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  • in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808762

    Ok i made my point, i am not expecting anyone to listen to me. Moderators you can close the thread if you want.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808761

    Tzippora was being hurt by people (midrash) Moshe saved her.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808759

    ok moderators its better you don’t post that, i will speak to the chassidishe rabbi tommorow and refute sam2 .

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808758

    listen to sam2 get married without a Shadchan

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808757

    Ok i was all wrong, you are all right, happy now?

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808756

    Moderator’s please close this thread.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808753

    I spoke to the Chassidishe Rabbi again.

    First I want to apologise for misleading all of you!

    I told everyone that every person in Tanach and Chazal used a Shadchan. I also said that in all cases a person needs a Shadchan.

    In Tanach it is clear many people never used Shadchanim-but they had Heterim.

    For example Yaakov Avinu was 84, and never used a Shadchan. So if you are 84 and have not sinned all your life like Yaakov then you can do it without a Shadchan.

    Moshe Rabbeinu did use a Shadchan, this is clear, when Yisro said ‘I am giving you my daughter as a wife’.

    Shimshon never used a Shadchan, but Talmud Sotah reproaches him for this (he went after his eyes so the philistines gorged his eyes), we can learn from this if you don’t use a Shadchan and follow your eyes you will end up marrying a goy (Samson married philistine Delilah).

    Dovid Hamelech never used a Shadchan with Bat Sheva as Talmud Shabbos says she was destined to him from the Six Days of Creation.

    Dovid Hamelech took Michal, because he killed Goliath and Shaul (her farther) said anyone who kills Goliath will get my daughter, therefore no Shadchan was needed.

    Rabbi Akiva dated Rochel without a Shadchan (this was when he was a Am Haaretz).

    There was a Tanna who acquired ‘wife’s for the day’ (to stop him having ‘hirhurim royim’) when he traveled), this was done through a Shadchan.

    My Rov was telling the general law, people must have Shadchanim, in unique cases (like Rikki2 mentioned it may be a exception and no Shadchan is needed). In ‘Middle paths’ case his mashgiach gave him a Heter to not use a Shadchan, if this Masgiach is doing the right thing it depends if his case was ‘unique’ enough to give him a Heter.

    To use a Shaddchan is a Minhag based on a Geder.

    The Magen Avrohom mentioned in Sefer Matmonim (a Minhag Sefer we all use, a few hundread years old Sefer)that we should use a Shadchan as Avrohom (the first Yid in the world) used a Shadchan for his son Yitzcok.

    This was before Maten Torah, but it says in the Talmud the Avos kept the whole Torah before it was given.

    The Sfas Emes was asked by someone if he needs a Shadchan, he answered we learn that when Hashem gave the Yidden the Torah, he gave it through a Shadchan (Moshe Rabbeinu)-the relationship between Hashem and the Yidden is compared to a Chosson and Kallah as we say in the wedding ????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???????.

    To those who called me a ‘Baal Teshuva’ for misunderstanding Minhagim, here is my response. There are 2 types of Minhagim.

    1) Some people keep, e.g. Belz keep certain Minhagim, Ger keep others.

    2) all people keep, e.g. those who keep Mingahagim keep the ‘Shadchan’ Minhag.

    The Reason the Rama does not mention it in the Shulchan Aruch, is because it is obvious, the ‘right’ thing to do is use a Shadchan.

    I also want to apologies for saying there was a Shadchan used by those bochurim and dancing ‘Bnos Yerushalayim’ in the vineyards on Tubi Av. Most Meforshim there say the women said ????? ?? not a Shadchan, but one commentatator asks why the women can speak to the men (he can’t remember which one says that).

    There is a commentator there called Meleches Shlomo who says ‘this thing was only for people who did not succeed in the normal way and without this they would be single till there hair turned white therefore they made this Minhag’ of allowing them to marry without a Shadchan.

