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  • in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2353625

    You know how you identify trolls? Someone builds a whole strawman argument, based on assumptions that are nowhere near the facts and the troll continues arguing the same hogwash over and over.

    Then, after alleging all sorts of impropriety at the schools how they hide things and doings that are not above board says that they should do something that it most like illegal and tax evasion. Because that would be the solution and something the schools should do.

    But of course, he is only asking questions. Feh.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2352403


    You have still not explained why you keep harping on what tuition agreements a rebbi or someone in a similar position gets. That should make no difference in how your application is weighed. It seems you just want to strectch the rebbeim even more. You do not want to pay sufficient tuition that would allow the schools to pay Rabbeim, Morahs and teachers better, and you also want to take away some allowances that make their burden slightly lighter.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2352404


    Parsonage, or housing allowance, almost never involves the Yeshiva directly paying the housing expenses of those who are eligible for parsonage (Clergy), or even providing them with a house. The checklist that the Agudah put together (and this is old, I first saw it probably more than 15 years ago) was so that the amount of parsonage can be determined and supported. The amount of parsonage allowed is the lesser of eligible housing costs or the fair value of rental.

    Qualified Tuition Reduction, QTR, is a completely different benefit and is specifically for educational institutions and their employees. It is a non-taxable benefit that is explicit in the IRC. The benefit can be used to pay for education expenses at the school itself or even at other schools, for the employee or the family members of the employee. Often times there is a requirement for there to be reciprocating agreements between institutions and that is why it is not feasible in every case.

    What is clear is the Chiam was slightly aware of such programs, and just blathered on because it bothers him that a Rebbi also gets consideration from the tuition committee when determining the tuition the Rebbi has to pay for his children. But he clearly did not know the actual details and three days after being told that his post did not make sense, was able to google up a small amount of the details.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351967


    The amount of mistaken posting here is depressing. Most seem to be based on what someone has overheard but really does not grasp the concept. Even if it is someone who may have someone who gets parsonage or tuition benefit, they do not understand the programs and are posting wrong information. Calling it Parsonage when a school pays rent and such has a lot of mistakes and is really inaccurate. Referring to something as “School Checks” make sit clear someone does not know what the actual program is nor the IRS code section that specifically allows for such a benefit.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351330


    You are completely wrong about your description of parsonage. Parsonage, also called a housing allowance, has nothing to do with school tuition. And no school uses that for tuition.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351208


    You are making a lot of assumptions that are not factually borne out. And bottom line is, you seem to have a gripe with Rabbeim getting some sort of break on tuition.

    You keep saying parsonage. It’s not parsonage. Totally different concept.

    Not everything can be based on a strict mathematical formula. Sure, there is math, but that is not all that is taken into account when determining tuition obligations. It’s not an easy or fun job for those who have to make the decisions.

    DO carp about college tuition which often is many multiples of Yeshiva tuition. Even with endowments spinning off plenty of money and even with class being only 12 hours a week for 30 weeks of the year?

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2350636


    1) Not every schools offers free tuition, many don’t. Often only a reduction.
    2) You are making an assumption that the tuition committee works competitively, pitting one family vs another when determining tuition. That is not what is done. Certainly not with any of the Yeshivas I am familiar with. Working with one parent on tuition does not mean that another who is deserving will not get the similar consideration.
    3) $60,000 for a Rebbi in lakewood is well paid, an accountant at $90,000 is being paid well below market in Lakewood. I know that accountants with several years experience get paid well more than $90k in Lakewood. Not touch, but they make a multiple of what rabbeim get. You are not comparing apples to apples.

    4) Someone making $90k with several children is not paying anything near 25%. And parsonage is taxed as SECA.
    5) even with your flawed example, the rebbi after tuition has $53,000 net of whatever taxes. The accountant, if you gross up the tuition even at 25% which is a very flawed assumption, is left with $81,250 (90,000- 7,000(1.25)). Obviously pretax. But that is still $28,000 or more than 50% higher than the Rebbi.
    6) For some reason you think that rabbeim should be complete paupers. So you cannot fathom any benefit that might have working as a Rebbi. Who says they have to be the worst paid people? Why is that your attitude?
    7) You heard the word Paraonage and you bandy it about, but it is not what you think it is and it’s not used to pay tuition. There is a separate non taxable benefit available for people who work in schools that many yeshivas and schools make available. Many non Jewish schools and colleges do so as well.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2350375

    Pays via parsonage?

