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  • in reply to: Olam Haboh #1924437

    I believe one can be nisgalgel a maximum of three times.

    in reply to: Olam Haboh #1924242

    The answer I gave is the explanation given by Rabbi Noach Weinberger z”l from Aish Hatorah.

    in reply to: Olam Haboh #1924156

    Because Hashem wished to create beings as like Himself as possible. And just as it is impossible to give anything to Hashem, He created humans to strive to be givers and not takers. Thus, nahama dich’sufah, the bread of embarrassment. We cannot easily accept something for nothing.

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918307

    @youngrechnitz, Why do you point only to the Second Amendment? Democrats are pretty rough against the First Amendment too. They have fought against religious expression & free speech in many cases — as longs as it’s Jews and conservatives.

    in reply to: Kosher food distribution #1912887

    I’d like to know about food distributions in Rockland County.

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1904126

    CharlieHall: That is a stupid argument. They are chayiv misah for each and every of the 7 Noahide Laws. No one said that theft is murder. I’m sorry you don’t accept the Talmud’s rulings, but I’m fed up with apikorsus.

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1903928

    The relevance is to voting. Do we have to vote to stop goyim from performing abortions or not?

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1903908

    According to the gamara in sanhedrin, In a scenario that the unborn endangers the mothers life, a goy wouldn’t be allowed to kill the baby and yid would be allowed

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1903861

    I have my answer. The gemara in Sanhedrin says they are chayiv misah for abortion.

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1903857

    Sam Klein, the 7 Mitzvos Bnai Noach are general rules. They include at least 77 detailed Laws in their purview. It’s not just the 7 Mitzvos themselves. Each one has codicils (if that’s the right word) and so forth.

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1848582

    Welcome back! I promise that here you will not be judged. There are too many of us who have wavered from time to time to judge anyone else. What can we do to help you in your situation? If you need something, please tell us. If you live anywhere I can reach I will be glad to help you, bring you something. I would invite you to my house but with the Coronavirus going on I don’t know what to do. But if that’s what you need, I will ask my wife.

    in reply to: Limericks based on Daf Yomi #1844944

    Very nice!

    in reply to: Dare to be great #1837237

    Okay, not in the Serengeti, but in Borough Park, late Thursday night; someone is coming home from mishmar, and he turns a corner and walks right into a trap — five scary looking individuals armed with knives. He’s feeling pretty vulnerable right then.
    But he whips out his bag of favorite hamentashen — raspberry filled, of course — and shares it with the scary-looking gentlemen, and everyone parts friends.

    in reply to: From our mouth #1834368

    I have heard that the Yaavetz paskens that we should not use Loshon Hakodesh as a speaking language until Moshiach comes. But I just heard it; I have not seen it inside, nor do I know where it can be found, if it indeed exists.

    in reply to: Why do many people in Lakewood drive way to fast? #1825454

    This is new? In Monroe almost everyone drives like an entitled lord in a hurry. I hate driving in Monroe. And in Monsey every goyisher car service drives like they’re on a Sunday drive, slow as molasses, without blinking before turns.

    in reply to: What do you think of converts? #1803265

    Welcome to the family.

    in reply to: Tips for being happy #1801991

    Two things guarantee happiness: gratitude and חסד. Be grateful to Hakodos Boruch Hu, and do חסד to other people. Both will fill you with happiness, I promise you.

    in reply to: Why Is It So Hard? #1801990

    Human nature being what it is, is it surprising it’s so difficult to match two people? The Ribbono Shel Oilam sits and is mizaveg zivugim all day. People keep changing, and theor matches keep changing.

    in reply to: Parking in two spots #1790005

    First he blocked me as I was trying to walk on the sidewalk. Then I turned around and saw how he was parked. His car blocked three parking spots.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1789842

    Oh please, I’m just predicting.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1789776

    I can guarantee that we will not be zoicheh to nissim giluyim or achishenah. I look around, and the only way I see that the entire Klal Yisrael will all be zoicheh is if it chas v’sholom happens like in Mitzrayim, if most Yiddin are niftar min ha’olam, chas v’sholom. Otherwise, I don’t see it happening. I think Hashem will be mirachem on Klal Yisrael, and bring the geulah slowly, being mikarev everyone to the Emes.

    in reply to: Parking in two spots #1789717

    No, he parked sideways, right in the middle of one spot. so he stuck out onto one spot behind him and another spot in front of him.

    in reply to: Why do people comment without actually reading the o p? #1789716

    A roundabout is a traffic circle.

    in reply to: Why do people comment without actually reading the o p? #1789499

    Well, at the roundabout near my home there are never any police cops, because where would they stand?

    in reply to: Parking in two spots #1789498

    I was once blocked on the sidewalk by someone who managed to take up all three spaces. I couldn’t understand him until I saw that he had parked crossways and blocked three parking spaces on a busy erev Pesach. My mind was boggled and I am still taken aback.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1788550

    munkatch: That is only one of the two ways that the posuk says it can happen. Again, Chazal say clearly that it can happen with nissim giluyim, if it happens “achishenah.” But if it happens “b’ito,” that posuk in Michah will not happen.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1788551

    Reb Eliezer: I know. But why is the assumption that it will happen “achishena?”

