in 6th or 7th grade me and my chevra used to make fu of MO until this guy Mordi shapiro (look him up), told us this: a MO guy wears jeans and a t-shirt to shul davens 3 times a day. but a guy with a hat down & jacket ( and maybe even a gartel) misses mincha because he’s busy with his job. who’s on a higher madregah? at first my friend said “MO went to a co-ed school so the yeshivishe guy is on a higher madregah.” and the guy started explainig to us; who are we to judge people? is a person with a brim down frummer than a guy with his brim up? and from then on we both are dan lcaf zchus
moral of the story wear you brim up or down it doesnt effect your avodas ??