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If not for Ishay Ribo saying a kapittel of tehilim, the only mention of G-D was from the christians (getting their “can we get an Aymehn” responded to).there is another part of the hagadah, shfoch chamascha el hagoyim asher lo yedoucha, which seemed to be in play here, unfortunately.
October 3, 2023 9:20 am at 9:20 am in reply to: Validity of Jewish Marriage where it’s for other reasons #2228979nishtdayngesheftParticipantSeek out a Rabbi to issue Ketubah? A ketubah is written in conjunction with marriage. So it would be went to a rabbi to perform the marriage. Also “rings”. There is one ring if done correctly. The glass is not a meakev. I find it inconceivable that a knowledgeable orthodox rabbi would perform a marriage if the parties had no intentions to actually be married. This would likely result in mamzeirut. Or sofek makzeirut at the minimum. Best bet, you are a troll.
Maybe he’s tried shibuta.
August 28, 2023 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220389nishtdayngesheftParticipantDorah,
Not surprisingly you misunderstood what Rocky was saying (albeit jokingly). He was saying this is new to litvish shuls. In Lita they did not sing lecha dodi. He was jokingly saying that it should be banned in litvish kehilos. Not because it is litvish, but because it isn’t. Now you will see why your comment does not seem to make sense. It’s like too much herring got to you.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI cannot take too seriously anything about Mesorah from someone who by definition denies the whole concept of Mesorah.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI just saw a thread where people wrote about items paid for but rarely or hardly used. The responses ran the gamut, but along the lines of a wedding dress or similar.
A person who is described as a musmach of YU, a member of the RCA and a member of their ethics panel responded that a yeshiva education is paid for but is rarely used. And another MO individual agreed with that.
I do not know what to make of that. I cannot belive that is actually the attitude of MO.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI do not think anyone would consider RSR’H as what is today’s modern orthodox.
There is a very distinct difference between Torah Im Derech Eretz (TIDE) and Torah Umaada (TU). TIDE calls for secular studies to accompany Torah, but the clear and absolute primacy belongs to Torah. TU equates both on the same level. The actual terms used clearly describe the differences, which are vast.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantJealousy is really not an attractive trait.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAnd here I thought you were going differentiate between being a Jew and actually acting Jewish.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantNot sure which circles you are in, it seems to be standard practice where I have been going to shul.
I assume like everyone else, you saw the video. So you might want to explain why you say the person was shlepping this child. No such thing happened.
January 6, 2023 1:26 pm at 1:26 pm in reply to: Haredim denounce Ben Gvir Temple Mount provocation #2154531nishtdayngesheftParticipantDora,
Are you accusing Chareidi politicians in EY, of “travel on shabbos or eat at locations serving treifus” Do you have a factual basis to allege this?
Your comment makes sense for someone who says he has no value for mesorah. It is also why it is not surprosing why you make such incorrect comments.
I bet you have no idea why there is a cherem. There were clearly defined reasons and myriad examples. Primarily that the “pirush” veers unapologetically from mesorah.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantPerhaps Eretz Yisroel. Not Israel.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantCoffee Addict,
Do you think Gdorah’s problem is the food? No, it is the Chassidim. He sees Chasidim and its bad.
Yontef is typically how it referred to in Yiddish. SO while you are you are Thinking of the Hebrew Yom Tov, Yontef or Yontif is not incorrect.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantMany people rent apartments from those who can use the extra funds, they pay for 10-12 days amounts that can cover 1/2 year rent. Or more.
They directly help in a very significant way people who need the money.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantA good thing. Can you imagine that if there were a law suit and the lawyers brought up comments from some of the so called intellectual and enlightened commenters here?
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“like getting paid for transportation “regardless of distance to school”
That’s actually the law in NYS outside of NYC. That transpiration is provided regardless of distance.
September 13, 2022 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2124047nishtdayngesheftParticipantMarxism
“It’s funny how Yaffed came from an ex-Chasid and not a Litvak”
I refer to my comment about failure being because of their own failings.
All his multiple siblings are thrilled with the existing system.
I expect you to reference footsteps YMS as well.
