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I started taking as an adult tremendous help lear much better able to help at home much better use time more wisely big thumbs up…
but be aware of side effects could make you upset, heart problems chalilah, loss of apetite (if that bothers you for me its a plus)
December 17, 2024 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2342258nem621Participantenstead of arguing I’ll go with you… can you tell me if there is an heter not to be in a milchemet mitzva because you don’t live in eretz yisrael or is there an heter for someone not to fight in the milchemet mitzva because they already served or rather lo achzor ad kalotam.. I think acording to you every jew should be obligated to go fight until the end of the battle (20 – 60 year olds) when I’ll see the author be mekaim his shitah I’ll take him seriously enough bli neder to check what he wrote…
November 17, 2024 10:16 am at 10:16 am in reply to: Tutoring in Yeshivot in EY – A LOSE/LOSE DEAL #2332741nem621Participantwhen I was a bachur in an american yeshiva a specific older talmid chochom would learn chavrusa with bochrim for free for a zman or half a zman before changing I personally wanted to give him a bracha in my sheva brachus at my wedding but because of presure to give others I didn’t I explained to him that I figured he wasn’t expecting it and won’t get offended whilst the other one who I think desered it less than him might get offended because he expected it… in any case I I was a tutor in an Israeli yeshiva for a very short time (couple of months) I was told I would get paid as you said the yeshiva is only shadchan not that I did for the money but I needed it and lemaase never got paid never got the phone number of the parents and never was I even told that the parents know that the boy learns with me because the one in charge first wanted to see that it is works (meaning to say that the boy comes all the time keilu before we started learing he would come maximum half an hour to seder alef and not every day when we learnt we learnt every day an hour but lemaise he only comes an hour a day so ho said it is matim… but the problem doesn’t mean other options are better some talmidim need it and some yungerlait need it the problem is the money which is always the problem since saro’ shel eisav was nogeah bekaf yerech shel Yaakov…
nem621Participantthere is a big diference…I’m hoping that they aren’t against learning…
there are people who can’t stay in learning as you wrote the big difference is that it isn’t hard or considered an achievment to be a janitor or to go to the restroom… I mean to say that if someone came to the point were he sees that he has to work now he has to try to make best and what the ad is saying is that after you got to that position work as a cfo and not as a janitor… I have a hard time when I see people take stances like what you wrote I’m a yungerman and a lot of time I see people try to bring others down that is like a janitor that is like the restroom, do you think thay learning is worth more because the other is a janitoy?!?!?!? the other job is a wonderful thing it could be that the job is chesed it could be he does chesed with his money he is able to provide for himself and his family in a kosher way. It’s wonderful that said learning is kium of the whole world and the Ta”z says that the reason chazal say that godol talmud torah yioser mhatzalas nefoshos even though it is not nogea lemaseh because if one sees someone in danger one is mechuiev to stop learning and go help him is to know the truth. chazal didn’t say you should know hatzalas nefashos is like going to the restroom next to talmud torah they said hatzalas nefashos is great but you should know talmud torah is even greater.nem621Participantthere are places I saw that for example Nesivos Aharon has the capability of reciving bachurim of many levels from low to high at least a couple of years ago i remember it was totally good boys (as in clean non drinkign like you wrote) hope it helps there are quite a couple of places that could be matim also in telzstone I forgot the name of the yeshiva
nem621Participantthere is a seifer specificly on the topic called torah chazal and science by Rabbi Moshe Miselman R”Y of Toras Moshe he talks about this quite high level reading though
nem621Participantlittle froggie are you a rasha?
nem621Participantsam2 thanks for the pshat i just chazered the gm and it is appreciated because it is otherwise most definite a weird rash
August 11, 2014 3:31 am at 3:31 am in reply to: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA #1045929nem621Participantwhen i say a pshat i think it may be emes if not unless it is very gishmak there would be no point in saying it
August 11, 2014 1:46 am at 1:46 am in reply to: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA #1045927nem621Participantfrom what i have heard from people who know more than me is that it isn’t yiun is better than bekius or that bekius is better that yiun rather every one has a chelek in torah and H’ made it so that i am natuarally attracted to say… halacha so to me i should focus more on halacha. that being said i read in the book “in their shadow” (thats what i think its called) that the chazon ish held everyone has to do yiun.
