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    bikur choilem @ 718-438-2020

    in reply to: Girls don't know boys #872179

    Ch”V I don’t mean to knock any boys and of course there are those that sit and learn and have nothing to do with the outside world. Kudos to them!! But they wouldn’t be posting on the yw cr…I assume that neither would want their future wives surfing and posting. I’m referring to the more “normal” (or call them “with it” for lack of better term) guys. Enough has been said about boys learning in isreal though it’s not an excuse for freedom it’s the fact. When you say”Just because it’s normal for boys a certain age to act a certain way doesn’t make something okay” I’m not trying to justify it, just that these are the facts (unfortunately) wether we like it or not and we don’t always do/not do what you might expect from us. This was my point from the beginning that girls just aren’t informed in the reality of a boys life. It’s great that the world has a certain respect and look upto yeshiva bachurim which does give us a responsibility to be better but when reality comes knocking don’t overestimate us.

    in reply to: Girls don't know boys #872177

    Also I hear that’s why guys like the freezer, to settle down a bit. Not unlike girls coming home from seminary just the other way around. Everyone heard of the joke that when on the plane to EY the girls are watching movies while the boys are hunched over their gemaras, but on the way back it’s the opposite. I guess everyone has to take some time to think about life and settle into who they really are.

    in reply to: Girls don't know boys #872176


    I definitely agree to what your saying and I think most guys do give up those outlets. We realize it comes from an immaturity to use such outlets. Yet I find it hard to hear a guy say he dropped everything and would never do it again. When someone posted that “old habits die hard” I find that to mean you don’t just have a 180 degree change of heart. I might have outgrown (spiritually/mentally) somethings but I won’t be able to say It was wrong and I wouldn’t do it again in another lifetime because at that time and age it’s what boys do.

    I want to be clear that I’m talking about “normal healthy yeshiva boys” not doing anything that most of us haven’t done, and not things that are embarrassing to discuss between ourselves. It’s only for girls, who don’t know what a boys life is about, is it shocking to hear something’s that are the norm. Much has been said about how harsh the world can be for a bachur and I think that girls just have to be warned that it’s harder to be the angels they think/hope us to be, but we are always working on it.

    in reply to: Girls don't know boys #872166

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I would just like to clarify that Im not refering to things I would be embarressed to say just more like not waking up by 8 oclock bein hazmanim or even missing a night seder once in a while to play ball etc…Things like these can be accepted norms by boys yet girls will find it hard to accept

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