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  • in reply to: Jeans #664938

    SJSinNYC, of course on shabbos you should dress more formally than during the week. So on shabbos wear a suit, and during the week wear dress shirt/pants (assuming you’re male). However, you still shouldn’t be dressed informally when davening during the week.

    moish01, yarmulkas aren’t just about halacha. In the times of the gemara, only the rabbonim wore them. But today, a yarmulka is a statement. It says, “I’m a jew, and I’m proud”. Once you take off your yarmulka, you’re saying you don’t consider yourself to be a jew. And once you do that, chances are you’re not coming back.

    in reply to: Sixth Sensational Agent Emes Episode Now On Sale #712026

    Unregistered? what does that mean?

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638919

    torahtziva, ushmartem mioed es nafshosaychem also applies on purim.

    in reply to: Jeans #664876

    “i do a million things that are assur”

    moish, I did’t know that there were a million things that are assur. 🙂

    But seriously, you need to stop being so hard on yourself. You obviously believe in Hashem, as shown on the zoo/evolution thread, and here you’ve shown a strong sense of right and wrong. I think that most people here would call you a good guy. So you should probaly just focus on wha tyou’re doing right, not what you’re doing wrong.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638914

    moish01, you want to see how a real jew argues? Copy and paste this URL address ,then read comment #7

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082098

    moish, guilt is a start. If you really feel guilty about what you’re doing, eventually you’ll stop doing it. And changing your thinking is also important. As The Shmuz’s slogan goes, “Because how you think, becomes how you feel, becomes who you are. Forever.” (or something like that)

    in reply to: Jeans #664873

    dd, flatbush27 asked everyone not to be nasty. If you disagree with his opinion, fine. But why do you have to get insulting and personal? Can’t we just argue about opinions, not people?

    About jeans, I don’t see anything wrong with wearing them, either for performance ar comfort. However, I don’t think that a God fearing jew should daven with jeans. Jeans are casual in the extreme, and I think one should be dressed formaly while talking to the King of kings.

    cantoresq, how does them being wrong make you right?

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665575

    anyone have anymore stories/divrei torah on being happy with what you have? come on it’s only monda we can’t be out of stuff already!

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082087

    “i think moish is gonna go missing in action one of these days.”

    I wouldn’t blame you. No one likes being singled out and examined, and if you feel that strongly about this then ask the mods to switch it back. That said, I think you’d agree that being in the CR is both helping your frumkeit and helping you think what you want to do with your life.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638905

    moish01, while there may be frum people that are “creeps”, that doesn’t mean we all are. That’s like saying that since some people who don’t do mitzvos hate their parents, all of them do. You can be frum and still be a fine and decent person. And if you say yeah, there are some who are both but most are one or the other, you have to realize that for some reason, the more extreme a faction of judaism is, the more vocal it tends to be. In other words, just because 50% of people here in the CR hold one thing doesn’t mean that 50% of all jews think the same thing. The numbers could be closer to ten percent, or closer to ninety. Also, count the how many CR members there are, then count how many you consider “creeps”. I think (hope?) that you’ll realize that most of are, more or less, decent people.

    in reply to: If You Could Have Anything… #1154908

    It’s true, money doesn’t mean happiness. I happen to know someone who’s father has literally billions and trust me he isn’t any happier than you or me. Once you have a million you want 2, then 3, 4, etc. It never stops. The only way to be really happy is to be happy with what you have. Which, by the way, what we’re currently working on in the middos thread for anyone interested.

    As for what I’d want, I’m with mazal77 – moshiach! So much of what has been said in this thread is included in this: world peace, getting closer to Hashem, not having to make a parnassah (at least I think some sheitos hold that), etc. And just imagine having a Bais Hamikdush built again!

    in reply to: Help For a Speech #638033


    Try writing about how Israel gave up Gaza, which was then used to launch rockets at towns in Israel for years. That should add a couple of minutes to the beginning.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638883

    moish01, you’re 100% right. All that was totally wrong. We all make mistakes.

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082047

    no problem

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082044

    asdfghjkl, it’s not just my way of thinking, it’ areivimzehlazeh’s way of thinking, moish01’s way of thinking, the jewish way of thinking.

    in reply to: 1 Chessed A Day! #652444

    or maybe he didn’t have time to prepare a hot drink

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082042

    moish, you want to know why we care? I’ll tell you why we care. For the same reason that you care about 3 guys in Japan who you’ve never seen before. Because whatever you do you’re a jew, and every jew cares about every other jew. It’s the same reason that jews all over the world davened for the residents of Southern Israel during the war, the same reason we all say tehillim for people we’ve never seen. Because they are jews. It doesn’t matter where they’re from, it doesn’t matter how they dress, nothing matters. All jews are brothers. We would do anything for you, just as you’d do anything for the 3 guys in Japan.