a lot of this quotes that say things about “pilpul” it isn’t what we call pilpul rather a much more complicated probably not emesdik way to learn that people just did to sharpen their minds. not because they thought it was emes but because it would make them sharp R’ Yaakov Pollak took this type of learning to poland i don’t know how many 100s of years ago
nem621Participanti think also if someone R”L says do an aveira (any aveira) in front of ten people for the sake of the aveira one should give his life now please if R”L someone is faced with this don’t say in shamaim i saw it in the offeeroom
nem621ParticipantBechol yoim sheyabo doesnt mean every day you should wait for him coming that day or that he can come on shabbos rather every day i wait for his comming nit necesarily today ie if i knew moshiach is comming in a week from know i could wait for him troughout the whole week. There is a GM’ in Taanis that discussess how come cohanim can get drunk R’ Yehuda, if i recall carrectly, says that since he hasnt come in so much timewe could assume he wont come right now
nem621Participanti heard from HaRav Heinemann Shlit”a that even electronically altered is mutar during sfira but then again that was with my explanation of what electronically altered means i don’t know if i explained it correctly
nem621Participantthere is a rashi in brachos that at least according to one of the leshonos says children shouldn’t be exposed to chumash be’yiun until they are exposed to GM’ i guess this shows which one goes first of course both are necessary
nem621Participanti own dogs and i feel bad when the dog wants me to pet it on shabos and to the best of my understanding i can’t maybe im wrong
nem621ParticipantIhear there is a pasuk that says npikudei H’yesharei ve samchei leiv and the gemara in taanis uses this as a mekor for learning being geshmak
nem621ParticipantI couldnt find the rabbi ribiat so it probably wasnt him
nem621Participantalthough you did make clear you were not writing saying it is lehalacha and you said ypu know most poskim don’t hold like this i would like to mention R’ Ribbiat (i think it is him i dont want to misquote him) that even if the pilot is off it is still assur since the water in the tank is still yad soledes and you are making cold water come in
even if it is grama it is a a psil reisha which at least by ashkenazim is assur unless done through a derabanon so maybe you could do it with a shinui…
nem621ParticipantHe who told oil to burn will tell vinager to burn taanis the the third perk i would assume somewhere around chaf chei amud aleph
nem621ParticipantIn other words you want others to sin?!? Alevai no one should sin even if i do i should be the only one
nem621ParticipantWhy clearly dont celebrate military streangth as we didnt have such streaghth we say it in al hanasim few beat the weak
nem621ParticipantAny chareidi ones?
nem621ParticipantAre there any israeli yeshivas with large american population
nem621ParticipantA lot of people are saying that metal cant touch the stones i cant remember were but there is a part of tomid that is maashma that only the azara cant touch metal (i think it might be when it talksabout the racks for the pirchei kehuna
nem621ParticipantI know the mods wouldnt let so blatant LH you should have written let me tell you what i heard of…
nem621Participanti switched from sfard to ashkenaz my rav told me to ask my father who didn’t really care
nem621Participanti can try but i don’t have internet when i’m in yeshiva so im no lead but i’ll follow any one out there maybe justsayin?
nem621Participantwell maybe instead of making a topic of positivity and seeing how far it goes we could just be positive on every thing we write.. if i write about something interesting while being positive it is still interesting not to mention that the chafetz chaim saysthe begging of loshon hora is when people aren’t dan lechaf zchus (i might be wrong someone please correct me if i am it should be at the begging of shmiras ha lashon)
nem621Participantwhat does +1 mean is it the same as bump?
nem621Participantto all those who say that properly implanted emunah is unbreakable R’ Meir’s rebbi acher im sure had emunah and went off the derech im not sure if it is a chazal or posuk (i think its a mishna in avos but not sure and too lazy to look it up ) but we are told “don’t trust yourself until the day of your death”..
