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  • in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2199834

    In fact, lubavitch doesn’t have a rebbe

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2199832

    Yavneh is LWMO

    in reply to: New Brooklyn Eruv: Time to Accept? #2199822

    You are right we don’t have popes, we still have gedolim whom we must follow. The statement that rav moshe opposed it is not applicable after his death except for his talmidim, the fact that gedolei yisroel nowadays aren’t fans of it is a bigger issue. One should follow whoever that person follows for halacha, and it should be one person. The real question is who the posek of brooklyn is

    in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2199821

    Sechel 83, Litvaks aren’t against the idea of having a Rebbi, they argue against what the function of having a Rebbi is and even what it means to connect with hashem, litvaks or at least briskers, which is where my rebbis mesorah in hashgofo and learning comes from was incredibly close to his rebbi, Rav Aharon Soloveitchik zatsal. He explained to me that a Rebbi is to give over to the talmid his hashgofo and derech halimud exactly, that’s all. We don’t connect to Hashem through a rebbi by connecting to a rebbi, we do by using the tools our rebbeim give us. The idea of following a rebbi isn’t chassidish, and the only reason chassidish rebbeim our passed down through a dynasty is because that was how the rabbinate often worked in a shtetl.

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199818

    Neville Chaim Berlin, the difference between this and open orthodoxy is that their are talmidei chachomim behind ensuring that this club is something that is from a frum hashgofo, the fact that it got Rav Herschel Schachters approval, an adam gadol, is telling. If you can find quotes of gedolei yisroel lambasting yu’s decision to have such a club I would love to see such quotes. There still is a criticism of Yu, not that they are making such a club, but that they need such a club. That they are financially dependent on the ny state government, that they attracted students that wanted a pride club. Sure they have a greater demographic of bochrim in the beis medrash learning each day than to people who would join such a club, but the fact that people would sue their own yeshiva is in of itself reflective of that yeshiva.

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199523

    The club doesn’t exist and has held no meetings, it was an attempt from YU to avoid losing money and doing what the NY governments want them to do.

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