    In conclusion ‘be a Kosher Yid, use a Shadchan, ask your Rov, he may give you a heter not to use a Shadchan if you are a unique case.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808751

    and no i diddn’t ‘copy pasted this from some sick web site’ a Chassidishe Rabbi told me all this on Friday, and I agree with him

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808750

    I am just stating the general metzia/matsav of that time.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808748

    Ok so look at Tanach, many cases it does not say ‘explicitly’ a Shadchan was used, this is because it is ‘obivious’ one was used, therefore the text had no need to mention it . So if you like ‘rikki’ would read my ‘history of the Shadchan’ post more carefully and ‘not’ accuse me of ‘twisting’ Halacha, then maybe you would not stigmatize me (copying popas bar abba assumption) to say I have a ‘agenda'(which you you and Health mentioned at least 10 times).

    The point i was making that even in the extreme cases where it seems no shadchan was used, there is a proof that one was used, or in Dovid Hamelech’s case (Batsheva was destined to him since the Six Day’s of Creation), or Yaakov’s case as he was extremely old, even in those cases (although not said explicitly, see above), a Shadchan was probably used.

    Why are you and Health constantly fighting me on this, it’s as if you and Health have a ‘agenda’.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1125094

    Parshas Kisovo

    ???? ?? ???? ?? ????

    and when you come to the land.

    The word ???? is a Loshon of Simcha (happiness). The happiness of fuffiling the Mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel. As it says in Tehillim ?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???-then (Moshiach comes)are mouths will be filled with laughter and are tongues with exaltation.

    (Rabbi Chaim Attar)

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808743

    Ok I gotta go-Good Shabbos

    good shabbos -95

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808742

    Read my post’s Health.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808741

    you don’t get it

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808739

    Close the thread and I will have proven my point. You are all scared of the truth.

    This mod thinks you are trolling. But it seems pretty harmless to me. Don’t feed the trolls. -95

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808736

    Health and Sam2 why don’t you ask one of the Gedolim (those who have a eidetic memory) and learn all day and our over 70. Are you scared???

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808735

    To Health: The Rabbi I spoke with today told me my Rav included everyone, it was not unique to me!

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808732

    Hey, just because I let you post inaccurate halacha, does not mean I will let you say that. -95

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808730

    Dovid Hamelechs wife was destined to him from the 6 days of creations (talmud Shabbos) (so i take that proof back, as there is no need to use it).

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808729

    Sam2 all your refutations I can refute.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808728

    Ask a Charedi Rabbi if you should use a Shadchan!! I bet he will say you should

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808718

    To Popa Bar Abba my Rav said I should not speak to my sister’s hairdresser.

    I just spoke to a Rabbi, I will quote you some things he said.

    To oomis1105, Yaakov was 84, he dated without a Shadchan, Yitzchok was 40, derive from here that even a 40 year old needs a Shadchan.

    To Cherrybim: Throughout Tanach, we find people never dated without a Shadchan. Moshe Rabbeinu used Yisro as his Shadchan, Dovid Hamelech used a Shliach (messenger) with Bat Sheva, all the people who met women in Tanach used a Shadchan.

    To everyone: It says in Taanis ??? ???? ????

    ?? ??? ????

    ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???????

    ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ???


    ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ????? ????

    ?? ??? ???? ??

    There were were no happier days for Yisroel then Tubi’Av and Yom Kippur, the daughters of Yerushalayim would go out in white dresses and would dance in the vineyards and they would say ‘young man raise your eyes, ‘see what you choose for yourself’.

    The last phrase ‘see what you choose for yourself’ was said by a Shadchan. The Talmud in Kiddushin says a Am Haaeretz should go out with the Talmud Chochom when he goes on his date to see the girl for the Torah Scholar, as it is not proper for the Torah Scholar to look at the woman even when he is dating her. So either the Am Haarerz was the Shadchan of the Torah Scholar, or/and this means you cannot look at a woman on a date, although Rabbi Moshe Feinstein derives from this Gemara that a (non chassid) can look at a woman on a date.