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665565

    The most important part of being happy with what you have is recognizing that Hashem has decided that you should have exactly what you have now. Anything more or anything less would not only not be good for you, it would be bad for you. Hashem has given you everything you need in this world, monetarily, mentally, etc.

    teen, simply think once a day “Everything I have is a gift from Hashem”. A good time to think this would be by “posaech es yadecha u’masbea lichul chai rutzoin” in Ashrei.

    in reply to: #1052082

    Even if yiddish was the langauge that the most torah was learnt in (I’d think that would be hebrew/aramaic, but OK), and even if every single jew only spoke yiddish, how would this give it kedushah?

    Joseph, even if ivrit was created soley by apicursis(es? How do I say this in plural?), why would it be tumay? It is still based on Lashon Hakodesh, and still has quite a few words that are exactly the same. Do those words have kedushah, and the ‘new’ words tumah? And I’d assume that a significant amount of Torah has been learnt in Israel in ivrit, so by your logic it should be kudosh! (Along with english, french, spanish, roman, and the language of every other country that jews have ever lived in.)

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638866

    flatbush27, which pasuk says one can’t look at those things or talk in chat rooms?

    And even if those things are issurai diuyraysu (I simply don’t know), even someone who does C”V do those things probably does them a lot less often then someone who smokes. And smoking is chemically addictive, so once you start its incredibly hard to stop.

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665554
    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950455


    i know, just proving the point even more.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1123576

    hey mod-72, sunday still says open and nossond posted he’ll do it.

    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950453

    lesschumras, just a limud zichus – it’s very possible that these people do not realize there is someone davening SE behind them. It’s happened to me more than once.

    notpashut, there is one other time that the phrase “one’s sin is “too great to bear”” is mentioned: when Cayen killed Havel, he asked Hashem “is my sin too great to bear?” And, as you said, the SHULCHAN ARUCH says about one who talks during chazaras hashatz his sin is too great to bear. (not to say that at other points in davening it’s OK)

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665550

    I vote for (drum roll please)…

    #7 – Being happy with what we have!!

    We will all be so much happier once we realize that everything we have is from Hashem, given to us for a specific reason, and that Hashem has given us all that we need to accomplish our mission in this world.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638857

    azi: mod-99 may not be the “the arbitrator of what is “anti-torah””, but he is one of the deciders of what can be posted on, a private website. If he, or any of the other mods, decide that they do not want to post your comment for any reason, then that is their choice.

    And azi, I have seen Joseph post on the many torah threads in the CR many times, but I have never seen a dvar torah from you. So I’d say that your nasty little comment of “your modus operandi is to bother and distrurb the people who take part in this forum. I rarely ever see you providing anything positive or constructive to a conversation.” would seem to apply more to you than Joseph.

    Back to the original topic, every cigarette smoked is an issur diuyraysu. Period. Almost nothing on the internet is truly an issur diuyraysu. Of course parents must use filters (yes, plural – filters can be broken all too easily) and close supervision, but the internet can, through some work, be kashured; cigarettes can’t be.

    in reply to: Bituchin & Emunah #1072573

    If you’d like to look at Hashem’s wonderful the world a little more, go to

    thanx feivel!

    in reply to: Bituchin & Emunah #1072572

    Although i don’t have any stories to share, I don’t need any stories. Just look around you at this incredible world that Hashem created. The more you look at it, the more incredible it seems.

    in reply to: Will They EVER Learn? #635532

    why does everyone’s post end in a $?

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665547

    Hey, building on this week’s middah of not wasting time, how about we make the next middah of the week using every opportunity to do a mizvah? Examples that spring to mind: give everyone you see a smile/compliment, listen to a shiur or read a sefer for 5 minutes, etc.

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1225041

    how about the links to the topic bring you to the latest page?

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665538

    hey mods, can you please make this thread sticky?

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665508

    Hey moish, how about time is torah?

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665486

    shkoyach: you can start with simply taking 15 minutes that you usually waste and making a seder then. It doesn’t have to be anything lumdish, there’s plenty of light and interesting english seferim out there!

