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  • in reply to: Were we all Sephardic once? #1006911


    Your comment reminds me of the story of a Rov and the local poritz. The poritz sent a picture of a pig to the rov to irritate the rov. The rov responded by sending back a picture of himself. He explained that the poritz sent a picture representative of himself, so I responded in kind.

    It is enlightening that you say that you are a descendant of the Khazzars.

    Buy the way, a “ches” is a soft sound, and if you were going to properly try to represent it as the “crisis” people such as you do, it should be transliterated with an “h” or even “ch”, not a “kh”. “kh” is for a chof.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005254

    I must say that the complaint raised here is probably one of the most inane complaints posted in the CR. And that takes quite a stretch.

    PBA is right, this was lifted out of a ridiculous article in Tablet. It was silly there and it did not get any smarter on its trip to this site.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005251

    These fools make up some concept of ????? ???? ???? ??????. Who ever heard of such a silly thing?

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005238

    I have heard of times where yeshivos have children who they try to protect from their homes. Children who they have accepted and deal with even though they do not get paid and they are not typical. Those are children who, nebach, are in dysfunctional families. These are children who have to be protected from home. Every other instance and every other yeshivah very much work and understand that parents are more than just partners in teaching children and in school and life lessons.

    If you find that the school is trying to keep your children from being influenced by the home, it is probably for a good reason. VDAL

    in reply to: Talmud Torah in Nach #1004932

    How knowledgeable are you of ??? to make such a statement? Seems that you are not very.

    in reply to: Refael Elisha White House Petition Answer #1004866

    Of course Charlie has completely missed the point.

    The White House could very easily referred the case to the FDA to consider. Following their established protocols. They did nothing. Nothing. Which is the point.

    For a corrupt drug company which makes a “donation” to the Obamas, a call will be made to bypass protocol. A request by a hundred thousand people, gets a shameless response. I am sure you are going to quite the ???? from ????.

    in reply to: Beis Din vs. Sharia Courts #1004839


    You seem to be creative in your defenses of Avi Weiss his actions and followers. I wonder what you can come up with for that drivel he wrote in the NYT and that he wrote it to that viciously anti Israel filthy rag.

    Did he not know the address for Der Angriff?

    in reply to: Beis Din vs. Sharia Courts #1004836


    You can read about it in the opinion page of the Quran, also referred to as the NYT.

    in reply to: Why is child marriage being promoted on this site? #1004787


    It’s nice that you are interpreting his words that way. However we know that a father can be mekabel kiddushin for a daughter who is a ketana.

    In addition, a quick search shows that there a number of countries which permit marriage from 14.

    in reply to: Why is child marriage being promoted on this site? #1004785

    “Halahchically, a boy has to be bar mitzvah age and a girl bat mitzvah age to get married.”

    So you’ve researched the law in many countries, but, apparently, you have not done as thorough research in regards to Halacha.

    A quick google search also shows that your research is inaccurate as well.

    in reply to: Refael Elisha White House Petition Answer #1004844

    Only Charlie Hall could call that “well-stated”. A long useless pike of drivel listed as an excuse why they won’t even look into something. It says absolutely nothing, except that they did not even look into the particulars. In an instance where over 100,000 individuals requested that they do. People who this sham of an administration is supposed to represent and protect.

    Charlie’s guy.

    in reply to: Binghamton, NY #1003072

    I think it is not far from Scranton.

    But GOC is correct, there is a sizeable Jewish contingent at SUNY Binghamton

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009865

    I am not sure why you think it is more appropriate to feel slighted when says you are being overly meikel than when says you are being inappropriately machmir.

    And specifically when as an example you bring something which you are deriding which is in fact almost universally accepted as the basic standard and not a chumra.

    And you have no idea what they had done in Europe pre war, not whether the metzius was even remotely the same as now. (Different types of berries, different location, different bugs)

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009862

    You wouldn’t even get enough water from the tap to akes suds for your strawberries.

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009861



    If the inlet is shut, the water is no longer connected.

    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002886


    You keep suggesting a lot of googling and you keep changing your reasons… why don’t you just turn off the inlet valve to your hot water heater and see what happens.

    So far, none of your “fargoogeledta” sevaras are logical.

    SO cold water goes in the bottom of a hot water tank? That does not explain how, when seeking equilibrium, water will suddenly defy that law and the laws of gravity.


    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002881


    So now you are changing your reason? Do you have an expansion tank? I don’t. Most houses do not. That is only if there is a pressure regulator preventing normal expansion. It is a seperate tank. And that would only allow for a very small amount if water to flow.

    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002880


    You are actually disproving yourself. Since water seeks equilibrium, how can it flow upwards to a level higher than the water tank? Remember the inlet is shut, equilibrium begins at most at that level. (assuming it does not have fight a vacuum that is created in the tank)

    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002877


    In the US almost always the hot water heater is on the lowest level of the house, thus there would be no way for the water to go anywhere if the inlet was closed.

