Forum Replies Created
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant
“And memah nafshach, if the clock doesn’t matter. S owho cares if the clock changes teice a year. Ignore it!”
I generally agree with this stance aside from the fact that I think Shabbos starting later would be beneficial. The other effects of the time change don’t bother me nearly as much as they seem to other people and I think a lot of it is over-dramatization.
“Is that a real issue though among people you know ? they are mechalel shabbos Fridays in the winter? (not is it hard, have they come close etc)”
This is a bad argument, and I’m worried if this is actually Aguda’s stance. Yes, people have found ways around it or have simply been prevented from taking certain jobs. When it becomes a tefillah problem, they’ll find ways around that as well. It’s a moot point. Frum yidden aren’t going to purposely violate the halachah for their jobs, but tefillah is an easier problem to work around since it’s in the first place more meikel than Shabbos. As far as knowing personal experiences, I doubt people would advertise it, but I’m sure there are cases of people getting stuck in their commute in the winter that happen every year. There was a relatively well known story about Joe Lieberman who was otherwise shomer shabbos.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Neville, I feel bad for your family members… you enjoy squabling constantly with people who don’t agree with your opinions.”
Again, I’ve never once mentioned my personal belief on that matter. You’re the weirdo who can’t get over the fact the the standard Orthodox understanding doesn’t go like your home-baked interpretation.
In any case, you are dodging the point I was making. You claimed you only care about these things due to your holy jihad against Chabad, yet clearly it goes deeper than that since you have spent considerable time arguing these matters with non-Lubavitchers as well. I’m guessing you were once at a point where you did not hate Chabad, then turned on them under the naive understanding that all of your qualms with Orthodoxy were just with Chabad. It is now very important to you to keep up that version of reality by accusing random frum yidden of being Chabad propagandists because the thought of mainstream Orthodoxy also having these “wrong” shittos is too much for you to handle.
I get under your skin because I actually point this out and because I’m willing to say the following that the kiruv professionals coddling your feelings won’t say: love it or leave it. And, if you must stick with it, keep your wacky shittos to yourself. Nobody is actually interested in hearing your “unique outsider” perspectives on anything, and if you want what’s best for you kids you should let them believe in this stuff at face value as they are taught in yeshiva. It turns out fitting in is actually kind of important in life.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Is this so? I see online a lot of articles where people try to analyze a parsha or a gemora according to their understanding and maybe trying to line up with their opinions on other topics.”
Yes, and those people want an accurate translation. If anything, the secular scholarly world cares more about translation accuracy than we do. For example, Artscroll purposely mistranslates Shir Hashirim to better shtem with Orthodox sentiment; secular scholars would hate this.“Not knowing the background, my impression was that the core Sefaria team is kosher”
The founders were not frum yidden from my understanding. They were exactly the scholarly types you reference above. Then again, so was Marcus Jastrow; it doesn’t mean the product is assur.“Do you think all YWN software was written by shomer shabbos programmers or 99% of it is open software?”
First of all, yes, I don’t believe YWN was created through chillul shabbos. I’m not sure why you would assume otherwise. Second of all, the question is around Sefaria because of it being used for davening and/or performing mitzvos. An internet forum does not have these concerns.December 8, 2024 11:58 am at 11:58 am in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2338945Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“So, a town or neighborhood should have one shul that is welcoming everyone, and those who do not want to welcome everyone can have their private shul. But this resolves the issue?”
OK, so if I understand correctly, what’s your kasheh? This shul is presumably not the only shul in this entire town, so you’re free to go elsewhere. If it is the only shul in town, then by your own admission you wouldn’t have a problem conceding to the minhag hamakom. In what theoretical universe do you have an issue with this shul?
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Where the Agudah describes their advocacy on this issue and posts a Teshuva from R” Moshe encoruaging fighting against Year round DST”
With all due respect, I’d give more weight to the people who actually work 9-5’ers rather than Rabbis whose jobs intrinsically adjust for the halachah and couldn’t care less if Shabbos started at 1 PM.“also FWIW R’ Moshe rejects this argument”
What argument? That Shabbos matters more than zman hatefilla? Zero chance.“this is a bizzare claim .”
