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  • in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354324

    Feel free to delete your account any time you’d like. Your mission was done before you even started. Please try to proselytize elsewhere on whatever chats you have created by your own ANASH.

    in reply to: Stupid Question, but would Appreciate any Smart Answers. #2311696

    Bahadi Kavshi dRachmana lama lach. Mai d’mifkadta ibai lach l’me’evad. Uma dnicha kamei Kudhsa Brich Hu l’avid. (Brachos 10)

    We do what we are told and don’t make other worldly cheshbonos. We are told to be osek in saving Jewish lives so that is what we do. What they do with their gift of life is their decision and nisayon.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2291338

    Actually chazal say (next weeks parsha of the Meraglim) that any Sheker that doesn’t have a little Emes won’t stand. One of the videos that made a big deal was at the 80th anniversary of D Day a week before Shavuos where he seemed to wander off and needed to be corralled by the lady Italian (I think it was) Prime Minister. The thing there was there were some military paratroopers that had landed off to the right and he was walking towards them to thank them for their service (at least that’s what KJP is trying to sell). The video shown around just had him wandering off and didn’t show was was further off to the right.. That’s what she means by doctored videos. There’s plenty enough footage out there of him acting like a super geezer that they didn’t need to use this one, which allows her to say that they’re making up fake videos.

    in reply to: Tax Exempt Judaica #2284623

    I wonder if a shtreimel or a shaitel qualifies as religious clothing. Savings could be significant!!


    I think the OP means to say, as you make supper, sing Lishana etc


    If the chareidim riot and protest the light rail when it is on Bar Ilan and Shmuel Hanavi, what do you think they would do if you open a stop by Mir and Brisk?

    in reply to: The donkey in the classroom #2234471

    It is clear from the sugya in the Daf this week that Am HAdomeh Lachamor is referring specifically to Eliezer Eved Avrohom and not Yishmael. Avadim and not goyim. Why this is so is beyond the limited scope for a coffeeroom comment, but it is clear that is how the gemara learns the drasha.

    in reply to: Israel and Palestinians trade blame for hospital explosion #2232769

    The Palestinians say big deal you showed us pix? You faked them. You played a recording? You made that up. And America lied to cover up their friend Israel. Their crazy and wrong, but that’s their shitah in life.

    in reply to: How to Improve Learning Skills #2231203

    If gemara aramaic is an issue, I will offer a suggestion I’ve given to others over the years that has proven successful at different levels for different people. Be Maavir sedra – shnayim mikra v’echad targum. And PAY ATTENTION to the language of both passuk and Targum when you are saying the targum. That will help you develop a familiarity with the Lashon Arami used by our Chazal.

    in reply to: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead #2231194

    If his role models include Meyer Lansky, well . . . .

    in reply to: You who vote Democrat #2230156

    CTL: You know as well as anyone that all cash is fungible. Every penny used for humanitarian purposes frees up money to be used in other ways.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn #2227852

    So how is celebrating Simchas Torah (a clear Yom Tov act) on Shmini Atzeres being mevazeh Yom Tov?

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn #2227337

    YG45: Is there a difference between an Israeli celebrating Simchas Torah too openly on Shmini Atzeres in chu’l and a chu’l resident celebrating Simchas Torah too openly on Isru Chag in Israel?


    Don’t confuse attendance at a Shidduch event with actual numbers in the community at large.

    in reply to: “Super Lomdus” #2216617

    Sounds like a bunch of people not capable of getting it throwing mud at people who do out of a sense of jealousy that they missed the boat and compensating for their ignorance. Let’s take down people who get what we don’t so we don’t have to feel that we’re lacking anything.

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215861

    People are saying mamash shtusim. Lakewood is no longer a Torah Town? Lakewood is the Torah town in America!! True that it is no longer 100% exclusively Torah anymore. That started changing as baalei batim who were machshiv Torah, most of whom were former full time lomdei Torah, chose to settle in the proximity of this place which is chuz la’aretz’s biggest option of a makom Torah. There are literally thousands and thousands of Bnai Torah osek full time in Torah, mitoch dachkus umesiras nefesh. Yes there is wealth there as well. Have an ayin tova about it and you will understand that even the wealthy baal habos largely understands what is important, what he wants to expose his children to, and where and how he wants to raise them. And that leads to some ostentatiousness in neighborhoods near where the true pas bamelech tochal crowd lives. Ashreinu that we have such bnai Torah, and that we have such baalei batim that value it.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Y.W. Editor.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by midwesterner.
    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206407