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665485

    First off, thank you ames for the truly amazing dvar torah!

    When the mishnah says wasting time, I assume it means from learning. After all, we have a chiyuv to learn yomum vilayla, and we are only excused from learning when performing a mitzvah or vital duty (raising kids, making a parnassah, etc.) Besides for those times, we are michuyiv to spend all our time learning. So for this week, I think we should all be mekabal on ourselves to spend some time that we usually waste learning. A good time to do this would be for those of us who take buses. Bring a sefer with you, or load up an MP3 player with your favorite shiurim (I’m pretty sure there used to be a topic in CR filled with links to Torah websites). After all, it really is ridiculous how much time we waste every day. With just a few minutes a day you can learn an incredible amount!

    in reply to: Please Rate President Obama�s Performance #637975

    “Yes, but most presidents don’t appoint political opponents to their cabinets, especially to prominent/ powerful positions like Sec of State. Generally speaking, the vice-president is not a politically powerful position, though it can be a springboard for a future presidential run. In recent years, a presidential candidate’s selection of a running mate has become opportunity to broaden one’s demographic/ political appeal (see John McCain & Sarah Palin). Thus choosing one’s former political rival as a running mate is a practical move that can help a candidate achieve a win that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. There is no similar political advantage to appointing a competitor to a Cabinet position.”

    anon, cabinet positions can (and are) often used as bargaining chips in behind the scenes political deals. Clinton was damaging Obama’s chances of becoming president, and she would never quit just to help him out.

    in reply to: Please Rate President Obama�s Performance #637948

    Igree with with Joseph – as of right now, Obama hasn’t done enough to get rated by. However, his cabinet appointments have B”H been fairly moderate, but I have a bad feeling about his emphasis on peace in the Middle East…

    in reply to: Help Choosing a Camp #878875

    qaws and qwertyuiop: Heller and Mogen Av are both owned by the same people, and are combining. I’m not sure which name they’ll use, but I think the MA staff will run the junior division and the Heller staff the senior.

    in reply to: The CR Laboratory: Try Your HTML Formatting Experiments Here #630439


    in reply to: The CR Laboratory: Try Your HTML Formatting Experiments Here #630438

    or this {font-size:25pt}

    in reply to: The CR Laboratory: Try Your HTML Formatting Experiments Here #630436

    let’s see if this works:

    <IMG src=”;

    ALT=”magen david image”>

    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950438

    “I thought this only applied if there was nothing in between the two of you (like a chair or something)?”

    Yes, yhe issur of walking in front of a person davening SE is only when there’s nothing in between you, and a table acts as a mechitza in this regard.

    in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950437

    And what’s with the people who walk out every 2 seconds? This is a complete lack of respect for the kedushah of a shul, and of Hashem. And walking out during laining is also a lack of respect for the torah, and an issur gammur!

    in reply to: PLEA to all posters. #630984

    notpashut, chuck: All zalmy said is that there are many different sheytos on many things, and zeh vizeh divrai elokim chaim. If you want to exept chumros for yourself, good for you, but shoving your chumros down someone else’s throat is a shaylah of bal tishaktzu. Blasting someone for encouraging us to show some respect for those that aren’t our exact copies, on a topic started with a plea to show respect to your fellow jew, is slightly disturbing.

    That said, zalmy: I believe you may have crossed a line when you complained about “the deterioration in middos among the yeshiva community, especially with regard to other yiddin”. Saying something negative about a group of people is like saying lashon hara on each one individually.

    in reply to: Internet Explorer Users Warned to Change Browser Over Security Fears #641422

    dont have internet, try restarting your computer.

    in reply to: Shmiras Halashon #683102

    Curious, you could just start a new topic under the heading “Who wants life?”. And BYM, the more the better!

    in reply to: Shmiras Halashon #683095

    yeah, anybody want to call/email them?

    in reply to: Internet Explorer Users Warned to Change Browser Over Security Fears #641410

    I’d suggest changing to Morzilla Firefox, the fastest and safest web browser, which can be downloaded for free.

    in reply to: PLEA to all posters. #630967

    Thank you tal! YWN could indeed be a lot better if everyone on it would be respectful and tolerant of each other. Of course, aside from making YWN a better place, not being negative can save you from CH”V being ovur lashon hara, as explained in further detail in .

    in reply to: Shmiras Halashon #683093

    curious, you could just give us a summary in your own words.

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