Why? The Sun will still rise and set as it does. We will just refer to it by a different number on a clock. Nothing is changing astronomically; it’s purely mental as he said.December 6, 2024 1:52 am at 1:52 am in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2338658Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantAAQ: You do realize that back in the old days that you’re romanticizing where there was one shul for 100 people, they had a concept of minhag hamakom and you would REALLY be stuck following that community’s policies. The only reason you even have the hava amina of disrespecting a shul’s policy openly is due to the schisms that you are claiming to decry.
“A restaurant is a business, and exists to make a profit.”
Everything is a business. The “non-profit” label is only relevant to tax purposes. For the purposes of this discussion, a shul is every much a private business as a restaurant is.“and, of course, it is responsibility of the tzibur to provide Yidden with, in order (1) mikva, (2) school, (3) shul.”
It is not a responsibility to provide a shul the policies of which are agreeable to everyone all the time as this would be impossible. If you make a sphard shul, you’ll disappoint the Ashkenazi-daveners, if you make a hat-shul, you’ll disappoint the never-hatters and vice versa. At your core, none you you truly have problems with a shul or any other institution having policies that some people will like and other won’t. The whole core of this discussion is that you aren’t used to being told “no” and you’re shocked that anyone in the world would do such a thing.If I were a member of this shul, I’m not sure I would actually support the policy, but it’s their right. Why are chareidim always the ones expected to bend over backwards to make everyone else feel comfortable? You don’t see us whining that MO shuls should refrain from saying Hallel on Zionist holidays so that we’ll feel comfortable davening there.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantAAQ: What’s your point? I wasn’t being anti-sefaria, I was being anti a purposeful mistranslation of Tanach that uses modern, leftist gender theory. I think this got brought up because someone said that translation is on sefaria, but otherwise this part of the discussion has no connection to sefaria at all.
ZSK: Obviously I know that leftist, non-Orthodox Jews exist. My point was, there is no group that wants a leftist version of the Tanach. The only reason the leftists are learning Tanach is to make fun of it and/or claim that it’s outdated, bigoted, etc. The last thing they want is a whitewashed translation that makes it sound more palatable to them.
Philosopher: People always get touchy about this, and I’m not sure why either. I couldn’t give you to location because I just remember hearing it in a shiur, but Reb Moshe addresses the question of using a siddur that was printed with chillul shabbos. It’s not so clear cut that “it’s just a siddur so who cares how it was made and who made it.” I’m not sure why people are so much more willing to take this lenient approach with Sefaria.
I do think Sefaria is mutar, but it’s not simple. Given who designed it, it’s almost certain some chillul shabbos was involved. People would not be crazy to worry that it’s mitzvah habaah b’aveira, but I don’t think it actually is, nor is it so pashut that that would even make it assur.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantHow is tefillah the ikkar and shabbos is just something you mention as a tiny side benefit? Shabbos is way bigger deal and this would be MASSIVELY beneficial to people working in the professional world in areas where shabbos starts as early as 4 and in some places even earlier.
People feel like Shabbos isn’t “as much of a problem” just because it’s the devil they know. It’s the problem they’ve already sorted out, but they’ll sort out the davening problem too. The difference is, if stuff goes awry, they miss zman hatefillah b’ones or b’shogeg, whereas now if stuff goes awry they’re mechallel shabbos.
December 5, 2024 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2338568Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“I was arguing that the Shidduch crisis does not affect females more than males, since for every female who does not get married there must also be a man who does not get married.”
You’re still incorrect. The minhag in the Litvish community is for girls to be 5-7 years younger than their husbands, which means there will be a surplus of whichever gender is younger, in this case the women. If the minhag was for 19 year old boys to marry 25 year old women, then the shidduch crisis would exist in the other direction.
“In the early 2000s (or maybe the 1990s) I asked dozens of shadchanim:”
And they gave you answers that prove what we all already know: that they’re part of the problem.
December 5, 2024 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2338461Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant1a2b3c:
Your point is astonishingly easy to refute. See what I wrote above. The total numbers are irrelevant; we only care about the ones of marrying age.The total number of frum males is NOT “roughly” the same as the number of frum females that are born 5 years later. Again, this is extremely simple math. It is either willful ignorance, horrifying lack of education, or a combination of both that allows people not to see this.