    We see many times in the Talmud, Shadchainim were used, for example if I remember correctly ‘Mar Ravina made a match for his son with the daughter of Rava.

    The word Shadchan is used in the Gemara many times ‘leshadech bnos’ and in Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Misphat ??? ????? ????? ????? ?’ ?

    Ramah mentions a Shadchan mentioned from Talmud Bava Metzia and brought down by the Rishonim like Moderchai and Rosh .

    It also mentions Shadchan in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, ????? ??? ?? ?’ ?. The Beis Yosef brings it down from Talmud Shabbos.

    It mentions in Taamaie Minghagim, about 8 lines in Inyaie Ishus, about Shachanus fees.

    If you read Biographies of the Gedolim over the centuries (all the ones I read) a Shadchan was used for them.

    So all Kosher Yidden from Adom Harishon used Shadchan’s.

    After World War 2 many people were single, and older (Holocaust survivors) so the Rabbanim made Heterim for marriage without Shadchanim (when media was still in black and white). However these were not the Midos Chassidic people. The ‘holier’ Yidden even in this time with these circumstances used Shadchanim.

    Before World War 2, the people that did not use Shadchanim were not Kosher Yidden, the Kosher Yidden always used Shadchans.

    Nowadays people who don’t use Shadchans have bad marriages (very often ending in divorce, or problems with there children). Both me and this Rabbi said many of the people we know who married without Shadchans are having these problems.

    So this is why there is no mention in Halacha or Minhagim for no Shadchan’s, it is obvious!!!!! based on all the Issurim in the Gemara on talking to a woman, looking at women to derive pleasure, ect,.

    In conclusion, be a Kosher Yid, use a Shadchan!!!!!!

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808716

    Sam2 my agenda now is to make you all use Shadchanim, I asked the Shailo first to a major Rov of our town.

    He is a Kabbalist, he has eidetic memory, speaks every week in the main Charedi Shul, and the hall is full with his audience.

    He is a Rov of a big modern orthodox shul, and on Shabbos afternoon (in the summer) he attracts between 400-600 people from all round the community (mostly modern orthodox, men and women, he speaks on various topics every week.

    Rabbaim around the world ask him Shailos.

    I walked 45 minutes on Shabbos to hear his psak.

    I know he is right, it was not just for me, he has said it in a Shiur he gave a few years ago.

    If the moderators close these threads fine, but as long as this thread remains open and people ask questions and raise challenges I will keep replying, the Talmud says there is no end to Kiruv. Let this thread reach 1000 posts, i’m ready for it.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808715

    -Sam 2, define ‘major Rov ‘

    -Health your in denial.

    -oomis1105, The verse states

    (Devarim 26:2-3).

    Rashi asks why did the verse need to

    specify that you should perform this

    available other than the kohen available to

    generation)? Rashi explains that the verse

    is teaching us that we must be satisfied

    with the spiritual leaders we have in our

    Kohen that is in your days. Says the Talmud (Rosh Hashona) you have to listen to the Rabbaim (Torah Scholars are compared to Kohanim) of your generation.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808713

    I’m to tired to read any of your recent post’s ( I will read them within the next few days) however I just want to say what I heard from another Rabbi today on Shadchanim.

    He said a reason we have Shadchanim nowadays is because we need a ‘middle man’ to research the other partners Chesorons (flaws), as nowadays people behave more ‘external’ to each other, the ‘internals’ are seen by a Shadchan, who can make inquiries. For example businessmen use ‘middle men to research different properties.

    This is the reason many people (who don’t use Shadchans) go on many dates nowadays and none of them work out, if only they would use a Shadchan who would find out about both parties (and see if they are compatible) and then the match would work.

    The Rabbi I spoke to said there is a main reason why Shadchans should be used nowadays which he saw in Seforim, he cannot recounts where and what, he will get back to me and quote me the reason these Sefroim give.