    FWIW, I know Rav Zev Leff and have conversed with him on the subject of Chabad as well as many other topics. There is NO WAY in the world, in a million years, that he has any belief that RMMS ZL is, was, or will ever be Moshiach.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2206104

    CA: Grammar police here. You probably meant room and board. Food is board.

    in reply to: Ice cream truck frequency #2195776

    Avram: I don’t know about you, but personally, I was happy to see CTLAWYER swooping in with some comedy. Shows to me that he’s coming back to himself after a horribly difficult period in his life. May he, and all of us, know no more tzaar.

    in reply to: German Products #2194328

    Trump guy: You opened a debate and then said a few minutes later that you’re not trying to start a debate?


    in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2194116

    SR: If you would make a kosher corned beef sandwich available to them in Thailand, they’d cover for you too.

    in reply to: Chaim Shtinkowitz #2190497

    Mesivta Chasan Sofer Purim SHpiel from the late 70s. Maybe 1978?

    in reply to: Nabka event in congress canceled by the speaker #2189566

    Jackkkkkk surely meant Santos not Soros. I think he was just thinking too much about his patron saint, the funder of all the politicians he loves.

    in reply to: New Brooklyn Eruv: Time to Accept? #2187161

    Does the Great Wall of China make that entire country no longer a Reshus Harabim?

    in reply to: Chassidishe Out of town Kollelim? #2185787

    Chicago has two Chassidishe Kollelim, one affiliated with Zidichov, and the other with Veitzen. Also Detroit has one, in addition to the ones listed above.


    Until the adoption of the Twentieth Amendment in 1933, presidential and congressional terms began and ended at noon on March 4. In 1849 March 4 fell on a Sunday. On the morning of March 4, President James Polk signed the last of the session’s legislation at the White House and at 6:30 a.m. recorded in his diary, “Thus closed my official term as President.” The Senate, having been in session all night, adjourned sine die at 7:00 a.m. President-elect Zachary Taylor, in observance of the Christian Sabbath, preferred not to conduct his inauguration on Sunday, March 4, and the ceremony was delayed until the next day. On Monday, March 5, Taylor took the oath of office on the Capitol’s east front portico and the transition of power was complete.3

    The Inauguration of Gen. Zachary Taylor, 1849
    The inaugural ceremonies for President Zachary Taylor took place on the east portico of the Capitol on March 5, 1849, one day after the expiration of his predecessor’s term.
    Library of Congress
    But if President Polk’s term ended on March 4 at noon, and Zachary Taylor was not sworn in until noon on March 5, who was president on March 4? Under the Presidential Succession Act of 1792 the Senate president pro tempore immediately followed the vice president in the line of presidential succession. Had Atchison been president from noon on March 4 to noon on March 5?
    s there any truth to the idea that Atchison was the chief executive for a day? No. Atchison himself did not take the idea seriously. He wrote in 1880 that “I never for a moment acted as President of the U.S.” Congress did not make any determinations about who was president on March 4, and Atchison certainly did not sign official paperwork, but he did have some fun with it. He later joked that because of the long nights in session the previous days, he might have slept through his “term” except that his friends woke him to congratulate him and seek patronage jobs for their friends. “I recollect,” he said in 1889, “that Senator Mangum of North Carolina suggested that I make him secretary of state.” He liked to say that his presidency had been “the honestest administration this country ever had.”5

    Letter Written by David Rice Atchison (D-MO), ca.1880, Addressing the Myth that he was President for One Day
    In 1880, Atchison wrote in a letter, “I never for a moment acted as President of the U.S.”
    Shapell Manuscript Foundation
    In 1925 historian George Haynes—an authority on the Senate—dismissed the claims of Atchison’s presidency. The clearest indication that Atchison was not president, he noted, was the fact that Atchison’s existing term as senator and, more importantly, as president pro tempore, had ended at noon on March 4. The position of president pro tempore was, in fact, vacant. Atchison was not elected to the position again until the Senate’s special session convened at noon on March 5. Minutes later the president and vice president took their oaths.


    Who is Atchison?

    in reply to: reb shayala brother #2183414

    There’s some legend that R Shayala told some of his people who were going to America that if they wanted someone to connect to, they should go see his brother. Whatever.

    in reply to: ORANGE SOAP IN MIKVAS #2181013

    Talk divrei Torah? In the Mikvah?