It helps nothing to look at all of klal yisroel as one group. If they’re going to be separated by ages in shidduchim, then you need to look at them as separate age groups. The leap of logic you’re taking is like saying “the number of men and women in the world is roughly equal, therefore every Chinese woman should be able to find herself an Icelandic husband with no surplus or polygamy.” Obviously, that would be a ridiculous statement. Lumping together 25 year olds and 18 year olds as one group is no less ridiculous once you think about it for more than a second.
“In other words, number of girls who develop a desire to “marry a talmid chochom” is way more than number of boys that actually succeed in becoming one!”
Eh, yes and no. Once the girls are 25+ and they’re already victims of the mathematical shidduch crisis, then they go dumpster diving for husbands. I know several cases of FFB girls who have married sort of out-there BT’s or gerim, but I have almost never seen it go the other way around, and it’s always cases where the girl is past her mid 20s. I’m by the way not trashing on marrying BTs or gerim, but the reality is that FFB men don’t feel that they ever “need” to go that route whereas the women often do.
“Neville, yes, I did not believe that this is the reason for the shidduch crisis in a discussion here a couple fo years back, then I did some math and had to eat my (metaphorical) hat. I still have the leftovers!”
Very glad to hear some people are figuring it out. Many people–as you will probably see on this thread–are going to simply refuse to do the math because they know they won’t like the conclusion.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Yashardik, you are so right. The reason I argued so much about “Yaacov lo meis” is because Lubavitche…”
Absolute nonsense. 100% of the posters you were arguing with on that topic were non-Lubavitchers. Don’t try to spin it like you don’t actually care about that subject except for when Lubavitchers use it. You are obsessed with that subject to the point to interpreting every pirush to agree with your personal belief on it.
If you want to know what it looks like to “not care” about that topic, then look at those of us to casually accept the standard Orthodox presentation of it without question because we have better things to learn than midrashim that aren’t nogeia to anything.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantJust to clarify, I wasn’t talking about the people who run Sefaria in my last post. I was referring to the people who would theoretically want a wacky, tranny version of the Tanach. I still don’t believe this group actually exists.
December 4, 2024 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2338162Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“You know what isn’t listed? When someone doesn’t have a hat and jacket…”
Agreed, but this was UJM’s quote:“Rav Moshe in 90:28 says it’s permissible to daven b’yechidus at times.”
What would have been the hava amina? That nobody can ever daven b’yochid? I’m confused altogether by the quote.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“I couldn’t read the main protaganist, who will remain nameless, b/c he stooped to terrible language.”
Then maybe consider the possibility that he isn’t the “protagonist?”“to me, it is irrelevant whether Yaacov Ovenu was really alive or not”
Agreed. All of us taking the traditional, literal approach don’t really care. It’s a hypothetical, lomdus thing to us. The people going berserk over that argument are the ones insisting that it’s symbolic and that all the meforshim who say it’s literal secretly mean the opposite of what they actually say.December 4, 2024 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2338161Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“The Age Gap is not the issue. There are plenty of boys.”
You don’t understand simple math. In an exponentially growing population, there are more people born in later years than earlier. I.e. there are more people born in 1995 than there were in 1990. So, if you try to pair up girls born in 1995 with boys born in 1990, there will be a surplus of girls. The same will hold true for any gap, even if it’s only 1 year. It just just affect how much of the surplus there is.
This would be true even if the population grew linearly, but because it’s grows exponentially, the problem gets worse and worse every year and the surplus of girls will just keep growing.
The real crisis is that the frum community apparently has such terrible math education that full grown adults don’t understand that the shidduch crisis is an easily provable reality. In public schools, kids would easily understand this at roughly a 7th grade level.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Neville, we are all very comfortable talking to each other, while so many Jews with weird views are out there. There are lots of non-O publications and authors who write something Jewish-related.”
You might be fine reading their stuff, but they are more dogmatic in their liberalism than we are in our Orthodoxy. They have no interest in actually reading real sources that aren’t altered to fit their freak beliefs unless they’re doing so just to poke fun.
December 3, 2024 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2337730Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Neville, not sure which posts was last for you, but I let you treat all my posts as jokes.”