September 13, 2022 10:03 am at 10:03 am in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2123962nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is a fallacy to state that the Chassidish Moisdos have a failing education system.
Their systems is well developed and they very successfully teach their children tons. Children come out knowing what they need to live life, including as a Jew. Additionally, these schools teach children responsibility for their community. With a focus on responsibility, and not just focus on “rights”.
SO the issue is not about education, it is about what the schools teach. And the DOE and the liberals clearly want to control that. No matter how good the education is.
And that is what Yaffed wants. Not to help anybody. That is complete and utter hogwash. Which is crystal clear from the Molesters public comments and statements.
It is an easy in to start with the Cassidim because they look different and even talk different. But the intention is to force all sort of anti Torah and anti Halachic subjects in all Yeshivas.
And that is why this is an issue. No Marxist, it is not the Chassidim’s fault. This has been the goal and they are the canaries in the mine for this.
September 13, 2022 9:51 am at 9:51 am in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2123939nishtdayngesheftParticipantMarxist,
Spoken like a rabid marxist. VDA’L.
“Some would argue drug addicts too have a right to education.
Moreover the reason WHY they are drop outs and nebachs, is because the system failed them, which is by design.”They have a right to education, however their failures are because of their drug addictions, not because of the “system”. Their education system works for the overwhelming majority of their students. There is no evidence to even consider that the failures, resulting in nebachs are greater in their system. Compare to many LWMO, where more than 50% are no longer shomer Shabbos, (vchol hanilveh al zeh) once they hit college. I cant speak to drug use other than what a coworker who had gone through such schools and he said it was “ubiquitous”. You want to talk about providing for those who are slipping or not doing well in the system because of whatever issue, those need to be addressed individually.
August 18, 2022 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm in reply to: Allen Weisselberg, longtime Trump executive, pleads guilty to tax scheme #2116490nishtdayngesheftParticipantOne of the great real estate moguls is living rent free in a very vacant area.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe amount of baseless anti a specific poster here specifically on tisha B’Av speaks much more about those posters than Mr. UJM. Vdal
nishtdayngesheftParticipantNone of the places above are for rooms, they are campgrounds for tents. With shared bathrooms. And I wonder how good their Wifi is. Once you get into rooms or renting a tent, it is hardly so cheap.
You can check out motels in Ellenville, where there are minyanim year round.
It seems cheaper than Liberty or Monticello.
Neither bail reform (letting multiple/mass offenders out without bail) nor the right to abortion at anytime for any reason are rights in the constitution.
Not even Roe V. Wade, ever said that abortion at any time for any reason is a constitutional right.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI wonder why someone who lies with such alacrity would refer to them as any sort of gadol.
Perhaps ponder for a moment why the Halacha is so. Did you really think I was advocating burning down the internet?
It is clear from the mesorah we have from gedolie poskim such as the mechaber is that you should not from such books.
But, your answer is that it’s on a screen. Very elegant.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt does say in the gemara that “sefer Torah shekosvoi min yisoref”.
Its easy enough to look up the halacha. See what poskim say, not gadolhadorah.
May 29, 2022 11:34 am at 11:34 am in reply to: Security measures in our Shul’s, Yeshiva’s and Kosher Grocery’s. #2092016nishtdayngesheftParticipantMamzola,
Perhaps your temple misused the funds. Don’t project your dishonesty on others.
How much money do you think the grants were? How many places do you think got them? How much of the actual cost do you think such grants covered? Do you have clue what security costs? You could read Rabbi Benders letter where he says they are spending $350,000 annually just on security guards. That is far from all covered by grants.
It certainly seems that would be a step up from who you currently consult with or follow.
What issue is there for a nochri to eat Rocky Mountain Oysters? Who said they are ever min hachay?
“Republicans hate safety laws.” I think word you are looking for is over regulation. No republican has issues with monitoring safety of formula and the like. You are being dishonest. However regulations like labels saying “known to cause cancer in the state of California” is what Democrats are all about. Nonsense that is only there to harrass people.
