Forum Replies Created
What is also interesting to note is that in the listing immediately before the one referenced by DY, there is a pdf of their certifications on Dow Corning oils.
There are two certifications, both allegedly by R David Saffra. The signatures are clearly from different people.
Just saying.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“Smallpox was the greatest killer of all time, not the Plague”
So the plague did not kill many people?
Even your first comment is not quite true either, because while smallpox killed more people, the plague killed a greater percentage of world population during those epidemics.
And I suspect that heart disease has killed more people than both smallpox or the plague.
This case has nothing to do with ???? ??????.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantGoq: The Shadow do.
My favorite was the Bickersons.
March 12, 2015 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Newly discovered: Only known video of the Chofetz Chaim #1064092nishtdayngesheftParticipant???? ????? ???? ?? ????? is not a new concept.
People who learn the ????? of the ??? ???? are the ones who have the greatest appreciation of what he was and therefore are enthralled to see a living image of such greatness. I doubt seeing the clip will make one appreciate the seforim more, but the converse is definitely true.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhat did Hillary do wrong?
She married Bill?
As far as the emails, this was specifically done to hide conversations that should be available and part of public record.
If this would be a company that is regulated by the SEC and an executive had done this, the Justice department would have that executive in Jail.
March 6, 2015 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm in reply to: Did Mordechai make a Chillul Hashem by breaking the law? #1063439nishtdayngesheftParticipantCharlie,
You are of course aware that the OP was satirizing the YCT crowd, and the bloggers who are busy braying about dina demalchusa.
Or like Shmuly Yanklowitz, who likely isn’t even halachacially Jewish.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantAs far as I understand, the inyan of drinking on Purim is to be happy, not funny.
Who says you have to be funny to be happy?
There are many posters here who seem happy, but are clearly not funny, certainly not intentionally.
BTW, I can say that I don’t know of anyone who drove on Purim after drinking enough alchahol that would impair their abilities ( we all had to read the tables in the permit books).
I am not saying it doesn’t happen. Even not on Purim, but I have never observed it, and I have observed much drinking.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantLike ???? often says ????? ?????.
March 4, 2015 12:51 pm at 12:51 pm in reply to: Shloshim yom modem hachag – plan for learning hilchos Pesach #1063233nishtdayngesheftParticipantI would guess that KJ chusid is really 147.
It’s much easier to change a name than a style.
To the Original Question, There is a sefer called ?????? ??? ???? ??? by Rav Shloima Dickman that brings the halachos bikitzur and divides it up to a 30 cycle.
The sefer has many haskomos, from poskim in Eretz Yisroel and America.
You can get in most seforim stores.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI like the two minim cookies.
Two points.
What the OU wants a hechsher for? They were approached about the hechsher or were asked about it. They did not approach the purveyors.
The issue is not related to medical reasons. The discussion is not about a heter for medical use. Certainly not when the point is comparing to alchahol and tobacco. But you konw that.
The rest of your “research” appears to have been authored by pot heads.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantSome people focus too much on chitzonius. Does it really make a difference whether she will be a good wife and mother?
The question to ask is if it is Tzanua.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantWhy would anyone one assume that marijuana is safer than alcohol or cigarettes? isnt it addictive? Does smoking it have less an effect on the lungs than tobacco? And it’s usually not even filtered?
As far as I know, there is no other purpose to smoking marijuana other than to get high, an altered mental status. Which is not the same with drinking alchahol. One does not automatically or just drink wine, beer or whiskey to get drunk or even high and cigarettes so not have the same mind altering effects as pot.
I have no idea if just taking a small hit does not alter the mental state and if users do just take a small amount which does not alter their mental status at all. But I suspect that is not the case, however I will leave that up to the self proclaimed experts posting here.
February 27, 2015 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm in reply to: An apprpropriate Mishloach Manos for a Rav #1062155nishtdayngesheftParticipantI have a question.
Has anybody ever drank sparkling grape juice willingly?
I think the only reason it even sells is because it has a niceish bottle. But I don’t know if it is possible to even drink. I wonder if you can be yotze mishloach manot with sparkling grape juice. I know that there Are shitos that say you cannot be yotze with water.
Thanks for proving my point.
I never said that’s the reason Frum people don’t do MbP. I was very clear about that. But I was also making clear that those that insist that it is “inappropriate” are hateful anti Semites. And they are thwe ones who intentionally conflate HSV 1 with HSV 2. Because of the connotation
I have never heard of ANY mohel doing MbP against parents’ wishes. Perhaps a Gumco, though.
But none of that relates in anyway to the topic being discussed.