    Perhaps you can do the same that you say you did with strawberries and try it.

    Turn off the intake valve for your hot water heater and then see if you get water from your hot water tap.

    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002852

    I don’t think he feels the ????? ?????? is just for fun of it. That is just a silly comment.

    And from what I read on my phone, he says that it would be ossur. Perhaps it would be mutar to use the water if the spout was turned on. Bit not that it was mutar to open the spout ???????.

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009851

    I actually have the the cRc app on my phone so it is easy for me to look at.

    You left out the rubbing that is required. I don’t know why you insist that most strawberries are smooth. That certainly has not been my experience.

    I cannot answer for what they did a hundred years ago. Do you have any proof at all that frum people did eat steawberries? I don’t know. I do know that I remember my grandfather painstakingly checking vegetables. I not recall him ever eating strawberries.

    You have know idea if the crops today are in anyway similar to what they had a hundred years ago. The cultivating and breeding of crops may very well have led to crops that are more likely to have these smaller bugs than they did have years ago. People who don’t worry about the issue of tolaim would not be bothered by these thrips and therefore there would have no interest in developing crops that minimize thrips.

    in reply to: using hot water from tank on shabbos #1002849

    Of course someone omitted to mention that in the first paragraph R D. Kronglass specifically says that he is not writing this ????? rather just ????? ??????.

    in reply to: Awkward kashrus situation – advice? #1002935


    But we are talking about this particular circumstance. It seems you are trying to back off because your assumption was so off base. You really need to stop trolling.

    in reply to: Awkward kashrus situation – advice? #1002934

    It’s nice that people want to be dan the rabbi lkaf zechus that it it is difficult to be machmir in a campus setting. Yet it sems the OP has no issue keeping pretty much her regular level of kashrus. She is on the same campus. So that argument holds no water.

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009849

    I do not know how you can insist that washing strawberries with a wash that loosens up the bugs is a chumro when almost all in the know require it. And even the cRc requires rubbing when it is a smooth berry. They do require using a wah when it is not smooth. And, in my experience, most strawberries are not smooth. On the contrary, going against the majority if opinions is absolutely a kula.

    And certainly not one that you can apply as the general rule for strawberries done even the meikel opinion would require it for most cases.

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009819


    I think the earlier comment “Perhaps you consider being informed a chumra. And a chumra that you are not willing to accept.” would be an appropriate answer to ROB.

    in reply to: Kudos to the RCA this time #1000969

    I would like to repeat a well known story.

    There was an elderly fellow in Florida who went to the doctor for a check up. He decided this time to drive himself and to take his own route. He was driving along when his wife calls him on the phone and says “Hymie, I just hoid in de radio that there is some Meshugener driving da wrong way in de highway, you be very careful!!!”

    Hymie responded in shock, “what do you mean A Meshugener? I see hundreds if them driving the wrong way. “

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009785

    “I didn’t bring up the possibility of a microscope. But there is no fundamental difference between a microscope and a simple magnifying glass — both are simply ground glass lenses. Neither were available to Chazal. And neither were light tables. If you start allowing technological advances to change halachah, ein l’dvar sof.”

    No one is referring to items that are not ???? ?????. And That is to the naked eye. However, does that mean we should not use implements that make it easier to check quicker and in greater volumes? Is that your position? Because we are not talking about using science or technological advanced to change ???? in these cases, no matter how much you would like to assert that.

    And your comments are ironic, to say the least, considering how you have in the past posted positions that are very much the opposite in regards to science and existing ????.

    I do not know what you base your assumptions on that ???? did not check for ??????. My father has often told me about him remembering his father and mother painstakingly checking vegetables and flour for infestation. And my father in law ??? continued his father’s ????? of not eating unpeeled vegetables. And these are not recent changes. These are practices they grew up with in their houses in Europe.

    Do you think they did not filter their water? They used filter all of it just to make it drinkable. These claims about people not checking in past generations is untrue about those who kept ????. It’s just a specious argument.

    in reply to: Help- Frum Therapist Needed– Organization? #1000914

    You can call Nefesh or Relief resources. They both should be able to help you with information.

    in reply to: Kula-ization of Judaism. #1009779

    “”I bet you you would find a lot of live stuff at those strengths!”

    At those strengths almost no food would be free of infestation and we would starve to death. That isn’t what Chazal intended.”

    Not sure what chazal’s intentions have to do with anything. The issue of tolaim are ?????? ???????.

    But all of that is meaningless because all the items above are referring to bugs that are visible to the naked eye.

    If you put the strawberry behind your back, you would not even see the whole strawberry let done the bugs. Perhaps you can use that as a heter. Because if you don’t know what the bugs look like, how can you say they are not visible. You just have no idea what you are looking at.