    This Rabbi was Chassidish and said all Chassidim nowadays use Shadchans.

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126046

    It says in Talmud Shabbos that one of the reasons the Holy Temple was destroyed was because of Giluei Arayos. It cites a reason as follows, taller women would walk next to smaller women, Rashi writes that this made the taller women even taller. This aroused the Bochurim to sin.

    SO wearing high heels that makes a woman appear taller, if she is already a tall girl could be a aveiro.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808707

    To Health:

    There is someone who both parties are culpable to. This makes them less likely to sin.

    I just came back from a Shiur, I asked the Rabbi about a Shadchan,

    He said most Charedi Rabbi’s say you need a Shadchan, most modern orthodox Rabbi’s say you do not need a Shadchan.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808705

    Apushatayid, in my country the police don’t convict people who are asking women for marriage in a online chat room (if they only ask the question once). Anyway I never asked women to marry me, I just asked them to date me (I was talking theoretically).

    Cherrybim, the reason Rabbaim make this Geder nowadays is probably from the Gemara in Sanhedrin that says ‘immorality is addictive’ (not in that exact Loshon), and as there is more color images in the media, the Hargalah to the aveiro (accustoming of the sin)is greater, and therefore if people nowadays just ask women to go on a date with them, both parties are more likely to sin.

    So in conclusion the Geder of using Shadchanim is said by (in my eyes) clever Rabbanim.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808702

    Sam2, I was just conjecturing at the beginning, I wanted people to answer my question, then on Shabbos I asked my Rov, who answered my question but he gave no reason so I assumed it was a Minhag, so I spoke to another Rabbi (on Monday) who explained the reason to me, telling me it was a ‘geder’.

    My agenda was to find out the truth, now I know a person needs a Shadchan my agenda is to emphasize this fact.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808700

    To Health.

    I do not have a unique case, many Rabbaim are telling this to people nowadays. Maybe ‘Health’ you should ask your Rav if you should use a Shadchan or not.

    in reply to: My Zivug #806038

    There are stories of older men (over 40) who used to come into the Steipler with tears pouring down there cheeks. They said ‘how come we are still not married’, surely it says in Talmud Niddah that before a person is born, a bas kol declares ‘bas ploni la ben ploni’ we have a fixed zivug, where is she?

    The Steipler answerd then ‘you men refused women who were not attractive, or rich, (external maalos) and internal maalos, as you were so fussy, your zivug has been taken from you and been given to someone else who was less fussy then you.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1125091

    Parshas Ki Tzetse

    ???? is Roshei Teves ??????? ????? ??? ????? (Talmud Kiddushin)- contemplation of transgression is worse than transgression.

    The ???? (the protective fence on the roof) is situated on the ??, which in Kabbala symbolism, represents the brain of a person, there has to be a fence around the thoughts of a person more then the acts.

    (toldsos haodom)

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808698

    I just spoke on the phone to a great Rabbi.

    He told me the reason my Rav paskend you ‘need a Shadchan’.

    “many Rabbanim nowadays have established ‘fences’ and ‘decrees’* to counter the prevailing licentiousness and immoral atmosphere that pervades our society . 50 years ago these decrees and fences were not needed, for example people had black and white T.V’s, now people see it in color. If people nowadays would seduce women for marriage with no Shadchan, much worse aveiros could happen. The Rabbanim our ‘street wise’ they can see the roads ahead, and what needs to be done to counter any failure.

    I’m sorry for all misleading you that it is a Minhag, it is more of a decree and a fence.

    *see Rambam where he says in every generation the Rabbanim make ‘minhagim (customs), geziros (decrees) and siyugim (fences) and they must be obeyed, Rambam derives this from Chazal e.g. (b’yomim hahem in Sanhedrin and sugim b’shoshana in Eruvin (hedge of roses, fence to transgression)

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1125088

    Parshas Ki Tsetzse

    ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????

    (A Wayward and Rebbelious son-a ben sorrer v’ morer) It was never and it never will be.