    It’s not parsonage? You actually do not know what you are even saying. I know what you think you are referring to and it is not parsonage.

    Either way it is coming out of their compensation. It is not additional income.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2349575

    I am not sure which video some of the above are specifically referring to, I can only speak to the 990 info, NFP reporting and the video I did see. Perhaps link the video that has you all atither.

    1) They did not say they are no longer involved in day schools. Their focus has shifted to be for all yeshivas.

    2) They did not say 3/4 of Rabbeim are Aish Dos graduates. They said they have Aish Dos training. Huge difference. I find it plausible that they have offered training to most teachers. Think professional days and such.

    3) The category for conferences includes all training. And I don’t find it so difficult to belive their budget and the actual trainings, conferences and the like far exceeds what Prizma does. The costs included in conferences and the like is much more than just food and venue.

    4) I know that they provide resources for many schools not in the typical NYC or Lakewood schools. Even this you might categorize as more MO.

    5) The real MO and Lubavitch schools would not join TU.

    6) They are most definitely involved in kiruv schools.

    7) As far as the perceived difference in expenses, schedule D should give a hint, as well as the supplemental schedules.

    8) A classification as a religious institution exempt from filing a 990 is made IRS examination of application and approval. They determination letter will specifically inform the organization if they are required to file or not.

    9) I stand by my identification of various posters as trolls. This is evidenced by their baseless claims of cronyism,neopotism and hints of malfeasance.

    I have nothing do with TU, I am not employed by them and I do not have any insider knowledge. I looked at the video on their site and the 990s available on Candid.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2348816


    I do not have to answer for TU. However I can say that those above who are intimating that there is something wrong going on with TU and they are trying to bolster their claims using the 990 are wrong. I call them trolls based on the myriad comments posted by them on this inane forum. Many of their comments are worded no different than Candace Owens saying “I’m just asking questions”.

    As a reminder, TU is responsible to its stakeholders. Which are the schools it serves, its board of directors and rabbinical board, and contributors. They have no responsibility to open every facet of their books and operations to every schmegegi who spouts off demanding a detailed accounting for every penny. They file a 990 even as they are exempt from doing so based on their registration status.

    For some lo yitzlach on YWN to start making baseless claims intimating that TU is misspending and involved in “cronyism and nepotism” to then complain they are called a troll is the height of irony.

    The board members are professionals who are very directly involved in the organization. And a good portion of the funding comes from them. Do you think that suddenly they are not manning the till, when they do so so professionally in all their other ventures?

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2348484


    They did not provide any real data. They posted stuff that was completely misread. Just like any troll. And I am not going to provide any additional details, because I have no interest in feeding the trolls including you.

    It took me about two minutes to understand the 990. Perhaps it’s because I have experience reading a 990. And that experience is why I said what I did.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2348056

    It is clear from what the above trolls are writing, that they either clearly do not know what they were reading, or they have a slight understanding, but are intentionally skewing what it says. I’d say it’s both.



    So the answer is that since not having a hat and jacket is not a reason for not davening with a minyan, it would thus be incumbent upon the person to then put on a hat and jacket if the only place to daven requires it.

    It is the responsibility of the the individual to go to a minyan. It does not seem to be the responsibility of the tzinur to make any and every accommodation to suit the whims of people who aren’t interested in following the minhagim of the tzibur.


    Without discussing whether a hat or jacket is necessary in general, everyone seems to concede that the appropriate dress is defined by time and place. So why does this shul have to have their standards changed to meet your standards? The shul is making clear what the standards are in that shul. And being very clear about it. As such, since you are so focused on appropriate attire being the correct way to daven, you would have to agree that in this shul a hat and jacket is required attire for davening.