The one with you bragging about how humble you are. I was clarifying that you were being ironic on purpose and not just extremely lacking in self awareness and/or the meaning of the word “humble.”
“Rav Moshe in 90:28 says it’s permissible to daven b’yechidus at times.”
What’s the chiddush? Would you have otherwise thought that if you miss minyan you just don’t daven at all? Of course davening b’yochid is an option.
December 3, 2024 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2337729Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“and perhaps the only major impact, is that Litvish girls are getting married younger and younger than previously.”
Isn’t that the opposite of the point? Wouldn’t they want them to get married older, or have the boys be younger? The shortage is caused by the girls being younger than the men, so having them be even younger would just make it worse.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Or maybe, they indeed went to increase their market share …”
Yeah… I’m sure there’s a huuuuuuge market for pro-trans people wanting to learn Tanach…
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantAAQ: The guy is in his lame-duck period, for sure done with his professional career, his life probably only has a few years left, did you really think he was going to care about what people think enough let his own son suffer (whether he deserved it or not)?
There’s plenty to criticize about Biden, but I don’t think this is it. I think pretty much every father who hasn’t disowned his son would have done the same thing given the opportunity. I don’t know, maybe I’m just unprincipled, but I just can’t really imagine the feeling of being near my own death, nothing I do really matters, and having this magic wand to whisk away my sons problems that expires in 2 months and not using it.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“The alternative to a two state solution is for Israel to cease being a democratic state (either by killing the Palestinians or not allowing a large part of them to vote).”
Stop being a drama queen. There’s no “two state solution” right now and Israel isn’t having to “cease being a democracy” or start committing genocide (contrary to leftist claims).
The status quo is far more manageable than a two state solution would be. Most regular people are fine admitting that there is no “solution.” The problem will always be there; it’s just about managing it and continuing winning militaristically. They will always want to kill us all. It’s a core tenet of their religion.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“This is sort of a gray area”
No it isn’t. If you or I were immigrating to America we would follow the process and it would be black and white. It’s only “gray” to those who want to be criminals and cut the line, and no self-respecting American should have sympathy or want to do “chesed” for them.“as many people in the country hire such aid”
They should all be prosecuted, then we wouldn’t have this crisis.“Why not start with a position”
Why not start with the position that people have been touting since 2016 with their Trump antics? If people want to be liberal and pro-open-boarders, that’s another story. They’re entitled to their opinion, but don’t pretend to be hardliners of immigration then cave the second you might have to pay a couple of dollars more to employ a real American instead of giving our jobs away to criminals.What bewilders me is that I know from other posts that many of you are big Trump fans, yet you are shocked to see the rhetoric of someone who actually has conservative opinions on immigration.
JR87: The minimum wage thing really isn’t even the main point. The point is that they’re paying below the true going rate, which should be calculated by the supply and demand of legal, tax-paying labor, not criminals. If I were willing to rob my local grocery store, does that mean the going rate of bread is now $0? What illegals are willing to accept is irrelevant to the non-criminal economy. That fact that you like breaking this particular law does not change that reality.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantDoes Otzar Hachochma have more kedushah than Hebrewbooks? Does it look like a website designed in 1999?
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantCoffee: My apologies. Genuine misunderstanding.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“What yeshiva would hire a functional illiterate?”
Nearly every Chareidi Yeshiva on the planet, but that’s another discussion. He made a typo. Are you really so desperate that you’re having to use typos as your argument now?Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantNot to defend Trump at all, but admitting to being against the “two state solution” is one of the most politically incorrect things a person can possibly say. Obviously, it’s a dumb idea that only a few ivory tower liberals here and there actually support, but we all have to publicly pretend to support it.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“can you be both for protecting the borders and then show chessed and hire those who are here and do honest work?”
No, absolutely not.“You are not supporting criminals”
Illegal immigration is a crime. There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant who isn’t a criminal. Yes, you are supporting criminals if you harbor illegals; you just happen to be okay with the crime so you wish to pretend otherwise.When a drug addict buys cocaine from an illegal working for a cartel, they’re also doing their own “vetting.” They just have different standards than you regarding what is and isn’t okay. They need their fix just like you need your cheap cleaning lady. There’s a reason it isn’t just left up to the individual to do their own heimish vetting process.
