Neville Chaimberlin Lo Mes

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  • in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319144

    “If, however, you reject a view of someone of that stature because it makes no sense to your small brain, then you are an apikorus.
    Do you agree with that?”

    Depends on what you mean by “reject.” I think we all come across stuff that seems like a stretch, and we use standard PC ways of reacting: “that’s very shver…” or “I’m not zocheh to understand…” If someone is new to the block and uses less refined language, I’m not sure I would want to go as far as calling him an apikorus.

    “At any rate, here we are dealing with a third type of person: someone who rejects the existence of a view because they reject that view.”

    Fully agree with you here. It bothered me enough to drive me back to the CR.

    “Now that the (new?) mods have stopped censoring posts, his disgusting rhetoric can be seen for all.”

    It’s actually very sad, especially given that the mods used to interact with us and post on their own some. It does appear at this point that they are actually gone. I hope it was by their own choice. The censorship was laxing up about a year and a half ago with all the LGBT propaganda from the YUish crowd, but if it continues on this trajectory then qwerty will be the least of our concerns…

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319143

    “If any of your aforementioned talmidei chachomim said that Rashi is wrong (c”v) I would call them apikorsim”

    This is an important statement because it’s part of what I’m getting at. Everyone coming in from the outside eventually comes across this unwritten tenant of Orthodoxy that Rashi is always right. It’s a tough pill to swallow when you want to bring other meforshim that make more sense and argue on Rashi. It would be totally normal to have questions on this and want to discuss it. It is totally NOT normal to call people stupid for agreeing with Rashi.

    Philosopher: this had nothing to do with you being a woman; I wasn’t even aware of that. That really doesn’t change anything about my point since almost no Bais Yaakov girl on the planet would say the things you’re saying (and, frankly, I’m being diplomatic by even including the word “almost”). I’m not advising you on how to “win” or even what you believe. I’m just advising you on how to be more normal, and step one is to keep the non-mainstream opinions on the down-low rather than acting like they’re more correct than everyone else.

    As a side note, I don’t understand your point about asking a local Rabbi. He will tell you that some meforshim say it’s literal and some say it isn’t, as you already know. The sources have already been hashed out ad nauseam in the other thread. Are you wanting people to ask if they MUST hold like certain meforshim over others?

    RightJew and Redleg: I don’t disagree in theory, but despite the title, this thread isn’t actually about Chabad. It’s about non-Chabad BTs accidentally making Chabad look absurdly reasonable in comparison by making terrible arguments, and this would go for any number of discussions on the CR. The actual Chabad posters still active on this site are mostly fully open about their Meshichism nowadays, so you aren’t going to “trick” them with any “gotcha” questions.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318696

    I’m not trying to “prove” anything. I’m trying to caution you that listening to a bunch of recorded shiurim does not put you on the same level as someone raised in the yeshiva system, and that comes across very obviously to everyone reading. Case and point, davar Torahs are inherently less likely to take a literal approach on anything since anyone could just go and read the Rashi or pshat for themselves. That doesn’t mean the pashut pshat is always “stupid;” it just doesn’t make for an interest table talk.

    Again, you’re free to have problems with the mainstream Orthodox approach, but don’t pretend to be an authority on something you know less about than the people with whom you’re arguing.

    in reply to: Hatzulas Nefashos vs. Hatzalah #2318356

    “In the long run, competition will force Hatzalah to be at the top of their game.
    In the short term, Hashem yishmor from the bad outcomes which would seem likely when there’s an inexperienced organization responding to serious medical emergencies.”
    So, by your own admission, it’s shortsighted to block all competition indefinitely.

    “Because less experienced responders could lead to bad outcomes ch”v”
    This is exactly what the pre-existing EMT services said when Hatzalah was being created. Hatzalah itself is the best piece of evidence against this argument. Aside from that, volunteer EMTs and firemen are extremely common in rural areas and they don’t “cause people to die” all the time. You seem to have a general distrust of non-government organizations and have made an exception in this davka for Hatzalah, but refuse to do so for anyone else. This is hypocritical and intellectually dishonest. Frum yidden love to talk the talk of fiscal conservatism and competition helping the consumer… until they talk about this. Then–all the sudden–any mention of free market competition and you might as well be told to go to the back of the bread line at the gulag.

    “Because they want people to live, not die…”
    Absurd and emotionalist argument that warrants no response. This echoes what Corona fanatics said in 2020 about anyone who questioned Fauci. It’s not your business what risks other people chose to take with their lives. Nobody is stopping you from using Hatzalah if you think it’s safer.

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