Really?? Do you know the difference between the 2 viruses?
“Nisht, there has been enough ‘crossover’ in recent years that HSV types 1 and 2 are no longer specific to one area of the body”
Regardless of whether HSV can cause oral lesions, HSV 1 is really the concern that everyone is concerned with because it is the common cold sore and is very common.
It is highly unlikely that a Mohel has HSV 2. Such claims are generally offered by the rabid anti-milah crowd who like to portray MbP as a “filthy” act by associating it with HSV 2 and the connotations associated thereto.
In case you think I making this up, Just today I saw a commenter (somewhere else) make such accusations, and lo and behold on his web page he was proudly displaying swastikas.
I am not sayong everyone who is against MbP is a Nazi, but those who cast MbP in a light of “abuse” (using loshon nekiyah) are without doubt rabid anti-semites.
You said “Parents aren’t a real problem as long as the child is breast-fed because the mother gives the kid immunity to almost anything she has with the milk.”
1) Many Mothers do not nurse.
2) No fathers nurse.
3) Nursing is actually one of the common causes of transmitting HSV to newborns. Probably the most common.
You said “Most people dont touch babies in certain areas and that is what people are concerned about.”
I am not sure what you are referring to, however responsible parents do clean their children when changing the diapers. That would result in some touching of those areas while cleaning the baby. Most parents do not wear sterile gloves when changing diapers.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“It would seem that fewer than 80% of mbp parents having hsv is a reasonable assumption.”
Why is this a reasonable assumption? We are talking about cold sores here, not an STD.
There is a term for creating “heterim” like the one you picked out of thin air. Even if you intentionally misspelled “yad.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe discussion is not when a Mohel (or any person for that matter)has an active case of HSV 1 (Cold sores. All Mohelim know that they should not perform MbP then. And they don’t.
However, there are those who insist that it can shed even when not active, which for some reason has not been proven. Which is strange, because 80% of people have inactive HSV1, so it should be simple to check and prove. The fact that it hasn’t says a lot.
In addition, no is sure that a parent who has active HSV 1 is careful enough to make sure that they do not spread it to a new born child.
Disregard Goofus’ comment about HSV 2. that is not the issue with Mohelim.
Edited. Such comments will not be tolerated.
R Wallerstein never said that “thus they can do all sorts of things that are Ossur” as you are advocating.
Nor did he say that one should discourage someone who is trying to improve their ruchniyos, which you too are attempting.
Sound more like Dov Linzer’s “brilliant” remarks on his recent podcast. Where he laughingly portrayed something that is ossur as being a mitzvah.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantUber black is like the limousine services in the city. Not like livery cabs.
Someone is not being honest.
February 13, 2015 4:23 am at 4:23 am in reply to: ‘Zichron Moishe- style’ Yom Kippur Kotton in BP? #1060307nishtdayngesheftParticipantI don’t know if there is an Ezra’s Noshim, however the Shomeer Shabbos Shul on 13th avenue has a number of minyanim that say Yom Kippur kotton including several where they lein Vychal.
nishtdayngesheftParticipant“The Rav asked because He did not want to Shuls to seem unwelcoming to the disabled and other places were welcoming to the disabled and he probablt knew about the ADA as well and wanted to know if those places were obeying the ADA law”
You really have to stop making up reasons and ascribing them too rabbonim and poskim.
This line is not true.
“he asked if they were allowed in other houses of worship”
Doe this apply to a tzelem as well? Because they are allowed in other houses of worship and HIR, and I doubt either Rav Pam or Rav D Cohen would say they are allowed in a shul because they are allowed in other houses of worship.
That IS NOT the reason that service animals are allowed in shul.
Yes I have seen them in shuls. Charedi shuls. In shuls not owned by the Rov and in shtiblech as well.
What you are positing as fact is actually a fallacy.
That is not at all true. It may be true of ??????, but is not at all an accurate description of “Chareidi” as a rule. Not even of the shuls in Brooklyn.
January 25, 2015 1:34 am at 1:34 am in reply to: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? #1055350nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
You are wrong. Here are many opportunities in all those areas which do not require the investments you are alleging and one can make a respectable parnassa at.
You are also choosing to ignore the significant cost of college and graduate schooling. During which time you are often not making much money.
Your estimates for sheitlach is way off reality.
And how many people make parnassa selling on line. And that does not require a degree.
I am not against getting a degree, I actually make my parnassa in an industry that requires having a degree. However there are ample opportunities to make very respectable parnassa without a degree.