November 29, 2024 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: ILLEGAL ALIENS versus Undocumented Immigrants #2336467Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantWe could have used “undocumented immigrant” to refer to the initially legal immigrants who overstay their visas in contrast to the ones who entered illegally from the onset. However, nobody makes such a distinction, so I agree with just sticking to illegal aliens.
“The USA does not have a “Migrant Crisis”;”
Debatable. It’s hard to judge the relative appropriateness of how many people they let in legally since it’s mixed with so many illegals right now. We might also be overdoing legal immigration. The people who live in cities in Minnesota taken over by legal, Muslim immigrants would probably say we DO have a migrant crisis.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“I already quoted him as saying כורש was also called משיח”
Sam Klein literally used the phrase “Moshiach ben David.” Don’t play stupid. You know he didn’t mean it the way it refers to Cyrus. This stuff should bother all frum yidden regardless of their political affiliation.
Take a step back and think about it: you are vocally more bothered by Lubavitchers talking this way about the Rebbe than you are about people talking about a goyish politician. It’s fine to be bothered by both, but rethink your priorities.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“The Gaon succinctly said, “The simple answer is the truth.””
I’m guessing this is either a misquote or super out of context. We don’t always go like the most pashut explanation on everything, nor would the Gaon suggest that we should.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantI see you gave up after one reason…
You could give 10 million reasons why people might need a cleaning lady; that’s not the issue. None of those justify harboring an illegal. It’s especially hypocritical given that frumkeit has basically been one big Trump rally over the past year.
I would sincerely hope that the writer of the op ed was a democrat, and not someone who claims to support border security, but then his respect for the law ends when his desire to exploit people for cheap labor begins.
Interjection: The op ed was about hiring illegals. The whole point of hiring illegals is to pay them under minimum wage. If we were talking about people who paid the going rate, they would be hiring real Americans. Nobody is saying the entire community is guilty of this, but that particular op ed was in fact talking about that segment of the community.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantWe had a thread in the CR a long time ago about whether Hebrewbooks dot org has more kedushah than Sefaria, then whether beta dot hebrewbooks has more or less kedushah than that. I miss those days.
I personally find beta hebrewbooks more user-friendly, which makes it less holy. Then, sefaria is possibly even more user-friendly than that, which basically makes it pure evil.
It’s like with shuls: the most chashuve shules have no websites and you have to be “in-the-know” to even know they exist. The next level has almost nothing, just a page to donate that feels like it has very dubious security. Then, the shuls with fully functional, user-friendly websites where you can find all the information you need might as well be Reform.
In any case, this thread was never about Sefaria; you all just read the title wrongly. It’s about Seafria, which is I assume a forum where expert seafarers discuss their latest adventures. I’m not sure the world is ready to female seafarers yet.
November 28, 2024 5:16 pm at 5:16 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2336264Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantAAQ: Please tell me your last post was a joke.
November 27, 2024 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2335590Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantCommonsaychel: Your mask analogy actually had the opposite effect and caused me to empathize much more with the anti-hat side than I had previously.
Common courtesy has to stop at some point; there’s only so far you can go to appease those around you if they’re asking you to do something crazy to detrimental to yourself or your health. That being said, I still don’t really understand the idea of being against hats. I understand people being apathetic about them, but not full-blown against them like people on here seem to be.
If someone were anti-hat, but also anti-mask, they would get a pass in my book, but I doubt that’s the case. For those who aren’t, they need to take a serious look at themselves and whom they are having respect for in the world: fellow frum Torah-observant yidden, or blue-haired, atheist, commie scientists who believe there are 72 genders and that everyone should be psychotically germaphobic.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantObviously there are people who view Trump in a culty way (Qanon et al.), then those who also do but cloak it in irony (trust the plan! The god emperor is never wrong!), then those that actually might just be being ironic or joking.
Sam Klein’s drasha has way to much put into it to be joking. I genuinely wonder how many otherwise frum yidden have fallen for religious Trumpism, and at what point do we have to deal with this issue in a purely apolitical, halachic sense? Are we just going to leave it alone forever and there will be Trump-meshichists just like there are Chabad meshichists?
