loans are not an expense and typically revolve) And there is tremendous inconsistency in how that percentage is determined or calculated. In NYS, EO 38 attempts to define a percentage but that is up for interpretation would only apply to those receiving funding from specific state agencies.

    However, what is clear is that that the cost of fundraising events is excluded from these calculations and that the revenues from fundraising events is reported net of expenses on the 990. In fact, the contribution portion of special events (amounts above the benefit received by the participant)is not included in the fundraising event income and therefore often the event(s) will report a net loss (on part VII of the 990 and on schedule G, though you can reconcile the amounts).

    Either way, the costs of the events are not included in the calculation fundraising percentage of the organization by any of the rating agencies.

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992090


    “Actually, i think people do specifically go to certain events over other events because it is run by a charity organization.”

    That is probably so and what the charity wants. However, that is very different from attending a concert solely as a donation.

    in reply to: Giving Tzedkah to a Charity that uses Money for Expenses #992078


    Edited for harshness

    And FTR, I do not think too many people go to a concert with the intention that they are making a charitable contribution nor are they entitled to take a deduction for it or use ma’aser for it.

    Popa’s first response was the most accurate.

    in reply to: Lost Dor Yesharim ID Number #1141013

    Why don t you just call them. Unless you are not interested in accurate information. Then I understand why you you would ask here. Because asking a question on a blog is guaranteed to supply you with accurate information.



    Perhaps the should open an “adult” video store next to you. It is legal in almost all states. The person who wants to make money, which you just stated should be the deciding factor.

    I am sure that you can give us a critique of the different venues just as you so kindly did with gambling venues.

    Your post never got to the point



    I fail to see what point you are making?

    Gambling is a problem. So it was available in some form till now, this is any way going to greatly increase the presence. And it will be very close to where frum Jews live in the summer.

    It will absolutely impact the hundreds of thousands of people who vacation in and about Sullivan county.

    So, what is your point??



    What a ridiculous comparison.

    This is not about a “ban” (I know you love that word)on casinos. They were illegal thus far. It is legalizing something that was not legal to date, even though it is known to have deleterious effects on individuals and communities. It would be comparable to legalizing cocaine or heroin.

    This difference is not even in the least bit subtle. You should be able to comprehend it.

    And FYI, there is nothing wrong with getting drunk on Purim, it is in fact a halacha to do so.

    But I suppose you believe you know better than the shulchan oruch.

    in reply to: Why didn't Kaput Ha'ir work for me? #985966

    Who said it didn’t?



    I did a bit of research, it is the most profitable “SLOTS ONLY” casino.

    These are not going to be slots only casinos. From what I am led to believe by those who have observed such things, the atmosphere at the dice tables or the cards tables are much different.

    I guess I was correct in questioning your accuracy.


    I cannot say I have been to all those establishments of ill repute as you have, because I have not. But I doubt the accuracy of your comments.



    What a silly comment.

    Racinos or lotto are nothing like full fledged casinos. There is a reason why Las Vegas is one of the busiest tourist destinations. Developers and NYS are going to invest Billions of dollars for something that is not going to bring in new money.

    As far as convenience, how can you compare something being 15 minutes away to the casinos in Atlantic City or Connecticut?

    What a silly comment.

    in reply to: More leitzanus about ovrei aveirah. Mrs. Lopatin style. #984586

    I must take issue with you referring to him as Mrs. That is totally inappropriate.

    Ms. is much more appropriate. (If it were Mrs. you know they would not have included his picture in the Yated)

    in reply to: What to look for in a shidduch #983778


    Typical dishonest deflection. Everyone here can read that you are the one applying labels.

    And the screen name you have chosen itself shows your infantile biases.

    in reply to: Hitting Gedolim #982152


    The ???? says no different than what I said, that one may reap what he sows. Not that one sows what he reaps.