    (Sanhedrin 71A)

    The Arizal says that the Yidden keep all the Mitzvos in this world (Olam Hazeh) physically, so in the future(Le osid Lovo) they will keep all the Mitzvos spiritually-as this Mitzva never occurred (as the conditions mentioned in Sanhedrin are impossible to attain), this Mitzva will not physically be able to be kept in this world therefore spiritually it will not be able to be kept in Le Osid Lovo.

    (Ben Yehoyoda)

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808686

    It could be a Minhag that you have to use a Shadchan, and it says in Talmud Yerushalmi a Minhag has precedence over Halacha.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808684

    I told him the exact story that occurred to me. A female (unmarried)hair dresser who came to braid my sisters hair, my mother told me to comment ‘your are doing a good job on my sister’. My mother wanted me to get friendly with her, with Daas to seduce her to marriage. I never listened to my mother ( I knew this was wrong). Now I have finally asked the Shailo I feel all my efforts were not in vain. My Rav said you should not speak to a woman like that if no Shadchan has spoken to the girl’s side (if they agree to meet you, only then can you speak to her).

    Since I have had this psak, I have decided to stop going on chat rooms and private messaging women, trying to seduce them to marriage. I will continue using my Shadchanim instead.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808683

    I asked my Rav on Shabbos morning if I can date a girl without a Shadchan- he said no.

    He also said the Shadchan should not be your brother (he told a story of the Gerrer Rebba’s brother and the Gerrer Rebba ).

    He also said the Shadchan should not be your mother, farther or sister.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808667

    I will be away now for 10 hours-i am afraid i will not be here to reply to any more posts.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808665

    I have got a agenda ‘popa’ my mother is telling me to meet women in e.g. bars (with no Shadchan), but i am not sure if this is Halachically ok?-

    My agenda=i want to listen to my mother,

    What is stopping me=halacha.

    Solution=ask my Rov.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808660

    ‘apushatayid’ i am listening to Rabbi Tauber on Torah Anytime.com

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808654

    I am currently listening to Rabbi Tauber who says ‘you have to check the person you are marrying (for faults-based on Talmud Kiddushin), before you marry them’ this may be the use of a Shadchan.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808653

    Diddn’t Rabbi Falk (i think it was him) say that you can’t do this.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808652

    So this means according to the Jewish law, I can see a female anywhere, and ask her to marry me ??????????????

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808645

    No apushatayid, a Shadchan is a 3rd party, that e.g. asks the girl do you want to meet this boy, she gives her information about the boy, and if the girl likes the information, she meets him.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808641

    I want to marry a girl without a Shadchan

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808637

    Biblical matchmaking

    The first recorded shidduch in the Torah was the match that Eliezer, the servant of the Jewish patriarch Abraham, made for his master’s son Isaac (Genesis Ch. 24). Abraham gave him specific instructions to choose a woman from Abraham’s own tribe. Eliezer traveled to his master’s homeland to fulfill Abraham’s wishes, arriving at a well. After a short prayer to God for guidance, describing how a virtuous woman might act toward a traveling stranger at the well, Rebekah appeared on the scene and did everything described in Eliezer’s prayer. Eliezer then went with Rebekah to her family and appealed them for permission to take Rebekah back with him to be Isaac’s wife. Once this permission was granted, Rebekah joined Eliezer on the road home to Isaac. Even so, Isaac gained his own impression of her before agreeing to marry her (Rashi, commentary to Genesis 24:67).

    However, when Eliezer proposes to take Rebekah back to Isaac in Canaan, he is told by Rebekah’s family: “Let us ask the maiden” (i.e. Rebekah). This is taken as an instruction for Jewish parents to weigh their child’s opinion in the balance during an arranged marriage. Regardless of whether proper procedure is followed, this is not the end of the decision – it is believed by Jews that the final say belongs to God, who may have different plans (compare with the match of Jacob & Leah).