January 23, 2015 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm in reply to: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? #1055343nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
You have left out what have always been the quintessential Jewish jobs; Real Estate, Retail, Wholesale, Jewlery and Diamonds.
Many seem to make a very healthy living from those without “Higher Education”. And now you have many running all sorts of Internet businesses as well. And it would seem that degrees are not neccesary for that.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI doubt ZD has even ever seen Hamevaser, nor would he even know where to get it.
They are printing their magazine for a specific audience which prefers that there are no women in the picture and want pictures edited for that.
Vos art dir? No one is insisting you look at it, and they do not tout themselves as the paper of record.
It is clearly not a chillul Hashem. The commenters formenting hate against other yidden (whole scads of them) are definitely mechallelei hashem. Bfarhesiah. L”A.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantIt is certainly a chillul Hashem to bad mouth those who are makpid on Metzizah b’peh. Regardless if you have decided that you do not want to be makpid, it is definitely a legitimate hakpadah.
But there are those above who would insist that doing metzizah b’peh is a chillul Hashem because some don’t like it.
“An even bigger Chilul Hashem is trolling a person on the internet”
It did not take long at all for you to prove the point I was making, that you have no idea what a chillul hashem is.
Chillul Hashem? You clearly have no clue what chillul Hashem is.
A real Chillul Hashem is when you mock peole doing something more religious than what you are ready to do.
That is a chillul Hashem.
You keep quoting a psak from Chacham Yosef. Can you source that? Where is that psak?
nishtdayngesheftParticipantChabad of Mditown at 509 5th Avenue, between 42 & 43.
Shachris morning service: Monday-Friday 7:45 A.M.
2nd Shachris Minyan Monday-Thursday 8:45 A.M.
Mincha afternoon service: 1:45 P.M. Sunday-Friday (year- round)
Sundays (and major legal holidays) 9:30 A.M.
Mincha/Maariv service: 4:15/4:30P.M. Sunday-Thursday
Maariv Evening Service: 5:45 Monday-Thursday
December 26, 2014 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm in reply to: Dating someone whose parents are divorced #1050053nishtdayngesheftParticipantThe topic was about divorced parents. That is why that is the topic. When your response is that the alternative is dysfunctional married parents, then there is something wrong with you. Because everyone else knows that that dysfunctional married are far from the only alternative.
It’s similar to the responses in the threads about appropriate dress for davening. Where the brilliant posters say that “aren’t neat jeans better than dirty ripped dress pants”. It’s not either or.
Same over here.
And who says there aren’t dysfunctional divorced parents? I would say that the likelihood is certainly not lower. And there is as a starting point an incomplete family unit. Which is sad and can have serious impact on the psyche of the children.
December 26, 2014 9:33 am at 9:33 am in reply to: Dating someone whose parents are divorced #1050050nishtdayngesheftParticipantLesschumras,
Is that your sad reality? Either married and dysfunctional or divorced?
And getting divorced ends dysfunction?
With that attitude, why get married at all?
December 25, 2014 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049878nishtdayngesheftParticipantFlatbusher,
That argument is specious. There are many things that exist and were discovered that are inappropriate for children.
IE, children cannot operate a car.
And many, many more
December 25, 2014 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049877nishtdayngesheftParticipantZD,
Which seforim did you find only on Hebrew Books lately?
There are many things that are part of and necessary to life that are not necessary to expose children to when they are children. Your extrapolation is illogical.
December 25, 2014 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049851nishtdayngesheftParticipantYet the OP never said anything about everyone going off the internet.
Yet ZD made this about how this would impact him.
I am not a nasty person, however I tend to voice my displeasure at krum hashkafos.
Such as Avi Weiss’ and those who support his attacks on the Torah.
And other such comments.
December 25, 2014 12:14 am at 12:14 am in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049845nishtdayngesheftParticipantA little analysis is in order. The OP says she does not want her children on the internet. Which is a very reasonable parenting approach. ZD responds “but I make my money selling on the internet”. You are not her child, thus your response must mean that you do not her to take that approach because it will impact you. Because you made the issue about you.
And my comment was disgusting? ???? ????
December 24, 2014 12:54 pm at 12:54 pm in reply to: BT wants to raise children without internet access… #1049827nishtdayngesheftParticipantSo ZD wants you to dismiss your morals and strongly held beliefs so he can make money.
Hmm. I needn’t say more. Hes not the first to do that.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantI know someone who recently flew with them and the report was that it was the worst experience flying they had ever had.
Uncomfortable seats, noisy, rude attendants.
nishtdayngesheftParticipantCom link.
I guess we will have to let the readers decide.