November 24, 2024 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm in reply to: Statistics Demonstrating Jewish Community Increasingly Voting Republican #2334724Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“The Democrats’ “Progressive wing”, which is ascendant, supports active discrimination against Jews,”
This is true and always has been. What is now also true is that the far right (eg. Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Ann Coulter) support the same thing. It just comes down to which side will listen more to its crazies. In the past it’s always been the Dems, but we’ll see.“castration and sterilization as a social policy”
If you mean castration and sterilization as a measure against convicted child abusers of a certain type, I don’t know that this is a policy associated with liberals. This came up recently in Louisiana, and I’m not sure what would be so un-conservative about the proposal. Otherwise, I have no idea to what you are referring.Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Basically Reb Eliezer is saying he’s upset Trump isn’t choosing swamp creatures like he did last time”
So, you agree that he filled his cabinet with swamp creatures last time, yet you unconditionally supported him this time?
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantARSo: Yeah, I guess death threats are allowed here now. I think the CR can now boast the best freedom of speech on the entire internet.
“To Minuval
You must be beautiful”Thank you!
“Last year someone in Menachem Shmei’s thread wrote that all Lubavichers agreed that Moshiach can’t come from the dead, but they did a 180 on Gimmel Tammuz. I confirmed this with one of my Chabad friends.”
So… you’re more okay with Chabad Meshichists than you were with stam Chabad before gimmel Tammuz? The whole point of the “they made a 180” argument is that show that even l’shitaso they didn’t really think Moshiach can come from the dead and made that up as a rationalization. It’s not to suggest they defined Moshiach problematically before. The whole point is that they weren’t a problem before meshichism.
“As for your quoting “Qwerty 613” do you not understand that this is an impostor?”
OK, I will admit that I didn’t notice that, but surely you realize that sounds just like the type of thing you would say. He’s a convincing impostor for a reason.
“Then again the Vilna Gaon said that the simplest answer is the truth, “You’re a moron in addition to being a sleaze bag.””
Ha, I really have no response to this; I just think it’s funny that you put the last part in quotes after the comma as if the Vilna Gaon actually said, “you’re a moron in addition to being a sleaze bag.”
“I, for one, am not a Litvak. I’m a Galitziyaner Chossid”
Oh, please no… Can we have a moratorium on everyone claiming to be Chassidish?November 20, 2024 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: Not every chabadnik is meshichus and we need to see that line #2333993Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“As far as I can tell, and I’m certainly not an expert, it is only the degree of how loudly to proclaim that the last Lubavitcher Rebbe as being Moshiach. But both agree with the bottom line.
If my understanding is incorrect I’d love to be corrected.”
See my comment above for the theological difference, but otherwise yeah I think you’re pretty much correct.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“The anti Chabadskers are not the ones who said Moshiach can’t come from the dead. That was the position of Chabad until Gimmel Tammuz when they did a 180 and decided to rely on the Gemara.”
Wait what? That is absolutely the universally accepted, non-Chabad opinion, that the Rebbe is disqualified due to his death. You’re actually now saying that meshichism caused them to better align with the gemara?
“A bunch of crazy people,I hope all of you DIE right now,just DIE,.you see how Rebbe lubawitz will kill dont have to stop,he will STOP you.”
Bro, how drunk are you?
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“coffee addict: Once death doesn’t disqualify Dovid Hamelech it shouldn’t disqualify anyone else
But that’s the excuse the Lubavichers use to say that their rebbe can be Mashiach!”
Was that not his point? I’m confused as to how he didn’t mean that as a defense of Chabad (at least in the context of this argument). If not, that’s a bad look for “team-anti-Chabad” that he just accidentally and independently arrived at the exact conclusion they want: that moshiach can come from the dead after techias hameisim and therefore the Rebbe is still eligible.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantBelz was noheig to get their talleisin davka from Tunisia because there was a mesora that fabric produced there did not have shatnez (it’s brought down in achronim). Happens to be that the talleisin from there had dark blue stripes. They’ve since stopped using that supplier as it turned out it actually did have shatnez, but they kept the blue stripes.
