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It is a tree hugging attitude to assign the ?????? about ?????? ??? to an issue of ??? ???? ????. Because that was never the halachic issue. It is dishonest to use this as proof as to what you may or may not do in using animals for food.
FYI, as most of us know, geese were never brought as ??????. What it does say in ???? ???? is ?? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??????
So you see clearly that this is not a problem of ??? ???? ????.
And you also have the Gemarra that explains ????? ???? ??????. A tree higher would assert that it prohibited because of their misunderstood concept of ??? ???? ????. And they of course would not be in conformity with ultimate basis of what is moral, the Torah.
Like the misguided flock at HIR and their Rabbits who’s mislead them and try to replace the Torah with their own self defined phony moral code that is ????? ?????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Chickens are placed in coops that are too crowded and the chickens start to peck each other (Many people only eat Free range chickens for this reason)”
It is generally chickens that lay eggs that are kept in cages (and a lot of this has to do with protecting them from catching bird flu, which would require destruction of all the animals), ones that are raised for meat are typically kept corrals or barn like structures. Free range just means they let the roam outside the corral. They are not kept continually in crates.
However all are transferred to crates to be brought for processing, which includes shechita in case of kosher. Even free range. Either way, all this would be permitted, and would not be tzar baalei chayim.
If you want to make a point, please start with facts.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I think there is a real debate if Foie Gras can ever been kosher because of the way the animals are treated even though it is a kosher animal”
That is utterly incorrect. The question is if they become treifos, not because of some tree hugging attitude.
The halachos of tzar baalei chayim do not change with the times. Almost all the complaints of tzar baalei chayim that all these radical vegetarians hock about are not halachic problems. Why don’t you look up in the Gemara how they used to do shechita of korbonos.
The Gemara talks about the change and tzar baalei chayim never enters the discussion.
May 20, 2014 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm in reply to: Latest ADL's survey on antisemitism and some interesting/curious results #1015934nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I’ll stand up for Muslims who aren’t anti-Semites any time! “
You did not make that distinction in the past.
And you keep avoiding the Ari Hart issue.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“In other words, we light a bonfire to celebrate people who died working and supporting their families??”
Are you really that simple? Is that really how you read that?
I am sure if you tried, you can find a more rational relationship, not something that requires some ridiculous stretch of the imagination.
May 20, 2014 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: Latest ADL's survey on antisemitism and some interesting/curious results #1015931nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Worthy of note is that every Arab country surveyed scored more poorly than every non-Arab country. “
Interesting to note precisely because you are the individual who has so often stood up for Muslims, on this and other web sites.
Also worthy to note is that the assistant “Rabbit” at HIR is busy joining with these Jew haters and writing in Al-Jazeera, yet we do not see you waving this in his face and demanding that he be terminated and thrown out to the street.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“He is the grandson of the late American gedol Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin z’tz’l”
But as anyone can tell you, he is not at all his grandfather, not in psak and not in hashkafah.
Generally, the crowd services by Yoatzot are not the ones heeding to the calls for tznius, so that claim is utterly bogus.
However, this is probably a good program because otherwise many of these feminists would completely abandon taharas hamishpacha. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
May 19, 2014 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm in reply to: Latest ADL's survey on antisemitism and some interesting/curious results #1015919nishtdayngesheftParticipantJbaldy,
I can only point out the facts that I know. I do not know that all are anti Semites, they may all be anti Israel. Which is not the same. Ask Rick Jacobs.
I do know about the anti Semitic rabble rousers of “Rockland Clergy”. I have read what the attention seeking rebellious child who is the associate “rabbi” at HIR has himself written and listened to him make a bigger fool of himself on the Zev Brenner show. So there I know that there is 100% hate.
May 19, 2014 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm in reply to: Latest ADL's survey on antisemitism and some interesting/curious results #1015917nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat is interesting to note is that only 56% of the Iranians that the Neturei Karta partnered with are anti Semites. On the other hand 100% of the “Rockland Clergy” group that Ari Hart aligned with in his hateful crusade ( he announced it in a church, the term is appropriate) against frum Jews are anti Semetic.
Seems that there is a temple in Riverdale that has to do some serious soul searching.
I cannot figure out why you keep referring to Dorothy’s little dog? Perhaps you can explain.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI had the displeasure of being in Manhattan today and I passed by where some group was have a rally, It was outside the Governor’s office in NYC. It is possible that since it right near the UN, that the Iranian embassy or consulate was somewhere in the vicinity as well.
The protest was supposed to a Holocaust remembrance event against Iran?!?
Anyhow, there were about 40 people there (and that is being generous), I think all thought they were going to speak.
You had the usual group of lunatics, such as Avi Weiss and Shmuely Boteach and some feminists yelling nonsense at the top of their lungs and then sticking around to sign autographs.
The NK group across the street had a better showing and were better behaved and making less of a chilul hashem.
Either way, I felt like going over and spitting on both of them, if it were not beneath me to do so in public and that they were still Jews and I, for one, would not spit on other Jews in public. (Not like Ari Hart, apparently. Let him write that up in Al-Jazeera)
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI think the question you wanted to ask is why Marc Schneier and his group, Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, is lauded for meeting with Abbas and the NK is vilified by the same people for meeting with Ahmadinejad.