    [edit]Talmudic references

    The Talmud (Bavli Kiddushin 12a, first version) states that academy head Rav would give corporal punishment to a man who would marry without shidduchin, that is, [4] without prearrangement by the couple. The text gives three versions of Rav’s practice; the other two versions disagree. Some authorities rule according to the first version,[5][6] while others rule according to the other two versions.[7][8]

    In Kiddushin 41a states that a man should not marry a woman he has not seen, lest he come to violate Love your neighbour as yourself.

    The etymology of the words “shidduch” and “shadchan” is uncertain. The Medieval Rabbi Nissim of Gerona (commonly called Ran) traces it back to the Aramaic word for “calm” (cf. Targum to Judges 5:31), and elaborates that the main purpose of the shidduch process is for young people to “settle down” into marriage (Commentary of the Ran to Talmud, Shabbat 10a).


    5) Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Women, Laws of Ishut, 3:22 and Sanctity, Laws of Prohibited Relations, 21:14

    6) Rabbi Yosef Karo, Shulchan Aruch, III:26:4

    7) Hagahot Maimoniot on Mishneh Torah, Sanctity, ad. loc.

    8) Rema on Shulchan Aruch ad. loc.

    (From Wikpedia-Shadchan)

    The Sephardim (who hold of the Beis Yosef), and Yemenite Jews(who hold of the Rambam),probably are more lenient and perhaps follow the view that you can marry without a Shadchan, (they follow the first version of that Talmud in Kiddushin regarding b’lo shidduchei), (for example north African Jews allow on ‘Meimuna’ for the genders to mix like on Tub bi Av), whilst Ashkenazim who follow Maimoniot and Rema, follow the second version that you have to marry with a Shadchan. This is just my theory, please correct me!

    Cherrybim maybe this explains your post, (maybe)?

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808634

    A Bas Kol comes before a person’s birth that says Bas Ploni for Ben Ploni(Talmud Niddah).

    Rabbi Chazzan said on this (quoting some Rabbi) that this Bas Kol is said through a Shadchan. Rabbi Chazzan is a Chassid, he may have quoted a Mesora that went back further then the Talmud, that a person must get married with a Shadchan.

    in reply to: Blatantly Staring #804964

    Rabbi Elchonon Wassermen zt”l would never stare at someone in the face(when talking), this is based on Igros Ramban, in which he adjures his son, not to look at someone whilst they are talking as its not humble.

    It also says ‘k’mayim panim al hapanim (Mishlie)as water reflects so does the face. Therefore it is good to look at people whilst talking to them.

    Perhaps Ramban and Rabbi Elchonon Wassermen were Litvaks who don’t look at people when they speak.

    Chassidishe Rebba (who Kabbalistaically face read people) do look at people, also fuffiling the verse ‘your eyes should see your teacher (Isaiah)-in which the Talmud adjures people to look at the Rebba when they speak.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808622

    It says in the first Perek of Kiddushin, Rav (or Rav Nachman) would whip(or excommunicate) someone who betrothed a woman without a ‘Shadchan’ (b’lo shidduchei).I think it was a Gezeira (enacted in later times by the Amoroim).

    In the times of the Taanim it mentions (at the end of Talmud Taanis), men would betroth girls without Shadchanim (the girls would dance on Tub be’Av and say to the men ‘choose one of us from among us’).

    In addition- I assume from the first Mishna in Kiddushin (written in the times of the Taanaim) that a person can betroth a woman without a Shadchan.

    These are my understanding of these 3 Gemaras, can someone correct me please (i am sure there are Rishonim who disagree with Rashi and/or Artscroll).


    My aunties’s husband is Chasidish (he is a mechaber of seforim). He once saw me as a teenager with my hands clasped (not during prayer) he said i should not do this, as the Christians do this (in prayer). Ironically many years later i saw this mentioned in Talmud Berochos, it says you should pray with your hands clasped.

    Maybe the Christians stole it from us.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 249 total)