If anyone knows more about this and wants to correct anything I said, feel free. It’s nothing to do with the modern, light blue ones. The assertion people have made above that black tallisin are a reaction to zionism is a myth that needs to die. Not only are there easily available paintings that confirm black ones pre-1948, but many individuals even own talleisin from their ancestors from 100+ years ago with black stripes (even from non-Ashkenazi regions!). In any case, this has nothing to do with what the OP asked about.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Sorry Neville but now you’re just spewing garbage”
Belief in individual liberty is now “garbage” under the Trumpest definition of “conservatism.” If American conservatism now has to include lockdown-supporters then conservatism is dead in America.“Well the do nothing to stop it isn’t the point”
Yes, it was. You’re just moving the goalposts to make excuses for Trump. Trumpists do the same thing by the border wall (eg. well, obviously he didn’t really mean it, obviously he was never really going to make Mexico pay, etc.).“Oh yes such a thing happened. Go research it.”
It was only 4 years ago, you really think I don’t remember? I don’t deny that he made such a statement, but it did nothing. Are you really claiming that after he said that, all restrictions were instantly lifted on houses of worship? If that was your experience (which I highly doubt), then you probably live in a red state with an actual conservative governor. I can tell you with certainty that that did not happen in New York.“And Guess what I am one of those that believe lockdowns at least early on were important.”
Then you’re a collectivist rat. If you’re worried about safety, hide in your own basement. Forcing the rest of us to do so is no less psychotic than any other dictatorship throughout history. They all have their justifications for tyranny. Also, not that it makes a difference, but the lockdowns were demonstrably ineffective except at causing thousands if not millions of young people to die of suicide and overdose.“& comparing it to swine flu?? Please.”
Good point, the swine flu was arguably much worse since it was dangerous to kids and not just old/sick people who had already long outlived their life expectancies. Nonetheless, Obama did the right thing and did not use it as an excuse for authoritarianism.“I distinctly remember many people’s beef with trump was his being anti-lockdown.”
If half the stuff leftists said about Trump were true, he would have actually been a decent president. Unfortunately, he was not the “extremist conservative” you all like to pretend. He was–at best–a pareve, neo-liberal just like the rest.“my wish list is short:
1) do not do anything crazy
2) reduce the power of the presidency”
Fully agree with AAQ here. Unfortunately, I don’t think people voted in favor of a weaker executive branch. At least that’s not how I interpret it.Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantYankel: Interestingly, I think Chabad Meshichism, Bar Chochba, Shabbatei Tzvi, et al. are all great arguments against Christianity. They prove there was nothing special about their guy and that Jews believing in false moshiachs is actually quite common.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantYankel: I understand that kasheh, but it always just turns into a machlokes hametzius since they’re just going to deny that they ever held that way before 1994. Unfortunately, I don’t know of anything on record to refute this.
“What I wrote and yankel confirmed is that it’s hypocritical for Chabad to brag that they’re aficionados of Rambam and then when a certain Psak of his refutes their Moshiach claim they reject it.”Again, so what? If they claim to be “aficionados” then they have to pasken like him all the time? Are modern day Litvaks “hypocrites” for occasionally not paskening like the Mishnah Berurah? Are sphardim hypocrites for sometimes not paskening like the mechaber?
Admittedly, Yankel actually answered my question, so feel free to not bother responding with your usual depraved rambling.
November 11, 2024 11:42 am at 11:42 am in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2331689Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantHere are some examples of Philosopher invoking her “proof” by bringing a posuk to argue on rishonim, something that is not done in frum circles:
“Stop with your lies. I am saying that Rashi does NOT CONTRADICT any posuk in the Torah, period. Therefore, if it says in the Torah that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father DIED, Rashi who knew Torah better than you, did not mean to say what you are saying he is which is that his GUF was alive.”
“When you want to have a Talmudic discussion you can bring a rishon. But to say that the comment that Rashi is making on a pasuk contradicts another posuk in the Chumash is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting. Rashi did not contradict the Word of Hashem.”
“Neville, you are unwilling to say you are disagreeing with Rashi because never said that Yaacov’s guf is alive forever.
You are also disagreeing with a pasuk in the Torah.”The consistent theme has been that she wants to make all meforshim shtem with her beliefs. If you look back, you can even see her say stuff like “I don’t disagree with any meforshim!” Well, if you have a machlokes and you’re choosing one side over the other, how does that work?