    One other point, all those who are so worked up and say, why is a dress shirt and jacket and dark pants more appropriate, some “yeshivshe” are sloppy. Your khaki Dockers and pink polo shirt are better than the dress attire worn by yeshiveshe people. Why don’t we start with apples to apples and compare your suggested attire to a typical neatly dressed person in button down shirt, jacket and dress pants. Which do you think is a more formal, respectable look. How would you show up in a court, for instance. Or alternatively, again apples to apples if you are going to focus on the person who is not quite so neat, someone wearing a t-shirt with the logo of some vile heavy metal band, with baggy cargo shorts and flip flops to davening vs someone not in the freshest dress shirt and dark pants and jacket.

    in reply to: WHY DO LITVOCKS ALWAYS SAY TACHNUN?? #2328058


    Here’s another demonstration of your overwhelming knowledge.

    “For the same reason Sephardeshe yiddim add “v’yatzmach purkanei v’kareiv mishichei.” in the repetition of the Amidah.”

    What? “Yiddim”? Sephardeshe? Ladies in middle of Chazaras Hashatz?

    in reply to: Whats a minyan factory? #2327268


    How can you refer to the holy Shomer Shabbos shul of Boro Park as infamous?

    It’s rightly famous. There are many shiurim, massive amounts of tzedakah and chesed performed there every day. There are minyanim saying the whole tehilim on Shabbos night. There are multiple minyanim for YK Kotton every month, including several where they lein v’ychal.

    There are minhogim yeshonim that are perpetuated there. Which is all built on the basis of its establishment when so many unfortunately went to work after davening on Shabbos and this shul was established by those who remained steadfastly shomerei Shabbos.

    in reply to: What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year? #2323712


    Thanks for letting us know how you truly must be gedolhadorah. Ostrich Eggs would be from a female and thus would be ”gedolos” or “gedolah” in the singular. Though for someone as woke as you, who knows.

    in reply to: עד אחד נאמן באיסורין #2318334


    2) it’s simple, if he is unsure he asks Rav Hachshir. He doesn’t just say “Eh”. Even if you believe that is appropriate.

    3) I’ve never seen someone just take a head of lettuce or similar and just eat it in the supermarket. The Kosher markets I go to clearly label what’s been washed and checked and what’s not.

    You have a problem with assigning your failings to others and therefore you should know that when you make assumptions, while they are accurate about yourself, there is no evidence or even a smidgen of a reason to think they are true about the person you ascribe it to.

    in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2318301


    Why do you always insist on publicly and irrefutably demonstrating how utterly halachically uninformed you are? You do not even have the slightest concept of what you repost from google or gather from ne of AI sites.

    in reply to: עד אחד נאמן באיסורין #2318181


    1) Your question was if the person who is saying the “eidus” gets an aveirah. People make mistakes, and considering the type of mistake, they might be a shogeg, oiness or meizid. Saying “eh, I don’t know so why not” is not eidus that the person should be potur on. You were not discussing the person who heard the eidus. And if the person hearing the eidus knew that the mashgiach’s position is “eh” I doubt you can rely on that, because saying, “I don’t know, why not just say ok”, without any basis is not eidus to even say there was an eid echad.

    2) If he truly does not know, then it his responsibility to speak to the Rav Hamachshir, that is exactly his job. A Rav Hamachshir (or a reliable one) does train mashgichim to know how to check for tolaim. (How much is necessary and what to look for and the method to look for tolaim) and is responsible to set standards and make decisions when there is a question.

    3) I would assume a housewife would know how to check and what to check or ask a shailoh, such as any other shaila as how to check for tolaim. Certainly for those who care about kashrus.

    4) Your attitude sums up succinctly why certain people may not want to rely on certain hasgachos or eat at certain places. This does not need more expansion.

    in reply to: עד אחד נאמן באיסורין #2314379


    You are referring to eid echad ne’eman bissurim and then you ask “If a mashgiach isn’t sure that what he sees is a bug so he says to himself “eh I don’t think it’s a bug” and passes it (but really it is a bug)”. How is that eidus, if he says he is unsure? I have never heard of an eidus where the eid says they are unsure.

    in reply to: A Moment of Unity: YU & Telshe #2314269

    I was reading over Hakatan’s comment. I don’t see where he denigrated Rav Willig. I see he differentiated YU from REITe and he does not hold YU in high regard. He also, correctly, stated that Rav Willig was not mastoid as a YU representative, rather as a close neighbor and local Rov in whose shul the RY gave shouting and encouraged and increased the amount and level of learning. Which is what Rav Willig said in his hesped. As well as specifically thanking Rav Ausband, the Rebbitzen and the Ausband children for the tremendous impression they had on the Willig children.

