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  • in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214488

    The story that showed up when I searched did not have the correction. I looked if there were one.

    Either way it was an egregious error.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214486


    Such a well researched article, it said that the cookies used to be labeled OU-P for kosher pareve.

    Everyone knows that OU-P means kosher for Passover and the cookies were never labeled that.

    Just a stupid assumption by the writer. Typical of the NYT.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214481

    I find it interesting that the cover story of this weeks Crain’s is called “The High Cost of Kosher” (I find the title offensive in that it plays into the typical anti-semitic rant about the “Jew Tax”)

    The cover of Crain’s has pictures of OU seal tape.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214480

    “Almost all cookies and Cakes say Pareve on this (Most baking is done with butter) usually you see Pareve on Candy too as Candy is either made with butter or Milk Chocolate”

    That’s only true by the heimishe brands, which you don’t seem to like. Only the Twizzler’s with heimishe stickers say pareve (on the heimishe sticker) the Twizzler packaging does not say pareve on it.

    in reply to: Honest Tzedakah #1141393


    Apparently you do not really understand the information in the 990.

    Look at page 10 of the 990, you should note that total expenses for the year was $30,841,000, of which $19,482,000 was spent on the programs which is 63%, just a bit lower than the BBB standard of 65%. The management and general (what you call your “overhead”) was $1,441,000 which is 4%. Very low.

    The funds spent advertising for cars directly result in the donations. These are resources that they would not have from anywhere else and likely would not have been benefitting anyone. Those could hardly be considered part of overhead.

    Anyone who is familiar with car donation programs knows that they are expensive to get and you cant compare to other fundraising.

    However, there are many of the national charities that use “fund raising” professional agencies that retain 90% of the funds they raise. This is nowhere near that.

    Your percentages about what goes to help people does not even match the source of where you are getting information from (They do notch the information in the 990. You are taking unlike numbers). Yours is just made up bad math.

    Further, you seem to think that they agency must spend every dollar they raise during the period they raise it. Without putting any aside4 to maintain the viability of the agency, which is just imprudent.

    And as far as spending $1 to make $3, would you be happier if that was an investment? Not for profits can have investments. All the larger have investments and endowments.. In fact, for large universities, that is actually the largest part of their activities. (See Harvard or Yale)Then it would be an unbelievable return.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214472


    Can you tell me where it says “pareve” on a coke bottle?

    This conversation reminds me of when I first started working and there was non-dairy creamer in the office. I looked at the hashgocha and noted that it was OU- D. I mentioned it to one of the owners, a frum person and they ordered additional creamer.

    Now I just drink coffee black.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214467

    Old man,

    You are completely disingenuous. And you completely fabricated a story. You led off that the Mir stopped serving Eidah chickens. That is a blatant lie. And your purpose in saying that was to bolster your belief in the Schmutz you read on line. Being on a Hebrew blog does not make it true.


    You are really despicable.

    By the way, you will note the the eidah was completely open in the investigation and deliberations. That had many outsiders standing around.

    But you feel that anonymous blogging on hate sites are more representative.

    I now have even greater disrespect for what you wrote and have written than even before.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214460

    Old man,

    Typical misinformation.

    A shaila arose, they considered stopping serving for one day. There was a birur on shaila and they are serving chickens now from the eidah. And it started and was finished on Friday. So you are absolutely wrong.

    I have this from a very reliable source.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214443


    “Just because your posek says its a problem for you, doesnt mean its a problem for everyone. Other posekim hold differntly

    You poseks opinion only applies to you and anyone else who follows him”

    But you seem to insist hat no one can disagree with the OU hashgocha. And that there are not things that other hashgochas would do that could possibly be better.

    R Shaechter is a huge Talmud chochom, but not everyone follows his psakim.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141337


    It could be just that they way they are written is so different that to me it is different.

    I hope you put half as much ameilus into your learning as you do in your effort to get your insults through. We aren’t even discussing hashkofo here so you cannot claim you are defending Torah.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141333


    I have no idea why you are addressing your comment to me. I see nothing in your comment that says anything contradictory to what I have said.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141332


    “NDG, how is the story substantially different?”

    I didn’t say it was substantially different, I said the way it was written was very different. The writing styles are incomparable.

    in reply to: Where have all the Shtarkers gone? #1140361

    It seems that there have been improvements in preparing klaf, so that it is not coated (see how the klaf on many of the old seforim are shiny) and yet easier to write on. This brings downs the weight significantly.

    I doubt that the seforim are cheaper to wrote now, nor that klaf is even cheaper. Processing costs have gone up and many people request avodas yad klaf which is more expensive.