Again, to give some advice that she’ll throw back at me and start insulting me like a 6 year old: if you don’t want to overtly disagree with meforshim, just don’t share your own beliefs at all. They aren’t relevant. Do you think that every time a yeshiva learns a sugya in gemara, the shiur splits into groups based on which man d’amar they’re “siding with” in a machlokes? ARSo and I have consistently refused to assert our personal beliefs on this… that’s not weaseling out; it’s the proper thing to do. Some meforshim say one way, some they another. It’s irrelevant which ones make more sense to a random Joe Shmo posting on the CR in 2024. You need to just get over the fact that not all meforshim are going to make sense to you all the time.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“So being duped by the top “doctor” (sorry I should’ve wrote top moocher) is somehow his fault?”
Lol of course it’s his fault! What kind of question even is that? If Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson tell him side with Hamas and he listens, would that also not be his fault? In fact, I would argue my example is LESS extreme that your’s. At least in my hypothetical, he would be listening to alleged conservative voices. Everybody knows doctors and scientists are psycho lefties and that nothing they say about policy should be taken seriously. Obama didn’t shred the constitution during swine flu, and I’m sure there were commie doctors telling him he should. I’m sorry if you, like Trump, we unintelligent enough to be tricked by Fauci and can therefore empathize, but those of us with brains expect a little more from a so-called conservative president.
Israel is now in the longest war of its history, so how much good did his “peacemaking” really do? Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “ripping up the Iran deal” when Iran is still actively pursuing nuclear weapons, and he did nothing to stop this.“3) Moved the embassy”
Yes, he moved a building from one location to another. Apparently this makes a person the greatest thing to ever happen to the Jewish people even if he or she bumps elbows with neo-Nazis.“6) during covid passed a law for houses of worship”
No such thing happened. I think he passed a “statement” or some such thing, which his actions prove he didn’t even actually mean. If he really wanted to stop the lockdowns he would have taken legal action (or recommended legal action) against the states enforcing it and taken them to the supreme court. Instead, he lauded the authoritarian governors and criticized the (Republican!) pro-freedom governors. And, by the way, he continued to do this all the way into the last year during the primaries against Desantis. There is absolutely no mystery that he supported the lockdowns; he has made it clear time and time again.Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“How is debatable that Chassidim changed minhagim – whether in Lita or other places also? I don’t think any chassidim disagree with.”
Because many things considered “Chassidish minhagim” are actually examples of Chassidim following the Rema and Ashkenazi rishonim better than their Litvish counterparts (anything relating to shkiah, for example). Many other examples are simply reflective of differences between central European minhag (often following the Chasam Sofer) and eastern European, still nothing to do with Chassidus in a hashkafic sense. Many of the nusach differences are likely a result of this rather than “making stuff up” as uninformed people like to claim. Jews in Europe outside of Lita had a mesora. The fact that they now happen to be associated with Chassidus does not invalidate this mesora.The cases where Chassidim did actually make a change (eg. the placement of baruch sheamar or not wrapping tefillin on chol hamoed), you are correct that they admit to the change, unlike their Litvish counterparts who erroneously claim to be following an unaltered mesora. As far as who has made more changes statistically speaking, I’m not sure, but it’s definitely not pashut.
Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipantCoffee Addict: What are you trying to imply with the shoes thing? It seems random and weird, but what would be theoretically wrong with it? Why is it worse than having a minhag to wear a purple tie on the first Thursday of every month or any other random thing?
“Let’s not forget the question that stumped Shmei, “How could Chabad reject Rambam ‘s criteria for Moshiach?””
Aside from the fact that he’s answered this like a million times throughout these threads (albeit I don’t agree with him), what’s the hava amina here? That disagreeing with the Rambam is unequivocally kefira? We pasken not like the Rambam all the time.
November 10, 2024 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2330911Neville Chaimberlin Lo MesParticipant“Gadol > We should greet them with open arms and encourage them to return.
Indeed, and tzadikim do that.”I see your switching to the more popular moderate position in hopes that nobody notices? On the first page of this, nobody was initially saying that the non-hat crowd needs to be embraced so that they will become more frum and start wearing hats/jackets. Your contention–shared with others here–was that there is no inyan of davening in a hat and jacket at all as if you suggest that these people (including the “tzadikkim” you now refer to) are just wasting their time doing it for no reason.