Regardless, a leader should have been able to make facilities and supplies available to ramp up production, and should have made sure laws to prosecute those stealing formula from stores to sell on ebay and the like. Not just let them loot stores wholesale.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant@Common Syachel
No, the comment thread is about unusual professions for frum Jews. I did not see anything about muttar or ossur nor did opine on what is mutter or ossur, either for a plastic surgeon or for people looking to undergo such surgeries. Accordingly, my comment stands, it would seem that it would be clear to someone who really had common sense that AAQ was referring to specific type of plastic surgeon.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantCommon Saychel,
I think using common saychel someone would understand that @AAQ was referring to those Plastic Surgeons who do elective enhancements as their practice.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI know that it is a D&C. Someone else referred to it as a “DNC”. Which actually is the Democratic National Committee. And that is clearly an abortion.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAt least it is not like those with No Mesorah fress away at a seudas Achashveirosh like super bowl parties.
I think it is without question that the DNC is an abortion. Certainly under the radical membership therein.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThere is a night Seder program that is held in a number of shuls, Rabbi Daniel Osher Kleinman’s shul being just one, that will help you find a chavrusa.
FYI, nowhere did UJM mention NYC.
Even in NYC, walking from one avenue to the next is almost 1,000 feet. there are about 6 blocks to the mile.
You are perhaps as factual as CNN or MNBC or Nancy Pelosi.
If you want to know which statement is borderline apikorsus, it is this one “Assuming we stipulate that “everything that happens in the world is controlled by Hashem”:.
Writing this as “assuming” is at a minimum borderline apikorsus, if not the full blown version.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI am not sure why we are complaining about GOP associated anti-semites not being discussed as a news item on YWN, when clearly there are liberal ones regularly posting in these forums.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt seems the simple and correct answer is that they are banned for foodservice . Which is not home use.
February 26, 2022 11:58 pm at 11:58 pm in reply to: Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine #2064359nishtdayngesheftParticipantLet’s not forget that one of the posters here is a radical leftist liberal who, as is typical for that group, ascribes statements to people that were never made nor even intimated.
The clear takeaway is that you align yourself with the squad.
As bad as any of the most vile bigots who you think are aligned with the “right”. Yet these are the leading arm of the democrat party.
The Democrats of late have not been supportive of religion or teligious rights, to put it mildly. Need I remind you of Democratic leadership in NY?
And that is very much the direction of liberals as a whole. Look at how they attacked ACB because she is religious.
The left leaning anti Israel and anti semites very much voted for Biden and his party because of those beliefs, that religion is something to be scorned. And intersectionality makes Palestinians preferable to Israeli’s.
Look at the actions of the most vocal in the Democratic Party now, the unholy squad.
I don not support everything Trump said, says, did or does, but he is not an anti semite. Words that are ascribed to him that might have drawn hateful people towards him were intentional misrepresentations ( in other words, bold faced lies)by MSM and the Democrats. You know the whole there are good people on both sides fiasco.
It was your comment that was lacking symmetry. You clearly negated the husband’s expectation of respect.
My post explicitly said “Just as a wife is owed respect”. And that was added because I expected you to harp on something that was not the point of the comment.
The corrupt radical feminist agenda you ascribe to seems too inform to many of your screeds.
Can you explain why so many rabid anti-semites support Biden, Harris, Clinton etc.. (Apparently for Obama, you don’t need an answer to understand).
If actions speak louder than words, then try to reconcile your comment about who are the true anti-semites. If you are willing to be honest in your assessment.
I do not know details, but I can tell you that Putin did not pull this while Trump was president. And who knows what type of deals old and young Biden had in Ukraine.
Spoken like a feminist, which is obvious from your selected nom de plume.
“Respect is EARNED, not a default position”.
Presumably a husband earned some modicum of respect when his wife agreed to married him. Just as a wife is owed respect by din of being a spouse, before having to EARN additional respect.
Feminism, as evidenced by your ludicrous comment above, has done away with assuming that a husband is entitled to basic respect just by dint of being a person, and a person who is in a spousal relationship.
slight edit
Unfortunately the attitude of Amei Haaretz has not changed to the better.
I think it is readily evident.