    You don’t even know what you are saying. Perhaps Zdad can help you.

    in reply to: Chayiv Misah as applied Halacha? #982317


    “All I’m saying is that people who want to see it that way could have read Rav Chaim’s statement as justification for an attack.”

    So far it seem that the only implying that is you.

    A simple score card:

    1)You twisted R’ Chaim’s words. At least twice in one sentence, totally changing the meaning.

    2) You implied that R’ AL Steinman was mevazeh a Talmud Chochom.

    I guess you are “one who wants to see it that way”

    Par for the course.

    I am sure you are a fantastic, well adjusted individual.

    in reply to: Hitting Gedolim #982148


    “People need to look at what they reap, what you reap, will sow and blossom.”

    This is a fantastic saying. I like the image it projects, where did you pick it up from?

    Usually people are only able to reap what they sow, but sometimes you can so confound the issue that you sow what you reap.

    in reply to: Chayiv Misah as applied Halacha? #982312


    You have not responded to mdd, because he is right, R Chaim did not say what you have ascribed to him.

    Are you accusing Maran Harav Hagoan R’ Aron Leib, Shlita of being mevazeh R Shmuel Auerbach or any other Talmud chochom? I think that R Chaim’s words were then directed to someone just like you.

    in reply to: Orthopraxy #981972

    I am glad to see the resident experts have responded to the query.

    in reply to: Should I be embarrassed about using a use a translated siddur? #981316

    Quite likely someone confused a translated siddur with a transliterated siddur.

    And that may be why there was the confusion.

    in reply to: Saying Kaddish For A Suicide #1101258


    I do not see anyone making an absolute statement. They are just making an observation and expressing concerns based on the observation and leaving it up to the OP to follow up.

    And anyway as your husband would tell you, ????? ????? ???????.

    in reply to: Advice: Shita Mekubetzes, Rashba and Ritva Publisher #979210


    I think you want to use a cattle prod on her.

    in reply to: Interesting Quote from Satmar Rebbe, Rabeinu Yoel Zatzal #978558


    I do not understand why you are posting a quote from Rabbi Pruzansky as proof. He is, as understand a MO Rav. Most of the negative comments about him on that thread were by commenters who appear to be MO themselves.

    Well maybe you are right, the moderators should not have let those posters comments through, they seem to be the most disrespectful posters in general.

    in reply to: Using Physical Force #982342


    You need a Beis din to get you moving?

    in reply to: Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc. #978787


    I see you consider yourself knowledgeable on all things cattle prod related, considering how many posts you have written about them.

    Why don’t you se what ?????? ?????? wrote about the matter.

    in reply to: How does one define a rasha? #978538


    I guess you are referring to someone like Temple Grandin who recommends its use periodically on recalcitrant animals who need a good zap to get moving.

    in reply to: Interesting Quote from Satmar Rebbe, Rabeinu Yoel Zatzal #978547


    I really have not noticed any remarks against MO rabbonim here. Certainly not even remotely as many as are posted against Rabonnim who you would not consider in the MO camp.

    Perhaps you can show examples to support your accusation.

    in reply to: Tzitzis #978433


    “LAB was just making a general statement about the relationship between unnecessary gashmius and wanting to wear big strings ”

    HUH???? Gashmius? Where’d you pick that up.

    Onoas Devarim? Choshed Bechsherim? You crack me up. Your comments in the past have wiped any sembelance of kosher long ago.

    I wonder why you think it is gaaivah to use a rhetorical “we” and not gaaivah to assume that your skewed little view is enough to passul up many?


    in reply to: Tzitzis #978430


    We thank you for your kind insight.

    How about this, people who make comments and apply a generality to many people are trolls. That seems much better.

    in reply to: Jews in top law schools #977715


    I think you would want to update the affiliations of Michael Broyde. I believe he has been dismissed from BDA because of some of his actions that they felt were not appropriate. These included fabricating sources for positions of his that he purported were in accordance with Halacha.

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