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2179602


    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178840

    Not sure I get the raya from Yaakov’s lack of response that he held that age order is correct. Yaakov himself planned, at that very wedding, to skip an older sister to marry a younger.

    Why would an ehrliche person reject Chazal who say Hanosei ishe tzarich sheyivdok b’acheha, mipneh sherov banim domim l’achei ha’em. Proceed how you wish, and take whatever reports you hear under whatever level of advisement you wish. But you will me mal’ig a significant chazal due to lack of empirical evidence?

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2178334

    Redleg: However, you will then be an Eino metzuve v’oseh. See Tosfos Pesachim 3b, among other sources

    in reply to: Full service gas during a labor shortage #2178238

    That’s probably because BLM burned down the other 8

    in reply to: Mi Shebeirach for Israel and the Soldiers #2177760

    Of course we say every Monday and Thursday. (OK, not during Nissan) Acheinu kol bais Yisroel hanesunim batzara etc.
    Oh you mean that other tefila that was made to focus on a specific group, and to not include most yidden suffering in various situations all over the world? Tell me, please. Who is the one really lacking Ahavas Yisroel?

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2175777

    I heard it directly from one of her (former) major customers. She told him that there were several factors. But the difficulty in finding people, even at 65.00 per hour, made it not worth it to fight through all the struggles.

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2175519

    Shatzer bakery closed down this year because they can’t find workers. So I don’t think it’s taking any parnassa away from anyone who actually wants it.

    in reply to: Can We Please Sing ונהפוך הוא correctly? #2171569

    Since some people don’t seem to know what is being discussed, 1.4142135 was referring to Meilich Kohn’s rendition.


    One good way to kill a thread. Copy and paste a 1700+ word article, including footnotes.

    in reply to: Can We Please Sing ונהפוך הוא correctly? #2171545

    Levi: You are surely aware that Toras and Soras are the same word. Ditto with chesef, kesef, chasef and kasef. Changes are only based on syllable count, Ehev”i endings, and “trop”. There is no such word though, and is a distortion of a possuk to say v’noy v’noyhafoch hu, as does a certain composer/singer who has become famous in recent years.

    in reply to: Machlokes on Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai #2167806

    Interesting that one would go to the coffeeroom on this one and not to a Bais Medrash. Harbeh dyo nishpach al zeh.

    in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2166827

    Anyone who knows anything about resumes knows that a shidduch resume is not a resume. Its contact information. Helps you get information faster and easier.

    in reply to: The apple logo #2157651

    Not aware of any opinion in Chazal that says that the Etz Hadaas was an apple tree. I’ve seen it depicted as such in Goyishe and secular, non Orthodox artwork. But in a Torah source, not aware of any such thing.

    in reply to: What is Delta Airlines Cancellation policy #2157466

    I bought some clothing at Macys. Can you help me with their return policy?

    in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2155627

    It is Shiluach haken, not hakan. The word in the Torah is Kan Tzipor which means nest of a bird. Kan is a possessive word. If that which is being possessed does not immediately follow, then the regular word is kain.

    in reply to: Telshe Cleavland or Chicago #2153895

    As a Chicagoan, I can guarantee you that Illinois wins hands down on the cannabis angle. And Michael Jordan brought more championships in 8 years than the Cubbies have in a century and a half. And of course more than the Indians, Browns, and Cavs combined.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2143715

    Besalel: Would Rabbi Feldman put Abaye in cherem for arguing on Rava?

    in reply to: Is a Kashrus Agency the Moral Police? #2143029

    Some would say we’ve moved to the right. Others might say it was an overdue correction for all the leftward forces since haskala began.

    in reply to: Should Tanach be Taught in Cheder? #2135015

    I don’t get Reb Shlomo. He says he learned Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel and Melachim, but he’s complaining he doesn’t know history? Those that he did learn are 90% of all the history in Tanach! There’s virtually no history in any of the other sefarim, other than Daniel Ezra and Nechemiah.

    in reply to: The Elul Medley from Naftali Kempeh’s New Album – Zman Elul #2131308

    Chazan Dovid Werdyger Skulener Niggunim volume 2. Guest solo his son Mordechai.

    in reply to: So I’ve been thinking… #2129828

    5782 was pretty long already. Working on 5783 now.

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