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1788549

    Hamakom: That being the case, the only possible way is for it to be b’ito. And that is a process that will happen slowly.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1788548

    coffee addict: Of course I want to be considered zoiche! But it must be all of Klal Yisrael who are zoiche in order for it to be achishena, and wanting doesn’t make it happen.

    in reply to: B’ito, or Achishena? #1788571

    I posted four responses here, yet none of them showed up.

    in reply to: Can a husband bring down his wife (take her farther from Hashem)? #1765864

    Someone, almost forty years ago, told me there is a gemara that says that a man married a woman tzadekes, and she turned him into a tzaddik. Some time later he lost his wife and remarried, and married a rashanta, who turned him evil.

    But I have never seen it inside, and I don’t know where this alleged gemara is.

    in reply to: Why are those behind this site over on ona’at devarim? #1764358

    What snide comment do you mean?

    in reply to: restaurant on first date??? #1763585

    Anil: When I was single, I used to resent the women who opined that a man should wait until he’s, say, 24, before getting married. I was suffering as a single. Furthermore, Chazal say “ben sheminag esray lichupah.” Are we going to push up the year for a bar mitzvah too, because “today’s boys are less mature?”

    in reply to: What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule? #1762089


    What are you talking about he HAS to shave and drink cholov stam? What nonsense! Rav Koshe zt”l was mattir these things under certain situations, but spoke and wrote against doing them. Just because he follows Rav Moshe’s psak against entering Conservative and Reform temples means he HAS to shave and drink cholov stam? What in the world are you talking about?

    in reply to: See It For Yourself #1760803

    The Sefer Chassidim siman resh vav (206) says that if a man is misnave about Moshiach, you know with certainty that he was fooling around with the Shem Hamiforash or other forbidden things , and bothrring either molochim or shaidim, and they got angry at him for it and so they told him this nonsense in order to embarrass him and those who believe in him.
    Look it up yourself.

    in reply to: Returning To The Derech #1750362

    Nimnu vigumru: The world is a mess.

    in reply to: Returning To The Derech #1749857

    It’s more complicated than that. My sister is Satmar, and lives in Williamsburg. She has a Satmar neighbor who told my brother-in-law that the only reason he makes a Sukkah is because of his wife. He, personally, eats at MacDonalds from time to time.

    Sadly, there are many frum-looking people who are not really frum at all. Who can say how many frum people there are when we don’t always know the truth?

    in reply to: Has the שמיר worm been found? #1747310

    The Shamir will make its reappearance when Moshiach comes, right? And the gemara is Maseches Shabbos says that everything Chazal promised will happen when moshiach comes (trees growing suits, women giving birth every day) has its counterpart here and now (sikk growing in tree bark, chickens laying eggs daily, etc.). So perhaps this is a semblance of the Shamir. May it come back soon!


    How do I turn off notifications to my email?

    in reply to: Unacceptable Grammar #1739803

    I keep getting notices in my email whenever anyone posts something here. How do I turn it off?

    in reply to: Unacceptable Grammar #1739613

    There is also a Kabbalistic reason for calling it Sholosh Seudos. Friday night the Yidden are in a state of kabbalah — accepting the kedushah from Shabbos. It is for that reason we say “Viyanuchu bah” — loshon nikaivah, during Friday night maariv, because loshon nikaivah is used in Kabbalah to indicate reception.

    Shabbos by day we are in bichinas mashpiah — the state of influencing, that is, we bring kedushah into the world. This is why we say during davening by day on Shabbos, “Viyanuchu bo” — loshon zachor, because loshon zachor is used in Kabbalah to indicate giving, emitting.

    During the time of “Sholoh Shudos” (Sholosh Seudos), we are in a third state: that of both receiving and giving at the same time. Therefore we say “Viyanuchu bom,” loshon rabim during minchah on Shabbos.

    Therefore, “Sholo Shudos” is a time where all three seudos Shabbos come together and act as one, which is why we call it Sholosh Seudos” instead of Seudat Shlishis.


    @yabia: As I posted above, there have been gedolai hador ever since Moshe Rabbainu. The Rambam lists the leaders of each generation from Moshe Rabbainu to Rav Ashi. There’s nothing contemporary about it. It is a fact, and a pivotal fact in Yiddishkeit. It was here in every generation.


    Yussel, what you’re saying is ridiculous. In every generation the Yidden have looked to their leaders, the gedolai hador, the poskim. The Rambam lists the gedolai hador from Moshe Rabbainu until iirc Rav Ashi.

    in reply to: The four “sons” – what about daughters? #1718686

    @laskern – What is the eitz hadaas problem?

    in reply to: The four “sons” – what about daughters? #1718513

    Well, in my family the girls also asked the Mah Nishtana.

    in reply to: Did YWN cave to pressure and remove a news item? #1715569

    I don’t see a chillul Hashem about the Notre Dame story. Perhaps in the comments, you mean?


    Hmm, what kind of cheese?


    Reb Yidd, I resent that remark! Who says that we need to cascade memos about our functional relative alignment? The truth is that I can make a window to discuss your four-dimensional monitored paradigm shifts. On the day after Shushan Purim.

    in reply to: Rabbi Tzion Menachem?! #1683752

    I googled “tzion menachem” and turned up nothing bad about the man. Where do I find this “bad information” people say about him?


    I hate to admit this, but from the “far right” of Chareidim there are many who no longer believe in Hakodosh Boruch Hu or His mitzvos. What can we do about them?

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