But it really is just a rhetorical question.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“I read the article by ari & ari on soft matza.
I won’t say you’re a goy of you eat them.”
However, I might call you a cannibal.
The point I was making is that it was not a universal hanhogah of litvaks. Which point remains.
Lo shomanu is not a rayeh. I always remember being careful to eat the first kezayis in a the succah kday achilas pras, without hefsek.
As Akuperma said, it is because it is more difficult to eat a kezayis of matzo, and it is harder to gauge the shiur, that you hear more about it.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMinhag ashkenaz would mean of German origin, not jut someone who davens nusach Ashkenaz. The GR’A and those who follow minhagei HaGR”A do not ear tefilin even though they daven nusach Ashkenaz. This why you almost do not find people in EY wearing tefilin on chol hamoed.
Vilna was in the heart of Lita, so saying it is a “litfish” minhagg is stam shtuyot.
Chasidim who follow minhag Sanz wear tefilin on chol hamoed either until they are 18 or they are married (there are slight differences in different chassidus)
April 10, 2014 12:24 am at 12:24 am in reply to: Why are tefillin removed before the recitation of hallel? #1013152nishtdayngesheftParticipantI believe that among those who wear tefilin on chol hamoed, when they lein kol habechor, they leave tefillin on through leining instead of removing before hallel that day.
In EY, almost no one wears tefillin on chol hamoed because they follow the hanhagos of the GR”A.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWell Ari Hart has done it again. Taking the failings of his mentor and stooping to an even lower level.
Remember the good old days when Avi would root out the old tallit for his press conferences in front of the UN?
At least Avi would do this in support of Jews, Hart did this to cause tzaros for Jews. So he is even more despicable. Starts with Al-Jazeera and then morphs into actual terrorist acts.
Why are you not parading in front of the Bayit and demanding that the person is excised like the tumor he is. He is dangerous to Jews every where, not just those who hold the Torah dear.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIs this the same Michael Broyde who was kicked off the Beit Din of America for manufacturing precedents in teshuvos?
That is whose heter you are relying on?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantno point being rude, consider this edit your conscience speaking
Not for fear of it becoming gebrochts. That is something you made up and added because you wanted a reaction. And it is not just chasidim, many Brisker do the same as well.
The single item that are most likely to be ??? are the matzos. Therefore they limit eating to the mitzvah. This a chumrah they accept for themselves. They do not force on anyone else.
You should be particularly happy since they spend very little on matzos because of the chumra.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat is the “Meon Loez”?
I think a coffee may help you sober up or at least alleviate the effects of the kool ade you have been imbibing in.
Wrong, again.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“The only person I know of who held that refraining from gebrokts was a shtus was the Vilna Gaon.”
Where is this written?
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“The animals in the Zoos in the US are not owned by Jews. Not an issue.”
But you are allowed to go into a Mikva on Shabbos?
I asked a simple question. Where does it say it in the RSZA Haggadah? Do you know? Have you seen it?
All of which is really besides the point. Do you eat the ????? as it is brought in Haggadah of ????? ?
Do you even know how it says one should eat the ?????? And that is Halacha, not minhag.
I know there is a RSZA Haggadah, it too has page numbers. I have a copy. I want you to tell me where it is.
And your point is?
So RSZ”A did not have a minhag of gebrokts, or as it is called in the seforim, matzoh shruyah. And we also know that it was hard for him to chew when he was older.
Not everyone has the same minhagim if RSZA. And he never said it is a minhag shtus.
BTW, where in the Haggadah does it say that, I would like to read it myself.
So when you falsely claim, based on no knowledge at all, “you do pasken from dreams of Rebbe Nachman” that is a reasoned comment. When I call you out on such drivel, that is ad hominem.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Potatoes can also be baked into bread.”
Quiet!!!! If the matir asurim of the month club finds out, they will permit bread, too!
Because otherwise the bread will feel that it was provided the same opportunities.
If you are going respond with the following drivel “you do pasken from dreams of Rebbe Nachman” then it is pointless to respond to any of your comments. Your comments are apparently based on some alternative universe where, strangely, you might be considered intelligent.
No, I do not believe it is highly flawed, I believe it is exaggerated to help make the point easier to understand, but not flawed in it purpose.
As far as who is competent? Regardless of your disgusting comment about who is competent, there is no question by any sane individual, that Harcsztark is not competent to change halacha as codified by the Rema. You think his high school rebbe made him so or perhaps the board of the school?
Harcsztark’s whole letter publicized his own incompetence in psak to the whole world.
You will note that the it is the Rabbonim who are always listed as the gedolim of the Modern Orthodox communities, the ones that the centrist commenters bust a gut in their insistence that they should speak in Lakewood, who are the ones leading the protest.
So it does not have to be defined who is a competent authority because the only ones who are publishing/paskening to contrary are so clearly incompetent.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“P.S. That is not to say I agree, but to explain why Rabbi Twerski’s points MAY not be valid in this case. Did he speak to the girls in question so that he knows their specific intent?”