    What I do see are the YU crowd up in arms about Hakatan’s opinion of YU and then completely misrepresenting what Hakatan said because they cannot argue with what he actually wrote.

    in reply to: Sukkah tree clearance #2307770


    I am guessing you can use AI or google to find the answer to the question.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara/ Hate Speech #2306140


    “ One person’s truth is another person’s lashon harah. ”.

    Someone is really showing a distinct lack of halachic understanding here.

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305556


    You comment “I imagine that the rabbonim of these shuls don’t want to speak up because of fear of losing mispallelim to other ships.” There is a much bigger issue with people going on ships during the 9 days, and Tish B’Av than using a low chair in shul.

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305553


    There are 5 inuyim that are assur on Yom Kippur, which are carried forward to Tisha B’Av. Being uncomfortable when you sit is not one of them. The reason we sit low is because it is a sign of availus and has nothing to do with comfort. Do you begrudge aveilim the chairs provided by misaskim?

    Sitting low as a sign of aveilus, not being uncomfortable.

    in reply to: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day? #2304452

    I think the OP is likely differentiating between a video of drashos about Tisha BAv and the churn and the made for Tisha BAv movies. And he has a point. In my opinion.

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2302689


    Does your Am Hoaratzus, with all the attendant attributes described in the Gemara, which you constantly and readily display stem from a lack of mature discipline, or are they two different failings?

    Yes, people who learn Halacha, take it seriously and are disciplined do know how and when to act. That is one of the defining attributes of frum people, certainly those who are חרדים אל דבר ה׳

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2302546


    1) Previous posters were asserting that Kris’s Yam Suf was proof that one should not say shir, or celebrate upon the downfall of enemies. Which is bogus, because the Beni Yisroel did say shira.

    2) We typically look at what Moshe Rabbeinu did to learn from.

    Bottom line is באבוד רשעים רינה.

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2301953

    @Sam Klein,

    I seem to recall that the Beni Yisroel said Az Yashir by krias Yam Suf.

    Much of the shira specifically relates what happened to the mitzrim, and their downfall.

    in reply to: Why does Yiddish butcher Hebrew #2300899

    The easy and accurate answer is that Yiddish is Yiddish and not Hebrew.

    in reply to: Dedications — Has It Gone Too Far? #2298734

    “What about dedications on commodes”. Certainly when you serve peor. Or people whose Torah can be expressed when sitting there.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2293829

    Well it is more than clear, yet again, that the radical Democrat party are the source of the most pernicious deep fakes.

    It is not surprising then, who is most vocal in supporting the dangerous fakers, on this post.

    Birds of a feather.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2292972

    I shouldn’t have called Jakkk a deep fake. His anti religious stance is blatant.

    His event comments are more conclusive proof that he cares not for the truth, like the Palestinians, the bigger the lie, the better. By the way, what was your deadname?

    If there was nothing of concern in the laptop, why’d Biden tell a bald faced lie and say it’s Russian disinformation, when he knew it was real?

    Another deepfake was the Steele Dossier peddled by another star of the Democrat party HR Clinton.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2291526

    Deepfakes are agh and JKKK pretending they are religious Jews.

    in reply to: Tax Exempt Judaica #2284863


    Did anyone say anything about claiming a tax deduction?

    But not paying sales tax on religious items is actually Dina demalchusa

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2280161

    Yotze Dofen,

    Truth is apparently not your strong point, or possibly comprehension.

    Do not be proud to misrepresent or misquote.

    I am telling you what I see on the ground here.

    You are like the people at Columbia. As Bob Grant used to say, fake, phony, fraud.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2279792


    Your claim that many charities leaders declare that the soldiers sacrifices are worthless is a disgusting and blatant lie. What is worse is that you know it is a lie, and the only point of your post was to foment hate. No different than those at Columbia and the other Universities.

    The signs in EY all say “Byachad Nenatzeach”. You are just trying to minimize any Achdus. For shame.

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2276141


    If you want to let everyone know that you are clearly clueless on a halachic concept, just say you don’t know. There is no reason to try to make light of serious halachic concepts.