    Truth is, it is easier to see what is being leined in the typical seforim of today, they very large ones tend to have the top rows farther away.

    The sefore are not so small that people in the back cannot see the sefer, either way you have top be pretty close to see the actual words.

    Seats in the back cost more?

    5 Columns? I though you are not really supposed to open more than three?

    The cost of a sefer varies greatly, depends on who is writing it, where it is written, if it totally commissioned, what type of klaf.

    I am guessing a sefer now starts at about $30,000 and can go over 100,000.

    You can get some of the smaller ones for less (like the ones used on the minyan buses) , but the ksav is not really very nice.

    I know that someone by my shul recently bought a very beautiful sefer, and I am sure it was quite expensive, and it was shorter than the typical seforim. It really is exceptionally nice.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141327


    It is a different story. I never suggested that the CC did not have grandchildren that unfortunately went of the derech.

    Unfortunately “ayn bayis asher ayn shom meis”. The draw of the “enlightenment” was very strong.

    That is why then, as now, the Rabbonim recommend keeping away from certain hashkofos. And speak very strongly against them.

    Further,the story in Nefesh Shimshon is well written.

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214426


    You keep carping about Twizzlers and say that all that is done is that a sticker is affixed.

    This is pure conjecture on your part and almost certainly completely incorrect.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141324

    Not quite the same as the story ZD seemed to have been relaying.

    Either way, they way the story is written in Nefesh Shimshon is not at all like what ZD wrote.

    in reply to: Bernie Sanders-Lack of Yiras Shomayim #1139467

    Trump is bad, but it’s likely that he will ultimately not be on the ballot. He is getting closer and closer to completely imploding.

    On the other hand, there are only two democrat candidates and they are both bad.

    in reply to: Bernie Sanders-Lack of Yiras Shomayim #1139460

    Only Charlie can possibly suggest that Hillary is not an evil crook.

    Anyone with any sense of honesty knows that Hillary is an evil, conniving criminal.

    Who together with her husband has been selling the government for “contributions” to their “foundation”.

    A foundation which, they have themselves admitted, has filed false 990s.

    Don’t come up with all the baloney about the others allegedly doing the same, none of them deleted the files to try and cover up the lie.

    She is about as honest as Open orthodoxy is Jewish.

    In fact the two are perfect for each other.


    in reply to: Bracha on chips – shehakol or haadama #1142124

    Regular potato chips are made from slices of potato that are fried (or sometimes baked).

    Pringles are made from potatoes (And probably other chazzerei mixed in) that are made into a powder/ or paste such that they do have the appearance of potatoes any more and then that paste is fried or baked into the familiar Pringle chips.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141310

    My “camp”?

    What is my “camp”?

    And who, allegedly in my “camp”, makes more sweeping deragatory comments than the other “camp”?

    I will admit to making derogatory remarks about OO, but that is about the “religion” and the leaders who are ?????? ??????? and just evil. But not about swaths of Jewery. I will take issue with commenters who do make sweeping remarks about frum people or Gedolim. I won’t name such commenters here.

    And BTW,

    Shabbos Sholom to all.

    in reply to: An unusual Jewish Genetics story #1141307

    I see he stuff that goes through from certain posters.

    My posts are way less offensive. And certainly do not besmirch Whole swaths of Yidden. Apparently, those can get posted.

    in reply to: If Bernie Sanders is Jewish, I'm a Christmas Tree #1139649

    Perhaps the OP’s name is Tennenbaum, oh Tennenbaum.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157260

    “The Kehilla is really called the vaad of the 5 towns and Far Rockaway. “


    in reply to: Bernie Sanders-Lack of Yiras Shomayim #1139431

    That’s not “Yiras SHomayim”

    That was perhaps, Yiras Dead Man on a Stick.

    in reply to: Work for YU or Mir bochur? #1138366

    The title of the post seems to be if it is better to work for YU or for a Mir Bochur.

    I don’t know the financial stability of the Mir Bochur, however it is well known that YU is in dire financial straits, having lost hundreds of millions of dollars in past few years.

    A position there may not have longevity, certainly because you wouldn’t have seniority and likely would be one of the first to be let go when they need to cut costs to stay aloft.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157232

    1) It has to do with the school performance. That’s what happened in ERCSD. Years ago the public school population was 80% white, now it’s more than 90% minority from low socio economic classes. Many ESL. the management of the schools are much more difficult because of the additional services neccesary and performance will be lower, resulting in more unhappy people.

    2) Like it or not, the rabble rousers are different and are less willing to work with the system to make it work rather than trying to just disrupt the system entirely.