I believe he specifically addressed this point towards the end of part II.
” Besides, since Rabbi Twerski is not their Rabbi, the girls (and SAR) have no Halachic imperative to agree with him”
No, but they are required to base their decision on competent halachic authority, which, by their own admission, they have not.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“He became a posek when he was hired by the SAR board”
That explains everything.
Which members of the are capable of making someone a posek? There is only ONE rabbi even listed as a board member and his whole claim to fame is Christianity. Perhaps that is why this p’sak came out.
And yes, that is just one of the reasons I would not send my children to SAR. Because of how they choose a posek, who is clearly not competent. That flies in the face of what we are charged with in the very first mishna in Avot.
And it plain idiocy to think that because he is the principal, he becomes a posek. They are very different roles. (And this stance of yours is quite hypocritical, considering how often the charge is leveled that RY cannot be poskim, even extended by your friends about R Shachter, when he came out so strongly against partnership minyanim)
“But he has surprised The Rav’s grandchildren, including Rav Twersky, with some of the things he heard directly from The Rav.” Agin. I see what R Shechter and R Twersky have publicly said, I have no reason to believe your anonymous attributions.
“Rabbi Hershel Schachter does not always follow Rav Soloveitchik either” But he will not say that that he is following R Soloveitchik when he does not. Which is what you are saying now. I trust R Shechter a lot more than you to say what is the derech of R Soloveitchik. Your comment is pointless.
“and himself ran with his wife and daughter a similar school in Massachusetts, the Maimonides school” The Maimonides School allowed girls to wear tefillin in school while R JBS was there? So how can you make such a redacted comparison?
See the well written article by R Mayer Twerski which basically trashes all your comments.
I am not sure who your Rabbi is, since you do not name him, but R Soloveitchik’s grandson, a RY in REITS as well as R Hershel Shechter, of the prime talmidim of R Soloveitchik, specifically say that the “psakim” of Harcsztark and Lookstein are not in the derech of R Soloveitchik. So I am less than inclined to take you at your word.
I fail to understand how Harcsztark became a posek and he conferred with his Rebbe, a high school teacher. That is just an inane comment.
I suspect that certain of the paragraphs quoted from the Shulchan Aruch and the Rambam specifically deal wuith those “psokim”.
What are you even saying? You are not making sense.
Wow, that is remarkable. And yet the Gr”a did feel that was the case. I think I am in good company being uncomfortable accepting your suggestion.
I like to clarify something which you seem to be missing, Chareidim are Jews as well. they certainly can be the target of anti-semitism. As far as I can tell from all comments posted even on the APP, the Mayor who is “Chareidi” as well as the previous mayors seemed to be well liked. The current mayor is a Major in the US Reserves. And he is very much Chareidi. As much as that thought disturbs you.
The issue seems to be that the public schools parents do not want any part of the school budget to go to private school children. Even though they are entitled to services under state mandates. And that is based in anti Semitism when you read the comments on the blogs. Even if a number of those comments are from less religious Jews.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhose team? They are both heretics, why would I be on either team?
Weiss and his cronies were never right. In any meaning of the word.
Thank you for the inspiration.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantPlease the JP has long ago sold out to Yesh Atid.
I remember when they had on of Lipman’s foolish articles, where he wrote how he thinks the Yeshivos should change the way to learn. It was stupid thought then, and indicative as to his stance now. Which is undeniably to decrease limud hatorah.
He is an evil snake and the JP is one of his forked tongues.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantLike Heilman, he presents a completely uninformed definition. And he also considers himself knowledgable, yet is completely off base.
There was nothing in his statement that is at all definitive of “Yeshivish”. Nothing.
And that is why I said he is in the same ??? as Heilman. Who apparently even you agree is a fraud, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Sounds like you provide information to Sam Heilman.
Your comment reminds me of the story of a Rov and the local poritz. The poritz sent a picture of a pig to the rov to irritate the rov. The rov responded by sending back a picture of himself. He explained that the poritz sent a picture representative of himself, so I responded in kind.
It is enlightening that you say that you are a descendant of the Khazzars.
Buy the way, a “ches” is a soft sound, and if you were going to properly try to represent it as the “crisis” people such as you do, it should be transliterated with an “h” or even “ch”, not a “kh”. “kh” is for a chof.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI must say that the complaint raised here is probably one of the most inane complaints posted in the CR. And that takes quite a stretch.
PBA is right, this was lifted out of a ridiculous article in Tablet. It was silly there and it did not get any smarter on its trip to this site.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThese fools make up some concept of ????? ???? ???? ??????. Who ever heard of such a silly thing?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have heard of times where yeshivos have children who they try to protect from their homes. Children who they have accepted and deal with even though they do not get paid and they are not typical. Those are children who, nebach, are in dysfunctional families. These are children who have to be protected from home. Every other instance and every other yeshivah very much work and understand that parents are more than just partners in teaching children and in school and life lessons.
If you find that the school is trying to keep your children from being influenced by the home, it is probably for a good reason. VDAL
nishtdayngesheftParticipantHow knowledgeable are you of ??? to make such a statement? Seems that you are not very.