November 4, 2013 12:18 am at 12:18 am in reply to: At what point is it considered studying too much? #985119nem621Participanti think that instead of studying the material so much you should try to improve your test taking skills they can make a huge difference through your whole academic career
nem621Participantthe irony is killing me complaining about the amount of complaints that being said you have a point i may be incorrect but i believe moshe was punished for speaking loshon hora on am yisrael by the sneh. today i was in target and someone saw i was dressed with yeshiva clothing i didnt even ask him and he offered me a ride back to yeshiva turns out i didn’t need one but i was impressed
nem621Participant147 he was referring to present day (i think it sounded like that) and nowadays although hats are not commonly used by society at large they are common among frum jews and it is a distinctive feature of jews (people relate hats to jews so much that the term black hat jew exists)
writersoul, don’t read this as me being mean it is just i can’t use tone of voice when writing but not trying to fight… how do you get dina demalchusa? dina demalchusa dina is something completely different here you have the choice you should choose the jewish thing even if there is no reason or maybe just a silly reason i have never heard a rav say what i said so i might (very likely as i usually am) be wrong
nem621Participantnira li that the halacha that the kitzur shulchan aruch writes that if there is a begged that is distinctively jewish a jew is REQUIRED to wear it and he gives the example of if jews wear black shoe laces and the goyim wear red shoe laces one should wear black shoe laces i might have it wrong im not a posek i am an 11th grader in yeshiva catana
nem621Participantto my understanding you go to college twice a week and get a degree from there and your shiur gives you grades that are counted instead of the non essential to the degree classes i am not in yeshiva gedola in ner but i do know several people who are i might be incorrect but i think this is pretty accurate
nem621Participanti know no one wants to defend so ill be devils advocate.. sometimes i am eating and someone asks me something and it is an awkward wait.. although gemara taainis says it is dangerous since food might go down the food pipe
nem621Participanti used to play loads of monopoly and now during bein hazmanim y play risk or catan usually risk because that is what more people know how to play in yeshiva i sleep
nem621Participantthank you all. i did know that i can get to almost anywhere in e”y in a days trip the thing is i am going to be learning so a days trip means after morning seder until the night
nem621Participantanywhere else thankyou
nem621Participantto answer some questions that are a little old (2 months) the english names for the parts or the torah are from the gemara names i.e. levitucus is Torahs cohanim so although it isnt a perfect translation one can see where it comes from
May 31, 2013 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm in reply to: Admitting bad judgement: Is it seen as a sign of strength or weakness? #957376nem621Participanthealth- i don’t know what the specific case is i was just saying weather or not i believe people should take things back im sorry if what i said sounds insensitive or anything similar to that it was out or ignorance of the case
May 31, 2013 2:49 am at 2:49 am in reply to: Admitting bad judgement: Is it seen as a sign of strength or weakness? #957371nem621Participanti am not sure what is better i personally believe that one can take something he himself said as it is is his personal honor but an institution like beis din should not because this is not personal honor it is rather the kovod of torah
there is a case in Gittin were Rav(or rebbi im not so sure) and his B”D made the wrong valuation of a terrain, the mistake was more than 1/6 of the price, rav (rebbi still not sure) paskened that the object had to be taken back when asked if he didn’t hold like RSHBA”G that “ma koach B”D iaphe” what would people say about the power of beis din he said beis din should not take it back so that people remain honoring its rulings. notice how he took back what he previously said of taking back (gittin fourth perek i believe lamed daled amud beis but not so sure)
nem621Participantsome people mentioned waking up to music as it is more pleasent mishna brura/ shluchan aruch hold that this is assur as long as we don’t have a beit HaMikdash since it is TOO much happiness (hichos tisha be av don’t rimember what siman)
nem621Participanthidding the other neviim (not sure it was him)
nem621Participanti would say its a meal but i heard from R’ Heinemann himself that it takes two slices and a side for it to require washing
nem621Participantplease daven for Yaakov ben Miriam
May 5, 2013 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950471nem621Participanti usually take a little longer (still finishing before chazaratz ashatz) and there is someone in yeshiva who a lot of the time trying to exit by my seat ends up pushing me half of the time
nem621Participantthe daf in taanis is the very first mishna
nem621Participantthe gemara only mentions moshiv haruach u morid a geshem not saying that those who do insert morid hatal are doing something bad but that is the reason nusach ashkenaz in chutz la’aretz don’t say it
nem621Participantjust because Israel passed the US it doesn’t mean they have over half considering there is probably some other million Jews living outside the two of them. even if most live in Israel you have to take out all the jews in southern israel because it is not hallachically part of E”Y (kibush yachid shmei kibush? i believe we dont hold like that)