    Perhaps you consider being informed a chumra. And a chumra that you are not willing to accept.

    in reply to: Help- Frum Therapist Needed– Organization? #1000911

    Just Plain,

    Why would you say that an agency called “Jewish Board” is not Jewish.

    in reply to: (Rabbi) Avi Weiss #1000766


    But they also wear a tails when not in a shul.

    The point is that the Tallis is not because of the shul, otherwise everyone would have to wear a talis. And you would have to wear a talis anytime, not just by davening. (Although Avi Weiss is notorious for wearing a talis at political demonstrations).

    The reason has more to do with kavod hatzibur. And in Weiss’ case, the Tzibur was largely a baptist group so kavod hatzibur with a talis or yarmulka is moot.

    Anyway, you are so missing the forest for the tree.

    in reply to: (Rabbi) Avi Weiss #1000763


    If the reason for wearing a talis is because of kovod for a “makom kadosh”, why does only the shaliach tzibur wear a talis?

    Following your logic, only the shaliach tzibur should wear a head covering.

    in reply to: tefilas haderech #1000243


    And someone who eats bread every day does not have to make a brocho on bread? Or, why should someone have to say asher yatzar everyday?

    in reply to: year of birth #1000940

    Next threads will be your mother’s maiden name and the last 4 digits of your social security number. After that we will have to get creative.

    in reply to: tefilas haderech #1000237

    Why would rarely travelling that route be any reason not to say Tefilas Haderech?

    in reply to: (Rabbi) Avi Weiss #1000736



    How do you come up with this? Maybe you should give up your day job.

    My sides are hurting. Hoo hoo.

    in reply to: What does the recent ban mean for YWN? #999445


    North or South?

    in reply to: Is Bud Light Lime Kosher? #999244

    According the CRC list it is not recommended.

    in reply to: Manchester Eiruv #1000145

    Me bringing in Slifkin? Avi Weiss is, not me.

    Oh, I believe you left out some words. “Among WHAT WERE THEY thinking”. Fixed it for you.

    You are welcome, no need to say thanks.

    in reply to: Manchester Eiruv #1000141


    The same is scheduled for January 20. 2014 and it is proudly promoted on the website.

    Another interesting point to note; If anyone had any thought that perhaps there was an error by rabbanim in pointing out that Slifkin is not kosher, guess what? He too is listed on the Bayit web site.

    Now you can see what is meant by ??? ???? ?????. And ??? ??? ?? ????. (Unintended puns are uncannily apt).

    in reply to: Manchester Eiruv #1000130


    “We need more rabbis like Rabbi Willig.” Certainly in Riverdale, where the alternative is a Rabbi who uses his shul as a dance hall for priests.

    in reply to: Manchester Eiruv #1000129


    In a letter written by Horav Shimon Schwab about an Eruv in NYC, written on behalf of the gedolie poskim, including R Moshe Feinstein and R Yakov Kaminetsky, he specifically dismisses that reasoning.

    He included the letter in his Sefer, Mayan Beis Hashoieva.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998658


    ” Nobody with any knowledge about Rabbi Weiss, even those who oppose his innovations, thinks that he has said or done anything that would put him outside the halachic bounds”

    This is completely untrue. Thise who know exactly what he has done and have not partaken of the koolaid that Weiss serves say exactly that, that his apikorsus places him outside the realm of being kosher for eidus (and eidut as well) for those who follow halacha.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998653

    This is terrible. A case of politics determining what should be solely a religious determination.

    Right up Weiss’ alley, who, based on the drivel coming from his students, his congregants and his school think that current politics should decide halacha, not what is written the Torah or that which has been passed through the mesorah. Because it feels good to dance with priests in shul.

    A sad day for Israel and for mankind.

    in reply to: Nook Nuki/kindle erasing Hashem #1096047


    I know good and well what a kindle fire is. I have used a kindle fire and I have handled the nook Hd and I have used the the nook reader (which the nook nuki is with out the library installed). The question was about a nook nuki. Why don’t YOU do a little research before making your woefully incorrect assumption.

    in reply to: Nook Nuki/kindle erasing Hashem #1096043

    “All the tablets basically work the same way.”

    No they don’t. Not even remotely the same way. The way the Nook and Kindle readers (and other models using e-ink technology) work is very different from tablets. This was explained quite well above.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998590


    Any asifa was put together by people who got involved and felt it was necessary.

    Thus if you are so bent out of shape by this, it would be your duty to arrange. Why are you not doing it?

    Always “yenem”. Be a man and get started arranging.

    in reply to: Obama v. Nixon #997432

    Oh Charlie,

    Are you really that silly? Professors are all the same, divorced from reality.

    in reply to: RCA sides with apikorsim #998574



    Just ??

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