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2275884


    I assume he is rereferring to the inyan of being mor makpid on kashrus on Pesach than the rest of the year. That it is not considered yuhara to be makpid on things over Pesach that one is not makpid on the rest of the year. Thus he is referring to cholov Yisroel currently.

    in reply to: Are we really in the 3rd Term of Obama #2273801


    You didn’t mention Trump, but it’s clearly a symptom of TDS that would have you state that calling these people employed by Obama as “false information”.

    I am not a lawyer, but I do not believe that legally it was an incorrect usage. Employed also means hired or used by. Which is clearly not “false information” as you initially called it. It is not even a “misstatement” as you tried to to down in your next comment.

    in reply to: Are we really in the 3rd Term of Obama #2273692


    Are you saying that Trump is being led around by the nose by Obama? I hardly think anyone sane could say that. Neither are you denying that Biden is being manipulated by Obama. But you think Obama was good for the nation? Was (is) good for Jews? Was good for Israel?

    Get out of your Trump mishegaas and respond to what the point of the post is.

    in reply to: Are we really in the 3rd Term of Obama #2273691


    Really? That’s false information? Who hired or approved their appointments? The semantics your splitting hairs on are so ludicrous as to be false information in and of itself.

    I understand you abhor Trump. Fine. But to ignore that Obama was bad for the Country (it was him that exacerbated all or nothing attitude in politics today. Only he had the right answers and he knew everything about everything) and as I know you are a Jew, he was bad for Jews and bad for Israel. And the effects are growing even today.

    The level of antisemitism in the US grew exponentially, particularly against visible Jews, from Obama’s reign.

    So you get caught up because you “believe” Square Root used the wrong word, while missing the Donkeys in the house.

    in reply to: Fafsa #2269341

    I think you have to take “Dora’s” word on this. It is probably an expert as it constantly demonstrates as it is vying for the president job at Harvard. And a University president would be expert at all things FAFSA. וד״ל

    in reply to: Alabama’s largest hospital says it is halting IVF treatments #2267194

    Bottom line, people like Jakkk, who label people fascists because they believe in the sanctity of life. They are more supportive of those who support abortion up to and even after birth. The support laws which forbid providing care to a baby who has survived an attempted abortion. They support euthanasia. You tell us who are the real fascists.

    These radical liberals belive the only lives worth protesting for are those of murderers who have been sentenced to the death penalty. Or are terrorists killing Jews.

    Sure these Christians ideas are beyond what the halacha is, but I would say that it is clearly way less so from the abortion celebrators and those who promote euthanasia. But Old King Obama wa in favor, so now its toiras lukshen mewashington.

    in reply to: Shaatnez testing Brooks Brothers Suits #2254997


    You asked the following about wearing shatnez suit:

    “maybe I missed the answer to the question – can I just take the jacket off for davening?”

    Really. And you always ask questions?

    in reply to: Shaatnez testing Brooks Brothers Suits #2253761


    1) Many communities, much smaller in size than even Cleveland or Baltimore have people who check shatnez. Either as sample takers which they forward to a lab or they are fully trained.

    2) You are now creating a new heter to wear shatnez if you live in a small community?

    in reply to: Black Anti-Semitism in the 1980s #2250023


    You are going with “Some of my best friends are Jewish” defense for Mr. Hymietown? Jesse Jackson is a bigot. No different than Al Sharpton. Who are championed by the democrats because they are the “right type” of bigots.

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2247990


    How many town tell people how to dress. I’ve been in many predominantly Jewish towns here in the US and in only one place was the a “request”. It’s not all over the place. And that was by KJ, where i don not think you will find any non Jew who lives there. I doubt you are so worked up by another place that has dress protocols. Such as Jackets only, or no shirt no service.
    As far as school boards, you seem so knowledgeable, what do you think actually happened in Ramapo? People exercising their right to representation? You sound like Peggy Hatton, who alleged that every Jew is a predator and then brough an actual registered s-x offender to “guard” against Jews. I know, because I saw this with my own eyes. This was clearly a case of blaming victims of vile antisemitism. You certainly didn’t hear any of ths from R Bender.


    in reply to: New refrigerator #2245859

    Funnybone, i think it also interacts with the compressor cycles as it relates to opening and closing. I believe they suggest not to leave on Shabbos mode long term. I think I did read somewhere that Shabbos mode turns off, at least on some models, after 3days.

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