    Both items are borne out by the facts on the ground.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140182

    1) ZD, you intimate that it is those who are frum who are the worst offenders. As a riff off the OPs comment. That is patently false.

    2) I wonder if paying someone off the books is considered bein odom lchaveiroh. (ZD, I am not sayings its muttar. Before you assume I am saying so.) I just wonder if this is a part of bein odom lchaveiroh.

    3) Falsely accusing a large portion (your trend in comments is that it is the overwhelming majority) of Jews are involved in illegal acts is far from being makpid on bein odom lchaveiroh.

    4) There are many other areas that it appears people have to be “Ohr Lagouim”

    5) There are many instances that “Ohr Lagoyim” is severely misinterpreted.

    6) Falsely accusing a great many Frum people of illegal acts is definitely NOT being an (Ohr Lagoyim)

    Proof pair ice of this so the whole OO movement and certainly their touted leaders.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140176


    I know of many, many non jewish and non frum places that do just that.

    The worst I have personally observed was a place taking Hundreds of thousands for government grants that were not used for the correct purposes, not remitting hundreds of thousands for tax withholdings. Using the company money to pay off persona credit cards.

    This was not a jewish entitiy. It was run by some person who had been written up as a superstar in the press including the NYT.

    Yes it was reported to the government.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140171

    But there are people who assume a lot and who have been proven incorrect very often.

    Thus, their assumptions and assertions are not reliable.

    And if you were asserting that you are machmir on bein odom lchaveiroh, at a minimum you would have to be Dan lkaf zchus.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140169


    Yes, but ZD is no auditor. That I am sure of.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157227

    In the 5 towns there are many fewer minorities.

    ZD, you really have a very jaundiced way of looking at Jews. For shame. It’s clear you are not makpid on bein odom lchaveiroh.

    With statements like that I’m not sure you are in the position to make such a call

    I am sure it’s not a contradiction.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140167


    The only way you know that got paid off the books would be if you were the accountant or saw their W-2, or if it was you who was paid that way.

    There are many places that pay cash to their employees and report it. I’ve seen that many places and yes, I’ve seen their w2.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140162


    You say you were paid off the books, did you report that income on your tax return?

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157215

    “however the issue with East Ramapo is Special Ed”

    If you really want to define the real problem the so called activists have, it is that Orthodox jews are benefitting.

    Read the comments and posts. The demand that there be no busing at all. They want no services at all and they do not want the special needs children to receive any services. Not in the public schools and not at other providers.

    The total amount that is paid to KJ is not that great a number. And what is paid to Ohr Vodass is less than what it costs to provide services in the public schools itself.

    All the Board need is a normalization of the formula to capture all students for whom there are mandated services (and it can be weighted by the type of mandated services)

    The only reason to deny such a correction to the formula would purely be based on bias, because logically (a foreign concept in government and elsewhere as well) there is something missing from the formula.

    in reply to: Rechnitz Speech in Lakewood #1137970

    “that only sells different types of nuts,””A sign of decadence and spare wealth that the area has.”

    You know that in Geula there are a number of stores that sell only nuts and the like.

    On the corner s of Manhattan there are street vendors selling nuts.

    Are those considered the height of decadence?

    It seems that it is just a section in the store, perhaps offering an opportunity for some young man to have some sort of job.

    in reply to: Donald Trump is a jerk. #1137657

    Trump is a nut, however, he is not as arrogant or vile or as brazen a law breaker or as anti Israel as one of Charlie’s heroes, Shrillary Clinton.

    And Charlie’s other idol is Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist and complete nut job who will bankrupt the country the day after he is elected.

    So while Trump is crazy, I am afraid that he is no crazier than either of the leading democrat nut jobs, and he is likely less evil.

    in reply to: contact lens solution on shabbos #1137677

    Rebb Yidd,

    Yes. That is why I mentioned NON Porous when talking about holding no water.

    in reply to: contact lens solution on shabbos #1137676

    Rebb Yidd,

    Yes. That is why I mentioned NON Porous when talking about holding no water.

    in reply to: contact lens solution on shabbos #1137674

    ” my conclusion is that it is permitted. “

    As I mentioned before, you are wholly incompetent, to make such a statement.

    This comment does show the typical arrogance of those whom it says daas baal habayis is hefech daas torah.

    Ii think that are truly deserving of a time out now. And I never took the Mr. Potato Head that you apparently consult with to support your psak.

    Your arrogance is appropriate of bloggers. Those who plopple about what they know not.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157199

    What is mandated is the most appropriate education.

    There are many frum children in the ERCSD public schools. However, when the ERCSD schools cannot provide the appropriate level of service, then the children are placed elsewhere, some in KJ, but not by any means most.

    You are just quoting the anti Semitic “activists” who keep saying that, but it is not a significant amount of the total costs.

    It is ironic that you are insisting that others do not understand when you are so clearly completely way off base.

    in reply to: contact lens solution on shabbos #1137669

    Old man,

    I am absolutely sure that you are far less an expert in this field than these gedolei poskim are in hilchos Shabbos.

    I would safely venture that your Tzu shtell to dishes holds even less water than the most non porous of lenses.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157196

    “Cut most private school spending, Public vs Private school spending is not equal in the public eyes.”

    But in the eyes of the law, there is no difference in mandated services, they are required for all students. (And if the majority in ERCSD are non-public, and they feel that public school education is not necessary at all, following your “logic” it could be entirely eliminated)

    “People on the greater level do not equate money spent for private schools vs money spend for public schools”

    Here you are stating straight out that you believe that the Orthodox (and for that matter, the families that send to catholic schools and other parochial schools as well)are on a lower level. Which I agree is the arrogant attitude of most of the so called “activists” against the ERCSD board.

    “the culture of the society.”

    So much for a “dina dmalchusa dina” radical. Only when it suits you.

    ” People feel private schools are a choice and there is no reason for taxpayers (On the state level) to pay for it “

    The school is a choice, but that does not mean that the mandated services are not for those students as well. Remember, it is not education costs that are being paid for with state money (and do not make the silly mistake of yelling ‘special ed’. The law recognizes this and therefore these are MANDATED.

    You will notice that these services were NEVER found to be in violation of separation clause, because they are clearly not services to the schools, rather they are services to the students, who are all entitled to such services paid for from taxes.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157194

    “They dont seem to realize it will come at a cost, “

    The costs are already there and there are those who are trying to push unnecessary and costly oversight (See Mr. Azzara’s contract, and that is in spite of his apparent colossal failure) and the costs associated with that without even providing the correct state funding.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157193

    “There are basically only 4 real exit strategies”

    And yet you missed the most logical one and the one that is being advocated for by reasonable people: To correct the funding formula so that the proper state aid is provided to the districts.

    Correct state aid is not a “bail out”.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157192

    What someone seemingly does not get, is that there are services that are mandated even for children of non-public schools, and those cannot be cut.

    Even if there are those who want to do so because the students benefitting are Orthodox Jews.

    Mandated is mandated, regardless which service it is.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157174

    “School aid by district 2013”

    This table says nothing. Every district that receives state aid, and every one does, is getting in excess of the school taxes collected in the district. The amount they are allowed to collect must be clued hat they are receiving in state aid. The state aid comes out of income tax. You think that the state income taxes collected from residents of ERSCD is less than 52,00,0000?

    Where did you come up with that fantasy from?

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157173

    “Private schools are not supposed to receive direct aid. only indirect aid for things like Bus service and textbooks and some disabilith services”

    You will notice that Joseph said private school COMMUNITY notprivate schools. The schools in fact on receive indirect aid.

    On the other hsnd schools which are contracted by the district to provide mandated services, such as special Ed, even to students from families who are not part of the public school community, are paid for the services they provide. That is not government aid, that is fee for service. A very big difference.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157172

    “Yes it says East Ramapo received about $50 Million in aid which is about what other districts go. They should get similar amounts to what other districts of the same size receive. I have no problem with East Ramapo getting similar amounts to what other similar sized districts get. They should not get more that what other similar sized districts get.”

    Similar sized districts, only if you exclude the non public school students. Ignoring the fact that they too are required to receive mandated services.

    You blather is factually and mathematically incorrect.

    in reply to: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo #1157171

    “Its not conjecture. In fact Wall Street Workers are about 8% of the workers in NYS and pay about 20% of the total taxes. NYC also has alot of other really high paid workers in other industries like Advertising , Corporate lawyers and other really high paying jobs, not available in the Suburbs”

    But many of those working on Wall Street and NYC lawyers do not let live in NYC even while working there. A good number of the private school parents in ERCSD do just that. A much greater percentage, in fact, than the public school community.

    in reply to: What if landlord insists on showing the house on shabbos? #1134750

    “Most residential leases are basically standard and I do find it hard to belive the landlord demanded entry without notice, I suspect this might be a month to month or illegal apartment where the landlord was trying to bully the tenant”

    Before you were blathering on about how it’s in the term of the lease, now suddenly it is an illegal apartment without a lease.


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